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What you will find in this article:
DoD is Pfizer’s Patsy
UFOs Are A Mirage. Like A Cat Chasing A Laser Pointer
mRNA Designed To NOT Stay In The Arm
US Blocks Russia/Ukraine Ceasefire
ADE Emerges From Monoclonal Antibody Treatment
Looming Water Catastrophe: US Alfalfa Being Sent to Japan & China
CDC Tracking The Unjabbed For Vax Passports
Dr. Yeadon Has Been Saying This For Three Years: Not Mucosal Then No Immunity
Digital Pound Coming
Malone CIA?
BioNTech and Pfizer Falsified Key Data
Heart Failures In Highest Vaxed State
Many Govt Officials Walk Back Vax Claims
Infertility Passed Down To Fetus?
AntiJab Teachers’ Prints Sent To FBI
Gene Editing & Bioweapons in Ukrain Under Obama
Bulgarian Suspicion Resulting In Lower Death 2023 Death Rates
Influencer Arrested
Funeral Home Shares Vax Stories
HAARP or Just Power Grid/Transformers Exploding?
Operation “Warp Speed” To Create A “Vax” That Never COULD Work
Fake Coffin Photos
Opting Out Of CBDCs
Kamala In Disguise? Or Wearing A Mask? Or A Man?
Doctors Targeted By Their Medical Boards
Thai Princess-Pfizer Rift Debunk
Eric Topol: Following The Incentives in Evidence Based Medicine
Here Comes The Flu Grift!
Japan Embracing G7’s 100 Days Mission For Next Pandemic
Open Season On Republicans In New Jersey
Government-Assisted Murder
Western/English/Chinese Spy Balloon
FDA-Pfizer-DoD War Criminals
EMP Attack Next
Australian Regulators Concealed Fatal Vax Myo
13 Million
Midazolam Causing Iatrogenic (care-induced) Death
February is UFO Month
Killing the Elderly On Purpose
Propped Up By DoD
CCDH Controlling Free Speech on the Internet
Died of “Going To The Hospital”
Timeline of the Covid-19 Mafia
Clotting Without Platelets
Damar Hamlin Speaks…And In Saying Nothing Says Everything
Excess Death Around The World
Did Farrar Call Off WHO Origins Investigations?
Train Derailment
CTEH Hired To “Test” Environment Already Asking East Palestine Residents for Waivers
16.8% Neurological Symptoms
Hersh Talks Nordstream
5 Day Vax Trial For Newborns
DoD is Pfizer’s Patsy
Lots of talk out there about how Covid and the Vases are all just a Department of Defense operation. Here is the counter-conspiracy. In short: DoD is Pfizer’s bitch.
I see some substack authors pushing a theory that would immunize Pfizer and shift blame to the DOD. These authors often mis-cite the pleadings in the Brook Jackson case…They are mistaken.
The quickest way to fund an expedited vaccine project was through the Defense Department using its legal authority to develop “prototype” projects. In this case, the prototype was not the vaccine, but the method used to create it – a wide scale, sped-up process of producing medical countermeasures in a pandemic for national security and future military use.
Pfizer argued they were immune because it was a bioweapon project they were performing as an agent of the government, and the clinical trials were never required to measure for safety or efficacy. According to these same authors, the Government filed paperwork “admitting” to this. This claim is false.
Just in case this wasn't clear enough, the Statement of Work is crystal clear: "Pfizer will meet the necessary FDA requirements for conducting ongoing and planned clinical trials." Pfizer can only seek FDA approval or authorization if "the clinical data supports such application for approval or authorization." Indeed, the only reason no separate regulation was required by the Army was because "these clinical trials are regulated by the FDA and HHS."
Just as no payment could be made until successful clinical trials and FDA authorization or approval, the Government could stop payment whenever the FDA withdrew approval or authorization. That is why Pfizer had to provide all the "data updates" from the clinical trials as well as "any and all inspection and compliance notices, observations and responses" of those clinical trials.
Read Robert Barnes’ entire rant HERE
UFOs Are A Mirage. Like A Cat Chasing A Laser Pointer
mRNA Designed To NOT Stay In The Arm
we have long been told, “it” – the mRNA – “stays in the arm.” And then, after having instructed the muscle cells to produce the spike, is disposed of
But look at the below picture from a recent presentation on mRNA vaccination at the European Parliament.
Have a closer look at Türeci’s slide, which tells a very different story than that which the CDC has been telling Americans for the last two years.
The speaker is no less an authority than Özlem Türeci, the Chief Medical Officer of BioNTech: the German biotech company that developed what has come to be known to most of the world as the “Pfizer” Covid-19 vaccine.

Far from “staying in the arm” and entering the muscle cells at the injection site, the injection site is only the point of departure for a journey that is supposed to take the mRNA rather to the lymph nodes. The subtitle of the slide is “Bringing mRNA to the right cells at the right places.” The deltoid is not the right place; the lymph nodes are.
the wide biodistribution of the mRNA that came to light after rollout was never a bug. It is a feature of BioNTech’s mRNA technology.
Read the rest of the article from Brownstone HERE
US Blocks Russia/Ukraine Ceasefire

ADE Emerges From Monoclonal Antibody Treatment
Read the entire study published in Nature HERE
we demonstrate that certain monoclonal Abs (mAbs) approved as therapeutic neutralizing anti-S-protein mAbs for human usage have the potential to cause ADE in a narrow range of Ab concentrations
some sera gradually exhibited dominance of ADE activity in a time-dependent manner
None of the sera [blood serum(s)] examined exhibited neutralizing activity against infection with the Omicron strain. Rather, some ADE of Omicron infection was observed in some sera.
These results suggest the possible emergence of adverse effects caused by these Abs in addition to the therapeutic or preventive effect.
Looming Water Catastrophe: US Alfalfa Being Sent to Japan & China

CDC Tracking The Unjabbed For Vax Passports
Why do they want to track the unvaccinated? For what purpose? The short answer: to facilitate the implementation of vaccine passports.
The ICD codes were created by the World Health Organization (WHO) and doctors…are required to use these codes to describe a patient’s condition and the care they received during their visit.
the fact that the ICD system is run by the WHO is an important detail, as this means the WHO had to authorize the CDC to add these new codes. The implication is that these codes may be in use internationally; we just don’t know it yet.
If you need proof that these codes will be used for reasons unrelated to your health, consider this: They’re also using codes to describe WHY you didn’t get the primary series or stopped getting boosters.
The use of “delinquent immunization status” under code Z28.39 also tells us something about where this is all headed.
Another tipoff that these codes are part and parcel of the biosecurity control grid is the fact that code Z28.39 — “Other underimmunization status” — is to be used “when a patient is not current on other, non-COVID vaccines.”
they have already begun tracking ALL of your vaccinations, not just the COVID shot, and they can use the Z28.3 sub-codes to identify why you refused a given vaccine.
Read the entire article from Children’s Health Defense HERE
Dr. Yeadon Has Been Saying This For Three Years: Not Mucosal Then No Immunity

Digital Pound Coming
A state-backed digital pound is likely to be launched later this decade, according to the Treasury and the Bank of England.
Companies that control the data on everything someone spends, when and where they spend it, will sit on a priceless asset.
Countries around the world, including the US, China and the Eurozone, are considering similar proposals.
Read the entire BBC article HERE
Malone CIA?

BioNTech and Pfizer Falsified Key Data
Evidence has emerged casting serious doubt over the authenticity of tests carried out by BioNTech (Marketing Authorisation Holder) and Pfizer to prove the fidelity of their product by demonstrating that only the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 is expressed in cells by the nucleoside-modified mRNA Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine (BNT162b2).
Several Western Blot tests were conducted to evaluate the protein expression of the mRNA in HEK cells transfected with the vaccine taken from different lots. Using this technique, the expressed proteins showed up as highly unusual looking ‘bands.’
Certain independent scientific experts have described these Western blots as the “smoking gun” evidence (particularly the “duplication” of the results) which suggest that BioNTech and Pfizer falsified key data as part of their submissions to the European Medicines Agency and the US Food and Drug Administration for securing emergency use authorisation (conditional) and later marketing authorisation approval of their product.
Read the rest of the Trialsite News article HERE
Heart Failures In Highest Vaxed State

Many Govt Officials Walk Back Vax Claims
Fauci was joined by Drs. David Morens and Jeffrey Taubenberger, who are top officials at the NIH.
“none of the predominantly mucosal respiratory viruses,” such as COVID-19, “have ever been effectively controlled by vaccines.”
“That is just an amazing admission,” David Wiseman, a former Johnson & Johnson scientist
Dr. David Kessler, who was Biden’s chief science officer for COVID-19 until mid-January, told Politico recently that the vaccines do not prevent infection or transmission.
Dr. Peter Marks, director of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, said at a recent meeting that the administration was looking forward to working with scientists toward “a next generation of COVID vaccines that will hopefully have … the greater depth and breadth and duration of protection that we’d like to see.”
Dr. Heather Scobie, a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) official, said in the meeting that the vaccines only protect “pretty well” against infection for “up to three months.”
Infertility Passed Down To Fetus?

AntiJab Teachers’ Prints Sent To FBI
the teachers who refused vaccination had their files flagged and passed along to law enforcement, including the FBI and New York Criminal Justice Services
Along with their fingerprints. They were flagged as troublemakers and their information was forwarded to law enforcement, tagging these ordinary citizens as potential threats to the public. They will forever be in law enforcement databases as potential criminals.
Read the rest of the article from Hot Air HERE
Gene Editing & Bioweapons in Ukrain Under Obama

Bulgarian Suspicion Resulting In Lower Death 2023 Death Rates
Bulgaria has very low Covid vaccination rates, likely because generations of Communist misrule left Bulgarians deeply suspicious of government promises of miracle cures.
Its Covid death rate was more than double that of Western European countries like Spain, and its overall mortality rate higher still.
But now the epidemic is over. And deaths in Bulgaria are plunging - not just to normal, but well below it.
the recent trends in Bulgaria are exactly what scientists and demographers predicted when Covid began in 2020.
The coronavirus almost exclusively kills the very old, very frail, and very obese. Many of the deaths it caused would have died within months or at most a year or two in any case - a phenomenon known as the “pull-forward” effect.
Thus deaths were expected to drop after the epidemic ended.
Influencer Arrested

Funeral Home Shares Vax Stories
Overall, their business is up by 50% after the vaccines rolled out and it’s not proportional… young people are a greater portion of the deaths.
In the 78 years they’ve been in business, they can’t recall ever having seen a 15-year old die from a heart attack. In December 2022, they had 1 a week for three weeks straight.
These funeral homes are also seeing the strange rubbery clots that they’ve never seen before.
The medical examiner was called and verified it, but nobody is saying anything publicly for fear of being fired.
Basically, ever since 2021, they have been seeing very strange things: stillbirths, number of “found dead,” healthy people having heart attacks and strokes, blood clots, etc. They’ve never seen anything like that before; it’s a “noticeable” difference.
HAARP or Just Power Grid/Transformers Exploding?

Operation “Warp Speed” To Create A “Vax” That Never COULD Work
there is simply no way to be fast enough or predictive. this idea that “warp speed” was some miracle of new science and modality and that mRNA is incredibly fast and responsive as a drug modality is utter fiction. the only way the purported vaccines were ready so quickly is because they already had them. there is simply no other explanation and we have entire fields of smoking musketry on this one.
the NIH (and others including DoD and state dept) were funding ecohealth, peter daszak’s organization that was doing gain of function work on bat coronviruses in wuhan along with folks like ralph baric who was working on splicing HIV genes into it.
the timelines never made made any sense and we still have no idea where bioNtech got their massive jumpstart. but we have some quite interesting inklings on NIH/moderna.
looks like this “vaccine” was already in a freezer in july 2019.
Fake Coffin Photos

Opting Out Of CBDCs
Read entire article by Mercola HERE
In 2023, 11 countries have fully launched a digital currency while more than 20 more will move toward starting one
114 countries, which represent more than 95% of global GDP, are looking into CBDC — up from just 35 countries in 2020
Finance guru Catherine Austin Fitts details 10 practical steps individuals can take to stop implementation of CBDCs
Tips include using cash as much as possible and minimizing your use of digital systems, including avoiding biometric technology and QR codes
Doing business with local people and entities you know and trust, and ditching large, multinational banks in favor of trustworthy local banks or credit unions will also help
Kamala In Disguise? Or Wearing A Mask? Or A Man?

Doctors Targeted By Their Medical Boards
In general, state medical boards drive the public health policies of their state. They also have the authority to investigate doctors and nurses if complaints against are lodged and can strip them of their medical license.
many doctors and nurses are being targeted by their boards for advocating for alternative medications during the COVID-19 pandemic
“These medical boards, they’re not respecting First Amendment rights, not respecting the patient-physician relationship. They’ve basically been pushing the agenda of the pharmaceutical companies and the opponents of early treatment with inexpensive medications—ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, inexpensive medications known for decades to be safe.”
“They basically threatened providers at that point and said that your medical license could come under review, because there’s no standard of care for COVID,”
trolls on the internet—who have filed complaints just by trolling the internet and finding doctors who’ve spoken out—these trolls file complaints with medical boards, and medical boards are improperly acting on their complaints.”
what medical boards do instead is find the target physician who prescribes ivermectin, and they look for some other basis to discipline their physician
Thai Princess-Pfizer Rift Debunk

Eric Topol: Following The Incentives in Evidence Based Medicine
the study is riddled with problems. First, look at Day 0, the curves already split, a sure sign of immortal bias. But there are other problems. Michael Barnett points out that the EHR may have poorly captured vaccine status, and as such adjusting from a variable with data errors may be insufficient. Walid Gelad notes that the majority of people did not have a COVID test date, and statisticians note that the authors made bizzare imputation assumptions for those who stayed at home that ensured said immortal time.
Suffice it to the say, the paper is a train wreck. But worse, anyone with basic critical appraisal skills would know that. Yet, it was widely broadcast from a popular twitter account. Why?
One has to think about incentives.
If you tweet low quality studies that support the gamble, you are ingratiating yourself to the White House. That actually does pay dividends.
The current White House Czar got his job because his tweets attracted the attention of cable TV, and cable TV attracted the attention of the White House. At the time, he was in contact with the White House and praised decisions nearly immediately after they occurred.
Here Comes The Flu Grift!
Japan Embracing G7’s 100 Days Mission For Next Pandemic
proposed changes along with the recently strengthened Quarantine Act demonstrate the government’s commitment to swiftly introducing excessive entry restrictions and going on a test-and-trace witch hunt right from the first PCR positive whenever the next opportunity arises
allowed politicians to create the illusion of an emergency by filling up limited beds with mild cases
reports of overwhelmed hospitals generated demand for the jabs
the designated hospitals received huge amounts of public money while non-Covid hospitals got to avoid all the rigmarole
The Japanese were slow to start jabbing last time because they had to rely on overseas manufacturers. But Daiichi Sankyo will help to ensure that won’t happen again.
Once the jabs are ready to be injected, Japan will be able to speed up future vaccine campaigns by allowing willing jabbers to use their My Number Cards (Japan’s digital ID) to confirm their eligibility at vaccination centres, eliminating the need to wait for local authorities to send out paper invitations
And if you want to enjoy whatever benefits are being offered to those who get the shots, you won’t need to worry about forgetting your vax pass since NEC has already developed a vax-certification check system that uses facial recognition.
Open Season On Republicans In New Jersey

Government-Assisted Murder
what has taken place over the past few years is government-assisted termination of our elderly using such tools as the injections themselves, lethal cocktails of respiration depressing drugs upon declaration of ‘COVID positive status’, improper do not resuscitate (DNR) declarations and use and neglect (starvation and dehydration).
I know how horrifying that sounds. It felt awful to write as well, but one cannot ignore the data. Data does not lie; people do.
Western/English/Chinese Spy Balloon

FDA-Pfizer-DoD War Criminals
21 USC 360bbb-3(k) for the planning, execution and continuance of the Covid-19 global pharmaweapon mass murder campaign.
It’s the provision that quietly nullified every substantive way in which FDA regulatory functions would have been fulfilled, rendering the entire FDA performance a sham intended only to shield from public view, that the operation was and is actually run under 50 USC Ch. 32, the Chemical and Biological Warfare Program.
More reinforcing evidence: the government-coordinated, fraud-based suppression of all the alternative treatments for Covid-19, any one of which would have been enough to block the EUA, which depends on there being no available alternative treatments.
more evidence that FDA officials fully understood how outside-the-FDA-law the EUA program is, and they’ve understood it for a very long time.
EMP Attack Next

Australian Regulators Concealed Fatal Vax Myo
[Dr. John] Skerritt and the TGA had determined that several young previously healthy children died of COVID-19 vaccine induced myocarditis. Redacted letters from the TGA to McCann indicated these facts and an admission of willful concealment.
Skerritt and the TGA did not want to go public with these cases in order to keep the vaccine campaign going without “vaccine hesitancy” among a weary public who were witnessing countless injuries, disabilities, and deaths with repeated injections
13 Million

Midazolam Causing Iatrogenic (care-induced) Death
Substances like Midazolam & morphine can also produce anaesthesia but depress that cardiovascular system at the same time, slowing both heart rate & breathing. This is the last thing you want in someone with respiratory troubles, because it can kill them.
only those with cardiovascular or respiratory problems are usually killed by respiratory viruses. People with nervous system disorders & mental health troubles should not have been dying in peak numbers just because there is a respiratory virus circulating, even a dangerous one
we appear to have correlation between the excess deaths peaks of April 2020 that were supposedly covid related & an over-prescribing of Midazolam peak quite literally at the exact same time, April 2020. How curious!
February is UFO Month

Killing the Elderly On Purpose
“deaths which occurred in the aftermath of the cataclysmic changes to the delivery of healthcare — especially of the frail and elderly — might have been caused by policy, rather than virus.”
while many elderly covid patients only needed three antibiotic tablets and standard post-viral pneumonia care, UK GPs were instead “told to euthanise them”
Propped Up By DoD

CCDH Controlling Free Speech on the Internet
Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH) is an astroturf organization, whose primary objective is political, and this “non-profit” corporation is allied with political factions whose desire is to stop free speech on the Internet.
CCDH is tasked with controlling free speech on the Internet. Remember, the CCDH and SFFN takedown of the online journal, the Canary in 2019, which caused advertisers to demonetize the Canary. This in turn, caused the online paper to crash…
Now, the CCDH doesn’t have enough political power or money to pull this one off by themselves. So, back to the astroturf basics. They formed a coalition of “groups.” Then used that coalition to pressure corporations.
This coalition’s hidden threat is that they can cause the ESG social score to go down when companies advertise on a “forbidden” social media site. This coalition is putting pressure on companies that rely on ESG scores for capital in the form of investments or loans. They might even cause companies to lose their ability to advertise on Google through the GARM agreement. It isn’t much of a surprise to learn that the World Economic Forum is also behind the GARM agreement.
Died of “Going To The Hospital”

Timeline of the Covid-19 Mafia
Quite the Documentary HERE. Part of the transcript below.
EcoHealth Alliance was originally founded as the Wildlife Preservation Trust International, by British naturalist Gerald Durrell, with funding from Margaret Rockefeller.
Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance, along with Nathan Wolfe’s Metabiota, sought, and received, grants from the United States Agency for International Development, under USAID and UC Davis’s EPT-PREDICT program and, eventually, the Global Virome Project which was spun off from it
Metabiota were involved in the completely botched response to the Ebola crisis in West Africa in 2014.
Metabiota also received funding from the CIA’s venture capital firm, In-Q-Tel, as well as Hunter Biden’s investment firm, Rosemont Seneca. They were also heavily involved in taking DTRA grant money and subcontracting these grants for research conducted in various biolabs in Ukraine.
In April, 2014, Metabiota’s vice president Mary Guttieri wrote a memo to Hunter Biden, where she mentioned, and I quote, “Potentially leveraging our team, networks, and concepts to assert Ukraine’s cultural and economic independence from Russia and continued integration into Western society.” A very odd mission for a band of incompetent Pentagon-funded virus hunters led by a friend and associate of known child sex traffickers.
On September 17th, 2019, interest rates on overnight repurchase agreements in the US financial markets experienced a sudden spike. To put it bluntly, Wall Street ran out of cash. The Federal Reserve injected billions of dollars in loans back into the system to stabilize things. There was practically a total media blackout on this.
On December 12th, 2019, Ralph Baric signed a material transfer agreement to take delivery of “mRNA coronavirus vaccine candidates developed and jointly-owned by NIAID and Moderna”.
Clotting Without Platelets

Damar Hamlin Speaks…And In Saying Nothing Says Everything
Damar Hamlin knows that a lot of people believe he was vaccine injured.
He could have said in the interview, “Oh, by the way, the tests ruled out that it was caused by the COVID vaccine. None of my doctors believed it was the vaccine. The tests show this conclusively. People should have no hesitation about getting the COVID vaccine.”
But he said nothing.
in the 100-year history of the NFL, we haven’t seen a player go down like that before. This suggests the cause of Hamlin’s injury is novel, caused by something that only was recently created
if his injury was caused by cocaine or a performance enhancing drug, Hamlin would know it. There would be no mystery at all. He would not still be “processing” and “still talking through with my doctors” about it.
Vaccine injury is the most likely explanation left of what happened to Damar Hamlin.
Excess Death Around The World

Did Farrar Call Off WHO Origins Investigations?
the WHO abandoned plans for the investigation shortly after Jeremy Farrar, an ally of Bill Gates and a co-conspirator in Dr. Fauci’s email group discussing plans to hide the origins of Covid-19 in 2020, was appointed to be the WHO’s chief scientist.
A pathogen was released that killed millions.
The country where the pathogen allegedly first appeared does not want investigations.
Because of that, investigations are called off.
So, why would Jeremy Farrar and the WHO decline to investigate the origin of COVID-19, citing the refusal of China to allow access as the [bogus] reason not to investigate?
The explanation is quite apparent: the World Health Organization does NOT want us to know the origin of Covid-19. Had the WHO been interested, it could accomplish quite a bit without involving China.
It would help if the WHO could ask why the DEFUSE proposal contains the blueprint for designing a perfect ACE2-targeting mechanism binding to human lungs and a furin cleavage site conferring infectiousness and pathogenicity
It would be good to ask EcoHealth’s Dr. Peter Daszak and Dr. Ralph Baric what was the reason to add HIV inserts to their experimental virus to infect immune cells via DC-SIGN (a mechanism independent of ACE2), described in the 2018 DEFUSE proposal
It would also be good to ask how Dr. Fauci, on Feb 4, 2020, in his email exchange with Dr. Farrar and Francis Collins, knew that Sars-Cov-2 was grown in humanized ACE2 transgenic mice
Train Derailment

CTEH Hired To “Test” Environment Already Asking East Palestine Residents for Waivers
The company hired by Norfolk Southern has already persuaded 340 residents to sign agreements that reportedly waive their legal rights in the aftermath of Ohio's train crash.
The company’s work for BP in the wake of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in 2010, for example, drew accusations of the “fox guarding the chicken coop” from the New York Times and “conflicts of interest” from Democrats in Congress.
Katlyn Schwarzwaelder, a Doberman kennel owner in East Palestine, Ohio, joined the Glenn Beck show yesterday and said that four of her dogs were projectile vomiting, her eyes and throat get itchy and burn when she visits her home, and she plans to abandon East Palestine forever because of her long-term health concerns.
In a similar 2005 incident, a Norfolk Southern train crashed and spilled toxic chemicals in Graniteville, South Carolina, causing 5,400 residents to evacuate their homes. Residents who immediately accepted compensation and signed settlement agreements with Norfolk Southern forfeited their right to any further damages.
It is also concerning to hear that the EPA is not testing homes and businesses and instead recommending residents sign contracts with CTEH, a consulting firm hired by Norfolk Southern with a controversial reputation.
16.8% Neurological Symptoms

Hersh Talks Nordstream
It looks for all the world like somebody organised two totally separate operations, involving two separately triggered pipeline attacks, and that Hersh’s source only knows about one of them.
Hersh says that the discontent with Biden’s attack is specifically within the CIA, where participants in the operation are “appalled that Biden decided to expose Europe to the cold in order to further a war he will not win.”
“Shortly after the attack, after they had done what they were ordered to do, there was a lot of anger about the operation and repudiation among those involved. That’s one of the reasons I learned so much. And I’ll tell you something else. The people in America and Europe who build pipelines know what happened. I’ll tell you something important. The people who own companies that build pipelines all know the story. I didn’t get the story from them, but I quickly learned that they know.”
Thanks for including our Midazolam Matt Substack report.