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What you can find in this collection (these are my headlines, not the authors’):
When Satanism is Hip by Celia Farber
Cytokine Storm Myth by Brian Mowrey
Connecticut Death Data by Steve Kirsch
Political Conversions by Shadi Hamid
Free-Market Data by el gato malo
It’s Not Over by Jennifer Sey
More Transmissible & More Virulent by Joel Smalley
Masking For The Immunocompromised by Vinay Prasad
Healthy User Bias by Mathew Crawford
Fauci Admits mRNA Doesn’t Work by Alex Berenson
Congressional Inquiry Questions by Steve Templeton, PhD.
Mask Zealots' Double Standard by Vinay Prasad
Little Secondary Infection With Covid by Brian Mowrey
Kids Are Not Alright by Jon Haidt
Transgender Center Whistleblower by Jamie Reed
Gaslighting The Vax-Injured by A Midwestern Doctor
Failing To Protect The High Risk by Justin Hart
21 Scientific Facts That Challenge The Assumptions by Physicians For Informed Consent
Terrain Theory & Social Health by Jon
Timing In Mask Studies by Guy Gin
US: Impacts Of The Jabs On Mortality by Fabian Spieker
When Satanism is Hip by Celia Farber
Having grown up in a socialist country, (Sweden) rock and roll was important, but I expected it to serve as a medium of resistance to un-freedom
Our “establishment” were Social Democrats, in velour shirts, and Trotsky glasses, who wanted us to love the State and obey it
I remember wondering why, in America, rock people seemed so middle and upper middle class, and so left.
Where I grew up, we opposed socialism and the Social Democrats—the technocratic Swedish welfare state. In America, rock was performative, lucrative, and alien.
Hypersexuality is a symptom of unresolved trauma. Billie Eilish, to her credit, tried to confess that porn had “wrecked” her mind. Nobody was interested. We’re all supposed to go along with all this—the pornification of pop music, as a healthy expression of the no-longer-repressed individual.
So here we are. We have landed at the epicenter. It was never about any disease, any public health “measure;” It was never about “love” or recycling, or saving the “planet” or accepting trans sexuality. It was always about the finale, on full display at The Grammys, which is mandated Satanism, as “feminism,” gay rights, trans rights, and above all, progressive-left supremacy.
Cytokine Storm Myth by Brian Mowrey
early papers from China further affixed the semi-mythical concept of “cytokine storm” to Covid-19
Western doctors were primed to expect cytokine storms; Western researchers opined over and over and over that cytokine storm was a feature of Covid-19. The myth became a sort of reality of its own — a collective, three-year scientific daydream.
This despite the fact that the earliest papers did not in fact reveal anything impressive about the inflammatory and cytokine responses of hospitalized and ICU-admitted patients to begin with.
Individuals who experience milder or asymptomatic disease are those mount a successful antiviral response in cells adjacent to those which are infected and disabled by the virus. In severe infections, antiviral response, especially interferons (IFN), are functionally silenced.
Connecticut Death Data by Steve Kirsch
I was able to obtain a dump of death-vax data from the Medicare database for Connecticut
There was NO spike in deaths in the first 30 days after the vaccine was given for any age group…Note that the vaccine is killing people on Day 0, but your risk of death is relatively uniformly elevated over a long period of time.
no spike in the 14 days after the shot. This means the spike in VAERS is a reporting artifact (more likely to report if temporal proximity)
those older than 65 have a fairly even death rate from the vaccine, and the death rate appears to increase over time (possibly due to additional doses but this was too hard to tell)
Younger people tended to die earlier after getting the shots
Political Conversions by Shadi Hamid
In 2022, Andrew Tate was the most googled person in the United States.
In October, the British-American ex-kickboxer had converted to Islam.
Tate’s conversion to Islam is the most striking example yet of a growing phenomenon—the rise of what the theologian Massimo Faggioli calls “political conversions.” Consider that, when Tate explained why he chose Islam, he didn’t mention theology, salvation, the Quran, the Prophet Muhammad—or anything to do with spirituality or faith.
“Islam very closely reflects my personal beliefs,” he said in an interview with the Muslim polemicist Mohammed Hijab. “In my personal life, I’ve learned that if you don’t have standards, and if you’re not a strong person who’s prepared to defend his ideas, you’ll get crushed.”
As Tate sees it, where Christianity in the West is weak, undemanding, and devoid of firm rules, Islam is exacting, masculine, and vigorous. It refuses to be mocked, and it refuses to accommodate itself to progressive norms—particularly when it comes to gender and the family.
Free-Market Data by el gato malo
we inhabit an astonishing time when ever more of our lives and livelihoods are affected by increasingly opaque and unaccountable agencies and systems of technocracy.
these bureaucracies and technocracies cannot be trusted and that problem is structural.
left alone and unsupervised, they will always and everywhere become their own core constituencies. it’s an inevitable emergent property of such systems. they will be captured by partisans and crony corporatists alike. they will serve “they the bureaucrats” instead of “we the people”
i have a simple, straightforward proposal
all data collected by public agencies and regulators must be wholly open to the public.
no data may be siloed. you collect it, you share it. apart from anonymization to remove personally identifiable information, nothing may be withheld.
It’s Not Over by Jennifer Sey
It was just this week that New York City public schools lifted the ban on unvaccinated parents entering public school buildings.
Colleges are some of the last places requiring vaccination — even boosters, in some instances, like at Fordham University. These young adults are least at risk from covid, most at risk from vaccine induced myocarditis
it’s not over. The kids are not alright. And there is insufficient focus on how to reintegrate them and help them recover.
It’s time we listened to the children and parents impacted.
More Transmissible & More Virulent by Joel Smalley
This increase in prevalence may not be a surprise given the expectation that, logically, nature should select the virus that is more transmissible and less virulent.
Most alarming (and is a violation of the expectation for a weaker virus) is the fact that, in the middle of low mortality season (summer 2021), “COVID” people in hospital and ICU are at their highest across all waves, “despite” virtually everyone at risk of severe disease being “fully protected”.
And now, even COVID deaths rank only behind the high mortality season, higher than both previous springs, despite the susceptible population already being so depleted.
This is a clear indication that the host has been compromised, not a more pathogenic virus, unless it has overcome both seasonality and natural selection.
don’t ignore the fact that there is more prevalence too so the absolute numbers are worse too. It’s the worst of both worlds - more transmissible and more virulent.
Masking For The Immunocompromised by Vinay Prasad
There are still some people taking precautions because they know someone who's immunocompromised or live with someone who's immunocompromised. We have set these people up for failure. Public health has lied to them.
If you are transiently immunosuppressed, for instance, you just had a bone marrow transplant, and it is expected to change with time, it makes sense to take precautions transiently. I’m not talking about masking in Costco— I am talking about sealing yourself away from the outside world for a couple of weeks.
If instead, you have a stable state of immunosuppression— it's not expected to be any different anytime soon— the advice you've gotten is wrong.
Having the personal anxiety that you can shield your loved ones from COVID is unhelpful. The tests don’t work well enough. Masks don’t work. It is only a matter of time before they become infected.
Healthy User Bias by Mathew Crawford
Using the CDC's data for all 3.141 U.S. counties, the only correlation between vaccine uptake and COVID-19 mortality is fully explained by the fact that healthier people are more vaccinated.
The Healthy User Bias (HUB) is the bias observed in medical intervention studies due to the recipients being healthier on average.
The two component forms of bias sound almost nothing like one another, but they describe something very similar with respect to vaccine effectiveness research:
Prior health variable: The healthy vaccinee bias describes the fact that (in aggregate) healthier people are more likely to seek vaccination.
Subsequent health variable: Confounding by indication describes the fact that people who seek a health intervention (vaccine or other) are more likely to take better care of their health moving forward.
Fauci Admits mRNA Doesn’t Work by Alex Berenson
Several rigorous papers have proven that flu shots are placebos masquerading as public policy.
But the same scientists then compared our beloved and groundbreaking Covid vaccines to those pointless flu jabs:
As variant SARS-CoV-2 strains have emerged, deficiencies in these [Covid] vaccines reminiscent of influenza vaccines have become apparent.
At its core, the piece raises the question of whether any vaccines can ever work well enough to matter against bugs like common coronaviruses, influenza, and RSV.
the natural human response to real coronaviruses is NOT long-lasting immunity. And vaccines are not as effective as real viruses in provoking an immune response.
The mRNA Covid jabs were designed to overcome evolution and make us do something we had evolved NOT to do. They fooled our immune systems into a much more powerful response than it would otherwise have to Sars-Cov-2, producing supra-naturally high levels of IgG antibodies.
Those super-high antibody levels were supposed to be a feature, not a bug. They were the reason that the mRNAs suppressed infection.
our immune systems appear to respond very unfavorably in the long run to the provocation from the mRNAs.
Congressional Inquiry Questions by Steve Templeton, PhD.
The governments of European countries have begun to conduct public inquiries into their COVID responses
It is past time for the United States to join this list
the Norfolk Group was organized in May, 2022, with the goal of providing a blueprint containing key questions for a congressional inquiry into the public health aspects of the U.S. response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The document provides questions and supporting information regarding ten areas of the U.S. pandemic response, including:
1. Protecting High Risk Americans
2. Infection Acquired Immunity
3. School Closures
4. Collateral Lockdown Harms
5. Public Health Data and Risk Communication
6. Epidemiologic Modeling
7. Therapeutics and Clinical Interventions
8. Vaccines
9. Testing and Contact Tracing
10. Masks
Mask Zealots' Double Standard by Vinay Prasad
In order to be consistent you have to treat masking and ivermectin the same. Neither has any credible data it works. Every excuse you make about masking, an Ivermectin zealot can make
Both masking and ivermectin failed to show how they might help people in a timely fashion. Both are failed interventions. One is a the panacea of right wing zealots and the other of left wing zealots.
Little Secondary Infection With Covid by Brian Mowrey
Antibiotics were used “empirically,” i.e. in absence of PCR or culture-confirmed bacterial infection; but they didn’t improve outcomes in any apparent manner. Altogether, secondary infections were uncommon (either because of or regardless of abundant antibiotic use)
Kids Are Not Alright by Jon Haidt
it’s reasonable to start with skepticism of my claim (with Jean Twenge) that there is an epidemic of mental illness that began around 2012, and that is related in large part to the transition to phone-based childhoods, with a special emphasis on social media. It makes sense to embrace as a null hypothesis the skeptics’ view that there is nothing to see here, just another moral panic, and the kids are fine. I am in full agreement that the burden of proof falls on me.
Do members of Gen Z say that their mental health is declining? Yes, in every study we can find.
we would not see any change in objective measures of mental health, such as hospitalizations for self-harm, or deaths by suicide. But in fact, we do see such changes, and the timing and magnitude of them generally match the changes in self-reported mental health problems.
Suicide takes a much larger toll on boys and men. But it is noteworthy that the relative increase since 2010 is larger for girls and women
Transgender Center Whistleblower by Jamie Reed
Until 2015 or so, a very small number of these boys comprised the population of pediatric gender dysphoria cases. Then, across the Western world, there began to be a dramatic increase in a new population: Teenage girls, many with no previous history of gender distress, suddenly declared they were transgender and demanded immediate treatment with testosterone.
The girls who came to us had many comorbidities: depression, anxiety, ADHD, eating disorders, obesity. Many were diagnosed with autism, or had autism-like symptoms.
after working at the center, I came to believe that teenagers are simply not capable of fully grasping what it means to make the decision to become infertile while still a minor.
Besides teenage girls, another new group was referred to us: young people from the inpatient psychiatric unit, or the emergency department, of St. Louis Children’s Hospital. The mental health of these kids was deeply concerning—there were diagnoses like schizophrenia, PTSD, bipolar disorder, and more.
Another disturbing aspect of the center was its lack of regard for the rights of parents—and the extent to which doctors saw themselves as more informed decision-makers over the fate of these children.
Gaslighting The Vax-Injured by A Midwestern Doctor
Since toxicity has always been inherent to the practice of allopathic (Western) medicine, the profession has gradually come up with a playbook to prevent its inevitable medical injuries from sabotaging business. This has essentially been accomplished by doing the following:
Telling patients the adverse events they experienced either are not occurring or are unrelated to the toxic pharmaceutical
Developing an elaborate scientific apparatus that provides evidence refuting the link between these injuries and pharmaceuticals on the market, while concurrently training the population to defer to the scientific consensus rather than trusting their own observations
Making competing forms of medicine that lack a similar degree of inherent toxicity illegal, therefore making the only choice within the existing medical monopoly be a toxic form of medicine
This is also why we have the doctrine in allopathic medicine that every treatment has risks and the treatments are chosen because its benefits outweigh its risk (as opposed to just exploring systems of medicine without those risks).
All of this in turn results in the tragic phenomenon known as medical gaslighting, or as some like to put it “allopathic medicine gaslights you to death.”
Failing To Protect The High Risk by Justin Hart
Residents of long-term care facilities constituted 40% of COVID-19-attributed deaths in the US, and in some states it reached as high as 80%, highlighting the lack of proper protection of this population. While partially due to frailty and declining health of nursing- home residents, the high mortality rate was also due to a failure to limit transmission from other residents, staff, and visitors.
it was a critically important public health priority to properly protect these high-risk populations in order to reduce their risk of infection. It is therefore vital to conduct an honest evaluation of the successes and failures of state, local, and national public health agencies to protect the most vulnerable Americans.
21 Scientific Facts That Challenge The Assumptions by Physicians For Informed Consent
Read/download the entire PDF HERE
Terrain Theory & Social Health by Jon
there’s a slight problem with this theory, namely, these little fucking bugs and blobs are all over the place. They’re everywhere! If they are what makes you sick, you would be sick all the time. But yet, for most people (excluding the properly named sickly) sickness is an exceptional state. The norm is health.
one has “terrain theory” which says the bugs and blobs aren’t what’s important, it’s the overall state of the body and its health. Caste your seed into fallow ground and it will not grow. Thus, it’s not the germs that drive the germination of disease, but the terrain, the field, our bodies.
it’s much easier to sell drugs using the germ theory— but to be fair it’s also kind of pointless most of the time to “focus on the terrain” and just tell fatties to stop eating so damn much
Basically, perverse, decadent, degenerate and destructive ideologies and social behaviors are always bubbling up—but to a healthy society they either cause no issue or whatever they do cause is the socio-political equivalent of a runny nose.
Be we aren’t a healthy society, the terrain is completely fucked
Criminalization Of Unvaccination by Jessica Rose
‘problems’ that are on our horizons with regard to state sanctioned oppression, criminalization of health and free choice, and theft of sovereignty.
[U]nvaccinated teachers in New York City were flagged with problem codes in their personnel files, and when that occurred “their fingerprints are sent with that flag to the FBI and the New York Criminal Justice Services”. Betsy Combier
if you’re flagged, this could lead to blocked salaries and unemployability. We all know someone who has lost their ability to provide for themselves and/or their families
If you redefine the definition of criminal as someone who is uninjected, then you are justified in treating them like a criminal, right?
how is the ‘greater good’ being served here? Is the greater good the game board of a handful of psychopaths hell-bent on creating a sick and dependent slave cache?
Timing In Mask Studies by Guy Gin
The government of Japan will no longer request universal masking from March. To coincide with this, the government’s Covid Response Advisory Board put out a document by 25 experts citing evidence for the effectiveness of mask wearing
study only used data from June-July 2020. As Guerra and Guerra showed, the negative relationship between masking rates and case growth in summer 2020 goes away when the early-hit, low-prevalence northeastern states are excluded and was completely nonexistent in autumn/winter
The experts cite another study that pulls the same trick on a larger scale.
This study looked at mostly countries and regions in the northern hemisphere between May and September, i.e., the summer low season in Europe and much of North America.
So either (1) masks have very different effects along different lines of longitude or (2) the east-west mortality gap has nothing to do with masks.
US: Impacts Of The Jabs On Mortality by Fabian Spieker
1 resident’s live was saved from COVID death for every 389 injections administered to residents
For every 760 injections administered to residents, one resident died a non-COVID death
For every 797 injections administered to residents, 1 all-cause death was prevented
Overall, the vaccines had a diminishing impact on net mortality, but 930,562 Americans had died a vaccine death by the end of 2022.
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Now I remember why I don't subscribe to Vinay Prasad.