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What you can find in this collection (these are my headlines, not the authors’):
Vax Spike Results In Autoimmunity by Dr. Peter McCullough
Examining The ONS Ghost Population by Dr. Clare Craig
US Dying Under Its Own Weight by Dr. Robert Malone
Medicare Data Shows Vax Increase Mortality by Steve Kirsch
No Appetite For Vaxes by Aussie17
ONS Data Shows People Can Achieve Immortality by Martin Neil & Norman Fenton
Conflicting CDC Data by Igor Chudov
78% of Women Report Menstrual Changes by Dr. Peter McCullough
Mask Make No Difference by John Tierney
CDC’s Risk-Benefit Slide Is Wrong by Vinay Prasad
Why So Many Died Early by Dr. Pierre Kory
Pandemic Hit Native Americans Hard by Fabian Spieker
Woke Taking Over Corporations by Wokal Distance
More Deaths In The Young After Vax by Fabian Spieker
Covid Assigned Deaths by Joel Smalley
Dissolving Blood Spike Using ASPNJ by Dr. Peter McCullough
Cheating Is The Norm by Suzy Weiss
Miscarriages by Dr Ah Kahn Syed
Decreased Patient Volumes In Hospitals by Meryl Nass
Jabs Mean New Health Problems by Alex Berenson
Crime Of Independent Thinking by Heather Heying
Vax Spike Results In Autoimmunity by Dr. Peter McCullough
there is a growing literature that mRNA and WIV Spike protein production in some recipients of genetic COVID-19 vaccines results in positive laboratory tests indicating autoimmunity. The long-term implications for emerging rheumatologic problems (pericarditis, arthritis, hepatitis) after repeated COVID-19 vaccinations are unknown. There should be a strong push to study autoimmune illnesses that emerge as a result of COVID-19 vaccination.
Examining The ONS Ghost Population by Dr. Clare Craig
The ONS have omitted a figure for the “ever vaccinated” by age for their data and the deaths by subgroups are often reported as <3 in the younger age groups. This makes analysis impossible for younger age groups so I have restricted analysis to the over 50s.
For all cause mortality the deaths in unvaccinated ghosts are underrepresented whereas deaths in vaccinated ghosts are over-represented. For covid mortality both unvaccinated and vaccinated ghosts have an apparent under-representation of deaths.
The ghost population has a lower covid mortality rate for the unvaccinated but also for the vaccinated. This makes the hypothesis of human bias (i.e. a bias introduced by people who were aware of the vaccination status before making subjective decisions on whether similar records counted as a match) that I put forward in my last post unlikely.
US Dying Under Its Own Weight by Dr. Robert Malone
Many are increasingly conscious of the profound evil which has been unleashed upon the world over the last three years under the guise of public health.
The deployment of weapons-grade “fifth generation warfare” psy-ops, nudge and censorship technologies by western governments on their own citizens, rationalized as a necessary evil to advance public health objectives and insure uptake of vaccine products widely marketed as “safe and effective” which have proved to be neither.
absent clear documentation, I cannot conclude that these “vaccines” were intentionally crafted genetic weapons. Frankly, that would require a level of competence, foresight, and intelligence among those involved in developing these products which I just do not see evidence of.
I think we are observing the consequences of the last gasps of Imperial Pax Americana play out in real time before our eyes. American imperialism is quite literally running out of gas, teetering on the edge, awaiting some push (from BRICS? From the CCP?) over the knife’s edge towards dollar-based fiat currency collapse and imperial decline such as the British empire saw during the 20th century.
The rise and fall of empires is not driven by failures of leaders, or the madness (or senility) of presidents, kings and emperors. The longevity and durability of empires are self limited by the accumulated weight and inefficiency of their own bureaucracies. And, in turn, these bureaucracies are the consequence of a million tiny cuts, each rationalized as being in the best interests of the empire and its citizens.
The United States is dying under the weight of the administrative state, abetted by a lazy and corrupt two party political system which cares more for the preservation of its own privilege than for the Constitution and Nation-state that it ostensibly serves.
Medicare Data Shows Vax Increase Mortality by Steve Kirsch
we can see that the first 200 days, we had a 50% increase in the rate of death (600 per day) vs. the 400 per day rate after 1 year (which itself might be elevated from normal).
This is a complete disaster no matter how you look at it.
Medicare is the unassailable “gold-standard” database. It’s the database that the CDC never wants us to see for some reason. They never even mention it. They pretend it doesn’t exist. So you know it is important.
Do you want to know what it shows?
It shows that these shots increase your risk of dying and once you get shot, your risk of dying remains elevated for an unknown amount of time. And that’s in the very population it is supposed to help the most!
Now you know why the CDC, which has always had access to the Medicare records, has never made them publicly available for anyone to analyze to prove that the vaccines are safe. Because the records show the opposite. That’s why they keep the data hidden from view and it’s why they NEVER talk about it.
No Appetite For Vaxes by Aussie17
you see some celebrities like Woody Harrelson and Bill Maher talking openly against the narrative. Maybe some Hollywood TV Producers got vaccine injured and allowed this to happen?
Those who have chosen to vaccinate multiple times would have already done so. Those who are unvaccinated will remain unvaccinated. There is no chance for someone who is unvaccinated after two years of coercion to decide to vaccinate today.
The reason is that the hard data is only dropping on one side. Everything else is just the other side creating a narrative for them to sleep well at night (and to delay prosecution) after getting quadruple vaxxed.
The world no longer wants vaccinations
ONS Data Shows People Can Achieve Immortality by Martin Neil & Norman Fenton
Plainly something is very wrong with this data. The most obvious thing is that, across all age groups, the all-cause mortality rate is significantly LESS from February 2022 than one would expect, compared to 2016, for BOTH the vaccinated and unvaccinated.
So, more people are dying but in the ONS data set people are living longer!
There are a few things we can conclude from this. Either deaths are not being recorded in the ONS data set, and they don’t bother to check (maybe they are with the coroners’ courts or ‘in the post’), or, if the data is correct then the vaccines are so good, they are improving mortality for everyone, whether you take them or not. Maybe all of that ‘vaccine shedding’ is a good thing after all? And with more of the vaccines we will achieve immortality!
Conflicting CDC Data by Igor Chudov
A monovalent booster provides 19% protection for 18-64-year-olds (see the first slide). On top of monovalent vaccines, a bivalent booster adds 31% additional protection for 60-119 days after (last slide).
Combined Protection = 1-(100%-19%)*(100%-31%) = 1-0.81*0.69 = 1-0.5589 = 44%.
So, compared to unvaccinated people, according to the above CDC presentation, the protection of bivalent boosters against hospitalization for 18-64-year-olds is only 44%.
How can they be 14 times less likely to die if they are only 44% protected against hospitalization?
78% of Women Report Menstrual Changes by Dr. Peter McCullough
mRNA and adenoviral vaccination. Both forms of the vaccine use lipid nanoparticles which for years have been known to be taken up by reproductive glands (ovaries and testis) and dump their payload of genetic code for the WIV BA4/BA5 Spike protein which starts producing the tissue damaging Spike within an hour.
Genetic vaccines loaded on lipid nanoparticles, are almost by design as depicted by Wang et al destined to influence ovulatory cycles, gametocyte production and viability, thus interfering with the complex and delicate reproductive cycle of human beings.
1) because the premenstrual and menstrual phases were impacted it is likely the reproductive cycle has been altered in the majority of women, 2) clotting and bleeding changes imply the Spike protein was damaging capillaries of the uterine lining and within menstrual flow, 3) it can be expected that conception would be influenced for several cycles if not longer, 4) with recommended injections every six months perpetuated infertility and dysfunctional uterine bleeding could be anticipated in a substantial portion of women who are in the childbearing age range.
Masks Make No Difference by John Tierney
It may seem intuitive that masks must do something. But even if they do trap droplets from coughs or sneezes (the reason that surgeons wear masks), they still allow tiny viruses to spread by aerosol even when worn correctly—and it’s unrealistic to expect most people to do so. While a mask may keep out some pathogens, its inner surface can also trap concentrations of pathogens that are then breathed back into the lungs.
Whatever theoretical benefits there might be, in clinical trials the benefits have turned out to be either illusory or offset by negative factors. Oxford’s Tom Jefferson, the lead author of the Cochrane review, summed up the real science on masks: “There is just no evidence that they make any difference. Full stop.”
CDC’s Risk-Benefit Slide Is Wrong by Vinay Prasad
The CDC’s recent modeling exercise arguing that young people are better off with bivalent boosters is shown here…their mistakes, lies and exaggerations having robbed them of credibility.
The harms side of ledger is inaccurate
The benefits side is overstated
The vaccine effectiveness is a volatile estimate
Basically everything is wrong, and the conclusion is the absolutely most optimistic scenario, which SURPRISE, SURPRISE confirms the political decision their boss already made.
Why So Many Died Early by Dr. Pierre Kory
My hypothesis as to the “root cause” of the excess deaths is that as the chaos of the first wave of the Wuhan variant unfolded, policy makers made an assessment that they were in a “mass casualty” scenario.
Policies were hastily created which removed care opportunities to care home patients.
The seemingly blanket DNR policies and “do not hospitalize” policies in the homes they were following for a time is what I suspect was the proximate cause of the excessive dying (not the medicines), as sick residents were forced to stay in the homes and proper Covid care could not be provided there.
It seems they were trying to "ration" or "prioritize" care for certain classes of citizens with a priority for the non-elderly, non-disabled(?) as if they were in a mass casualty event.
Pandemic Hit Native Americans Hard by Fabian Spieker
during early 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic…breast cancer screenings declined 98% among American Indian and Alaskan Native women.
American Indian and Alaska Natives had some of the highest rates of hospitalization and death in the U.S. early in the pandemic, but American Indian and Alaskan Native vaccination campaigns are succeeding: CDC’s COVID-19 data tracker shows that American Indians and Alaskan Natives have the highest COVID-19 vaccination rate of any racial or ethnic group in the U.S.
During the COVID-19 pandemic…Firearm homicide rates are the highest among males, adolescents, young adults, and non-Hispanic Black and non-Hispanic American Indian and Alaska Native people. Rates of firearm suicide remained high, increasing most notably among American Indian and Alaska Native males ages 10–44, and are highest in rural areas.
Woke Taking Over Corporations by Wokal Distance
They do not need to “own” a corporation, or be in charge of a corporation in order to hijack it. If they are able to engineer a change in the rules, regulations, policies, directives, values, goals, aims, direction, and mission statement of the institution then they are going to be able to control that institution.
So, how do they do this?
The main tactic that we will talk about for this series is the use of so called “diversity, equity, and inclusion” (DEI) initiatives to take over and institution. The way this will work is simple, the woke activist will use DEI as the excuse to bring woke ideas into the institution, and then will seek to make those ideas the ideas which dominate the institutional culture such that every aspect of the institution is brought under the control of woke ideology.
More Deaths In The Young After Vax by Fabian Spieker
Initially I only looked at proportions and figured the younger cohorts are gaining because the older cohorts had higher rates of protection post-vaccination.
When I looked at the charts for the absolute number of COVID syndrome deaths it became clear that there is more to this. The younger the cohort, the higher the increase in the number of COVID syndrome deaths from 2020 to 2021.
Covid Assigned Deaths by Joel Smalley
In England & Wales during spring 2020, over a thirteen-week period, there were almost 52,000 ‘COVID’ deaths. Mainstream Media reported each and every death daily as justification for the most illegitimate denial of British civilian liberties in history.
In England & Wales during winter 2021, after the introduction of a miracle “vaccine”, ‘COVID’ deaths over a thirteen-week period, were recorded at almost 70,000.
In winter 2023, over a thirteen-week period, there were almost 55,000 ‘winter’ excess deaths.
Dissolving Blood Spike Using ASPNJ by Dr. Peter McCullough
While the public has been bashing “big pharma” for fraud and corruption in the COVID-19 vaccine debacle, there is a great need for the industry to step in and develop detoxifying agents or other methods to ameliorate Spike protein damage to the the human body from either vaccination or post-COVID-19 syndrome, and commonly in those with both exposures.
APSNJ dissolved Spike even at low concentrations within minutes and is believed to be viable for intravenous drug development.
Cheating Is The Norm by Suzy Weiss
For decades, campus standards have been plummeting…Then Covid struck and all bets were off. With college kids doing college from their bedrooms and smartphones, and with the explosion of new technology, cheating became not just easy but practically unavoidable.
Now that students are back on campus, colleges are having a hard time putting the genie back in the bottle. Remote testing combined with an array of tech tools—exam helpers like Chegg, Course Hero, Quizlet, and Coursera; messaging apps like GroupMe and WhatsApp; Dropbox folders containing course material from years past; and most recently, ChatGPT, the AI that can write essays—have permanently transformed the student experience.
Nor do students have much incentive to turn back the clock: they’re getting better grades for less work than ever.
Miscarriages by Dr Ah Kahn Syed
the mRNA gene therapy vaccines have had a huge pregnancy safety signal since the beginning of the rollout that should have stopped it in its tracks, but it didn’t.
Following the mRNA COVID vaccinations multiple sources, presumably using the same criteria, demonstrate miscarriage rates around 12-16%.
This represents a potential doubling of the miscarriage rate associated with vaccination in pregnancy.
Pfizer-BioNtech commissioned Charles River to run animal fertility studies for their product. The TGA tried to suppress the study results.
The study showed that the fetal loss rate (a marker for miscarriage/failed pregnancy in humans) was doubled in the treated group and should have prompted further enquiry. The increase was statistically significant on the basis of the test used.
Pfizer and Charles River then collaborated to write a paper and claimed that the increased fetal loss rate was normal. The TGA and MHRA rubber stamped the study and nobody asked them to repeat it. This was a major cover-up.
The CDC had the chance to recruit an identical control cohort of unvaccinated women in the V-Safe registry but chose not to
Decreased Patient Volumes In Hospitals by Meryl Nass
we see an unsurprising trend worsens: fewer people going to hospitals
a lot of people have had the curtain pulled back: they see that hospitals are simply financial empires that have jumped into lucrative gender reassignment surgeries and other fashionable folderol at the expense of meat and potatoes medicine. The patients are realizing that preventive medicine is not what makes money, which is why no one yet tells them to keep their vitamin D levels up.
Jabs Mean New Health Problems by Alex Berenson
Adults have sharply higher risks of being diagnosed with heart, skin, and psychiatric conditions for at least 90 days after they receive Covid jabs, a peer-reviewed study of almost 300,000 people in California has shown.
The researchers examined new diagnoses given to the same people before and after they were vaccinated to see whether the shots changed the risk of new health problems.
They found that people were about 21 percent more likely to receive a new diagnosis in the three months after a shot, compared to the three months before. With almost 240 million American adults jabbed, the rise translates into millions of extra new medical problems found in the months after vaccination, and tens of millions worldwide.
Crime Of Independent Thinking by Heather Heying
We need to be suspect of any conclusion that arrives fully formed, especially if no questions are allowed. In response to pronouncements from the government and health agencies, get in the habit of saying I’m not sure about that. It can open your mind. And once your mind is open, all manner of wonderful things can happen.
apparently, we’re the bad guys. Bret Weinstein and I are the bad guys for daring to work through the evidence scientifically, consider possibilities that we were told were off-limits, and speak about it in public. This will sound like hyperbole to some, but our crime was independence of thought.
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