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Note: I read a lot of Substacks each day. The Basket is intended to be a collection of the money quotes from the best of what I read. My goal is that you enjoy this service because it saves you time and quickly informs you. And my hope is that you find one or two articles that you click into because you want more.
What you can find in this collection (these are my headlines, not the authors’):
The Importance Of Polarization by Marc Andreessen
What Fetterman’s Election Tells Us by J.D. Haltigan & GeroDoc
Natural Sensibilities As A Counterrevolution by Eric Bartl
Trans Is The Latest FDIA by clif high
Rejecting The Dystopian Future by Dr. Robert Malone
Its Better If Its Real by Mark Changizi
Leaked Messages Reveal Planned Fear Campaign by Micheal P Senger
CDC Makes False Claims by Aaron Siri
Pandemics Aren’t That Dangerous Anymore by el gato malo
Reining In GOF by David Zweig
Rolling Stone Targets Vax Injured by Lindsay Jones
AWOL WWII Soldiers by Mickey Z.
Dissecting Pfizer’s Technical Direction Letter by Sasha Latypova
Defining The “Unvaccinated” by Norman Fenton
Spike Induces “Attack Me” Mechanism by Walter Chestnut
Not Quite The “Miracle” Vaccine by T Coddington
More Support For Healthy User Bias by Joel Smalley
Aussie Excess Dementia Deaths by Andrew Madry
Miscalculation Of A Generation by Dr. Peter McCullough
The Importance Of Polarization by Marc Andreessen
Only an open conflict of ideas and principles can produce any clarity.
The key is in the dialectic, the process of argumentation intended to arrive at conclusion.
The dialectic — any argument — cannot get to the truth unless the opposition — the antithesis — is stated as strictly and rigorously and forcefully as possible. Otherwise, the synthesis will simply be the thesis. The thesis will steamroll the antithesis and that will be that. No actual progress will have been made, the process will have been fake, and the result will be a lie. This happens constantly.
We clearly have too much consensus in our time; we need more disagreement.
What Fetterman’s Election Tells Us by J.D. Haltigan & GeroDoc
Commentators and pundits on the left called out to shame and silence anyone who observed the impairment and inhumanity of what seemed to be unfolding in front of them- leaving only meek silence amongst those who dared to question the wisdom or appropriateness of a clearly brain-injured man with apparently visibly diminished mental capacity, serving as a sitting US Senator. Stroke recovery became akin to needing glasses and anyone who suggested otherwise was just a hateful bigot.
We are clearly living through a deepening crisis - and one of the hallmarks of this crisis is we can’t trust legacy media anymore
The Fetterman debacle has also made a mockery of the electoral process - lying and then playing on our emotions to essentially install a broken, beaten husk of a man…simply as a vehicle to inflict a radical progressive agenda on the US voting public.
It’s a warped “crisis of compassion” we are living through in the West…Until this crisis is publicly acknowledged and addressed in all of our institutions, the spiral into societal chaos and political dysfunction will only continue, increasingly teetering on the edge of potential, and lately (quite literally) nuclear conflagration.
Natural Sensibilities As A Counterrevolution by Eric Bartl
We shouldn't be afraid to defend our natural sensibilities
When it was his turn to dance with me, I politely said, "I don't dance with men." He politely acknowledged my choice and we both sat that round out. I was respectful of his right to dance with men, and he was respectful of my right not to dance with men.
But then a woman in class gave me a hard time about it. “Why won’t you dance with him? How do you think that makes him feel?” she asked, as if I had done something wrong. She didn’t ask how the situation made me feel. I was expected to subjugate my feelings to a superior set of feelings, and once again turned into a social pariah just for having a conscience.
When a person objects to naked men in female locker rooms, they are accused of being “phobic.” When a person expresses sincere moral objections to calling a man a woman, their morality is framed as “hate.” This cult aspect of trans activism is seen in the psychological manipulation that produces converts and in the intimidation that silences many who secretly object.
Let’s continue the counterrevolution against woke indoctrination, and protect the good & natural prejudices of young minds.
Trans Is The Latest FDIA by clif high
FDIA stands for Factitious Disorder Imposed on Another, which is also known as Munchausen syndrome by proxy.
Mao gave all of the Chinese Populace the disease of FDIA. He altered the parameters and twisted it to social engineering. It worked for his aims, and China is still Sick after all these decades.
The WEF are doing FDIA in support of ‘trans’ in order to destabilize the social order and break inter-generational cohesion. The mental illness that is FDIA needs a victim to be ‘cared for’ and ‘protected’ by the ‘brave caregivers’ who are the actual source of the illness. The ‘trans child’ effect is totally necessary.
People just are not buying it. The number of committed FDIA enablers for ‘climate crisis’ is falling by the day.
Climate Crisis as the next ‘victim’ mode of the FDIA from the mother WEF is just NOT happening.
All they have left is ‘trans’.
Rejecting The Dystopian Future by Dr. Robert Malone
Soon, people won’t need to worry about that crappy apartment, the filthy subway, the rubbish lined streets or the lack of heat or air. Because the Metaverse will take care of them. The new patriarch, the new religion is an AI system designed to appease the masses.
the solution of the WEFers and the EU is to cram everyone into “smart” cities - to save the world.
These “smart” cities are in fact, nightmares. Crumbling infrastructure, crime, theft, disintegrating apartment buildings where individuals share tiny apartments or rooms in shifts. Where people live no better than rats on a sinking ship, waiting for the next natural disaster or food shortage to take them out.
We must get back to envisioning a healthy, viable future for humanity that will pass down through the ages. We must return back to fundamental values.
A future where society and governments value families. Where a life lived in the physical, a life of creating, being creative, of understanding that wellbeing involves being able to be outside, to be free. Where wellbeing includes having a strong and connected family and even faith. Where it is understood that wellbeing includes a connection to the land.
Its Better If Its Real by Mark Changizi
The Department of Energy suggests that the full evidence now favors a lab leak, and many on my anti-Lockdown side are saying this is a head fake, deflecting us away from the real truth.
if the Department of Energy claims are true, then it immediately implies that officials funded gain of function research, accidentally released it, covered this up, and proceeded to violate civil liberties, informed consent and free speech en masse in a historically unprecedented fashion.
So, I don’t find it plausible that it’s a head fake. Crimes against humanity isn’t a good look.
Leaked Messages Reveal Planned Fear Campaign by Micheal P Senger
Leaked messages from December 13, 2020, show former UK Health Secretary Matt Hancock planning to “deploy the new variant” in Covid messaging to “frighten the pants out of everyone” in order to “get proper behaviour change” in the British public’s compliance with lockdown measures.
In one conversation, then-PM Boris Johnson declined to lift lockdown restrictions after being told that reopening was “too far ahead of public opinion.”
In another incident, a mask mandate was imposed on British schoolchildren for the first time after Chief Medical Officer Chris Whitty reasoned that the issue was “not worth an argument” with First Minister of Scotland and strict lockdown advocate Nicola Sturgeon.
because widespread terror could be used as an excuse for all the decisions that came after, the activities that instigated the initial lockdown decision in spring 2020 may be the only ones in which criminal conduct is likely to be found.
CDC Makes False Claims by Aaron Siri
After ICAN obtained the v-safe data and published to the world that 7.7% of v-safe users sought medical care (and that the CDC hid this number from the public for two years), Reuters reached out to my firm stating it had received comment from the CDC regarding this figure.
Incredibly, CDC told Reuters that the 7.7% figure was grossly inflated because it claimed there were 10 million records in v-safe, not 10 million users.
ICAN was correct: there were 10 million v-safe users, not 10 million records; and the 7.7% also did not double-count because it was the number of unique v-users who submitted one or more reports of seeking medical care.
The CDC was plainly pushing the major news to declare ICAN’s claim false and, hence, characterize it as misinformation.
when medical care is sought during the first seven days, the CDC presumably attributes that to expected reactogenicity and tells the public to not be concerned. And if it occurs beyond seven days, it pretends as if that data does not exist – even though harms from COVID-19 vaccines, as the CDC well knows, can occur well after the first seven days
Pandemics Aren’t That Dangerous Anymore by el gato malo
the greatest lie.
the one lie to rule them all.
and that lie is this: pandemics are dangerous to modern societies.
aspirin had just come into widespread availability in 1918 (and bayer was rushing it to market for the pandemic). it was the new wowie-zowie drug and doctors (and especially militaries) all over the world fell in love with it. they prescribed it widely to those with spanish flu. in doses ranging from 8 to 31 grams per day. oopsie.
a typical aspirin today is 325mg and max dosing per day is ~4 grams.
this EXACT mindset was a massive killer in covid.
“vent early, vent hard” was the suddenly ascendant treatment modality.
patients were intubated when they should not have been. when this failed to work, they kept turning up the pressure on the vents.
and this killed people wholesale.
once the big apple figured out that vents were killing people in droves and switched to proning as others had done, this death rate dropped. but an awful lot of people had lost their lives by then. and, as in spanish flu, this high death rate was used as a pretext for more aggressive and ill considered actions that drove more iatrogenic death.
it’s the desire to “do something” and “appear active and on top of it” that crashes into a horrifying tendency to crisis profiteer where we suddenly lose our collective minds and run off in wild directions embracing terrible ideas and eschewing those long shown effective that does this.
and that’s how people die. needlessly.
Reining In GOF by David Zweig
the Biden administration remains supportive of gain-of-function research “to help prevent future pandemics” as long as it’s done safely and with transparency
Back in 2014, the U.S. government became so worried about GOFROC, it put a pause on certain research that could possibly fall under that category.
the point made by so many critics of GOFROC research: scientists don’t know how experiments will turn out. That’s literally the purpose of experimentation.
we don’t “seed the clouds to create a hurricane to study it. We observe. We don’t create the hurricane.” Purposefully creating dangerous viruses so you can potentially develop vaccines, she said, is “insanity.”
A 1995 epidemic of Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus is believed to have come from a lab. A 2003 case of SARS was traced back to a Singapore lab. Multiple cases of SARS in 2004 in Beijing likely originated in a lab, a World Health Organization report found. A 2007 outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease was believed to come from a UK lab. In 2002, cases of West Nile Virus were acquired in labs. In 1979 more than sixty people, who lived downwind from a Soviet military facility, died from anthrax that escaped from the building. In 2019, a lab leak of aerosolized Brucella in China infected more than 10,000 people.
Frankly, the more I learn about this type of research—the bald obfuscations from government officials and the willingness of scientists to disregard the risks—the worse I feel about what may happen next.
Rolling Stone Targets Vax Injured by Lindsay Jones
Activist reporting prioritizes a specific agenda over objective truth.
a Rolling Stone…callous hit piece structured to ignore science and shame untold numbers of people injured by vaccines
So what kind of person would do the bidding for a billion-dollar drug industry while simultaneously disparaging a vaccine injured nurse? A guy named Miles Klee with Rolling Stone
Rolling Stone failed to verify the claim that the vaccines don’t cause spasms. When you click on the link for the alleged “mocked and parodied” it doesn’t lead to a medical study or credible government health agency. It takes you to the website “Know your meme.” (I’m not kidding. This is Klee’s proof. Read his article and click the link.)
There was a time when Klee was aware of Big Pharma’s corporate capture of the federal government. In fact, he claims to have written a novel about the “failed propagandistic American state controlled by big pharma.”
So what changed? The pandemic struck, and suddenly large parts of the media became cheerleaders for the biopharmaceutical industry—labeling any complaints as Republican party politics or “anti-vax.” This is when Klee ceased complaining about Big Pharma and picked up the poms poms to begin cheering for industry.
AWOL WWII Soldiers by Mickey Z.
Where did those 50,000 AWOL GIs go after doing their part to soil the image of a “good” war? Nearly three thousand were court-martialed and one was executed, Private Eddie Slovik of G Company, 109th Infantry Regiment, 28th Infantry Division. The Detroit native deserted in August 1944, surrendered in October of that same year and was put on trial a month later.
General Dwight D. Eisenhower signed the execution order of December 23, 1944, and Slovik faced a twelve-man firing squad at St. Marie aux Mines in eastern France shortly thereafter. None of the eleven bullets (one is always a blank) struck the intended target — Slovik’s heart —and it was a full three minutes before he died. Outrage spread quickly and there were no further executions.
Dissecting Pfizer’s Technical Direction Letter by Sasha Latypova
This letter is addressed to ATI, DOD’s mega-manager, a non-profit company managing untold billions in OTA contracts for the DOD. According to the type of redaction used, the personnel of ATI mentioned in this letter: Sr. Contracts Manager, Agreements Specialist and Agreements Officer - all appear to be foreign agents: their names are redacted
By now it should be clear that in this contract the Government is fraudulently utilizing OTA, its loopholes, intentionally confusing and contradictory language, liability waivers and other techniques for the purpose of: ordering state-of-the-art weapons systems disguised as “vaccines” from Pfizer, with help of foreign agents (ATI staff).
This contract is written intentionally to conceal these facts, and is using expert knowledge and sophistication to do so. People who have made decisions to implement this crime through these mechanisms must be investigated and prosecuted.
Defining The “Unvaccinated” by Norman Fenton
At the time the text was sent out, “fully vaccinated” in the UK was defined as: “at least 14 days since 3rd jab” or “between at least 14 days and less than 6 months of 2nd jab”. So, the official figure of 8 out of 10 “not fully vaccinated” might have been right but was totally misleading since almost ALL of those who were vaccinated (i.e., had at least one jab) at that time were “not fully vaccinated”.
This creates a false semantic equivalence between ‘unvaccinated’ and ‘not fully vaccinated’.
But the scam was based on something even more ludicrous than classifying “not fully vaccinated” as “unvaccinated”.
As a result of Freedom of Information Requests sent to some individual NHS trusts we now know that some hospitals were using the NIMS system to classify vaccine status of patients while others were using their own systems. This meant that, in many cases even if a patient had a vaccination record in NIMS, if the patient was not vaccinated in that particular hospital/Trust they were recorded as unvaccinated.
Spike Induces “Attack Me” Mechanism by Walter Chestnut
The Spike Protein has been found to be embedded in cell membranes throughout the body. This occurs both in natural infection, Long COVID and in the case of BNT162b vaccine administration.
the virus and the Spike Protein vaccines cause the Spike to be expressed on the cell surface. This also “studs” the cell with a foreign protein that mimics our own proteins AND is a FOREIGN PROTEIN, inducing the same “attack me” motif.
The Spike Protein has an unprecedented (to me, clearly engineered) amount of molecular mimicry with human proteins.
The molecular mimicry of self STUDDED ONTO CELLS IN A WAY THAT ATTRACTS T-CELLS is a certain recipe for disaster. ESPECIALLY if the cells studded with Spike are otherwise healthy cells.
Not Quite The “Miracle” Vaccine by T Coddington
The number of COVID deaths during the period of zero vaccination (320K) is very similar to the number of COVID deaths after the US reached >60% fully vaccinated (332K). The latter is a longer period (60 vs. 40 weeks), so the deaths per week is ~33% lower in the 60-80% vaccination period. Looking at the graph (middle of 3 line charts), this deaths fell dramatically starting last winter (cough, cough… Omicron) and have not spiked significantly since.
The case rate is ~2X higher in the 60-80% vaccination period as was in the Zero vaccination period.
Excess Mortality remains stubbornly high.
I find the results above to not be very supportive of a “miracle” vaccine. There are several reasons we would have expected improved results over time even if a vaccine never existed:
Many of the most vulnerable were the 1st to get COVID & get seriously ill or die
Millions got COVID and survived. Immunity from prior infection is at least as good as vaccine (of course it’s better, I’m just trying to be nice).
Treatment should have improved dramatically over time
Omicron by all accounts is much less serious.
More Support For Healthy User Bias by Joel Smalley
Much was made of the eagerly awaited update to the ONS bulletin on England Deaths by Vaccination Status, which ultimately showed substantial benefits for those who took the COVID jab
the general conclusion was that population estimates and biases due to the way the subset was constructed meant it was not representative of the population.
the burden is on those who forced this intervention on the population to demonstrate that it is necessary, safe and effective.
If the data does not show this, if it cannot overcome the potential confounding factors articulated by UKHSA, in spite of the alleged efficacy rates of up to 100% against COVID mortality then there is no evidence, and therefore no justification, for the intervention.
According to a simple plot of the NIMS mortality data against the vaccinated population data, the only time the ever-vaccinated proportion of all-cause deaths is below the proportion of NIMS population that was vaccinated (which would indicate mRNA injection benefit) is for a brief period at the end of March 2021 when there was virtually no COVID.
Aussie Excess Dementia Deaths by Andrew Madry
The value the lines reach at the right-hand side of the graph (end of the year) is the total number of deaths for a year. We see it progressively increasing across the years. The baseline is about 14,000 deaths in a year. For 2022 it is tracking to be over 16,000 deaths in a year.
The slope increasing, year on year, could be an indication of more people with dementia year to year and therefore more people dying. However, the increase we are seeing is greater than this.
COVID will have an effect. There is a lump at the beginning of 2022 (purple line) which will partly be due to COVID hitting Australia.
But the main point of interest is the bifurcation of the orange and yellow lines around week 23 (start of June). Any sudden changes are indicative of something different occurring.
the successive years were tracking the same, to within 100 deaths, until about the beginning of June 2021. From then, there are about 800 additional deaths in 2021, with the biggest jump occurring from June till the end of July.
Let’s look at what was happening in Australia around this time. Remember there was no COVID.
The vaccines were approved for use in January 2021 and started rolling out at the end of February 2021.
Miscalculation Of A Generation by Dr. Peter McCullough
Production of a foreign protein in the human body has turned out to be a disaster
The human immune system is designed to recognize foreign invaders (microbes, other substances) attack, kill, and then clear the debris away. For that reason, we must be sure that our bodies recognize our own cells as “protected” and the foreign ones as targets.
For the first time, mRNA (Pfizer, Moderna) and adenoviral DNA (Janssen) COVID-19 vaccines install the genetic code for our bodies to make a deadly foreign protein with the aspiration that our immune system would not only respond and protect us, but also form live saving immunity from SARS-CoV-2. We have come to learn this was the drug development miscalculation of all time.
Here are some of the reasons why:
each cell that takes up the vaccine expresses the protein in the cell surface initiating autoimmune attack
the tissue distribution appears to be wide involving organs where this attack could be lethal (heart, brain, bone marrow, etc.)
both the genetic material and the Spike protein are long lasting (months to years) which is long enough to cause an autoimmune syndrome which may be permanent.
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