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Note: I read a lot of Substacks each day. The Basket is intended to be a collection of the money quotes from the best of what I read. My goal is that you enjoy this service because it saves you time and quickly informs you. And my hope is that you find one or two articles that you click into because you want more.
What you can find in this collection (these are my headlines, not the authors’):
Artificial Intimacy by Mickey Z
The Great Technocratic Project by Chris Waldburger
Mistreating Covid Was The Real Pandemic by el gato malo
England & Wales Deaths Dropping To Normal by Carl Heneghan & Tom Jefferson
Censorship Industrial Complex by CJ Hopkins
Vitamin D Treats Arrhythmia by Walter M Chesnut
The Illiberal Traps On The Right by Andrew Sullivan
Feminization of Universities by Christopher F. Rufo
Taiwan: Vax Correlation To Birth Rates by ManDownUnder
Current Thing? Or Distraction… by Mr Law, Health and Technology
Taxpayer Dollars To mRNA by Dr. Peter McCullough
No-So-Green Wind Turbines by Naked Emperor
Doom Cults & False Narratives by Sasha Latypova
Mock The Evil by eugyppius
Withdraw From WHO by Dr. Robert W Malone
End The Field Of Virology by Meryl Nass
Randomizing & Controlling Human Behavior by Brian Mowrey
Poly-A Tails & Prolonged Spike Expression by Jessica Rose
Short Term Chaos & Fear by Mathew Crawford
Vax Miscarriage Rate is Double by Dr Ah Kahn Syed
Artificial Intimacy by Mickey Z
The result is a corrupted version of intimacy, a loss of crucial IRL time, and an epidemic of loneliness. Interactions are available at our fingertips but our souls need more. Much more.
In the age of artificial intelligence (AI), it makes sense that we’re now dealing with artificial intimacy, too. Besides Alexa and Siri, we have sex robots, virtual reality pornography, AI-enhanced sex toys, etc. — not to mention all those clever algorithms that match you up on dating apps.
Meanwhile, more than two-thirds of men between the ages of 18 and 24 reported having no sex at all in 2020. While, in 2019, more than five billion hours of pornography were watched on Pornhub alone. That’s 500 million years’ worth of hours dedicated to 12 months of artificial intimacy.
British anthropologist Robin Dunbar postulates that a human brain can effectively connect with people in groups no larger than 150. We each possess a physiology that evolved to negotiate the Stone Age. Inconveniently, we live in the Digital Age. Therein lies the rub.
Say NO to artificial intimacy. Reclaim your humanity.
The Great Technocratic Project by Chris Waldburger
We are all in this – the great technocratic project – together. And together, something had to be done. Anything. The precautionary principle was to be unleashed like never before.
All of this emerged from the hubris and narcissism of bureaucrats, philanthropists, and journalists, a hubris itself soaked in the progressive notions that ‘science’ and ‘technology’ could solve intractable human inefficiencies.
solutions went looking for a problem.
This phenomenon of being guided by ‘solutions’ at hand, of being guided by a moral conviction that science is the work of turning over to ‘mankind’ the ‘greatest possible power to control the world and to deal with it according to its lights and value’, is something quantitatively different from the old desires for fame and greatness.
Our new rulers are motivated by…a desire to subvert and weaken nature itself, and thus create a technocratic elite.
as an even older thinker puts it, “…we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”
Mistreating Covid Was The Real Pandemic by el gato malo
if such deaths were mostly caused by lockdowns and other aggressive policies by themselves (and had nothing to do with covid) they should be pretty uniform. states all locked down at the same time.
but if the damage came more from mistreating covid patients or from an interaction of “sick people + disrupted society = more deaths” then we’d expect the excess deaths figure to track covid emergence arrival. this would imply that much of the damage we saw (relative to places that did nothing and did not alter care or social function) stemmed from people getting covid and not being treated for it properly (or perhaps at all).
based on my preliminary look, the latter appears to be the case.
the excess deaths were highly iatrogenic and the result of mistreating covid.
one does not break the systems of modern medicine at whim and expect not to pay a price.
we basically banned and barracked against everything that worked effectively dismantling the things that make modern medicine work and throwing covid treatment into the dark ages.
what drove the FDA to sideline cheap, safe, widely available meds though literal campaigns of aggressive dissuasion while moving the goalposts on remdesivir to allow an expensive emergency drug on the market after it missed the endpoints in its trial?
England & Wales Deaths Dropping To Normal by Carl Heneghan & Tom Jefferson
what goes up must come down, and there’s a hint, there’s a return to normal.
In the week ending 24 February (Week 8), 11,952 deaths were registered in England and Wales. Down from the week before and about average for this time of year.
Censorship Industrial Complex by CJ Hopkins
a live, televised demonstration of precisely what I have been trying to describe the emergence of for the last six years, which is a new totalitarian form of global capitalism that no longer needs to maintain the pretense of upholding (or respecting) our “democratic rights,” because it has no external adversaries, and thus is free to morph into a quasi-Orwellian dystopia where any and all forms of dissent from official ideology can (and must) be delegitimized as “disinformation,” “misinformation, and even “malinformation,” and corporate-owned political puppets feel no compunction whatsoever about behaving like vicious little fascists on television because they know they have the fearsome power of the global-capitalist machine behind them, no matter how openly (and badly) they lie, and that their fanatical followers will parrot any propaganda they are given to parrot, no matter how patently false or absurd, and will spew their mindless hatred at whomever they are ordered to spew it at, and otherwise act like a bunch of fascists.
Vitamin D Treats Arrhythmia by Walter M Chesnut
Vitamin D deficiency may be playing a part in those suffering from the recent surge in Sudden Cardiac Deaths.
One can find abundant evidence for the efficacy of Vitamin D in treating COVID. However, as with many other compounds, there may be additional, critical mechanisms at work making certain treatments even more important than we may initially realize. Vitamin D may be one of the supreme “wonder drugs” for COVID.
The Illiberal Traps On The Right by Andrew Sullivan
The far right wants to make this a war against transgender people; and so does the far left.
Humans can invent any number of ideas about reality. But there always have been and always will be a small group of human beings whose bodies and genders are not aligned.
In general, it’s a very good rule to ignore anyone who says there is no middle way on a contentious question. That goes for Ibram X Kendi as well as Knowles.
The goal should always be to interrogate, probe, disprove, debunk or explain — but never “eradicate.” We need resilient error for truth to exist; we need bad ideas to distinguish good ones; and there is almost always some kernel of truth lurking even in the worst lie.
you cannot defend a free society by copying the tactics of those who oppose it. And a proposed law like Ron DeSantis’ HB 999 — which effectively hands all academic life to partisan politicians who control faculty and curricula — is a profoundly illiberal response to illiberalism. It doesn’t solve the problem; it compounds it. And it gives the far left rhetorical ammunition to appeal to the middle.
Always open up; try never to shut down. Don’t ban; offer more.
Feminization of Universities by Christopher F. Rufo
women now constitute the ruling majority on campus: 75 percent of Ivy League presidents, 66 percent of college administrators, and 58 percent of recent graduates are now female.
“Female students and administrators often exist in a co-dependent relationship, united by the concepts of victim identity and of trauma,” she writes. “For university females, there is not, apparently, strength in numbers. The more females’ ranks increase, the more we hear about a mass nervous breakdown on campus.”
The left-wing victim narrative has moved from an economic axis to a psychological axis, with “traumatizer” and “traumatized” replacing “oppressed” and “oppressed.”
Individual pathology is valorized as a form of marginalized identity.
This new social system incentivizes trauma, disorder, and emotional displays.
The ideology expresses itself through a therapeutic bureaucracy that operates according to political ideology.
Taiwan: Vax Correlation To Birth Rates by ManDownUnder
there is a clear temporal association between first trimester pregnancy failure and vaccine uptake in Taiwan, as well as the same elevated level of impact after the second spike that we see in Taiwanese mortality.
There is no denying the association between the two - vaccine uptake has had a clear delayed effect on the birth rate and the mortality rate in Taiwan, and while the first vaccine uptake produced only a single-month impact on both birth and mortality rates, the second vaccine uptake spike has created an ongoing crisis in both areas.
Current Thing? Or Distraction… by Mr Law, Health and Technology
as we pay attention to whatever is the ‘current thing’ (kissing politicians, cake eating politicians, Ukraine war, Lab leak, Black Lives Matter) we completely miss the fact that our most important rights: freedom of expression, freedom of movement, freedom to decide what our children are exposed to, and even freedom of thought, are ALL being systemmatically stolen from right under our very noses.
They are controlling the daily narrative to ensure you keep thinking about the things that they want you to be think about… while ignoring the things they are actually doing behind the curtain.
So the lesson here is that as far as the mainstream media fact checkers are concerned, anything negative about the jabs is a conspiracy theory…
Until their globalist funders graciously let them admit it isn’t.
However, the list of things I believe we should, and they don’t want us to, be paying attention to and fighting back against instead of continuing to play Covid-19 Whack-a-Mole includes indoctrination of children, university students and the unwashed masses with gender, race, politics and climate ideologies
Taxpayer Dollars To mRNA by Dr. Peter McCullough
Normally pharmaceutical companies front the cost of drug development and then have to win FDA approval and later recover those costs through product sales over the next 20 years. Not the case with mRNA, here NIH BARDA and the DOD DARPA has paid for development using taxpayer dollars to the tune of $31.9B!
The extensive government involvement implicitly hints at military objectives for the genetic technology.
I have over three decades of drug development experience. I can tell you first hand that without the government crutch, mRNA would have died as a biotechnology long ago. The fundamentals of mRNA-LNP characterization remain incomplete and the companies appear to have no concerns over safety as long as Uncle Sam is picking up the costs and shielding them from liability.
No-So-Green Wind Turbines by Naked Emperor
Noise pollution can cause harm to whales directly by damaging their hearing and cause internal bleeding and death. Many marine life have what is called a swim bladder which is highly sensitive to acoustics. This swim bladder adjusts the creatures level of buoyancy and determines whether it floats or sinks. More commonly excessive or prolonged noise can cause behavioral changes that interfere with the health and survival of the animals. The noise of the turbine is high and noise propagates over water. The wind turbine noise can and will be heard onshore.
There is much to think about here, and it is clear to anyone who cares to see the truth, that this industry is NOT green and is not clean. Firstly, the Wind Turbine Energy is fossil fuel dependent. Depending on the turbine size, each turbine requires oil to operate, and not a small amount. The average turbine, is 300-400 feet, and some of the newer designs are over 850 feet tall. The average 5MW turbine contains several hundred gallons of oil and the base of each turbine contains another 500 gallons. These both must be changed regularly (about every nine to sixteen months). They are also known to spill and leak.
it may seem that I’ve only addressed environmental and humanitarian concerns, however we must realize wind turbine energy is a massive industry, This new industrialization called “green energy” is a lie.
Doom Cults & False Narratives by Sasha Latypova
There is a bit of a problem with over-used narratives. Climate change narrative is becoming harder to maintain as Greta is now past the expiration date for a child actor, polar bears refuse to cooperate and keep multiplying, and the glaciers are not melting away like Al Gore promised. UFOs and aliens can only get us so far.
New fear narratives must be established: the narrative of “emerging” novel viruses has been in the works for years. Scary invisible viruses that can pounce out of a jungle any minute, and are just a plane ride away from infecting half the planet with a lethal new pathogen! Even more exciting is the prospect of evil scientists making new deadly and super spreading viruses in labs that can “leak”.
The Government mafia (HHS, NIH, DOD, DARPA, BARDA, DTRA, etc, etc,) and their vassals in academia, biopharma industry, and media have all been feeding at the “biodefense” money trough for decades.
Giant amounts of money, investors, resources, projects, studies, research grants, conferences, round tables, Ted talks, policy committees, Congressional acts, lots of lawyering and lobbying, table top simulations - an entire $19 billion/year industry is awaiting THE BIG ONE someday.
Don’t fall for doom cults and their false narratives. When we are not afraid to seek the truth we cannot be captured, controlled or enslaved.
Mock The Evil by eugyppius
I think it’s totally appropriate to characterise what has befallen us these past three years as evil. I think it’s even appropriate to refer to the specific actions of specific people as evil and malicious.
casting the pandemicists as evil villains hurts them not at all. If anything, they enjoy this kind of rhetoric, because it is remarkably compatible with the Covidian tendency to venerate these very same personalities as living saints and pandemic heroes. The distance between a villain and a hero is far less than you imagine. Both perspectives agree on the significance of the personality and differ simply on the moral question.
These men aren’t demons plotting our destruction; they gaze out upon the unwashed masses of humanity with all the indifference of a concrete wall. They think mostly about themselves and their friends and how they can use whatever is going on at the moment to get ahead.
Because we’re not in power, we can’t risk making these men more than they are. The correct strategy is instead to cut them down to size via relenetless ridicule. We must mock them everywhere as the visionless, unoriginal, plodding careerists that they at every moment prove themselves to be. We have to chip away every day at the technocratic cult
Withdraw From WHO by Dr. Robert W Malone
The threat to our country, personal wellbeing and freedoms posed by a WHO that will be able to translate its new, unchecked authority without accountability into the opportunity to dictate Americans’ personal health care demands immediate action by the Congress. Legislators must use the leverage arising from the Biden administration’s insistence on raising the Debt Ceiling to compel the President to withdraw from the WHO now.
Do you want The World Health Organization (WHO) and its Director-General Dr. Tedros Ghebreyesus to have access to your medical records and to be able to tell you what pharmaceuticals and vaccines you need to be treated and injected with, and to force you, your family and your children to comply with their mandates?
End The Field Of Virology by Meryl Nass
the risk to us from a natural virus or bacterium is miniscule. That may not be true of a lab-developed microorganism.
It is the lab-designed bugs that are the problem. We need to stop them. Close the labs, the BSL4s, reduce the BSL3’s and get rid of basic research on “selected agents,” destroy the samples, end this form of “science” that has proven its ability to kill millions and cause worldwide economic destruction.
End the field of virology and evolutionary viral genetics—which seem to be peopled by a large group of ‘scientists’ who were in cahoots to keep the lab origin covered up…or at a minimum were afraid to tell the public the truth.
Keep a few medical virologists around who did not get their hands dirty.
Randomizing & Controlling Human Behavior by Brian Mowrey
the Cochrane review was a pointless sham; a farce. To repeat an analogy I have used previously, we could imagine that Cochrane issued a review of randomized control trials of basketball plays, finding “there is no evidence that slam dunks work.”
Randomized control trials and “science” in general aren’t how humans figure out “what works” when it comes to almost the entirety of practical activity. As with basketball, we just imitate and innovate wildly from day to day until a tiger eats us. There’s no magic rule-book called “science” that can actually solve reality.
In the case of masks, the basketball analogy is imperfect. There have been randomized control trials for masks (or promotion of the same), but they are exactly as farcical as trials would be for basketball plays. They produce meaningless results, because you can neither randomize nor control human behavior.
randomized control trials can’t answer the question being asked.
Poly-A Tails & Prolonged Spike Expression by Jessica Rose
There is stuff in the vials that shouldn’t be there with regard to DNA contamination that came from bad manufacturing - probably could have been ‘solved’ at the purification step.
The EMA knows about these inadequacies and instructed Pfizer to deal with it. They are trying their very best with their limited resources after injecting this stuff into billions of people.
Circular DNAs are bad news in this context because they are replication competent.
The poly-A tail is encoded in the plasmid, which is efficient from a production point of view. Great. But what about the issues mentioned above?
The implications of the promoter enhancement or improvement remains to be seen but safe to say, pumpin’ up the jam of the continued expression of spike genes and prolonged spike expression might not end up being as popular as Technotronic’s tune.
Short Term Chaos & Fear by Mathew Crawford
Yes, I think we're headed into a financial collapse. And I felt from the start of the Plandemonium that this was the case.
No, I don't think it's the end of the world. I believe that we (the U.S. and close sphere) will recover. But this will take some explaining, and it's not bad to have some food, seeds, water, ammo, and coins made out of precious metals in the short run. It's definitely not bad to be wide in your investment perspective just now. It's also good to have a skill set that still functions when the banking system doesn't.
Vax Miscarriage Rate is Double by Dr Ah Kahn Syed
the authors didn't understand what they were doing. They included ridiculously disparate miscarriage rates. The Kachikis study quoted there, for instance, included late pregnancies in the denominator - which you must never do when calculating miscarriage rates because you can't miscarry in late pregnancy (it would be termed a stillbirth). It's like taking a hundred men and saying that their uterine cancer risk was really low.
The baseline miscarriage rate in studies of a normal cohort of women is about 5%. For years, papers have been misreporting much higher rates of around 15% to conflate this number so that it becomes nearly impossible to demonstrate that a drug treatment is causing an increase in miscarriages. The 15% rate is based on inappropriate use of a cancer survival model applied to miscarriage data. When the data is analysed in the same way, we show that the miscarriage rate in the V-safe cohort is double the background rate.
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