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Note: I read a lot of Substacks each day. The Basket is intended to be a collection of the money quotes from the best of what I read. My goal is that you enjoy this service because it saves you time and quickly informs you. And my hope is that you find one or two articles that you click into because you want more.
What you can find in this collection (these are my headlines, not the authors’):
Twitter To Compete With Substack by SASHA LATYPOVA
Pfizer Lied About Injection Site by Alex Kriel and Dr David Bell
Myocarditis In UK Babies by Naked Emperor
Ultra-Secret Bilderberg Meetings by JORDAN SCHACHTEL
Vax Fails Against Delta by Dr. Peter McCullough
“Experts” Inaccurate On Monkeypox by el gato malo
Hospital Death Protocol by Stella Paul
Don’t Count Out RFK Jr. by BILL RICE, JR.
Minnesota Kidney Failure by FABIAN SPIEKER
Lockdown Nostalgia by Naked Emperor
FDA’s Good Soldiers by Vinay Prasad
FBI Protected Hillary by Eli Lake
Creating Panic From F-Word by TOM JEFFERSON & CARL HENEGHAN
Queers Vs Homosexuals by ANDREW SULLIVAN
Civilization From Bottom Up by el gato malo
The Truth About Randi by Jennifer Sey
Actually, It’s Murder by SASHA LATYPOVA
Suiciding The Poor by Igor Chudov
Pfizer's Maternal RSV Vaccine Dave Allely
Twitter To Compete With Substack by SASHA LATYPOVA
Anyone with 2 brain cells to rub together should read the T&Cs.
Twitter wants you to sign up to the following:
The content you create is turned over to Twitter, and so is YOUR LIKENESS. And Twitter, or anyone acting on their behalf (CIA? NSA?) can use and possibly manufacture your likeness, including video/audio, CGI (caricature or simulation) and any future technology developed (hologram? some other techno-bullshit by which Elon will beam you to Mars?)
They are saying it’s for Twitter marketing - that’s an extremely broad statement as Twitter’s advertised plan is to be an “everything app”. Nowhere it says that only you can be the source of your likeness. Nowhere it describes how you or anyone else will determine that each instance of use of your likeness by Twitter and its agents was approved by you. But here you have signed up and agreed that Twitter has the right to do it, sell it and represent it as your content
Pfizer Lied About Injection Site by Alex Kriel and Dr David Bell
Recently, a lengthy vaccine evaluation report dated January 2021, sponsored by Pfizer and submitted to the Australian regulator, the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), was released under a Freedom of Information (FOI) request. The report contains significant new information that had been suppressed by the TGA and by Pfizer itself.
biodistribution studies of the lipid nanoparticle carrier in rats, using a luciferase enzyme to substitute for the mRNA vaccine. The study demonstrated that the lipid nanoparticles, and hence the vaccine, travel throughout the body after injection, and are found not only at the injection site but in all organs tested, with high concentration in the ovaries, liver, adrenal glands and spleen. Authorities who assured vaccinated people in early 2021 that the vaccine stays in the arm were, as we have known for two years, lying.
Myocarditis In UK Babies by Naked Emperor
Late yesterday, the World Health Organization (WHO) issued an alert, warning of an increase in severe myocarditis in neonates and infants. Compared with 2021 there has been a rise in myocarditis cases with 15 babies in Wales and Southwest England presenting to hospital. Sadly two babies died and eight were treated in intensive care.
Perhaps the rise in myocarditis cases have been caused by an enterovirus. Perhaps it was Covid. Perhaps something else has caused the enterovirus to become more severe than it usually would be. Or perhaps, that something else is the cause and the enterovirus is coincidental.
Whatever the cause is, it would be sensible to look at the vaccination status of the mothers.
Ultra-Secret Bilderberg Meetings by JORDAN SCHACHTEL
The Bilderberg Group, a notoriously shadowy organization with a membership roster that includes some of the world’s most powerful and influential people, are convening their annual meetings this weekend in Lisbon, Portugal.
If you’re familiar with the World Economic Forum’s annual closed-door, invite-only Davos confab, then you can get a sense of what Bilderberg entails. Yet Bilderberg is a level up of exclusivity, given that fewer than 150 people usually end up with invites to the conference, as opposed to the thousands who go to Davos.
Although it is significantly staffed by publicly elected officials, the discussions that happen during Bilderberg conferences remain a closely guarded secret. Unsurprisingly, this has led many to suspect that the powerful globalist ideologues who attend these closed-door wargaming discussions are up to no good
Vax Fails Against Delta by Dr. Peter McCullough
if the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines raised antibodies against the ancestral wild type Wuhan strain of SARS-CoV-2, would they cover the Delta variant?
Esposito, et al, published an autopsy of an 83 year old man who was admitted to the hospital with heart failure and was later diagnosed with acute COVID-19 and succumbed 18 days later…Sadly his lungs were ravaged with SARS-CoV-2 despite having adequate antibody titers for the Spike protein generated from the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine.
1) the original Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine failed to stop the Delta variant, 2) antibodies are an invalid surrogate of protection and should have never been used 8 times by the US FDA in EUA approvals for extended use of COVID-19 vaccines.
“Experts” Inaccurate On Monkeypox by el gato malo
inaccurate claims were 4.6X more frequent than accurate ones and when adjusted for follower count this led to 974X more exposure for false claims.
let that one sink in. if you grabbed a tweet on schools and monkeypox from “an expert” at random on a follower weighted basis, it had a 99.897% chance of being wrong.
the “experts” on twitter have once more beclowned themselves.
it also seems that people love to follow them and that we have something of an unhealthy co-dependence here…they all want some “current thing” to obsess about.
Even if the PCR (or lateral flow) test had been an accurate method to determine if a person had the virus, there was never any need for anything more than the normal saliva test. But it was not just the unnecessary pain and humiliation of the test that was a problem. This type of invasive testing also led to catastrophic injuries. For example, this paper shows a “non-trivial number” of these swab tests were “associated with skull base injury”
And there were fibres coming off the sticks that were going into throats and noses
DNA from the swabs was being harvested for ‘research’ as the testing companies were selling the used swabs for this purpose
Then there is the issue of ethylene oxide (which is potentially carcinogenic) which was often used to sterilise the swabs
Hospital Death Protocol by Stella Paul
Tony was locked into the Hospital Death Protocol, moving in predictable phases from remdesivir to ventilation, all while being isolated from his family, and refused water, ice, or food.
all that sweet federal money came with a catch: it incentivized specific medical treatments for Covid that happened to be deadly. If the hospital admitted you with a Covid diagnosis – great, they got paid more! If they “treated” you with remdesivir, a drug well-documented as lethal – fantastic, they got a 20% bonus on the whole bill! If the hospital tortured you with mechanical ventilation that caused secondary bacterial pneumonia – hooray, they got an even bigger payout! And if the hospital really lucked out and you died of Covid (even if not directly of Covid) – the cash bonanza was absolutely awesome.
“The hospital billed over $500,000 for Tony’s treatment and they couldn’t even find someone to give him water,” Patty said. I notice that Patty can’t talk too long about Tony without breaking into sobs. “He was my best friend. He was my partner. We did everything together.”
Don’t Count Out RFK Jr. by BILL RICE, JR.
One reason I thought Kennedy’s campaign would be fighting an uphill battle was I knew the mainstream press would attack him relentlessly (which they still will and already have). However, I might have grossly over-estimated the influence of the mainstream media.
In just a few short weeks, it’s becoming much clearer that the power of mainstream press might be crumbling as fast as East Germany’s border wall did in 1989.
Like with the ABC “interview,” the political metrics that probably matter most are found in the Reader Comments of people who opined on the segment.
Donald Trump proved a “black swan” candidate - someone whose decision to run for president was once roundly dismissed as a pipe dream - could win … and for many of the same reasons Kennedy might win. Namely, voters don’t like being told by the Establishment press that certain candidates could never win an election.
Minnesota Kidney Failure by FABIAN SPIEKER
The above chart is highly informative. Look at the blue line that represents all decedents whose death certificates mentioned chronic kidney disease.
According to this article SARS-CoV-2 doesn’t like patients with chronic kidney issues. It is considered a high-impact comorbidity which makes infected individuals more susceptible to COVID death by a factor of 4.3 (95% CI 3.6–5.3).
Since the increases coincide with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, experimental COVID therapeutics would be the main suspects.
We know Remdesivir probably contributes to what we are seeing, but maybe there are other drugs that do their part.
Lockdown Nostalgia by Naked Emperor
The Times newspaper published an article on Monday called “I have lockdown nostalgia, and I’m not alone”. The piece by fashion editor, Harriet Walker is concerning but predictable evidence that lockdowns could return at the drop of a hat at some point in the future.
a large percentage of the laptop class still feel like this. They can be given stats and figures showing how damaging lockdowns were until they are blue in the face and they would still crave for another lockdown. You could probably show them a starving baby, its family pushed into extreme poverty due to lockdowns and whilst they would feel sad, they would still manage to justify it somehow.
All it would take is for another crisis, any crisis, it doesn’t have to be a pandemic, and these people would feel the pangs of nostalgia return. Power hungry governments would suggest lockdowns and whilst pretending to be enraged, behind the scenes they will push for them to go ahead. Anything to avoid the commute to work. Anything to avoid another face-to-face meeting. Anything to avoid another networking event. There are too many selfish people in our society.
FDA’s Good Soldiers by Vinay Prasad
FDA employees have repeatedly lowered the regulatory standards for drug products, and then they are paid generously by companies that benefit from those lower standards. If you work at FDA, the best game plan is to find a standard to lower, and then go to work for the person who benefits. I actually know the stories of other reviewers who went to work for the same company whose drug they approved.
Most of these transitions are not investigated by congress, so we don’t know if the quid pro quo is explicit or implicit, but rest assured the deal is well known. Go to work at FDA. Be a good soldier— approve products— and when you want a pay bump join Pharma.
Meanwhile the irony is that the American people pay for this though exploding health care costs. US health care costs won’t be contained with a revolving door approach to FDA. The bar for new products is so low, we are tripping over it.
FBI Protected Hillary by Eli Lake
If the Durham report shows anything, it is that the FBI leadership bent over backward to protect Clinton’s campaign while launching a full investigation into Trump’s campaign on the thinnest of pretexts. In other words, the FBI was not really the Clinton campaign’s persecutor, as so many insisted over the past few years, as much as its protector.
is an extraordinary indictment. Two of our country’s leading opponents of so-called disinformation—the FBI and the Democratic Party—helped inject what may have been Russian disinformation into the American political discourse.
All of this is a black eye for the FBI. The bureau is supposed to be above politics. Its leaders are supposed to show fidelity to the law and act without partisan favor. Comey, McCabe, and their deputies were guilty of a confirmation bias so severe it led them to embrace partisan falsehoods to get their man, and the republic is still paying the price for their failures. To this day, millions of loyal MSNBC viewers and most Democrats in Congress still act like it’s 2017, and Donald Trump is a Kremlin agent.
It was a hoax six years ago. It’s a farce today.
Creating Panic From F-Word by TOM JEFFERSON & CARL HENEGHAN
you have to create a market for your products, be they medicinals, opinions, careers, research funds or whatever.
One approach is to confuse a syndrome with a disease. This means using the F Word “Flu”
Using the F word, you are bundling up familiar signs and symptoms, fever, ache and pains, tiredness, cough, and runny nose due to numerous but uncountable microorganisms (a syndrome) and implying that it is due to a single agent (influenza).
only one out of nine F-word episodes are due to influenza.
When ministers blame winter crises on “Flu,” we do not really know what they are talking about (neither do they), but they do have a solution: vaccines and/or antivirals.
frighten everyone into thinking that the yearly death tally for the F word or influenza is a lot higher than what is verifiable
change definitions such as “pandemic” to fit what is going on rather than the other way around. This way, the facts always fit the definition
Queers Vs Homosexuals by ANDREW SULLIVAN
when you examine the other issues at stake — public schools teaching the concepts of queer and gender theory to kindergartners on up, sex changes for children before puberty, the housing of biological males with women in prisons and rape shelters, and biological males competing with women in sports — you realize we are far beyond what the gay rights movement once stood for.
It’s these initiatives from the far left that are new; and the backlash is quite obviously a reaction to the capture of the gay rights movement by queer social justice activists.
The core belief of critical queer theorists is that homosexuality is not a part of human nature because there is no such thing as human nature; and that everything is socially constructed, even the body. Because heterosexuality is the overwhelming norm, and homosexuality the exception, and because society is nothing but a complex of oppression, homosexuals are defined by their rejection of heteronormativity. To be queer is inherently to exist on the margins; to be odd, peculiar, weird, queer, hated, oppressed, and in revolt and rebellion. To be queer is to be dedicated to subversion, to mock conventions, to deconstruct language, to dismantle the human body, to defy “nature” and, above all, to liberate humankind from the prison of gender.
To be homosexual, in contrast, is merely to be attracted to the same sex, and gays and lesbians run the gamut of tastes, politics, backgrounds and religions. Some are conservative, some radical, some indifferent. Some gays are queers. But most aren’t.
These activists, marinated in critical gender and queer theory, have picked several unnecessary fights and, especially since the convulsions of 2020, have pushed and pushed a woke revolution until a dangerous backlash was inevitable.
using Pfizer’s numbers…to possibly save the lives of 20 babies a year (80% efficacy x 25 baby RSV deaths/year) or 1 in 200,000 babies born—you are going to cause 1 in 200 mothers to have a serious adverse event , 1 in 250 to have a severe adverse event (the difference between serious and severe is unknown) and 1 in 500 to have a life-threatening event.
Civilization From Bottom Up by el gato malo
civilization is not a thing to be directed from the top down but the sum of the bottom’s up relationships and order that emerge from its inhabitants in their exercise of agency and association.
“the government should fix this” is just a lazy way of admiring the problem but failing to be a part of the solution. it’s an admission that it’s “someone else’s problem to fix.”
the state and its “intellectuals” are playing in opposition to us, removing agency and fostering unaccountability.
society has been cowed into the acceptance of dissolution as though no other path is available or moral. (or, increasingly, legal)
it keeps getting worse because those who try to set matters aright get attacked by the very state and its preening, virtue signal-happy intelligencia that have been mistaken for “our protectors” but have increasingly become a pretorian guard for malefactors and the enemy of agency the bottoms up positive law and praxis that constitute actual, inhabitable civilization
The Truth About Randi by Jennifer Sey
There are many reasons why so many U.S. public schools remained persistently closed for well over a year, but at the top of the list is Randi Weingarten.
Weingarten appeared regularly across national media outlets for well over two years, relentlessly touting the dangers of public schools and the risk to teachers from in-person instruction. She also painted anyone who advocated for schools to open as heartless and cruel.
Weingarten did everything in her power to keep schools shuttered; she just pretended that she wanted them open. She had a direct line to Rochelle Walensky, the Director of the CDC, and interjected impossible-to-meet guidelines about what was necessary to re-open schools “safely.”
In February 2021, the CDC was prepared to write in their guidance that schools could open for in-person instruction regardless of community spread of the virus. The AFT insisted that that was unacceptable and argued for guidelines based on levels of community transmission. The AFT’s suggested language appeared word for word in the final direction.
Upon release of the guidance, the AFT issued praise in a press release on February 12, 2021: “Today, the CDC met fear of the pandemic with facts and evidence.”
In fact, the CDC and the AFT did the exact opposite. They chose to further fear with lies about schools being dangerous disease accelerators, and about children being superspreaders
Actually, It’s Murder by SASHA LATYPOVA
I have spoken with many plaintiffs and attorneys, all of them highly credible, all have copious documentation of similar horrors witnessing a cold-blooded, SLOW torture and killing of their loved ones in a hospital. This continues TO THIS DAY. These CDC murder protocols are the “standard of care” today, with huge payouts to the murdering team and their employer, all over the US
“murder, in criminal law, the killing of one person by another that is not legally justified or excusable, usually distinguished from the crime of manslaughter by the element of malice aforethought (that’s the premeditation part). Common-law codes define murder as a homicide committed intentionally or as a result of the commission of another serious offense. By contrast, the crime of manslaughter includes killings that are the result of recklessness or violent emotional outbursts.”
Suiciding The Poor by Igor Chudov
the authors argue for expanding medically assisted suicides to people who want to end their lives due to poverty. Their “harm reduction” analysis suggests, without saying so outright, that MAiD (Medical Assistance in Dying) for the desperately poor would alleviate “collapsing healthcare.”
Becoming “suddenly poor” and experiencing desperate circumstances is traumatic. Help is sparse. Bills mount up. Things seem hopeless.
Imagine someone in such desperate, but possibly temporary, circumstances. Would it be helpful to have a MAiD provider show up, at the worst moment in their lives, with a fancy suicide machine and offer those people a euthanasia option? Is that even a good idea?
Pfizer's Maternal RSV Vaccine Dave Allely
The status quo is that we allow pharmaceutical companies to design trials, own the data, pay medical writers to write the paper for publication in elite journals, and employ countless tactics to bias the results of studies that are used for regulatory approval. A weak FDA cannot be our only safeguard against such a flawed system.
While the FDA has not made their final decision, I expect this vaccine will be approved. If that happens, we will be rolling the dice with respect to preterm births. Pfizer clearly has every reason not to find an increased rate of preterm births following theoretical approval. The FDA would have to require rigorous, large studies to detect this potential safety signal. I doubt if we will ever really know whether this vaccine is a net positive or negative. I hope we get lucky, and it is the former.
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