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What you can find in this collection (these are my headlines, not the authors’):
GAB to UK: “Get Bent” by Andrew Torba
Rasmussen Deep Dive by Igor Chudov
Vitamin D Supplements Not Good? by JessicaGenetics
Vaccines Didn’t Save Preventable Deaths by Norman Fenton and Martin Neil
Viral Vectors ALSO Leaving Injection Site by Naked Emperor
Sim City Scenarios by Jessica Hockett
Seasonality Update by Josh Stevenson
Flu Deadlier Than Covid by Justin Hart
Proper Stratification for Myo Signal by Vinay Prasad
Black Box Warnings by Kim Witczak
God’s Not Dead by Celia Farber
Gender Transitioning: Who’s In Charge? by Aida Cerundolo, M.D.
Mandates = Disclosure by Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH
TSA Extends Madness by NakedEmperor
Determining Adverse Events Signals by Norman Fenton and Martin Neil
VAERS Safety Signal FOIA by Josh Guetzkow
Vax Spike in Blood by Justin Hart
5G by Robert W Malone MD, MS
Retiring the Word ‘Grifter’ by Jennifer Sey
Fauci’s Ego by Ian Miller
769 Vax Safety Signals Ignored by Steve Kirsch
Mask = Comfort Blankets in Japan by Guy Gin
On Jordan Peterson’s ‘Re-Programming’ by Jessica Rose
Exposing the Censorship Scandal by Joel Smalley
VA System is Broken by Tulsi Gabbard
Kids Are Not Okay by Justin Hart
Crossing the Rubicon by John Leake
The Coup We Never Knew By Victor Davis Hanson
CA School Transitioning Kids Without Consent by Libs of TikTok
UK Deaths Soar by Naked Emperor
Australia Excess Death Up 17% by Igor Chudov
Kate’s Vax Injury by Team Humanity
Flip Flop Flu by John Dee
How the Left Got Duped by Kim Goldberg
GAB to UK: “Get Bent” by Andrew Torba
Full article found HERE
Today we received one such request from the UK government.
Gab’s policy is to not remove material unless it violates Gab’s terms of service which was drafted in accordance with US law, in particular the First Amendment.
“Hate speech” or “offensive speech” as such is not illegal here and in fact benefits from unambiguous constitutional protection backed by a half-century of precedent.
Our response to the UK is the same as it is to Germany, France, China, and every other country who tries to remove lawful content from the American Internet: get bent.
Rasmussen Deep Dive by Igor Chudov
fewer Democrats think that there are reasons to worry about Covid vaccines. And yet, MORE Democrats know someone killed by the vaccines than Republicans!
Is that a paradox?
Not at all!
The explanation is right here:
More Democrats (85%) than Republicans (63%) … have been vaccinated against COVID-19.
Democrats are more likely to be vaccinated
Vitamin D Supplements Not Good? by JessicaGenetics
Oral D3 does not have negative feedback control and causes a large release of calcium, it can overload the kidney taken in high dose, using up magnesium and B2 to convert it all into the active form.
oral D3 does not need to be taken everyday and its levels may remain high for weeks, depending on the person9.
If supplementing, large doses of vitamin D solely can lead to toxicity over time. However, there are plenty of studies showing great benefit of taking vitamin K2 to help direct this release of calcium.
the more we elucidate the connections between all vitamin D metabolites and molecules like dopamine, melatonin, melanin, DHA and many others, the more we will understand why D3 must come from the sun
If you want to supplement vitamin D, the studies show it will be best handled in the body with additional supplementation of K2, Mg, B2 and possibly Vitamin A.
Vaccines Didn’t Save Preventable Deaths by Norman Fenton and Martin Neil
Any claims about the vaccine reducing the number of covid deaths are therefore irrelevant in assessing efficacy without considering the overall impact on all-cause mortality. Even if the vaccines really did save 20 million from covid deaths then it would not be effective if it led to more than 20 million deaths from adverse events.
In fact, not only is there now strong evidence of an increase in all-cause mortality among the vaccinated, but we do not believe there is any objective reliable evidence that the covid vaccines saved any PREVENTABLE deaths from covid.
No properly conducted randomized trial has provided evidence of any covid deaths avoided
The Pfizer trial actually provides some evidence of increased all-cause mortality in the vaccinated
Official government statistics claiming vaccines reduce all-cause mortality are demonstrably flawed
Artificially inflated covid death numbers
Independent evidence points to an increase in all-cause mortality among the vaccinated
Viral Vectors ALSO Leaving Injection Site by Naked Emperor
ICAN discovered disturbing information concerning the biodistribution of the vaccine. The documents contained a study which was undertaken on mice and showed that, like the mRNA vaccines, the viral-vector DNA did not remain at the injection site. Instead it accumulated in organs all around the body, specifically the sciatic nerves, bone marrow, liver, lungs and the spleen.
Sim City Scenarios by Jessica Hockett
Imagine a city of 8 million people — I’ll call it The City — is stopped in its tracks like we saw in March 2020. The perceived threat is not a virus, but potential successive bomb strikes by another country.
The directives from government officials are familiar. For two weeks - maybe four, if necessary — only “essential” activities permitted. Schools & churches must close. No theatre, no restaurant dining, no gathering in groups. Stay home, citizens are told, and stay away from hospitals unless you have a critical health issue.
By how much would you expect all-cause mortality to increase in those four weeks, assuming no bombs are dropped? What are all the possible ways people could die, simply from those orders? Would there be any rise in mortality? From what causes?
Seasonality Update by Josh Stevenson
the trends continue to match regionally, and that overall, 2022 was drastically lower in terms of overall hospitalizations.
Flu Deadlier Than Covid by Justin Hart
After all the lockdowns, quarantines, job-losses, masks, and mandates we can now say that for non-elderly, the flu is deadlier than COVID. IFR (Infection Fatality Rate) is calculated by ration of deaths into TOTAL infections.
The CDC has "confirmed" 923,710 deaths. But if you use an "apples to apples" comparison on how they track other respiratory burdens then you would have to conclude that there have been 347,601 deaths.
In other words, the MASTER record that the CDC uses to track cases and deaths has only 347K deaths that have complete information (clinical date, lab-confirmed sample)
Proper Stratification for Myo Signal by Vinay Prasad
In our paper, we prove something interesting. If you look at all the analyses of myocarditis post vaccine, some researchers breakdown results by age, sex, product and dose. (4 stratifiers), while others lump 20 year old men with 80 year old women (<=1 stratifier). And many inbetween.
It turns out when you look at myocarditis just in the highest risk demographics it is substantially higher than when you lump 16 year old boys with their great grandma.
This should be obvious, but was habitually done by mRNA myocarditis minimizers to hide the safety signal, and let CDC and FDA fail to take appropriate safeguards like testing lower doses, longer spacing, banning Moderna, or omitting dose 2 entirely.
Dose 2 is worse than dose 1. Moderna is worse than Pfizer, Dose 2 is a big problem
Black Box Warnings by Kim Witczak
Later that same evening my brother-in-law Googled “Zoloft and Suicide” and was shocked to learn that the FDA held public advisory committee hearings in 1991 on the link between Prozac and the emergence of suicide and violence. At the time, the FDA decided not to add warnings but told the company to study suicidality. The FDA never followed up and eventually went on to approve Zoloft and Paxil in the 12 years prior to Woody’s death.
I believe without a doubt the God-given mission was handed to us that evening.
**FDA Blackbox Suicide Warnings must get added to all antidepressants***
While it was too late for our family, if another family was helped, then Woody’s life and death mattered. And Woodymatters was born.
God’s Not Dead by Celia Farber
If you say you are “praying” for somebody, it means you believe in God.
Everything has been about dismantling the bond between the American people and God, in recent decades, and recent years.
Then all of a sudden, it seems that last night, even progressive America got over its urge to cancel and repudiate God.
You literally can not say, “We’re just praying…” while also pushing atheism.
Gender Transitioning: Who’s In Charge? by Aida Cerundolo, M.D.
Sweden, Finland, the United Kingdom and France have all walked back gender-affirming treatments for children after an extensive review of the literature revealed that gender-questioning kids did not necessarily fare better as a result.
There is no way for teachers, or even medical professionals, to be certain that a child’s unhappiness with their gender, termed gender dysphoria, reflects a true transgender identity.
Children are unlikely aware that living a transgender identity can trigger a cascade of life-long medical interventions and invite health risks.
Conflating teaching with impactful social gender transitioning is a dangerous mistake that jeopardizes the well-being of children while relegating parents to mere bystanders.
Mandates = Disclosure by Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH
If an EUA vaccine is mandated, then those who have imposed this product on their players, employees, and students have an ethical public health obligation to tell the world what has happened as a result of the mandate and help all those impacted brace for what could happen next.
TSA Extends Madness by NakedEmperor
Whilst most of the rest of the world opened up last year, the US Transportation Security Administration (part of the department of Homeland Security) still had a Security Directive in force which required that a non-US citizen must be double-jabbed to enter the country.
This was meant to expire on 8 January 2023.
Determining Adverse Events Signals by Norman Fenton and Martin Neil
A standard way to determine whether there is a genuine concern that a new vaccine may be causing a particular type of serious adverse event (SAE), such as ‘myocarditis’, is to compare the proportion of adverse event reports associated with the new vaccine that include myocarditis with the proportion that include myocarditis in other vaccines.
The CDC conducted a proportional reporting ratio (PRR) analysis of adverse events reported in the VAERS system for the Pfizer and Moderna covid vaccines for the period Dec. 14, 2020, to July 29, 2022. For each different type of adverse event reported, the CDC calculated the PRR of every SAE for each of the two covid vaccines against all other non-covid vaccines. They also computed the PRR of every SAE for Pfizer against Moderna.
We do not believe that the PRR is an ideal method for finding safety signals because it only identifies significantly new, different or unexpected SAEs compared to other vaccines and does not consider underlying population rates for the SAE conditions. However, there are so many red flags for the two covid vaccines the CDC analysed that they should reconsider their decision not to halt further roll-out of these vaccines until these SAEs are more thoroughly investigated.
VAERS Safety Signal FOIA by Josh Guetzkow
CDC’s VAERS safety signal analysis based on reports from Dec. 14, 2020 – July 29, 2022 for mRNA COVID-19 vaccines shows clear safety signals for death and a range of highly concerning thrombo-embolic, cardiac, neurological, hemorrhagic, hematological, immune-system and menstrual adverse events (AEs) among U.S. adults
The CDC analysis shows that the number of serious adverse events reported in less than two years for mRNA COVID-19 vaccines is 5.5 times larger than all serious reports for vaccines given to adults in the US since 2009 (~73,000 vs. ~13,000)
Vax Spike in Blood by Justin Hart
the immune responses induced by the mRNA vaccine did not differ between the patients who developed myocarditis and the control subjects. However, they did find that the patients with myocarditis had higher levels of free, unbound spike protein in their blood, which may be a potential cause of myocarditis in these individuals
results suggest that postvaccine myocarditis is associated with normal adaptive and T-cell immunity but modest innate activation.
SO - we could be looking back at the LNPs as the culprit - possibly injected into the bloodstream
5G by Robert W Malone MD, MS
What our governments, the pharmaceutical industry (and our military and intelligence agencies) have been doing to us is like deploying the the most powerful advertising campaign in the history of the world on all of us over the last three years. Including paying corporate media, social media “influencers”, artists, musicians to surreptitiously advertise the approved narrative and these (typically unlicensed and relatively untested) medical products.
Fifth generation warfare is what has been deployed on you by your government.
Retiring the Word ‘Grifter’ by Jennifer Sey
The idea that anyone saying anything unpopular is a grifter courting dark money, big audiences and social media likes is nonsensical and just plain false. In “grift” there must be a swindle — a theft rooted in a misrepresentation of one’s intentions.
At any rate . . . I’m not a grifter. Neither is Zweig. We aren’t conning or swindling anyone out of money we didn’t earn. In fact, we’re sacrificing our earning opportunities in order to say what we actually think. Which is, in fact, the exact opposite of grifting.
Fauci’s Ego by Ian Miller
It is remarkable how the good doctor ignores that the “politicization” of public health is in large part due to himself. He and his profession must be forever reminded that they criticized lockdown protestors while completely ignoring the massive Black Lives Matter demonstrations.
They forced masks on kids, despite the lack of evidence. They defended Democratic politicians for seemingly endless closures, while criticizing Ron DeSantis and others for reopening.
After being proven wrong on masks and lockdowns, they shunned the evidence and aggressively pushed an inaccurate narrative to promote vaccine mandates and passports. Fauci himself decried individual liberty as irrelevant compared to his concerns.
769 769 Vax Safety Signals Ignored by Steve Kirsch
Safety signals were generated in the VAERS system for death and 769 other severe adverse events. The CDC ignored all of them based on exactly the same bullshit reason that they used 13 years ago with HPV that is just “over reporting.” But there is no evidence whatsoever there is “over reporting.”
They use a hand-waving excuse for ignoring the safety signals.
Who needs evidence when NOBODY is holding you accountable?
Mask = Comfort Blankets in Japan by Guy Gin
Lawyer Yasunori Sakurai is in the process of suing the 5-star Westin Hotel Tokyo (part of the Marriott Group) for refusing him accommodation because he was unmasked.
mask-wearing is a rule, and rules in Japan are to be followed regardless of logic in order to maintain social order and harmonious interpersonal relations.
Japan is full of credulous TV viewers who’ve been conditioned to feel anxious when they see unmasked people walking about, and businesses cater to these neurotics.
After about 10% of hotels had gone out of business by August 2022, you’d think that the hotel industry here would be screaming at the government to let society return to normal. But this is Japan. As demonstrated in the incident above, the fact that “the relationship between infection control and masks is unclear” doesn’t matter. What matters is that they work as a comfort blanket for many people.
On Jordan Peterson’s ‘Re-Programming’ by Jessica Rose
It is not the role of ‘agencies’ to enforce political orthodoxies or policing on trained and experienced professionals outside of the professional arena. Last time I checked, social media was just a place to let loose and be the non-professional version of self, if so desired. It’s not the clinic - it’s a water cooler, in my opinion.
It is quite obvious to me that the reason for the creation of this spectacle, and the threat to revoke Jordan’s medical license lest he not submit to ‘re-education’, is precisely another attempt to socially engineer the psychology profession itself.
The politicians and bureaucrats should stay in their own lane and clearly acknowledge the differences between the professional and personal spheres. Do not impose the rulebook of the College outside of the scope of the professional realm. It’s not necessary to do so and it sets a dangerous precedent.
Exposing the Censorship Scandal by Joel Smalley
let's get some things straight once and for all:
A real pandemic wouldn't require a 24/7 marketing campaign.
Gaslighting the general public is a crime and should have serious consequences.
The vaccine doesn't prevent the transmission of "the virus" although the opposite was claimed.
The measures were a crime against humanity. Those who are responsible for pushing for them knew this all along.
VA System is Broken by Tulsi Gabbard
Many Vietnam veterans have fought for decades for basic care and recognition for cancers and illnesses connected to Agent Orange exposure. My generation of veterans are fighting these very same battles all over again.
This is unacceptable. The Department of Defense and the VA are not fulfilling their mandate.
There are two main underlying issues that are never addressed. First, our government fails to treat veterans’ care with any level of urgency.
second underlying issue. Despite being the single largest hospital system in the country, our VA is a bloated federal bureaucracy that doesn’t put the wellbeing of veterans at the forefront. Too often, the best interest of the bureaucracy comes first.
Throwing more money at the VA will not solve these issues. The problem is failed leadership within the VA, Congress, and the White House.
Kids Are Not Okay by Justin Hart
Abusive head trauma in infants nearly doubled in the Paris metropolitan area during the second year of the COVID-19 pandemic, with cases increasing from 1.4 cases per month in 2020 to 2.7 cases per month in 2021 (adjusted incidence rate ratio [aIRR] 1.92, 95% CI 1.23-2.99, P=0.02)
Mortality rates from abusive head trauma in infants jumped nearly 10-fold in 2021 (odds ratio 9.39, 95% CI 1.88-47.00)
The median age of infants with abusive head trauma in the study was 4 months, and 65% were male. Of the 99 cases studied, 87% had bridging vein thrombosis, 75% had retinal hemorrhages, 32% had fractures, 26% had status epilepticus, and 20% had skin injuries.
39 billion missed school meals by January 2021.
Lockdowns and other restrictions brought on by the pandemic have really taken a toll on teenagers, causing disruptions to education and socialization that have led to increased anxiety and worsening mental health. The pandemic has also caused a global increase in child labor, and an estimated 228,000 children in South Asia have died due to supply chain snafus. These realities have further exacerbated existing inequalities and caused developmental delays in babies in these countries.
Crossing the Rubicon by John Leake
Since President George W. Bush invaded Iraq under false pretenses in 2003, the United States of America has increasingly resembled the last twenty years of the Roman Republic. We, the People, seem increasingly at the whim of competing oligarchs and their friends in the Administrative State.
Thankfully there is one enormous difference between the United States now and the final decades of the Roman Republic—namely, the use of U.S. military units on American soil still seems to be off limits. To be sure, the Department of Defense has played a strong role in developing, manufacturing, and distributing the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines. We are now seeing increasing evidence that the DOD holds final authority over the entire program.
The Coup We Never Knew By Victor Davis Hanson
Entire article can be found HERE
What happened to Election Night returns?
What happened to the once trusted FBI?
Were Americans ever asked whether their universities could discriminate against their sons and daughters based on their race?
How did a virus cancel the Constitution?
We are beginning to wake up from a nightmare to a country we no longer recognize, and from a coup we never knew.
By failing to break out these specific categories, scientists can write studies that overlook the risk of the vaccines for younger men, effectively by spreading their heightened risk across broader subgroups or even the whole population:
By looking only at men, or only at which dose, or only at which vaccine, you can reduce the highest stated incidence of myocarditis enormously, putting you in an excellent position to argue that, yes, myocarditis is a rare side effect from vaccination, but the risk of myocarditis from infection is greater.1 This is a game that is played at both ends, with complementary studies that massively overestimate the rate of myocarditis from Covid by considering only documented infections.
It will be a long time indeed before we have any clarity on exactly how risky the vaccines are, and for whom.
CA School Transitioning Kids Without Consent by Libs of TikTok
Documents obtained through a recent FOIA request reveal that a California school district partnered with a healthcare facility to provide children with gender transition hormones and surgeries without parental consent.
they offer cross-sex hormone medications like testosterone, estradiol, and spironolactone, letters for medical clearance to undergo transition surgeries, and assistance with legal name and gender documents.
UK Deaths Soar by Naked Emperor
In the week ending 23 December, in England, there were 2,272 excess deaths which represents a 20.2% increase above the five year average. In Wales the statistics were even worse with a 27.3% increase. Only about 3% of the total was attributed to Covid.
we are left with three potential causes. A failing health system, Covid and vaccines. Whilst it is perfectly acceptable to look at whether the first two are causing harm, very few will even contemplate vaccines. It is a very strange situation where it is almost considered sacrilegious to want to examine vaccine safety.
Australia Excess Death Up 17% by Igor Chudov
despite “health experts” hoping that Covid is a seasonal disease and would go away in summer, Australia is in the middle of yet another wave of Covid.
Compared to November, COVID hospitalizations more than tripled, according to the latest report.
Here’s the strange part: the unvaccinated comprise exactly ZERO out of 1,779 hospitalized people.
NSW health authorities want us to believe that unvaccinated people die of Covid without being hospitalized before dying!
Kate’s Vax Injury by Team Humanity
12 hours after Kate’s first vaccine she sat straight up in bed and felt like something was coursing through her body from the injection site, and then she was overcome with, “a sense of impending doom, a foreboding feeling.”
Kate went from perfectly healthy to migraines, muscle aches, and joint pain. Her left arm was swollen and red. Kate was nauseous. She developed tinnitus, vertigo, intense head pressure and was very dizzy. She would run into walls in her house; and sometimes her vision would flip her world upside down. Later she would develop severe bone and joint pain, neuropathic pain, and balance difficulties when walking.
Flip Flop Flu by John Dee
Right now my gut feeling is that we’re not looking at transmission in terms of contagion (persons infecting persons) but a wave-like effect arising from the dissonance between internal (physiological) and external (environmental) conditions. I guess I’m thinking about flu in terms of a constant pathological pressure to which we individually succumb if conditions permit. If this hypothesis holds any water then it will certainly put the cat among the globalist gobble-gobble pigeons, especially those pushing lockdowns, masks, social distancing, quarantine camps and other forms of insidious non-pharmaceutical intervention.
How the Left Got Duped by Kim Goldberg
So what happened? How did the Left get subverted into being the first-string enforcers for Big Pharma and dystopian government? One reason appears to be deliberate targeting of the Left with pseudo-collectivist messaging designed to resonate with Left sensibilities.
According to Desmet (who cites both Hannah Arendt and Gustave Le Bon), all totalitarian systems must be preceded by a collective psychological phenomenon called mass formation, also known as mass hypnosis.
A large percentage of the population feels socially isolated and lacks good social connections to other people.
A lack of meaning-making or sense-making prevails for many.
A high degree of free-floating anxiety exists, anxiety that cannot be connected to a specific object or circumstance.
There is a high degree of frustration and latent aggression in the population, arising from the free-floating anxiety, which in turn arises from the first two conditions.