In 2016 I voted for Hilary. In 2020 I voted for Trump. In 2024 I hope to vote for DeSantis.
Trump had his his chance and he blew it.
I’m not even talking about his presidency. I am talking about after his presidency.
The world was looking for a leader and Trump passed.
The Trump That Never Was
After Trump left office, Red-pilled America was growing by the day: suburban moms desperate to get their kids back in school, Occupy Wall Street types, Bernie Sanders supporters, working class Americans who were up against vaccine mandates, and highly educated skeptics who were devouring data that didn’t fit the Narrative.
These strange bedfellows had something in common: they valued civil liberties and were afraid of rising authoritarianism.
In a way, Covid-woke was an Awakening for many.
For example, I suddenly saw clearly that Big Business was conspiring with the Government, that the bureaucratic deep state was acting as a 4th branch of government, that Big Tech was censoring free speech, that Big Press was a propaganda arm for the Democrat party, that Antifa was the militia for the Liberals in Washington, that equal justice under the law was compromised by Soros-backed prosecutors and DAs, and that the Constitution was at risk top to bottom.
In short, it suddenly became obvious to me that the little guy was the target of all the big guys. All the big boys were all on Team Narrative. There was no one on the side of the average American. No one, but Trump…
Trump was the man for the job and surely he knew it.
Trump could have had a simple message after leaving office: “We need to restore your civil liberties. We need to get your kids back in school. We need to eliminate vaccine mandates. And we need to curb the authoritarianism that is rising up all over the world.”
Trump gets crowds wherever he goes. And he would have been a BIG draw outside the US. He could have continued his “drain the swamp” message, but on a global level.
Trump could have traveled to Australia when people were being rounded up in Covid Camps. The crowds would have been huge.
Trump could have traveled to Holland when protesters were being trampled by horses.
Trump could have traveled to Canada when truckers’ bank accounts were frozen and martial law was enacted.
Trump had the world in the palm of his hand…
…but he didn’t take it.
Imagine that. One of the most insecure, egotistical, self-promoting blowhards in the history of histories had the opportunity to be the hero for a desperate world, and he passed it up. Why? Now that’s the curious thing.
The Real Donald J. Trump
Trump didn’t become King of the World. He didn’t even try. He passed. And not because he is noble or humble or had something better to do.
No. Quite simply. Trump passed because he is one of Them.
Remember, these are Trump’s vaccines and Trump’s lockdowns.

When kids were locked out of schools in early 2021 Trump gave a speech about “great deals” and “strong borders.” Late in 2021 Trump was lukewarm on mandates while praising his vaccines.
"Forget about the mandates, people have to have their freedom, but at the same time, the vaccine is one of the greatest achievements of mankind … I came up with a vaccine -- with three vaccines," Trump said. "All are very, very good; came up with three of them in less than nine months. It was supposed to take five to 12 years." Trump with Candace Owens
Trump then failed to deliver on a red wave and has since lost favor to the likes of Ron DeSantis.
Ultimately, Trump blew it. He missed the opportunity of the century.
No one else on the earth could have rallied the working class against the globalist elites. He, alone, had that skill.
But it was not to be.
Trump was complicit in the US authoritarian movement and then sat on the sidelines during the globalist coup. At no point has he ever really addressed the elephants in the room.
The entire world was looking for someone to stand in the gap while Trump took out his 2016 campaign talking points.
Trump blew it.
I couldn’t agree more. He still hasn’t clued in or is avoiding these powerful motivating arguments. Sometimes I wonder, now that we know the CIA took out an elected president, JFK, and the FBI took down Nixon, maybe Trump prefers to toe the line more closely knowing the military intelligence group running the country.
1000% agree.