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What you can find in this collection (these are my headlines, not the authors’):
Disability Claims Follow Vax by John Dee
Bad Data Drives Headlines by Kelley K
More on IgG4 by Alex Berenson
Pax OTC by Meryl Nass
We Need Independent Agencies by ClausR2020
Trial Participant Abuse by A Midwestern Doctor
Japan’s Says Covid Is Flu-like by Guy Gin
Delayed Adulthood & Aging by Katherine Boyle
BlotGate Continued by Jessica Rose
Ivermectin Case in WI by Dr. Pierre Kory
Bending The Curve by el gato malo
Davos Is Dying by Celia Farber
Germany's Acute Toxicity by Fabian Spieker
Gas Stove Safetyism by Matt Shapiro
“Safe & Effective” by Kim Witczak
Absolute Risk INCREASE by Dr Ah Kahn Syed
Respiratory Deaths Still A Problem by Joel Smalley
Scotland Cardiovascular Incidents by Norman Fenton and Martin Neil
Is Progress Possible? by C.S. Lewis
5+ Jabs is Bad by Alex Berenson
Worry-Window Isn’t Real by Brian Mowrey
Disability Claims Follow Vax by John Dee
We observe little difference in claim rates between the pre-pandemic and pandemic periods…and a dirty great difference between pandemic and post-vaccine periods
Are these vaccine damaged people or are they emotionally crippled in some way or other (or both)? Why didn’t claims rise during the first three most terrible waves of COVID compounded by lockdown angst and NHS service breakdown?
Bad Data Drives Headlines by Kelley K
almost everyone, including Michael Mina, knows that China’s numbers are vastly underreported — to the point that they are essentially meaningless. Yet that didn’t stop Michael from comparing them to US data as if they were accurate.
So why share the data, and do calculations with it, when you know it’s garbage? Many people challenged him on this, and he admitted repeatedly that we know China’s numbers were wrong, but that his point is that big numbers are “more impactful” and that it’s “what [makes] headlines” and “motivates [people]”.
In Michael Mina’s case, he’s was surprisingly honest that he wants the media to report on Covid deaths in a way that will make more money for his company (though he didn’t say it quite that directly)
More on IgG4 by Alex Berenson
The new paper found that months after the second mRNA dose, people began to produce more of an antibody subclass called IgG4. IgG4 is usually the least common of the subtypes. It does not trigger a strong immune response after it latches to the virus.
may help explain the apparently endless waves of Covid highly mRNA jabbed countries are facing, as well as the fact that mRNA boosters now appear to raise the risk of Covid infection.
Pax OTC by Meryl Nass
Paxlovid interacts with hundreds of other medications, so should be prescribed only a doctor who knows your medical history to avoid serious drug interactions. But in Biden’s State of the Union in January 2022, he promised Americans that they would be able to walk into a drugstore, get tested for COVID there, and if positive walk out with a prescription (for Paxlovid or Molnupiravir, he did not specifiy which one or both) without seeing a doctor.
Molnupiravir enhances mutations, in both you and the virus SARS-CoV-2, so it is the worst drug anyone should receive for COVID.
And so it came to be that drugstores did start giving out Paxlovid (not sure about Molnupiravir) without a prescription, after FDA waved its magic wand to make it an OTC drug.
We Need Independent Agencies by ClausR2020
one would assume right away that a “safety signal” is just that — a signal for a possible concern that needs to be examined more closely. Just to be sure, the CDC communicators sprinkle their statements with various attenuating adjectives such as “possible”, “preliminary”, and “very unlikely … true”.
The fatuitous mainstream journalists picking up the story do their part in further diminishing the bivalent booster safety concern.
the Washington Post and New York Times are suggesting that the results of an in-depth analysis are already in: “Extensive review affirms covid booster is safe after system flagged risk” and “No Increased Stroke Risk Linked to Pfizer’s Covid Boosters, Federal Officials Say”
All of these mRNA “vaccine” safety concerns suggest that agencies like the CDC and TGA are not doing their job, to control and prevent disease. At present, the CDC would perhaps be more aptly named Centers for Drug Culture and Pharma Propaganda. Instead, we need independent agencies that take our side by critically monitoring drug safety, reducing our dependency on the pharmaceutical industry, and promoting real health: the Centres for Drug Control and Health Promotion!
Trial Participant Abuse by A Midwestern Doctor
If you consider the whole COVID-19 “pandemic” situation, we had a series of completely absurd demands placed upon us for “emergency” reasons, and then each time one stipulation was complied with, an even more extreme one was put forward. For example, although the lockdowns had no value and resulted in enormous social costs, many are now calling for climate lockdowns (to fight the emergency of climate change), and Oxford is drafting the plans to implement them next year.
Another common abuser of society is the pharmaceutical industry.
In addition to numerous other red flags with the vaccines, VAERS has also demonstrated that the COVID-19 vaccines are by far the most dangerous vaccines in history, and many members of the public have been able to use VAERS to draw attention to this issue.
if abuse is not addressed, it typically worsens with time. For this reason, my expectation going into the COVID-19 vaccines was that what we would see would be even worse than what had happened with Gardasil
Japan’s Says Covid Is Flu-like by Guy Gin
15 of the government’s selected experts finally recommended that Covid be reclassified under the Infectious Diseases Act from its current status alongside Ebola to Category 5 alongside the flu
The excessiveness and ineffectiveness of these measures for a flu-like virus were predictable and in fact predicted. In its 2019 pandemic response guidance, the WHO recommended voluntary isolation of sick individuals but stated “ethical concerns may arise when isolation interventions are mandatory; the main concerns being freedom of movement and social stigma.” It also recommended against both contact tracing and home quarantine of exposed individuals because these measures had “no obvious rationale.” Admittedly, the WHO has changed its tune a bit since then.
Delayed Adulthood & Aging by Katherine Boyle
The Boomer ascendancy in America and industrialized nations has left us with a global gerontocracy and a languishing generation waiting in the wings.
Not only does extended adolescence—what psychologist Erik Erikson first referred to as a “psychosocial moratorium” or the interim years between childhood and adulthood— affect the public life of younger generations, but their private lives as well.
Delayed adulthood has had disastrous consequences for procreation in industrialized nations and is at the root of declining fertility and all-but-certain population collapse in dozens of countries, many of which expect the halving of their populations by the end of the century.
In many ways, the emergence of extended adolescence was designed both to coddle the young and to conceal an obvious fact: that the usual leadership turnover across institutions is no longer happening. That the old are quite happy to continue delaying aging and the finality it brings, while the young dither away their prime years with convenient excuses and even better TikTok videos.
BlotGate Continued by Jessica Rose
the key thing needed to enable the use of mRNA technology was the enabling of the delivery vehicle that was very much dependent on the cationic lipid issue - magically, both Pfizer (ALC-0315) and Moderna (SM-102) found a cationic lipid that housed the mRNA inside the LNP in order to ensure cuddly and optimal transfer to cells for eventual translation by host cell machinery.
This paper was published (whatever that means - I honestly don’t know anymore) on January 12, 2022 - a mere 7 days after Jikkyleaks went public with his TGA FOIA-requested data revelations. Then we united to announce #blotgate.
Why are the results so bloody perfect? This doesn’t happen in biology. I don’t care how sponsored by Pfizer you are: there are always imperfections. That’s the joy of doing things with your hands whilst thinking.
Why would Pfizer lab rats ever be allowed to present results in the form of a publication like this that wouldn’t paint their product in a good light? That would mean very bad things for them, wouldn’t it.
Ivermectin Case in WI by Dr. Pierre Kory
Through a series of miraculous events, John was secretly given Ivermectin and survived the NIH protocol despite spending more 100 days of his ten months in the hospital on a ventilator.
Today John is breathing on his own with a little help from supplemental oxygen and his kidneys both healed and are fully functional.
John's case, Allen Gahl v Aurora Health Care Inc, is now coming before the WI Supreme Court and Attorney Karen Mueller will present oral arguments this Tuesday, January 17th.
Bending The Curve by el gato malo
covid deaths had been tracking at a quite linear trajectory. then, right around the commencement of mass vaccination in the US, they accelerated (despite a less deadly variant, more acquired resistance in the population, and the prior cull of high risk groups.)
the curve bent the wrong way.
the red line shows what a continuation at prior rate would have looked like.
the green line shows the durable shift to a new, steeper slope. (more deaths per day)
this is an unexpected and (obviously) unwanted result.
Davos Is Dying by Celia Farber
Catastrophism. At all times, everywhere, many at once, so hard to choose, which “crisis” to place at the top of the terror massaging system.
But terror and pessimism, these are the core ideals.
My take on the Davos WEF meeting is that it shows all signs of a rotting ship. Low attendance, massive military police presence (they know people hate their flaming guts and don’t believe their lies anymore) possible no shows of high priests, and then there is the mood itself. Like a soggy trade show.
I am saying their ‘culture’ is dying, fading, despised, exposed, and rotting. But still insisting on its pageants, its conferences. They will need more than those creepy semi-circles and that Build Back Better Blue color to save them from the wrath of an awakening public.
Germany's Acute Toxicity by Fabian Spieker
German federal lands with the highest booster rates see the highest rates of excess deaths during times of low COVID-19 mortality, but lower rates of excess deaths than other federal lands during times of high COVID-19 mortality.
The correlation between excess mortality and booster rates is becoming stronger over time, because vaccine efficacy has been decreasing with every new variant that gained predominance, while the modRNA products’ negative impact on health is unaffected by time.
Acute toxicity does not explain the high non-COVID excess mortality of 2022.
I estimate that roughly 1 in 2000 vaccinees died from acute toxicity caused by the vaccine products in 2021, but the evidence is inconclusive.
Healthy User Bias by T Coddington
the figures we hear from people on how effective the COVID vaccines are against hospitalization and death should not be taken at face value because they do not likely account for the fact that those who get vaccinated are likely to be healthier to begin with vs. those that don’t
there is a strong relationship (p-value <0.001) whereby counties with higher rates of boosters also have less smokers, less people physically inactive, and less people obese.
It is clear that there is a healthy user bias (at least in the US) with regards to outcomes of boosted vs. non-boosted populations. Randomized control trials (RCTs) are designed to eliminate this (and other) form of bias. There are no RCTs that demonstrate these vaccines to be effective against hospitalization and death.
Gas Stove Safetyism by Matt Shapiro
It seemed that this study was enough for people to say with utter confidence that gas stoves are such a huge driver of childhood asthma that is in the interest of population-wide public health to use regulatory and consumer protection bureaucracies to remove this risk. And yet a quick check on these effects doesn’t seem to hold up for population-wide impacts.
The end result of all this is that we have competing sets of data drawing competing conclusions and people picking which conclusion they are going to move forward with largely based on tribal affiliation.
But I’m more concerned with a bigger concern, which is that I think everyone should be able to make their own calculus on safety versus life. Aiming for a maximally safe society should not actually be an end goal. I should be able to look at the risks of a gas stove and say, “You know what? For me and for my family, we’re ok with that risk.”
“Safe & Effective” by Kim Witczak
the FDA’s approval process favors drug companies over consumers…and FDA approval does NOT necessarily guarantee safety. In fact, Big Pharma actually pays for the majority of drug safety reviews through their application process ; provides the data for the FDA review, and trending towards using some sort of fast tracking regulatory pathway (like Breakthrough Therapy Designation, Accelerated Approval or even Emergency Use Authorization) which greatly speeds up approval with fewer clinical trials.
What I have come to learn is clinical trials present the best case scenarios with ideal conditions in a controlled setting. However, that’s not how the real world works when given to millions and mixed with person’s lifestyle, co-morbidities and other medications.
Absolute Risk INCREASE by Dr Ah Kahn Syed
It’s pretty disingenuous, however in the Pfizer vaccine study the main claim in everybody’s mind is that the drug reduced the risk of infection by 95% (RRR). The corresponding ARR was only 0.84% because the incidence of COVID during the whole (6-week) study period was less than 1%.
In order to claim that the “actual risk reduction is 0.84%” you have to accept the Pfizer claim of a relative risk reduction of 95%.
Personally I won’t accept discussion of ARR in this study of any percent. You know why? It’s false, because the 95% is false.
on the basis of their own data, the probability that the “vaccine” reduces your COVID-like (aka cold) symptoms was 12%, from a background rate of 8.5% (giving an ARR of 0.1%).
Yet they forgot one little teeny tiny important thing - that COVID symptoms include “fever”.
Yep. That’s right. The vaccine group had nearly double the incidence of COVID symptoms - from 9.2% to 17.6% which was an absolute risk increase (negative ARR) of 8.4%
Respiratory Deaths Still A Problem by Joel Smalley
It is clear that COVID replaced many other respiratory deaths that would have occurred anyway.
whether it’s genuinely COVID out-competing all the other respiratory pathogens (viral and bacterial) or just misattribution on the death certificates, it’s abundantly clear in both seasons 2020-21 and 2021-22 that respiratory (excluding COVID) deaths are much lower than we would expect.
if we look at all respiratory deaths (i.e. including COVID), it is also evident that we still have a problem, “in spite” of the “vaccine”
Scotland Cardiovascular Incidents by Norman Fenton and Martin Neil
Overall, since mid-August 2020 there has been a significant weekly increase in cardiovascular incidents in Scotland (averaging about 30% higher than the corresponding period in 2018-19), with especially large peaks between May- Sept 2021 (over 60% higher than the corresponding period in 2018-19)
in summary it seems:
The youngest have been proportionally worst affected with serious increased cardiac incidents.
There is some evidence of peaks in serious cardiac incidents occurring shortly after vaccination peaks in each of the different age groups.
Is Progress Possible? by C.S. Lewis
I do not like the pretensions of Government –the grounds on which it demands my obedience– to be pitched too high. I don’t like the medicine-man’s magical pretensions nor the Bourbon’s Divine Right. This is not solely because I disbelieve in magic and in Bossuet’s Politique. I believe in God, but I detest theocracy. For every Government consists of mere men and is, strictly viewed, a makeshift; if it adds to its commands ‘Thus saith the Lord’, it lies, and lies dangerously.
On just the same ground I dread government in the name of science. That is how tyrannies come in. In every age the men who want us under their thumb, if they have any sense, will put forward the particular pretension which the hopes and fears of that age render most potent. They ‘cash in’. It has been magic, it has been Christianity. Now it will certainly be science.
The question about progress has become the question whether we can discover any way of submitting to the worldwide paternalism of a technocracy without losing all personal privacy and independence.
5+ Jabs is Bad by Alex Berenson
Mice who received more than four Covid vaccine jabs had a collapse in their ability to fight the coronavirus, Chinese researchers have found.
The damage extended past antibodies, the immune system’s front line of defense against viruses and bacteria, to the T-cells that form the crucial backup.
The finding may help to explain why large epidemiological studies keep finding that people who have received multiple boosters are at higher risk for Omicron infection than unvaccinated people.
Worry-Window Isn’t Real by Brian Mowrey
If waves follow injections, that would be naturalistic evidence suggesting that Covid vaccines inject literal SARS-CoV-2 virus.
This conclusion, for some reason, is never acknowledged by the Worry Window purveyors as an alternate possible explanation for the (alleged) association of waves and injections. After all, no one wants to be labeled a “conspiracy theorist.” So “immunity 101” is carted in to provide the explanation for the allegedly proven association.
Of course, actual injected-virus would lead to easily-verifiable, widespread observations of by-age fluctuations in infection and death, as well as of universal anecdotes of test-confirmed post-injection-infection. They aren’t there. No one, I assert, would find this conspiracy theory to match observed reality
I disagree with one aspect of the Paxlovid issue. I don’t think pharmacists should be prescribing it because we’re already so laden with other tasks, it’s getting too be overwhelming. Leave that with the MD’s.
My issue is that most doctors don’t have a fuqing clue about drug interactions. They take one quarter in school on drugs and interactions. While pharmacists spend 4 years post grad going through and understanding all of that.
We have to call the doctors EVERY. DAMN. DAY when they put a patient on some new medication that interacts with one of their other medications. I’d say 20-25% of the time they don’t even know the correct dosing schedule for certain medications.
So to say MD’s know the interactions more than PharmD’s is patently false.
Good point regarding drug interactions. Most pharmacist’s are clueless, unquestioning, and accepting of anything offered by the medical industrial regulatory complex. Fact: pharmacists would not dispense Ivermectin. They embraced Paxlovid. The “active ingredient” as stated is the 3CL nsp5 protease inhibitor. What is Ivermectin?
I’ve lost a tremendous amount of respect for my colleagues over the last few years.