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What you can find in this collection (these are my headlines, not the authors’):
ADE & VAED in Norway by Joel Smalley
Cops Leaving The Force by Leighton Woodhouse
Hart’s Covid History Book by Jeffrey Tucker
CDC Malfeasance by el gato malo
Drag Without Parental Consent by Libs of TikTok
Pre-Omicron Infection by Brian Mowrey
Disease Seasonality by John Dee
Germany Burning Extra Masks by eugyppius
29% Excess Death in Scotland by Naked Emperor
Voters Want CDC Investigations by Igor Chudov
Vax, Covid & Pregnancies by Mr Law, Health and Technology
More Than Just Ardern by Guy Hatchard
Daily Wire vs Crowder by Andrew Torba
Data Adulteration by el gato malo
Developers of Vax Confused by John Leake
Spike Found 28+ Days Later by Anandamide
Ardern’s Legacy by Jennifer Sey
Pathogen Interference by Stephen Andrews
Docs Fake Vaxes by James Cintolo
Vax Induced Progeria by Walter M Chesnut
Japan: Treat Covid Like Flu by Guy Gin
Causes of Excess Death by Martin Neil and Norman Fenton
ADE & VAED in Norway by Joel Smalley
Before Norway started vaccinating in late December 2020, official COVID deaths did not register one iota in terms of excess death. In the chart above, you can clearly see this between March 2020 and October 2021 (Figure 1), where deaths oscillate around the pre-pandemic trendline without even challenging the upper bound.
However, if we plot the trend of mortality since the start of the jab campaign to the end of 2022 (red line), you can also clearly see that the trend has changed substantially.
It’s worse, much worse.
Cops Leaving The Force by Leighton Woodhouse
A 2021 survey showed that police departments nationwide saw resignations jump by 18 percent—and retirements by 45 percent—over the previous year, with hiring decreasing by five percent. The Los Angeles Police Department has been losing 50 officers a month to retirement, more than the city can replace with recruits. Oakland lost about seven per month in 2021, with the number of officers sinking below the city’s legally mandated minimum.
A big part of what’s prompting police to leave America’s big cities is the perception the public has turned against them. A 2020 poll showed that only seven percent of police officers would advise their kids to go into law enforcement. Eighty-three percent of those who wouldn’t recommend it cited “lack of respect for the profession.”
If you get it wrong, and if the skin color of the cop and the victim suit the narrative that cops are propping up the institution of white supremacy and wantonly snuffing out black bodies, you could be prosecuted as a murderer.
Hart’s Covid History Book by Jeffrey Tucker
He covers it all: school, church, and business closures, travel restrictions, forced jabs, populist disease panic, media censorship and complicity in lies, and the massive corruption of science.
I especially appreciate his detailed work on masking. He proves their ineffectiveness but also utterly skewers the propaganda to push them anyway. I’m particularly bitter about this subject because it was obvious to me from the beginning how preposterous the whole thing was.
Hart’s book chronicles it all, including the stickers on the floor, the one-way grocery aisles, the closing of hospitals and day cares, the insane rules on dining, the supply-chain breakages and so much more.
CDC Malfeasance by el gato malo
the CDC full on knew about issues like myocarditis, strokes, and death.
they included them as “outcomes of special interest” in the draft protocols for V-safe.
then, before it went live, they took them all out.
they knew exactly what they needed to be looking for and they removed it from the survey so that they would not find it.
they moved it to an “added free text” section that makes aggregation and database analysis basically impossible.
there is no plausible way that was an accident and trusting the CDC who has been caught playing games and suppressing signals at every turn to put this text into codes for others to assess is a flatly preposterous idea.
they retain zero credibility as an honest broker on these issues and should be forensically investigated stem to stern and perhaps proctologically.
Drag Without Parental Consent by Libs of TikTok
the City of Columbia had middle school students, from at least three schools, in attendance and allegedly never informed parents about the drag queen portion of the program.
Do you mean to tell me that Columbia Public School Board wasn’t aware of the performance which was stated on the City of Columbia’s website? Worse yet, the City of Columbia has been hosting the event for years and routinely invites students and thought it was appropriate to book a drag show.
Several school officials were allegedly in attendance and did nothing to stop the show while knowing there were children present.
Pre-Omicron Infection by Brian Mowrey
excessive antigen exposure alone appears to lead to (short term? long term?) generic immunosuppression.
The lingering question, in light of the discovery of IgG4 tolerance, was whether some new Memory B Cells would arrive that were “specific” to Omicron later on. This does not appear to be the case.
The best-off are those who had a pre-Omicron infection (it is not clear whether this was before or after the original course)
It could be that the “preOm” group were all infected before their original mRNA vaccination, and are being protected from tolerance by this original response
Disease Seasonality by John Dee
We fully expect respiratory disease to exhibit a strong seasonality and it does so, right through to the winter of 2020/2021, after which it disappears from the radar.
Despite this we are led to believe that respiratory illness – the third biggest killer of English folk – magically disappeared from these fair lands. I don’t think so. Viral influenza may have been pushed into the corner by the new kid in town but bacterial pneumonia sure didn’t evaporate, neither did COPD, asthma, and a whole bunch of other chronic and acute conditions.
We’re looking at a case of robbing Peter to pay Paul.
Bromelain Dissolves Spike by Walter M Chesnut
Bromelain, the key component of pineapple fruit and roots, is one of many active compounds found in pineapple that possesses therapeutic properties.
was found to be effective in dissolving SARS-COV-2 spikes and envelope proteins. When combined with 20 mg/ml of acetylcysteine, the SARS-COV-2 spike and envelope proteins are fully disintegrated.
So, clearly this is VERY good news. If we can literally DISSOLVE the Spike Protein before it interacts with our ACE2 (and clearly many other) receptors, then the Spike, in essence, becomes as the nonillions of other viruses on the planet that cannot enter our cells.
Germany Burning Extra Masks by eugyppius
Authorities have come up with a term that sounds at least halfway sane. They’re calling it “thermal reprocessing.” Four federal states now claim to have thermally reprocessed – or, in plain language, to have incinerated – a total of 17.25 million expired Corona masks.
I’m going to go out on a limb here, and say the Scholz government is reluctant to write off the masks purely because of the negative publicity it’ll generate.
Masks do nothing to stop infection, we have spent three years learning in excruciating detail that they do nothing to stop infection, we are now setting fire to millions of masks heedlessly purchased at the height of pandemic hysteria when there was every reason to expect that masks would do nothing to stop infection, and still we’re pouring millions of Euros into some kind of retarded national strategic mask reserve that will also surely be incinerated in the coming years because masks do nothing to stop infection.
29% Excess Death in Scotland by Naked Emperor
Week 2 of 2023 has seen a staggering amount of deaths in Scotland. 2,020 in fact, which is the highest level for decades. It is higher than any peak during the pandemic which saw peaks of 1,978 deaths in April 2020 and 1,720 deaths in January 2021.
450 of the Scottish deaths are above the 5 year average, or 29% higher. And this is provisional data so will be revised upwards as always.
Voters Want CDC Investigations by Igor Chudov
57% of likely voters want the CDC investigated by Congress on “how the CDC dealt with issues of COVID-19 vaccine safety”.
More males than females have absolute trust in the CDC: 33% of males say it is very likely that “the CDC provided the public with complete safety information,” whereas only 25% of females say so.
More Democrats than Republicans have absolute trust in the CDC: 44% of Democrats say it is very likely that “the CDC provided the public with complete safety information,” whereas only 25% of Republicans say so.
Vax, Covid & Pregnancies by Mr Law, Health and Technology
ICU data shows that the number of mothers per day being transferred to ICUs almost doubled only after the Covid-19 vaccine was approved for use and began to be administered to pregnant and recently postpartum mothers.
Stillbirths actually dropped during 2020, the primary Covid-19 and lockdown period, and only increased in 2021 after, and at a similar rate to, the number of pregnant mothers who recieved the Covid-19 vaccines.
Preterm birth rates dropped at the start of the Covid-19 period in the UK, and only increased back to pre-covid levels nine months after the Covid-19 vaccines were approved for administration to pregnant women.
Emergency caesarean sections (EMCS) mostly stayed consistent with pre-covid levels during 2020. However, since the Covid-19 vacine rollout to pregnant women the incidence of EMCS has increased by as much as an additional 31%.
More Than Just Ardern by Guy Hatchard
Read entire article from Brownstone HERE.
History will judge Ardern harshly, but don’t blame her alone. This was a Parliament who woke up on all sides of the house to the weakness of our constitutional arrangements (there are none). The Bill of Rights was tossed aside and no one in Parliament cared.
The leader of the National opposition, Chris Luxon, famously said pre-pandemic if he was in power, he would withdraw benefits from unvaccinated single mothers. David Seymour, leader of the ACT party, said those losing their jobs through vaccine mandates only had themselves to blame. Labour’s coalition partner, the Greens led by example, encouraging mothers in labour to ride to hospital on a bicycle (yes they did).
It is not Ardern but the whole NZ Parliament elected in 2020 that will be judged as the worst in our short history as an independent island nation, formerly famous for championing the underdog and offering opportunity to all. Ardern’s resignation is a bonfire of modern democracy.
Daily Wire vs Crowder by Andrew Torba
Click HERE to read the entire newsletter from Gab CEO.
The Daily Wire is currently trying to gaslight Crowder and make this issue about money or greed when anyone paying attention knows that is not the case. This is a projection on their part because money is indeed what they care about here and in general. They can’t imagine that someone would reject that much money, and it “offends” them. They cry out in pain as they strike Crowder with a terrible one-sided deal for his soul.
It’s not about money, it’s about controlling the narrative.
One of the main issues with the term sheet was that it would have required Steven to censor himself to avoid being banned by Big Tech platforms or face steep financial penalties from The Daily Wire. In other words, Steven would have had to compromise his principles in order to maintain his operational income and continue to reach his audience.
What on earth could be responsible for such an explosion in cases? Wasn’t the vaccine supposed to create a “dead end” for this virus?
Having completely missed (rather, ignored) the signal in the first round of jabbing, those dunces in public health promote yet another booster in mid-April 2022.
So, doesn’t look like the vaccine is providing protection from disease either, on top of no protection from infection and transmission.
Oh well, at least no-one died, right?
Data Adulteration by el gato malo
fewer than 8% of the CRN network’s stations meet its own (already quite lax) siting guidelines. over 70% have a warming bias in excess of 2 degrees C. this signal is so tainted that there is no way to get back at any sort of truth state. you’re trying to track an alleged temperature signal in the 0.1 degree per decade range using a system with an error rate that’s likely 20-40 times that.
the NOAA has done nothing about this. they are not adjusting temps down to try to compensate. they are adjusting them up and literally going back and reducing past temperatures to make the uptrends look steeper.
because that’s good for budgets and grant grabbing.
take a look at how GISS altered the data from the 1930’s when they “adjusted” the data in the late 90’s.
an agency should have its purview rescinded for getting caught on something like this.
instead they got a firehose of funding.
crisis is cashflow.
Developers of Vax Confused by John Leake
The paper is further evidence that the developers of the COVID-19 mRNA shots did NOT understand precisely how they would affect the human immune response.
The developers of these products had NO IDEA how they would affect the immune response after three shots.
The developers of these products cannot know what will happen in the event of lgG4 antibody prevalence because they have never observed it before.
The COVID-19 mRNA gene transfer program is an example of scientists grossly and arrogantly overestimating their understanding of nature. Now we see immunologists stating, in effect:“Gee whiz, we didn’t expect that outcome after receiving three shots of a vaccine that doesn’t prevent infection and transmission.”
Spike Found 28+ Days Later by Anandamide
Why is this “Fragile” RNA sticking around for so long?
Because you were lied to. You were led to believe that RNA spontaneously combusts when that is a mirage. Some RNAs are susceptible to RNase digestion and your hands are coated in RNases. These are fairly ubiquitous enzymes but they dont do a very good job digesting modified RNA, circular RNA or RNA with quadruplex Gs.
This doesn’t imply that Spike persistence is the only problem and it certainly doesn’t imply that all patients experience this persistent spike expression. If that were the case everyone injected would have evident spike pathology and we clearly don’t see that.
Couple this with the recent papers on IgG4 class switching and OAS and we have quite a storm brewing. Its now clear this is a disease of vaccinated. They are brewing the variants and are now risk to unvaccinated class.
Ardern’s Legacy by Jennifer Sey
This blatant discrimination of denying rights to the unvaccinated — and having unabashed pride in it — is Ardern’s legacy. It is not one of overcoming misogyny to lead with empathy and kindness.
I’d wager she will be remembered for widespread discrimination, ignoring the will of the people, restricting basic civil rights in an unprecedented fashion and weakening a robust democracy.
And she did this all while pretending to be a champion of the people.
Pathogen Interference by Stephen Andrews
If the data is an accurate reflection of the global situation, we can conclude that the human reservoir is quite constant, and the proportion infected within anyone global region is also constant. A possible hypothesis that could explain this strange phenomenon is that when upper respiratory viruses infect a host a chemical signal(s) is released that effectively communicate the availability of cells. A virus that has evolved a superior capacity to evade the hosts immune system will therefore suppress other viruses from infecting. This is known as pathogen interference. The rate of infection is therefore regulated and effectively constant, which aligns with this data. It is implicit from this hypothesis that a high proportion of viruses that are responsible for URTI’s (upper respiratory tract infections) have evolved similar mechanisms of recognising cell availability within hosts. The driving force behind this proposed common evolved mechanism is that any virus wants to maximise their ability to replicate and infect as many host cells as possible. The massive rate of infections (2.25 / year per individual) is indicative of the continuous exposure to URTI viruses in which we as humans are in a continuous battle.
Letter on Medical Freedom
Entire article from Brownstone about the statement can be found HERE.
The original authors are Michael Kane and Meryl Nass, M.D., and it is being distributed by Children’s Health Defense. Medical and scientific professionals can sign the letter, which is a basic statement of principles that should be at the core of medicines but which have sidelined or violated since the beginning of the crisis.
There is no scientific rationale for continuing any COVID-19 mandates in 2023 and beyond.
Mask and vaccine exemptions must be offered at the discretion of the physician and patient as opposed to one-size-fits-all government edicts.
Parental rights and decisions must be preserved to ensure the health and well-being of their children.
The ability of medical professionals to speak freely to their patients and the public must not be compromised.
Docs Fake Vaxes by James Cintolo
Dr Michael Kirk Moore, practice nurse, and others were charged for issuing fake COVID-19 vaccine cards for $50 a pop, administering fake COVID-19 vaccines to kids containing salt and water instead of the real thing if parents requested, and dumping nearly 2,000 doses.
Court documents revealed Dr. Michael Kirk Moore collected $96,850 for fake COVID-19 vaccine cards.
Dr. Kirk et al. were finally caught by an FBI investigator who purchased a fake COVID vaccine, and card. That said, they were charged with defrauding the United States government for selling, and disposing government property (covid vaccines).
Vax Induced Progeria by Walter M Chesnut
I believe that STAGE I of Spike Protein Progeria Syndrome (SPPS) is an Endothelial “reaction” to the INVASION of the Spike protein INTO ALL OF THE MAJOR ORGANS. Consider this much like the shock of being submerged in freezing water, or being blasted with fire. There is INSTANTANEOUS damage: inflammation, coagulation and all that accompanies an insult to the Endothelium.
However, once the Spike Protein has INVADED the Endothelium of all the major organs, it then PROCEEDS TO INDUCE MISTRANSLATION OF mRNA IN EACH ORGAN.
The Wizard is indeed behind the curtain. We are seeing a 26-year-old die. But that 26-year-old has the organs of a 96-year-old. No surprise in rapid cancers, neurodegeneration or sudden cardiac death – for a 96-year-old.
Japan: Treat Covid Like Flu by Guy Gin
Isolation/hospitalisation requirements for Covid cases will be lifted, so the 3-year-long witch hunt will finally be over. More importantly, this means close contacts won’t be requested to isolate either. In other words, people can test positive without the fear of causing as much bother to others, the cardinal sin of Japanese society.
The government also won’t be able to use Covid as an excuse to declare another pointless and legally dubious state of emergency.
And because only designated hospitals will have to report case counts, the evening news will have to find something other than PCR+ numbers to lead with.
The government says it’ll also reconsider the current entry requirements of proof of a negative test result or 3 shots.
The main reason Covid has kept its special status for so long is that it enables the government to pour large amounts of public funds into the coffers of the domestic medical industry and overseas pharma companies.
Causes of Excess Death by Martin Neil and Norman Fenton
there are five main causes hypothesised for the excess deaths observed from 2020 through to 2022 (and beyond?), as shown below. These are:
post viral syndrome mortality, either from influenza-like illness or covid (so-called long covid)
pneumonia mortality (caused by untreated pneumonia, or perhaps because of covid)
societal damage mortality (stress, drugs and poverty mortality including suicide) caused by lockdowns
mortality caused by treatments that were denied during lockdowns (availability of healthcare), and
adverse effects (AE) mortality of the vaccines.
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