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What you can find in this collection (these are my headlines, not the authors’):
FDA’s New Vax Strategy
Vertitas’ Dark Alchemy by Celia Farber
Shifting Seasonality & Excess Death by Witzbold
Infant Covid vs RSV by Kelley K
Don’t Even Offer by Joel Smalley
Neo-Anti-Lockdowners by Mark Changizi
Unnatural Origins by Ian Miller
Being (Politically) Non-Binary by Matt Brown
Pfizer’s Patsy by Jessica Rose
Strange Case Controls by Norman Fenton & Martin Neil
War on Doctors by Dr. Pierre Kory
EcoHealth Gets Free Pass by John Leake
Repairing Damaged DNA by Walter M Chesnut
Denying the Obesity Problem by Vinay Prasad
Even N95s Don’t Work by by Megan Mansell
Walker the New Sandman by Brian Mowrey
Pfizer’s Existing GoF by Anandamide
Stop Saying Nuremberg 2.0 by Mathew Crawford
Denmark, Finland & Norway Birth Rates by el gato malo
Pfizer’s Embarrassment by eugyppius
FDA’s New Vax Strategy by Toby Rogers
Only 10% of the population has gotten the 8-mouse bivalent Covid shot. As I predicted, by splitting the mRNA between two different strains the shots were less effective in responding to either variant, while still generating original antigenic sin and fueling the evolution of variants.
The only people getting these shots are the true believers and the people who cannot avoid them because they are captured by the Pharma state
This announcement…will make permanent an annual cull of seniors, kids, and the disabled via Covid shots. First they killed off seniors with the flu shot. Then apparently that was not killing enough of them so they developed “high dose” flu shots (that are now given to 80% of seniors) with double the adjuvant and 3x to 4x more antigen. Now they want to accelerate the killing so they will add the Covid clot shot every year until there are no more seniors left. These shots have never actually stopped the flu or Covid
Vertitas’ Dark Alchemy by Celia Farber
I never believed the not-to-be-believed Mr. Walker was anything but “real,” (as in his core identity as a Pfizer man) because James O’Keefe has advanced verification standards.
The story should not be mistaken for being one about “gain of function;”
It’s an open door to the squalor culture at a large “pharmaceutical company.” Demoralizing in the extreme, and very important—also not at all surprising.
Those who do serious truth-questing are punished with permanent melancholy, social isolation, cellular shame, especially when the story was accurate. The most curious thing about this era, to me, is that people are making a living telling the truth. I think that’s good news.
This is not an underhanded rebuke of James O’Keefe, at all. He’s his own thing, a mystery of life force. He uses dark alchemy to bring light. He catches bad guys, for real, with a precise formula. Nobody knows why they keep falling for it, in dark restaurants. The protected class are aptly named.
Shifting Seasonality & Excess Death by Witzbold
The MSM continues to ignore the increased excess mortality seen in Germany and in many other countries around the world in 2022. The primary reason this increase is so concerning is that these excess deaths are reportedly not from Covid-19 and the so-called pandemic is reputedly over.
As mentioned in numerous tweets and substack posts, Germany, England and many more have seen particularly sharp rises in year-on-year mortality for the last quarter 2022.
Because calculations of excess mortality are dependent on expected deaths, changes in flu season patterns and associated deaths will affect expected deaths and can affect year-on-year comparisons made for individual weeks, months, or calendar years.
This is one reason why it is preferable to center the mortality year around a single winter for better comparability and why we need to wait for the death figures for the remaining winter months to make any definitive proclamations about the excess mortality we are currently witnessing this winter.
I am not saying all excess deaths minus covid-19 deaths must be flu-associated, but rather that shifting seasonality trends may be playing an additional unexpected role in the extent of excess mortality seen in December in Germany.
Infant Covid vs RSV by Kelley K
the CDC continues to push flawed data, like hospitalizations “with” Covid instead of “from” Covid, even when that data is available, and they present the data in way that is designed to alarm their advisory committees and the public, in order to further their goal of annual vaccinations for all.
CDC is intentionally including incidental hospitalizations (hospital admission for reasons other than Covid) in these rates.
The Covid hospitalization rates for infants <6 months are lower than typical annual RSV hospitalizations.
the higher rate of Covid hospitalizations among infants needs to be put in context with infant hospitalizations for other diseases. Looking at RSV hospitalization rates for infants under 6 months helps put the risk of Covid for this age group in perspective.
according to the latest COVID-NET data, for infants under 6 months, the cumulative Covid hospitalization rate, including incidentals, for the entire pandemic so far (almost 3 years, from March 2020-January 2023), was 1524, which is less than RSV hospitalizations from just the past few months for the same age group.
Don’t Even Offer by Joel Smalley
the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) advises that healthy people, aged under 50 should no longer be “offered” (whatever that term really means) the COVID “vaccine”
The JVCI still advises that everyone else should still be “offered” boosters at various intervals to coincide with seasonal viral activity.
The evidence is clear that the “vaccine” does not prevent infection. It is not a “vaccine”. It does not contribute to population immunity.
The presence of antibodies to the N-protein (the more robust immunity) does not increase to significant levels until well after the entire country has allegedly produced antibodies to the S-protein.
Worse still, according to the scientific literature, the vaccinated only seroconvert to the N-protein after severe infection.
Neo-Anti-Lockdowners by Mark Changizi
many of these anti-lockdown latecomers are now some of the loudest voices demanding to know “Who did this to us?!” They point to China, the WEF, Klaus Schwab, Event 201, Bill Gates, etc. They excuse (or minimize the culpability of) the actual leaders, public intellectuals, journalists and “experts” who in fact did this to us.
And their largest blind spot is themselves: they are among those culpable. They contributed to the very mass hysteria that bred wholly ill narratives and civil-liberties-violating interventions that it will take a generation to recover from.
Unnatural Origins by Ian Miller
The Intercept just published newly unredacted emails showing that the same “experts” who had attempted to undermine competing narratives, actually believed it was probable the virus came from the lab.
Scientists like Dr. Fauci, the UK’s Jeremy Farrar, and multiple others repeatedly sent each other messages during the early days of the pandemic suggesting that they harbored substantial doubts about the possibilities of a natural origin.
However, when they realized the implications of that possibility, they rapidly and dramatically switched positions.
Fauci’s rush to discredit the lab leak hypothesis was also due in part to what he likely learned from Auchincloss. Namely, the fact that hundreds of thousands of dollars of grant money from the U.S. government had been sent to the Wuhan lab.
Being (Politically) Non-Binary by Matt Brown
When I say non-binary, in this case I am talking about viewing the issues of the day in a non-binary fashion. In common 2020’s parlance, I mean being less reflexively tribal.
If Twitter serves as a proxy for our national conversation, in recent weeks and months that conversation has grown tedious. I simply don’t care to be a daily part of it anymore.
I find our conversation tedious because - particularly surrounding covid but extending to other topics whether out of boredom or the chemical need for outrage - it’s increasingly becoming a shouting match between extremes who seem to be staking out extreme positions out of inertia.
expressing a wide range of possibilities and an open mind as to what the truth is, is taboo in today’s environment. That, to me, is neither realistic nor worth my time. While I am considered a member of “Team Reality,” that doesn’t mean I have to have a team all the time. That’s reality. I’m non-binary.
Pfizer’s Patsy by Jessica Rose
My perception is that, it’s not what he is saying in the video that is one of the ‘tells’, but how he’s saying it.
He says things in a way that reveals (to me, at least), that his role in his impressively-titled position, is limited.
this man might not even know that he is a patsy for Pfizer, if he is. He might be very proud of his title and the enormous amounts of money he must be making as young-king-mRNA-on-planet-Earth, having never thought for a moment that he was being taken advantage of.
the only way to be this level of well-versed in these kinds of lab techniques, etc. is to have done them first-hand. Experience is always the best teacher. We would all hope that someone who holds a title like his knows their stuff, right? Does he seem like he does? To me, he does not.
It’s almost as if the most important take home message from this entire PV story is that this is a typical Pfizer employee.
Strange Case Controls by Norman Fenton & Martin Neil
a recent study claiming that the 3% of patients with pneumonia who developed early onset dementia after covid infection was significantly more than those with pneumonia who did not have covid infection. This study also managed similarly to miss an elephant in the room.
others in Germany have gone further and concluded that the vaccines must therefore be saving hundreds of thousands from dementia.
The study is flawed
it uses the strange ‘case-control’ method, whereby you focus on a set of ‘cases’ being people who have a positive PCR test and then find a set of ‘matching’ control patients who did not test positive. Even though this strange method has been increasingly used in covid observational studies, I believe the results of such studies are unreliable
War on Doctors by Dr. Pierre Kory
the new Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government should be ground zero for investigating how the administration is using COVID-19 to wage war on doctors who won’t follow its orthodoxy.
harmful actions taken to silence and suppress physicians, which would have been absolutely unthinkable a few years ago but now are becoming the norm, what with Clownifornia’s new bill (which just got slapped with an injunction!) threatening doctors livelihoods if their speech does not support the dominant consensus, er, I mean “narrative”
The evidence is damning in how they have co-opted public health institutions to suppress dissent so they can continue raking in astronomical profits. The American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM), a nonprofit organization that certifies physicians’ medical licenses, is chief among the once-trusted institutions that has bent the knee.
they have suppressed both that debate and treatment approach by persecuting its proponents. This campaign must be stopped, its origins and evolution must be thoroughly documented, and it must never be allowed to recur. Physician autonomy must be restored lest all patients suffer.
EcoHealth Gets Free Pass by John Leake
the NIH financed a company conducting dangerous and illegal research that likely resulted in or contributed to a viral pandemic that inflicted incalculable damage on the entire human race. Note the Orwellian sleight of hand trick of using the term “enhanced potential pandemic pathogens ePPP” instead of the “Gain-of-Function,” which the public now understands to be illegal.
The OIG report suggests that the HHS is now maneuvering to throw retired NIAID director Anthony Fauci under the bus for these “regrettable indiscretions,” while giving the appearance of taking corrective action.
Fauci will enjoy his retirement, only occasionally interrupted by theatrical Congressional hearings that will result in zero disciplinary action.
EcoHealth Alliance will continue receiving generous grants like the $3 million it was just awarded, and its officers will continue pocketing much of the money for themselves.
Business as usual in the Land of the Racketeers will continue.
Repairing Damaged DNA by Walter M Chesnut
I now believe that COVID, Long COVID and what I call Spike Protein Progeria Disease (SPPD) is caused be the Spike Protein’s ability to induce mistranslations of proteins.
I believe a very powerful therapeutic against this mistranslation damage is Nicotinamide Riboside.
this compound is important in the treatment of COVID, Long COVID and SPPD, is because it addresses the very kind of damage I believe the evidence shows the Spike Protein is causing.
trials should be initiated immediately to determine the efficacy of Nicotinamide Riboside to treat the apparent translational errors which the Spike Protein of SARS-CoV-2 is inducing.
Denying the Obesity Problem by Vinay Prasad
if I were in charge of federal budgets, I would commission dozens of large, 10k-100k randomized trials of different dietary and exercise strategies, different health advice, different incentives for grocery stores (cluster design), parks (cluster), bike lanes (cluster), and many other interventions.
You know what I wouldn’t do: Deny that it is a problem.
Exhibit A: Mt Sinai school of medicine has emailed the entire school, arguing that diet culture is racist.
Exhibit B: The New York Times has an essay critical of the New Pediatric Obesity guidelines.
The article was critical of the very fact that obesity is bad.
The author argues that Obesity is not a problem in kids. And that we could embrace different weights.
Even N95s Don’t Work by by Megan Mansell
Respirators with an N95 rating are designed and approved to capture 95% percent of non-oil-based matter greater than 0.3µm. SARS-CoV-2 has a minimum viable particle size of 0.06-0.14 µm, well under the 0.3µm threshold even if bound to larger matter, so this is a hypothetical of perfect capture capacity for a particle range that these apparatuses are not designed or approved to capture, nor has their application data shown them to perform at or near 95% percent.
that these apparatuses are neither designed nor approved to capture shows them to still be non-mitigating for this hazard
Walker the New Sandman by Brian Mowrey
A low-level Pfizer contractor and/or employee, who is or was also an employee for the possibly spook-related Boston Consulting Group, and has no actual scientific experience or role, made claims during some dinner-dates that he could not possibly know to be true, and that cannot be true. Namely, that Pfizer is intentionally generating mutant versions of SARS-CoV-2 to sell more mRNA.
Walker, with his misleading and meaningless title of “director,” thus serves as Project Veritas’ very own Nick Sandmann, ambushed in the course of anonymous tribal bravado and converted into a carefully edited Rorschach evoking the era’s psychic demons.
Pfizer’s Existing GoF by Anandamide
Jordan appeared remarkably naive to be director level material and/or likely intoxicated and not speaking with any level of maturity you’d expect from a senior level pharmaceutical executive.
his remarks about Pfizer performing GOF are a smoke grenade for the experiment already underway on the human population.
“Directed Evolution” is a method one could use to achieve GOF but not all Directed Evolution would results in a Gain of Function of a pathogen
The boosters drop white blood cell counts and make you more susceptible to C19 infection (See Cleveland clinic study)
The vaccines are always 4 variants behind the scariant du jour..
Mulnupiravir, remdesivir and even Paxlovid are variant generators.
Under these circumstances, the addition of RdRp nucleotide analogs that “code for catastrophe” will generate all the GOF they need.
Stop Saying Nuremberg 2.0 by Mathew Crawford
I can't stand it anymore. I never want to hear "Nuremberg 2.0" ever again. Nuremberg was not some great success in holding monsters accountable. It was the exact opposite—the single greatest example in history of monsters escaping accountability while the global public was distracted by a pompous ceremony punctuated by empty statements by governments to never again treat human beings like lab rats. This is certainly no laughing matter—not something to take lightly.
For each Nazi leader punished, perhaps twenty or more were whisked away by either the Soviet Union and the U.S. (Operation Paperclip) to be employed primarily in the war machines of the large international rivals.
Denmark, Finland & Norway Birth Rates by el gato malo
all seem to show the same basic trends, though of the group, finland looks most like the response in 2022 might be reflexive from 2021 and the overall trend, but as this issue is not really in evidence in the other countries and and all the action aligns, it does not seem to offer much in the way of refutation of a vaccine mediated birth rate decline.
all in all, these 4 taken as a whole are worrying.
i really hope this not what it looks like. the ramifications are just staggering and it honesty is making me a little sick to my stomach to work with this data.
Pfizer’s Embarrassment by eugyppius
Hours after Project Veritas released the video, Jordon Walker was thoroughly scrubbed from Google search results and social media. This was the first tell that their work had embarrassed the pharmaceutical giant.
the story has been totally ignored by the American press, which is a second important clue
Note that Pfizer do not deny Jordon Walker’s statements, which were not about past work, but about possible future research. Nor do they deny that Walker was their employee, or directly address anything else that he said.
Walker’s revelations are significant, for they reveal how easily demand for vaccines becomes pressure to tinker with viral evolution. Similar research on potential pandemic pathogens that are poorly adapted to humans would indeed be truly dangerous.