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What you can find in this collection (these are my headlines, not the authors’):
Vax Skin Disorders by Dr. Peter McCullough
Long Flawed Studies
Blindsided by Vax Injury by Team Humanity
Piecing Together The Timeline by Meryl Nass
Pfizer Denial: Who Cares by Brian Mowrey
Hamilton 68 Squirms by Matt Taibbi
Hell For The Bivalently Boosted by Fabian Spieker
Empathy In (Info)War by Jessica Rose
State-Enforced Vax Obedience by Brian Mowrey
Autoimmune Disease & Amyloidosis by Walter M Chesnut
Vax Injury Case Studies by Justin Hart
Mask Security Blankets by Guy Gin
Neoplasm or Iatrogenesis by John Dee
Clinical Psychosis Post-Vax by Dr. Peter McCullough
Military Grade Infowar by el gato malo
The Sovietization of Medical Care by Jeffrey Tucker
180 on School Closures by eugyppius
Accountable For Your Role by Common Knowledge Edinburgh
Germany’s Far-Left-Right Candidate by Glenn Greenwald
Simple Math Proves Vax Harm? by Steve Kirsch
Vax Skin Disorders by Dr. Peter McCullough
A paper from Seirafianpour et al summarized a stunning 180 papers/reports from the first seven months of the vaccination campaign alone, describing in exhaustive tables the wide range of skin rashes and disorders of the mucosal surfaces (mouth/nose/anus) where the Spike protein from the vaccine and or inflammatory mediators cause dermatological manifestations.
There has never been a vaccine that has this degree of well-documented, serious dermatological toxicity.
This paper makes it clear that if one has an auto-immune or allergic disorder at baseline, than a COVID-19 vaccine is asking for big trouble.
Long Flawed Studies by Kelley K
I came across two different sources that said Long Covid could affect up to 80% of “Covid survivors”
I contacted the author of the Fortune Magazine article to find her source for the 80% claim, which turned out to be an earlier Fortune article by Erin Prater. Erin’s article linked the 80% number to a systematic review of Long Covid studies.
This paper published in the International Journal of Clinical Practice in October 2021 included “25 observational studies with moderate to high methodological quality” and found that “the frequency of long COVID-19 ranged from 4.7% to 80%.” This is an absurdly wide range, and of course, the 80% is what has the impact
And once a paper like this gets published, it is cited in news articles, misleading the general public, as well as by other studies to support the credibility of their results. It would be nice if these kind of egregious errors were caught during the peer review process so that flawed studies don’t get published, but I don’t have a lot of faith in that process.
Blindsided by Vax Injury by Team Humanity
In the spring of 2021 Gena was blindsided by her vaccine injury.
3 weeks later Gena had her second shot and that very same evening her life completely changed. Gena woke up in the middle of the night and had this overwhelming feeling, remnants of a dream perhaps, a voice telling her she was in danger. Her body was shaking uncontrollably. The tremors were so intense that she was moving her king size mattress and bedframe.
Months later, in April 2022, Gena participated in a Minnesota press room discussion. She shared her experience of heart damage and unexplained reproductive changes.
Unfortunately, Gena has had a setback the last few months. Her heart now often feels like it is popping in her chest and she has developed severe arthritis.
Piecing Together The Timeline by Meryl Nass
As long as the vaccines were mislabeled PROTOTYPES FDA did not need to worry its pretty head about them…Janet Woodcock…was put in place as the liaison between Operation Warp Speed/DOD and the FDA. As prototypes they were not real vaccines.
Under the Emergency Use Authorization law 360-bbb-3, the shots (now identified as “covered countermeasures” with covered meaning no liability) did not need to meet any formal standard for safety or efficacy. FDA..simply needed to guess that their benefit would exceed their risk.
By August 2021 there weren’t enough takers. But we (some of us) also knew by that time the vaccines did not prevent spread.
August 23, 2021 FDA complied/caved/happily acceded…issued Comirnaty a license, followed later by Moderna.
Fake [license] you say? Yes, fake because after the license was issued, only EUA product was used. Because had licensed product been used, FDA could have gotten in trouble and so could Pfizer—because the vaccine had not met the standards for licensure, AND a licensed product had liability attached—it lost that magical liability waiver given to EUA products that were thought to be voluntary
Pfizer Denial: Who Cares by Brian Mowrey
If I were Pfizer and someone claimed I was “exploring like why don’t” I mutate SARS-CoV-2 to preemptively develop new vaccines, do you know what I would do?
Not deny it.
Pfizer has denied Walker’s claims to the maximal extent that Walker’s claims are deniable.
Pfizer knows it does lots of stuff that can be easily construed as GOF for Paxlovid. So when it claimed that it does not do GOF for Covid vaccine development, it did not consider these other GOF things to violate its own meaning of that claim
Hamilton 68 Squirms by Matt Taibbi
Hamilton 68 responded to a #TwitterFiles thread Friday with a series of claims, including that their site was always intended to be understood as “nuanced,” that they always maintained that “witting or unwitting” accounts could be on their list, and that “some accounts we track are automated bots, some are trolls, and some are real users.”
The Hamilton list tracked overt Russian media on the one hand, and “bots and trolls” on the other. Note the difference between that language and the language Friday: “Some accounts we track are automated bots, some are trolls, and some are real users.” That Hamilton Friday was also trying to distance itself from headlines about “bots” is particularly grotesque, given that it was so overt in identifying the composition of its list this way at the start.
Hell For The Bivalently Boosted by Fabian Spieker
The recent increase in Germany’s COVID-19 CFR is owed to this lineage (BQ.1.1) which is fully adapted to escape the immunity provided by bivalent boosters.
The German COVID-19 hospitalization rate has been rising all throughout 2022 to reach a level of over 7% in the last calendar week.
Since bivalent boosters are advertised as protecting from symptomatic disease, I propose that those variants well-adapted to the immunity provided by bivalent boosters can rapidly induce sudden death in bivalently boosted individuals, after a short asymptomatic disease course that often goes undiagnosed.
Bivalently boosted individuals have been rendered unable to produce any neutralizing antibodies against the variants BQ.1.1 and CH.1.1 which were mockingly named Cerberus and Orthrus by the WHO, after the three-headed hound guarding the gates of hell and his two-headed brother.
Empathy In (Info)War by Jessica Rose
I have learned that it is exceedingly important to try to recognize when an outside entity is trying to control you, or scare you. It’s really hard to do, but essential to autonomy, and sovereignty. Divide and conquer is a war tactic and it is very effective when trying to defeat opposition. So the key to defeating them, is to unify. Whenever you see someone trying to break up a band, ask yourself, “What is motivating them to do that?” And really think about their possible motivations.
The people throwing wrenches in the works are motivated by many things and are many things, yes, but above all of these things, they are all misguided, in my opinion. Some of them are even lost. I believe that some might even fully believe that what they are doing is the right thing to do. It might seem unbelievable to us, but that’s part of the exercise of empathy: we don’t need to feel how others feel, but we need to at least be ok that others feel differently from us. And accept it. Unemotionally.
State-Enforced Vax Obedience by Brian Mowrey
If we take Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s reconstruction of recent history as valid, it was essentially as if no one in government perceived how to wield the power of government in this field until Anthony Fauci came along. This may be an over-simplification, but it seems to match the timeline for when medicine and immunology became a top-down cult in which the state (effecting the will of pharmacological and military corporate guilds) was able to manage narrative via politics
In the end, the primary field where a state-enforced cult obedience to a narrative has superseded open debate, of course, is our myriad, wonderful, “safe and effective” vaccines.
It is not enough, of course, to simply explain why Western science has become a cult on the subject of vaccines. One must account for why there is no effective resistance.
Autoimmune Disease & Amyloidosis by Walter M Chesnut
mistranslation not only induces autoimmunity, but also INSOLUBLE PROTEIN AGGREGATES. This, I am almost certain, is the Amyloidosis that has been appearing under many (in additional to traditional) new and unusual circumstances.
I also believe this demonstrates that ANY exposure to the Spike Protein greatly increases the chances of inducing autoimmune disease and developing systemic amyloidosis. I have, from the very beginning, likened the repeated assault of the Spike Protein to Grond in LOTR.
Vax Injury Case Studies by Justin Hart
Many of the haters on Team Apocalypse dismiss V-safe (the new registered vaccine injury database showing 1 in 800 recipients of shots have injuries). They scoff at the original reporting system VAERS - even though the CDC itself quotes VAERS all the time!
It's insulting but if that's how they want to play: we have 2700+ Vaccine Case Studies from published & peer-reviewed journals detailing vax injuries & deaths.
the acute cardiac changes in these 2 boys may be the result of an overly exuberant immune response, similar to cytokine storms in multi-system inflammatory syndrome
Mask Security Blankets by Guy Gin
75% of over 60s said they were “anxious” or “somewhat anxious” about mask requests being relaxed
Their anxiety is shared by 65.2% of respondents aged 40-59 and 48.3% of those under 40.
the widespread belief in mask effectiveness means that many risk-averse Japanese are made more anxious by the thought of people unmasking. The obvious cure for this is for everyone to take off their masks so that worriers can see that their fears were unfounded. But that’s not going to happen, so we’re stuck waiting for the status quo to slowly change.
Neoplasm or Iatrogenesis by John Dee
We arrive at the summary slide that clearly reveals the 2020/w15 death spike for synchronous neoplasms occurring in 50 – 59y, 60 – 69y, 70 -79y, 80 – 89y and +90y groups. Anybody thinking this can be passed off as a coincidence needs hitting over the head with wet haddock. Either these are COVID deaths (or some other transient pathogen) that were surreptitiously switched to neoplasms during automated cause processing at ONS’ end of things or we’re looking at iatrogenic death. My money is on the latter but I’ll try not to think about it otherwise my blood will boil.
Clinical Psychosis Post-Vax by Dr. Peter McCullough
Unvaccinated patients have mentioned half-jokingly that COVID-19 vaccination in friends and family makes some of them “crazy.”
There are now ~10 papers describing headache, fever, and a range of acute neuropsychiatric symptoms after both mRNA and adenoviral COVID-19 vaccination.
Borovina et al, from Croatia described three cases of acute headache followed by psychosis
we should not downplay or attempt to normalize neuropsychiatric symptoms after COVID-19 shots. Every case should be taken seriously. Suicides after December 10, 2020 should be investigated and the brand, doses, and dates of vaccination should be recorded by healthcare personnel and noted by family members.
Military Grade Infowar by el gato malo
not only did we take every piece of evidence-based epidemic guideline that had stood in place for 100 years and toss it out the window, but we then immediately adopted its diametric opposite as “proven policy” and recklessly imposed it in draconian fashion as though his was somehow “the science™.”
it was not so much public health as war and as the fog clears we can increasingly see why: because this was done by soldiers.
the US response was largely dictated early on by deborah birx, a woman who came from a military and walter reed background and had almost no direct experience in this sort of pandemic.
she did not come to the white house through a health agency but rather under the auspices of matt pottinger, the national security advisor.
not only were militaries and military grade infowar and propaganda techniques used against an unsuspecting citizenry, but where they are not, as is so clearly the case in the US, seeking to keep doing it.
The Sovietization of Medical Care by Jeffrey Tucker
Read the entire article HERE
the health-care system and its statistical goals served as a major source of brutality and corruption in Russia. When government gets hold of medical systems, they use them for their own propaganda ends and purposes. That’s true whether the real goals are medical or not.
In the US, in nearly every state, regardless of whether the virus was spreading rapidly with significant medical consequences, hospitals were forcibly reserved only for emergencies and Covid patients. Elective surgeries were out of the question, as were cancer screenings or other routine checkups.
It also created a situation in which hospitals were desperate for a revenue source. By government legislation, a subsidy was provided to them for Covid patients and Covid deaths, thus incentivizing medical institutions to classify everyone with a positive PCR test as a Covid case, regardless of what else was wrong with the patient.
180 on School Closures by eugyppius
open attempt to shift blame for catastrophic pandemic measures onto not-so-nebulous “scientists who advised the federal government” – a clear jab at Christian Drosten. And of course there is the very tired lie that nobody knew any better in 2020
What’s most important, though, is the emerging strategy that we see here and in other places, to contain the growing impression that our entire pandemic response has been a failure. Too many people have been complicit in these ruinous policies for there ever to be an open acknowledgment that they constitute a wholesale disaster. Instead, they’ll try to pick aspects of the containment regime to repudiate instead, in the hopes that limited admissions will calm their critics and forestall an avalanche.
Accountable For Your Role by Common Knowledge Edinburgh
Those that did not take the vaccine or who resisted COVID measures to what extent they were able, did so not because they had rolled a dice that day or supported a specific political party. It might have started with an instinct, a feeling of unease, or the illogicality of what was being done could not be ignored. It was wrong – irrational, unscientific and so on, but, definitely, wrong - and they did not want to be complicit with something that was wrong.
It’s not a case of ‘blaming the victim’. It’s a case of asking, when you are a being bullied, how long do you stay in an abusive relationship and not take responsibility for your staying? It’s asking the bully to be nice, instead of taking on the onus of hitting them on the nose.
unless people are prepared to be accountable for their role, however large or small, in all of this, then we not only learn nothing, we cannot move forward
Germany’s Far-Left-Right Candidate by Glenn Greenwald
During the COVID pandemic, Wagenknecht was a vocal opponent of vaccine mandates and passports, further endearing her to voters who have traditionally voted for what The Guardian calls "far-right Alternative für Deutschland (Afd)." She opposes mass immigration on what was the long-standing left-wing ground that it drives down wages for German workers while benefiting only neoliberal institutions of capital
she has become one of the most vocal opponents of German escalation in the war with Ukraine, arguing – citing ample historical evidence – that few things are more dangerous for the world than when Germany and Russia pursue militaristic antagonism with each other.
she is achieving something virtually unimaginable by any other Western populist leftist leader: she is uniting left and right-wing Germans behind her.
Simple Math Proves Vax Harm? by Steve Kirsch
a simple objective analysis of objective death data (age, date died, date of last COVID vaccination) can be used to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the COVID vaccines are shortening lifespans
The analysis is done by looking at “days in category before death” divided by “days possible in category if you had lived to the end of the observation period.”
We do this for both vaxxed and unvaxxed people… across all ages, and also in various age ranges which I arbitrarily chose. You can choose your own if you don’t like the age categories I chose. It won’t change the result.
Given ratio=((time in category)/(time possible in category)) and knowing that the person died sometime in Jan 2021-Dec 2022, we have:
If the intervention (i.e., the vax) does nothing, ratio = .5
If the invention shortens life, ratio <.5
If the intervention increases lifespan, ratio > .5
It’s that simple. The important thing is that the ratio tells us if the intervention is helpful, neutral, or harmful.
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