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Fragile Healthcare Hypothesis by Joel Smalley
Excess COVID deaths were not caused by the virus which is seasonal and not mitigated by social distancing “measures”. Excess all-cause deaths resulted from interference with natural defences that rely on sunlight exposure and social interactions as well as a thriving economy.
Excess COVID deaths were the result of pre-existing quality of healthcare and relative change in that quality, i.e. disruption which was felt more acutely in the wealthier nations who had better systems.
Post-vax excess deaths due to COVID are caused by the mRNA experiment and any alleged benefit in mitigating COVID deaths, at best, are mitigated by an equal increase in non-COVID excess deaths. The greater incidence of death is due to poorer nations being less well-equipped to deal with the additional burden of disease caused directly and indirectly by the “vaccine”, as well as potentially poorer levels of metabolic health.
Do Unto Flu by eugyppius
If you start testing everyone for influenza, you’ll soon count hundreds of thousands of influenza deaths. From there, it’s a short leap to paranoia about asymptomatic transmission, followed by closures and vaccine mandates during every worse-than-average flu season. Arguments that the young and healthy should be spared these burdens, as they are little risk of dying from flu, will be shot out of the sky by vague appeals to Long Influenza.
Tolerating Totalitarianism by Mary Harrington
…for people habituated to the emergent-systems mindset native to the digital era individual agency is just less important than the overall health of the system. And this comprises most people under 40 in the developed world. For this demographic has, by and large, grown up with online communities as a key normative template for legitimate use of power. And online communities are rarely ‘democratic’ all the way up, in the print-era sense. Rather, while such platforms make a big song and dance about how they enable everyone to ‘have their say’, at scale rules and sanctions are doled out without accountability. And action that threatens the system overall legitimates near-limitless top-down control.
A generation raised to view the autocratic power of online moderators as normal will not find it particularly strange if real-world authorities also begin functioning in much the same way.
“Class Traitor” by Jennifer Sey
Now it can be said that the Dems are the party of the elites. And that they have left the working class behind with their attention focused away from the very things the working class say they care about: crime, inflation and the economy overall. In fact, the Democrats go so far as to accuse anyone who raises inflation or crime as an issue as a racist and a liar.
But sometimes the quiet part gets said out loud. Like when Sam Bankman-Fried spoke of “wokeness” to Vox reporter Kelsey Piper : “[it’s] a dumb game we woke westerners play where we say all the right shiboleths so everyone likes us.”
I knew the secrets of the C-suiters. I knew they didn’t mean the we just want to save the world things they said. I knew they were also willing to take from those with less, so that they could have more. I knew that 15% of the Levi’s workforce was laid off to bolster the stock price for massive payouts to shareholders and executives, such as the $40+ million dollar cash out of stock by the CEO.
And so, when I was offered $1 million dollars to keep my mouth shut, it was beyond their imagination that I would not accept the money. Who does that? Who passes up $1 million dollars on principle? Certainly no one of the elite class who has spent their entire life chasing riches
Dying Alone During Covid by Megan Mansell
For Franca Panettone, the quick path to a tragic demise began March 28, 2020, with a fever and cough. Franca was a vibrant, spirited, 46-year-old woman who had a passion for going to church and singing, was close-knit with her family, and was largely nonverbal with Down Syndrome.
Her family was told on the day of her death that they could be physically present with her as she died if they would sign the DNR, so they verbally agreed, but they were still not allowed to be with her, although the hospital’s website said that exceptions to their no-visitor policy could be made for end-of-life situations. They watched her die via FaceTime on an iPad that was brought out to the parking lot by a nurse.
Franca’s tale is worthy of being told, and laws should be enacted in its wake to shield other families from similar disgraceful paths of grief and suffering.
Covid Before Covid by Bill Rice Jr.
…at least eight million Americans had already been infected by this virus by December 1, 2019 - a month BEFORE the Wuhan outbreak was reported. This figure might have doubled to 16 million Americans by the final day of 2019.
By the time the lockdowns were implemented on March 15, at least 40 million Americans had probably already been infected. If we move move forward to May 1, 2020, probably 80 million Americans had already been infected, perhaps even more.
The main reason I believe “case numbers” are still a vast undercount is I believe the results of the “Red Cross” blood study strongly suggest this.
NYC Hospital Capacity Spring 2020 by Jessica Hockett
Because the number of staffed beds in NYC hospitals increased by ~3,500 between March 26th and April 17th - and occupants rose in turn - it’s tempting to conclude that the city’s hospital system would have been incapacitated if more beds had not been added.
without discharge data by week or month, it’s impossible to determine the extent to which NYC hospitals were being used in spring 2020 to manage a fragile population that was already in managed healthcare.
It's possible that protocols, public/political pressure, and some degree of panic - versus a need arising from illness due to the sudden spread SARS-CoV-2 - fueled the push for more beds and also resulted in a higher propensity to admit patients (or certain patients, like nursing home residents) in spring 2020. Regardless, NYC’s hospital system did not come close to being over capacity.
“Blue Whale” Suiciding by Igor Chudov
For years, anonymous Internet weirdos would connect to vulnerable children, pretend to be attractive boys or girls looking for a friend, and after gaining confidence, would groom and later push these children into killing themselves. Those weirdos call themselves “blue whales” and use blue whale symbolism…
Blue Whales used fake avatars and would pretend to be good-looking people of appropriate age - to gain the trust and romantic interest of their mystery interlocutors. Once the trust and dependency were gained, suicide talk would begin.
The objective of the “blue whale” game was to kill as many victims as possible by talking them into suicide.
Deaths were celebrated, scores were kept, and winners were announced.
New Mask Study by Justin Hart
we can look at recent study just released with two “random” groups - one set of healthcare workers wearing medical masks and the other group wearing N95 respiratory masks. The results?
About 10% of each group of HC workers got the ‘rona
The 95% confidence intervals destroyed any difference between the two groups.
This is just ONE MORE RCT mask study to add to the 10+ studies that have been performed before the pandemic - NONE of them showing ANY benefit to masking
Tourette syndrome by Jessica Rose
I looked into VAERS for Tourette’s combined with convulsions, spasms and other tic-related adverse events. There are currently 28,285 reports.
There are only 8 reports of Tourette Syndrome in VAERS but there are tens of thousands of reports of muscle spasms and convulsions. 50% of the reports in the 0-4 age group are febrile convulsions. Not Tourette syndrome but…
I find this very disturbing.
Covid Origins Project by Charles Rixey, MA, MBA (c)
For those who may be wondering how I can justify linking Fauci to various editorial decisions, know that I do not do so without justification - I’ve become intimately familiar with the credentials, ties and output of scientists who’ve been working with Fauci, Jeremy Farrar and others to suppress parts of “the science:”
It’s also quite clear to me that this situation is unlikely to improve in the near future - which means that if we’re going to have a future worth living in, we must build it ourselves. For me, that starts with obtaining a measure of justice for the millions of victims of this pandemic, because if we can’t obtain justice for millions of dead, innocent victims, then the prospects for the rest of us aren’t very good.
Lockdowns for Me but not for Thee by Michael P Senger
what may be even more galling than this apologism is the widespread support China’s anti-lockdown protesters have received even among those who demonized anti-lockdown protesters in their home countries and wished their lockdowns were more like China’s.
In 2020, the New York Times denounced anti-lockdown protesters as “Anti-Vaxxers, Anticapitalists, Neo-Nazis” and urged the United States to be more like China.
In 2020, CNN published an open letter from “over 1,000 health professionals” denouncing anti-lockdown protests as “rooted in white nationalism” while admiring “China’s Covid success compared to Europe.”
In 2020, the Washington Post denounced anti-lockdown protesters as “angry” populists who “deeply distrust elites,” and wished the United States was more like China.
The Media’s Musk Derangement by Glenn Greenwald
In unison, these media outlets decreed that not only would greater free speech on Twitter usher in the usual parade of horribles they trot out when demanding censorship — disinformation, hate speech, attacks on the “marginalized,” etc. etc. — but this time they severely escalated their rhetorical hysteria by claiming that Musk would literally cause mass murder by permitting a broader range of political opinion to be aired.
Underage Drag Performance by Libs of TikTok
The email was sent from Heather Baldwin inviting select “staff” to attend an “invite-only” drag show performed by the students of the P.U.L.S.E Club. Although not all faculty were invited, nor were parents, or fellow students, the club did manage to have a professional drag performer at the event as well.
The students were taken out of class to prepare for the secret show where, according to one witness, “a teacher stood watch outside the door to the theatre while the show was going on to ensure those not invited would not enter.”
Kevin McCarthy: GOP Failure by Emerald Robinson
The problem for Kevin McCarthy is that he’s never tried to be “a stopgap” against the Biden regime. It’s not that he tried and failed — it’s that he doesn’t even pretend very well. He can’t even get the optics right. In fact, on the same day that Kevin McCarthy promised to be the leader of a “stopgap” to the Biden regime, he sat down for dinner with Hunter Biden at the White House.