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What you can find in this collection (these are my headlines, not the authors’):
Cybernetic Humans by Mark Changizi • A Request to Investigate by Dr. Carlton Brown • Ivermectin Timeline by Pierre Kory • Levi’s Apology Tour by Jennifer Sey • Fauci & Collins Plagiarism by Paul D. Thacker • The Cure Was Worse Than the Disease • Immunity Debt in Breast Milk by eugyppius • N95s vs Medical Masks by John Mandrola • mRNA Shedding by Joel Smalley • Aussie Increased Mortality Rate by Dr Ah Kahn Syed • 22,000 to 1 by No College Mandates • Micro-Clotting & Spike by Jessica Rose • Died Suddenly of…? by Igor Chudov • Thoughts from Douglas Brodie • “Fact Checker” Fail by Steve Kirsch • Giving Up on Flu Shots by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny • Swedish Birth Rate Crash by el gato malo • Lying About Hospital Capacity by Josh Stevenson • SARs-CoV-2 the Quasi-Species Swarm by Anandamide • Nietzsche and the Covid Event by Chris Waldburger
Cybernetic Humans by Mark Changizi
Genetic engineering could engender marked changes in us, but it requires a scientific bridge between genotypes - an organism's genetic blueprints - and phenotypes, which are the organisms themselves and their suite of abilities. A sufficiently sophisticated bridge between these extremes is nowhere in sight.
serious hardware additions to our brains will not be forthcoming until we figure out how to build human-level artificial intelligences (and meld them to our neurons), something that will require cracking the mind's deepest mysteries. I have argued that we're centuries or more away from that.
I am optimistic that we may be able to explicitly design nature-harnessing technologies in the near future, now that we have begun to break open the nature-harnessing technologies cultural selection has built thus far. One of my reasons for optimism is that nature-harnessing technologies (like writing, speech, and music) must mimic fundamental ecological features in nature, and that is a much easier task for scientists to tackle than emulating the exorbitantly complex mechanisms of the brain.
A Request to Investigate by Dr. Carlton Brown
The US Department of Defense (DoD) and National Institutes of Health (NIH) funding of EcoHealth Alliance (EHA, $69 million) and its connections one-degree-removed were scrutinized because EHA’s leader led a failed attempt to cover up SARS-CoV-2’s gain-of-function origin.
Besides EHA’s long-standing collaborations with two coronavirus gain-of-function research epicenters in the USA and China, it had another with Metabiota. Metabiota’s Series-A lead investor was a Hunter Biden part-owned investment firm. The DoD-funded Metabiota operated in Pentagon Biolabs in Ukraine and US-funded Biolabs in Cameroon and researched corona-, monkeypox-, influenza-, and Ebola viruses.
Ivermectin Timeline by Pierre Kory, MD, MPA
93 controlled trials. 73 of them are peer-reviewed trials. 43 of them randomized controlled trials. Aside from the evidence base for hydroxychloroquine in Covid (which is larger), I know of no other medicine in any disease model in history with an evidence base this large, yet still considered “unproven” or “ineffective” by the health systems of advanced health economies around the world.
I cannot overemphasize how the “inability to reach effective concentrations” narrative persists in the medical literature. The false premises this narrative relies on are:
That the concentrations used in a monkey kidney cell model are the same needed to be effective in a live human. This false assertion is brilliantly debunked here by science writer Joomi.
That there is no data to support the fact that standard dosing actually does achieve viral inhibitory concentrations in human tissues.
Levi’s Apology Tour by Jennifer Sey
Below is a summary of the employee criticism I faced during my two years of advocating for open public schools and against other restrictions on children during 2020-2021.
This was sent to me by a member of the Corporate Communications team - a summary meant to help me prepare for my “apology tour” in June 2021.
Here is just one of the questions and Jen’s response:
Next: Are you one of us or one of them?
I didn’t realize a loyalty oath to the “Left” or the Democratic Party was a condition for employment. I am on no team, no side. I stand for principle not Party.
Fauci & Collins Plagiarism by Paul D. Thacker
Did Drs. Francis Collins and Anthony Fauci commit research misconduct?
A recent batch of internal NIH emails suggests they did by providing “advice and leadership” on a widely cited paper that did not acknowledge their involvement and dismissed a possible virus research lab accident in China. The issue? Hiding an author’s contribution to a paper is ghostwriting or plagiarism
Here’s a letter from Kristian Andersen on March 6, 2020:
Dear Jeremy, Tony, and Francis,
Thank you again for your advice and leadership as we have been working through the SARS-CoV-2 ‘origins’ paper. We’re happy to say that the paper was just accepted by Nature Medicine and should be published shortly (not quite sure when).
To keep you in the loop, I just wanted to share the accepted version with you, as well as a draft press release. We’re still waiting for proofs, so please let me know if you have any comments, suggestions, or questions about the paper or the press release.
A week later, Nature Medicine published the origins paper on March 17. In the paper’s acknowledgements sections, the authors thanked a “M. Farzan for discussions” but did not note their discussions with Farrar, Fauci and Collins.
The Cure Was Worse Than the Disease (non-substack article found HERE)
For England & Wales, [respiratory disease mortality] run[s] at a “baseline rate” of c. 1,000 per week in the summer, rising to around 2,500 per week in the winter. These numbers are averages. So sometimes the weekly rate is lower in the summer, and sometimes higher in the winter. So yes, occasionally weekly respiratory deaths triple or even quadruple when moving from benign summer to harsh winter. Now assume a five-month period from end of August to the middle of winter, and we’re looking at a weekly growth in death rates of just under 7%, or a monthly increase of 32%.
)Immunity Debt in Breast Milk by eugyppius
The German fever gauge, Grippe Web, suggests that nearly one in four German children under 15 are currently suffering some kind of respiratory infection.
Measures sold to the public as means of keeping our healthcare system from collapsing, have thus resulted in unprecedented pressure on German pediatric treatment facilities and hospitals, with dying children facing delayed operations and long transfers to outlying hospitals.
N95s vs Medical Masks by John Mandrola
The McMasters group in Canada led a multi-center (29 centers) trial in four countries comparing the use of medical masks vs N95 during routine care of patients with COVID-19.
The primary endpoint was a positive PCR test for SARS-CoV-2.
Medical masks were noninferior to N95s in preventing healthcare workers from turning positive for SARS-CoV-2 infection.
mRNA Shedding by Joel Smalley
There was…evidence emerging of unvaccinated people having strange reactions around newly vaccinated people - abnormal bleeding in women, even post-menopause, for example.
Many months on and there is more scientific evidence to support the theory that mRNA can be “shed”. Progress has inevitably been hampered by the attempted suppression of the early evidence and vilification of those who dared to raise concerns about it.
Aussie Increased Mortality Rate by Dr Ah Kahn Syed
Not only are they misrepresenting the data by manipulating the baseline but they doing this to try to show that - after they forced vaccines on every single member of the public that they claimed would stop the pandemic™ and then made it worse - it wasn’t that bad. Well it is, because the overall mortality rate is now 21% above baseline and that is a lot of dead people.
22,000 to 1 by No College Mandates
neither Pfizer nor the FDA has undertaken any analysis of potential long-term adverse health impacts of Pfizer’s COVID vaccine other than a toxicity study in female rats relating to female-rat fertility, fetal development, and postnatal development. No one can rule out the possibility that COVID-vaccination has long-term health effects
we take 6/2,894 × 100% ≈ 0.21% as an estimate of the risk of hospitalization for a booster-dose-associated adverse event. This is certainly a small risk, but how does it compare to the risk of hospitalization owing to Omicron infection (which is milder than that of previous variants)? To address this question, we use the following estimate:
22,000 young adults would need to be boosted with BNT162b to prevent one Omicron-infection hospitalization over six months.
Micro-Clotting & Spike by Jessica Rose
Hypothesis: The SARS-nCoV-2 virus infects the RBCs using the spike protein via the CD147 receptor on RBCs causing hemolysis. This causes the release of massive amounts of hemoglobin. The spike protein, due to its amyloidogenic peptides, triggers mis-folding of the hemoglobin into amyloid fibrils causing subsequent systemic blood clots. If this pathology is spike protein induced, then there’s no reason not to implicate the spike protein arising from the COVID-19 injections in systemic micro-clotting observed clinically.
Question: Is SARS-nCoV-2-associated systemic micro-clotting due to spike protein-induced hemolysis resulting in amyloid plaque formation?
My opinion is YES.
Died Suddenly of…? by Igor Chudov
The study is very interesting in that university pathologists got hold of 25 bodies of previously healthy people who “suddenly died” within 20 days of Covid vaccination. (NOTE: most deaths happened within one week. They also excluded ten more people found to have legitimate pre-existing illnesses — so they were quite thorough)
So, 20% of all “sudden deaths” happening shortly after COVID vaccination are caused by myocarditis.
Had they not been autopsied by the University of Heidelberg pathologists, they would NEVER have a diagnosis of myocarditis.
Thoughts from Douglas Brodie
Some people think the world has gone mad (I’ve wondered that myself) but on balance I think that all the mad, bad things that are happening are carefully premeditated. It seems to me that the government’s handling of Coronavirus had little to do with public health, that the climate change agenda has little to do with climate and that the war in Ukraine with its severely self-harming sanctions has little to do with defending plucky Ukraine against big, bad Russia.
“Fact Checker” Fail by Steve Kirsch
Jonathan Jarry, McGill’s COVID fact checker, is simply more interested in promoting the false narrative than he is in finding the truth. It’s pretty obvious from reading his “fact check” that this is what is really going on.
I predict that none of the “fact checkers” are going to be able to explain these clots. The ONLY way something this extreme is going to get into so many people’s bodies is with an injection of some sort that is done on a massive scale. AFAIK, the COVID vaccine is the only intervention that could be the possible cause. Even Jarry can’t propose an alternate explanation for what has happened.
Giving Up on Flu Shots by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny
only 15.34% of illness was caused by influenza viruses. That means the flu shot was worthless almost 85% of the time in preventing the flu; it’s even MORE worthless if the viruses in the positive samples don’t match the serotypes that are in that year’s flu shot!
Reversing the ingrained beliefs about the effectiveness of flu shots is difficult, even in light of solid evidence. Many will never give up their long-held belief that a flu shot protects them from the flu.
Swedish Birth Rate Crash by el gato malo
at a certain point, this stunning silence and lack of curiosity on what is clearly a once in a generation if not a once in a century (barring wartime) effect on births becomes dispositive and begins to serve as indictment of, if not of culpability, then at least in complicity in covering up the issue.
this all fits in a pretty unpleasant manner. the timing fits, the effect size is huge, other compelling explanations are scarce, and we have a priori reason to suspect negative reproductive impact.
most worrying, this impact looks durable and the mechanism by which that would likely occur is auto-immune, a well known problem with mRNA based vaccines which do not teach immune systems to attack a pathogen but rather the recpient’s own cells by causing them to express proteins that look similar to infected cells. if this goes too far, your immune system may wind up erroneously trained to see your own cells as foreign invaders and attack them relentlessly. there is no way to shut this miscalibration off once it starts and the affinity of mRNA jabs for testes, ovaries, kidneys, and heart have been documented.
Lying About Hospital Capacity by Josh Stevenson
With a boomer population aging, it’s important to realize that we are still barely back to pre-pandemic level staffing, when the pre-pandemic trend shows we should be higher by now.
While we were all lead to believe that the surge would be catastrophic, there was little coverage of the fact that hospitals already had playbooks for this. This HHS Document for planning for surges, first published in 2018, details all of the logistics involved in expanding capacity when patient load is higher.The 2020 “flatten the curve” movement seems to have conditioned a significant portion of the public to the idea that human behavior could or should be curbed to preserve arbitrarily-defined “healthcare capacity.” Embedded within every assertion that we must curb human behavior to preserve hospital capacity is that somehow someone who is presumably in charge of planning and implementing hospital capacity actually knows the exact correct answer as to how much capacity should be. What if they’re wrong?
SARs-CoV-2 the Quasi-Species Swarm by Anandamide
This swarm theory implies that SARs-CoV-2 did not come from a lab but was in fact always around and just emerged from the swarm. Over a year later it disappeared from the swarm with Omicrons introduction. Pharma, and politicians capitalized on it with sloppy PCR, rigged public dashboards, bought and sold MSM and controlled social media. Like many hypothesis there is 80% truth and 20% missing data we are just guessing at.
Suggesting the lab leak is a diversion tactic to ignore, I believe is shortsighted. We should not turn our attention away from the real risks this research presents. Given the large number of lab leaks throughout history, I do not think it is wise to ignore lab safety and GOF funding, regardless of where the origin story leads us. Coronaviruses can be readily synthesized in a month for under $10,000. We have the sequencing information to show that the rate of divergence in the swarm is too slow to fizzle out global spread of pathogenic variants.
Nietzsche and the Covid Event by Chris Waldburger
the Covid Event is not simply an aberration. The Covid Event is best understood as an Apocalypse – a Revelation, an Unveiling of the true political reality beneath the veneer of democratic discourse.
Society should therefore be understood as being constituted of people driven by a Nietzschean will to power. This should immediately make us sceptical of any political order which portrays itself as neutral and motivated by democratic consideration for the rational interests of the citizenry.
The power structures of liberal states depended on a credibility created by the valorizing of neutral, transcendent science. Science had eclipsed religion and superstition, and thus a political order of pragmatic science somehow overcame politics.
for Nietzsche, it is nothing but decadent hubris that allows anybody to imagine that they are one of the chosen few soaring above basic humanity, that they are Science or Rationality itself
In short, these last men simply want the life of the herd, with no risk, and no suffering. What this implies, however, is a kind of tyranny. The herd must be penned in, in order to achieve an abolition of suffering which is impossible. As Nietzsche writes later in the same work: “for when all people are equal, then no one needs ‘rights’ any more.”
In the face of our decadent and global will to power, we need to find our own healthy will to power, not motivated by revenge and resentment, but by an aristocratic spirit that can face a nihilistic world but still seek to overcome, and seek this overcoming and victory of health even without the prospect of success.
Thank you for including our work in your roundup!
Excellent round-up! Much appreciated.