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What you can find in this collection (these are my headlines, not the authors’):
Event 2OhShit! by Igor Chudov • Event 2OhDumb by eugyppius • Vaccine Myocarditis by Anish Koka MD (Cardiology) • Big Censorship by Daniel Kotzin • Anecdotals by Team Humanity • Government Violates 1A by Justin Hart • V-UNsafe Data by Steve Kirsch • CDC Expected Huge Increase in VAERS Reporting by Josh Guetzkow • Democratizing Mortality by Joel Smalley • Aussie Lockdown Deaths by ManDownUnder • Pay Pal Social Credit System by Rupa Subramanya • More German Data by A Midwestern Doctor • One Stop Shop for “Twitter Files” by Jessica Hockett • Plandemic? by Dr. Simon • Myocarditis Basics vs Mandates by John Mandrola • “Covid Files” Please by CJ Hopkins • Vax Clotting by Jessica Rose
Event 2OhShit! by Igor Chudov
Bill Gates just conducted another exercise, aptly called “Catastrophic Contagion” (I am NOT kidding), on October 23, 2022.
It was planning a severe pandemic, worse than COVID-19, targeting young people and kids.
The “lessons learned” strongly lean towards a much stronger stance against “misinformation” than during the Covid pandemic. After all, Covid skeptics won out, which is NOT acceptable to Bill Gates. So, Bill Gates is planning the next catastrophic contagion pandemic, killing younger people, where a much stronger misinformation control will be undertaken.
Event 2OhDumb by eugyppius
I have a hard time buying theories that these events reflect any nefarious plan. They are just so, so stupid, it is actually hard to put into words. While earlier wargames were fairly textured and elaborate, there’s been a steady decline, worsened by the arrival of Big Philanthropy. I strongly advise that you not waste your life watching the extremely insipid Event 201 videos. Far more digestible is the SPARS pandemic exercise, which is often cited as another ominously prophetic document, particularly for its lengthy discussions of anti-vaxxers and pro-vaccine public health messaging. There are some parallels to recent events, but if you read carefully, you’ll see that the whole thing is firmly rooted in vintage 2016 anxieties about social media disinformation.
I would never exclude malfeasance outright, but the general explanation for this phenomenon is that we get the virus freakouts we plan for. Virus fantasies like Event 201 and SPARS reflect a prior epidemiological interest in specific pathogens, and they serve to focus the attention of the public health brigade further on specific viral species. Monkeypox and the 2009 Swine Flu show that pandemicist attention alone – in the absence of any serious mortality – is enough to generate widespread hysteria. These are prophecies, but they are mostly self-fulfilling ones.
Vaccine Myocarditis by Anish Koka MD (Cardiology)
even for the ‘mild’ cases, only in 2022 would anyone have the chutzpah to refer to mostly young adults presenting to the ER with acute severe chest pain related to vaccine caused myocardial necrosis (cell-death), two-thirds of whom go on to develop a cardiac scar on follow up, and all of whom are advised not to exercise for 6 months.. as mild.
In light of the well established concern in the cardiology community pre-pandemic that myocarditis is an important cause of sudden cardiac death, the immediate concern with all these cases of myocarditis showing up to the hospital is that there may be cases of myocarditis that result in sudden cardiac death at home, don’t make it to the hospital, and aren’t being counted.
Now it is not out of the realm of possibility that there just happened to be a series of ‘spontaneous’ myocarditis within days of receiving the Sars-COV2 vaccine, but the findings taken together should be highly suspicious especially in light of the reams of epidemiological data from multiple different datasets since the Spring of 2021 that clearly show the vaccines are associated with myocarditis.
Big Censorship by Daniel Kotzin
There was a nexus of censorship linking Twitter, Big Pharma, Public Health, and the government. These entities worked together to obscure reality and to lie about the covid vaccines in what is probably the most pervasive and consequential instance of censorship in all of U.S. history.
This truth has been covered up by an unprecedented campaign of propaganda and censorship that was initiated, maintained, and enforced by the government. This is not merely an egregious violation of the First Amendment, it is also a clear indication that America is in the process of becoming an unfree, fascist, totalitarian country.
Anecdotals by Team Humanity
Anecdotals was produced and directed by Jennifer Sharp. “Jennifer is a believer that Art has the power to change the world; and that artists have responsibility to facilitate that change through sharing their truths. After having an adverse reaction to the COVID vaccine, she found herself mandated out of society and cast aside by friends and family. At that moment she believed that it was her responsibility as an artist to tell the stories that no one was talking about. She picked up her camera, and created Anecdotals.”
In Jennifer’s words, “Anecdotals is a personal journey that focuses on questions, not answers, and people, not politics.”
At the bottom of this Team Humanity update is a link to watch Anecdotals for free. Join our tribe, watch the movie, help us share our stories.
Government Violates 1A by Justin Hart
Bottom line: the government conspired to remove valid public health messages and social media posts by myself & others, because they disagreed with the viewpoint which contradicted the federal government’s COVID-19 public health message and views
It is the policy of the United States “to preserve the vibrant and competitive free market that presently exists for the Internet” that is “unfettered by Federal or State regulation.” 47 U.S.C. § 230(b)(2).
In private communications, the federal government held regular BOLO “be-on-the-lookout” warning meetings with social media companies and overtly instructed them on the specific types of so called COVID-19 “disinformation” or “misinformation” that should be excluded from their platforms.
V-UNsafe Data by Steve Kirsch
The Rasmussen poll of 1,000 Americans found that:
32% were not vaccinated
7% of those surveyed had a major side effect.
A 7% major side effect rate is unprecedented. We know from the V-safe data that this effectively means that the side effect was so bad, they had to seek medical attention. If any drug had that kind of safety profile, it would be immediately pulled from the market. Would you take any drug with that kind of side effect profile? Of course not.
CDC Expected Huge Increase in VAERS Reporting by Josh Guetzkow
In late August 2020, the CDC contracted with General Dynamics to handle VAERS reports for COVID-19 vaccines. The contract anticipated up to 1,000 reports per day, with up to 40% of them serious in nature. The value of the year-long contract was $9.45 million.
This means that months before the EUA of any COVID vaccines, the CDC anticipated up to a 600% increase over the average annual number of VAERS reports in recent years with 8 times the rate of serious reports.
In early March 2021, the contract was amended in order to process an estimated 115,000 backlogged reports received up to Feb. 28, with an increased capacity to 25,000 reports per week. The plan was to have the backlog cleared within 6 months.
Democratizing Mortality by Joel Smalley
COVID is a complete non-event for anyone under 35. Should have just carried on life exactly as before. Best thing you could have done is get infected and “do your bit” by providing protective community immunity for the more vulnerable.
However, as I have shown in my previous short analyses, those spikes in mortality in spring 2020 and winter 2021 weren’t due to the virus anyway! They were also as a result of the interventions. We didn’t flatten anything, we squeezed it up and then fattened it up like a French goose!
Aussie Lockdown Deaths by ManDownUnder
when you institute a forced society-wide lockdown based on incessant fear mongering, you reduce the amount of medical treatment that people undergo. That might be because people are too scared to leave their home to seek treatment. It might be because you shut down certain services. It might be because you switch in-person care to televideo Zoom Doctoring.
Whatever the reason, it doesn’t matter. Lockdowns = reduced treatment, and reduced treatment = increased deaths.
Chronic Mortality rose in 2021 at the expense of Sudden Mortality, with the Overall Mortality being higher than the Baseline.
There is no further need for discussion - Lockdown Deaths are real, easily verifiable, and a crime committed by the Australian political class (and associated “medical” cartel) on their own citizens.
Pay Pal Social Credit System by Rupa Subramanya
If you’re one of the lucky ones and your account has just been suspended, you can go to customer service, explain your situation and hope that someone gets back to you. If you’ve been banned, you’ll need an attorney to file a subpoena for the internal PayPal documents—simply to learn why you’ve been banned. (Good luck getting unbanned.)
the company that was meant to liberate countless individuals is becoming something else.
Increasingly, it is becoming a police officer. It is deciding what is right and wrong, who gets to be heard, who is silenced. It is locking out of the financial system those people or brands that have slipped outside the parameters of acceptable discourse, those who threaten the consensus of the gatekeepers. The consensus is hard to articulate; it is an ideology lacking clearly defined ideological contours. But the tenets of that consensus are unmistakable: the new progressive politics around race and gender are a force for good, the Covid lockdown was just, the war in Ukraine is noble, and an unfettered exchange of ideas and opinions is an unacceptable threat to all of the above.
More German Data by A Midwestern Doctor
despite the immense degree of corruption, withholding of critical data, and censorship, these vaccines are dangerous enough that more and more evidence is nonetheless emerging of their danger, and the public is beginning to recognize it.
some of the most critical vaccine data available comes from the German people as many of them have retained their intellectual integrity throughout the pandemic.
The largest insurance provider in Germany, BKK, provides coverage to approximately 10.9 million Germans…The BKK dataset was the one which showed 2.05% of vaccine recipients subsequently sought medical care with a healthcare provider (others estimated it demonstrated 3.5% were struggling with persistent vaccine side effects).
AOK Sachsen-Anhalt’s data, which once analyzed, demonstrated that many of the conditions we associate with COVID-19 injuries noticeably increased when the vaccination campaign initiated.
Given the extremely concerning implications of the German data, it is not surprising that governments around the world and healthcare systems or insurance providers have been reluctant to release their own data.
One Stop Shop for “Twitter Files” by Jessica Hockett
Plandemic? by Dr. Simon
There's no excess mortality in the poorest African countries. No powerful media, no vaccine, no excess mortality. Christian Drosten, however, predicted that people would die like flies there if we couldn't provide them with free vaccines (i.e. “people will die in the streets.”).
A virus has been used as an invisible enemy, just like "terrorism" in the last two decades. It's intangible; consequently, a symbol must remind us of something dangerous. That's why mask mandates have been implemented worldwide, even though masks do more harm than good.
Myocarditis Basics vs Mandates by John Mandrola
Myocarditis is inflammation of the heart
The chronic phase of inflammation includes the laying down of scar. Think of when a skin wound heals; there is scar. Scar in the heart can cause problems because it disrupts the normal flow of electrical activation (think rocks in a stream).
In some cases, scar does cause issues—often rhythm disturbances. And these can be severe. In this seminal paper, myocarditis was the third leading cause of sudden cardiac death in young competitive athletes.
You can’t avoid myocarditis from viral infection. There are many viruses that can lead to myocarditis. It’s not only SARS-CoV-2. Before 2019, everyone lived with a low baseline risk of viral myocarditis. We did so because it was not a modifiable risk.
The risk of myocarditis from a mRNA vaccine is modifiable.
“Covid Files” Please by CJ Hopkins
Matt (Taibbi) nor Bari Weiss have been particularly interested in covering the roll-out of the official Covid narrative, i.e., the most insidious propaganda and gaslighting campaign in human history, or the destabilization and radical restructuring of global society that I keep mentioning in this column and have been writing about, extensively, since March of 2020. So, even if Musk has dumped the entire Twitter database on Matt and Bari Weiss, I doubt that either of them are going to be exactly chomping at the bit to report that story.
Because telling that story would mean documenting everything … the fabricated “Covid cases” and “Covid deaths” statistics, the lies about the lockdowns, the masks, the “vaccines,” all of it, the whole New Normal megillah. Not how it’s “over now” because “the science changed,” but how the whole thing was one enormous PSYOP (regardless of whether or how much of it was intentional), how it was manufactured with lies and propaganda from the very beginning, in March of 2020.
Vax Clotting by Jessica Rose
hemagglutination is blood gluing basically. The glue, in the case of RBC agglutination, is the antibody
Are red blood cells agglutinating in injected people because of zeta potential disruption?
The combined effects of the highly (N-)glycosylated spike protein30 acting as RBC fly tape, and the changes in ionic charge or balance of the blood due to potential changes in blood chemistry induced by a multitude of factors like electrolyte levels, could certainly enhance hemagglutination. Add PEG to the mix, and this might exacerbate hemagglutination by lowering RBC zeta potential.