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What you can find in this collection (these are my headlines, not the authors’):
Vax & Excess Death Correlation by Norman Fenton and Martin Neil • Masks vs Immunity Debt by eugyppius • Vaxxed = Car Crashes? by Igor Chudov • No Love For Boosters by Robert W Malone • Urge to Control Others by Thomas Harrington • Don’t Vaccinate the Elderly? by Sage Hana • From SAGE to WHO by Michael P Senger • Musk’s Fed Opponents by Chris Bray • Models Aren’t Data by el gato malo • Musk’s Motivations by Bari Weiss • CDC’s Long Covid Analysis by Vinay Prasad • Stop With the Name Calling by Jennifer Sey • Santa Clara’s Covid Liars by Igor Chudov • Summary of mRNA Evidence by Jessica Rose • 30 Examples of Covid Hypocrisy by Justin Hart • All Cause Mortality Survey by Steve Kirsch • Japan Kid Boosters by Guy Gin • Emasculated GOP by Emerald Robinson • Rise of DeSantis Democrats by Olivia Reingold • qPCR Tests by Anandamide • We Are Still in Lockdowns by Jeffrey Tucker
Vax & Excess Death Correlation by Norman Fenton and Martin Neil
we found a statistically significant linear relationship between countries that are highly vaccinated and excess deaths
when covid rises, excess rises soon after. But this only occurs UNTIL around week 12 (2021), when the excess mortality signal separates from the covid signal and as covid declines the excess remains high.
There is no significant correlation between the vaccination rates and excess deaths in weeks 1-12 (although covid deaths in those vaccinated might be masking any effect). But from week 12 to week 44 we can see that there is a statistically significant linear correlation between vaccination rates and excess mortality
There is a clear signal that the vaccination programme is causing, at least, some of the excess death rate. With this data the vaccines don’t look to be safe
Masks vs Immunity Debt by eugyppius
Masking is a stupid, superstitious exercise that does nothing to stop virus infections, but that’s beside the point. Imagine, instead, that strapping these low-quality pseudomedical plastics to your face actually reduced your rate of respiratory infection. In this counterfactual scenario, it would follow that masks are at least partly responsible for the immunity deficit causing the unusually high rates of RSV and influenza infection that Berndt deplores. Continuing to mask would merely prolong our immunological naiveté for another season, potentially leading to long-term dependence on this ridiculous, antisocial ritual. It’s a blessing that masks actually do nothing.
Vaxxed = Car Crashes? by Igor Chudov
Based on this statistical finding, they urge people to vaccinate to avoid car crashes!
Guess who is more likely to get into a car crash? That’s right, the person who drives to work daily, as opposed to a remote worker.
Turns out that people over 65, who do NOT drive to work, are the ONLY group where vaccination leads to a slightly higher chance of car crashes for the vaccinated (without reaching statistical significance).
So… It is not the COVID vaccine that reduces the chances of having a crash. It is a fact that staying home with warm coffee and a laptop is safer than commuting to work or driving a truck.
No Love For Boosters by Robert W Malone MD, MS
only 12 percent of Americans 5 and older have received the updated booster. Meanwhile, just over 30 percent of senior citizens — the most have gotten the bivalent dose. In attempts to increase vaccine uptake, the Biden administration has announced a six-week campaign budgeting more than $475 million to expand mRNA vaccine outreach. $350 million will go into community health centers to promote booster awareness while another $125 million will be devoted “to national organizations that serve people with disabilities and older adults to support community vaccination programs and efforts.”
it was the CDC and FDA’s responsibility to assure the public that the updated booster didn’t carry significant risks like the primary series. Knowing the alarming prevalence of vaccine myocarditis, convincing tens of millions of healthy men to get the new shot was already a hard sell
Urge to Control Others by Thomas Harrington
See full article HERE
This compulsive shielding the young from honest encounters with authority—encounters that treat them not as fragile sparrows but intrinsically hardy future adults—has engendered another pernicious result: the belief that parental love, and by extension care as dispensed by other titular figures of authority, is, or should be, mostly about the provision of comfort.
Comfort is a wonderful thing. Like most other people I crave it and hope to bestow on those I love.
But as a father and as a teacher, I realize that providing it is only one of my key responsibilities. Arguably more important in the long run is my ability—which of course is a function of the extent to which I have succeeded or failed in gaining possession of myself—to present a semblance of intellectual and moral coherence to my “charges.” and in this way, give them a concrete outpost in space and time from which they can begin defining the struggles (one of which could very well be the experience of having had to deal with me!) that will define their lives and that will shape their identities.
Don’t Vaccinate the Elderly? by Sage Hana
If what Yeadon says is correct, this is or should be…in a non-Clown World…a massive scandal.
Vaccinating the elderly or vulnerable is not a public health good because their immune systems are weakened and cannot mount an effective response.
What would be the implications of this?
It would destroy so much of a persistent narrative and would decidedly rip the Dolts Botching Shit veneer away and reveal the Sinister. This is a Big Reveal that would be dangerous to the whole long constructed paradigm; the Rationale to Edit Genes and to Great Reset the world.
Using a Fear of Disease Model to coerce Vaccines.
From SAGE to WHO by Michael P Senger
Former SAGE member Jeremy Farrar, one of the most influential pro-lockdown advisors in the United Kingdom and considered by some to be akin to the UK’s Anthony Fauci, has been given a major promotion to become Chief Scientist at the World Health Organization, one of the most powerful positions at the WHO alongside its director Tedros Adhanom. Farrar is currently director of the Wellcome Trust, one of the world’s most influential non-profits and largest investors in vaccines, with countless billions in offshore funding and close ties to the Gates Foundation.
the lockdowns that Farrar worked so hard for failed to meaningfully slow the spread of the coronavirus and led to the excess deaths of tens of thousands of young people in the United Kingdom and every other country in which they were tried. Yet few can say they did more to successfully bring totalitarianism to the UK than Jeremy Farrar. Perhaps for this reason, the WHO has gone out of its way to take Farrar under its wing and make sure he gets his due.
Musk’s Fed Opponents by Chris Bray
Elon Musk has another opponent as he works to remake Twitter: the federal government, including the military. As Twitter attempts greater openness, government money is piling up on the other side of the scale, fighting for a restricted discourse.
There’s a large and expensive army of government-funded researchers in think tanks and universities all over the country whose job — as experts — is to shitpost about Elon Musk, and to deluge Twitter with complaints from “trained case managers” who represent people who don’t like the platform or want open discourse on it.
There’s little doubt that the federal government is spending tens of millions of dollars a year to intervene against social media companies and messages.
That’s what Elon Musk is facing.
Models Aren’t Data by el gato malo
this new “STUDY” has been getting a lot of press.
it certainly seems an impressive set of claims to wave around.
but here’s the thing: it’s not a study at all.
it’s just a model pretending to be data.
it’s literally just self-referential circular assumption bias being passed off as fact by making it sound “sciency”
it is hilariously easy to build a model full of plug variables or odd inflections/assumptions that fits past data. you just lock in the presumed effect of a couple things you care about and then bend everything else into shape around it.
you have loaded this model to show you what you presumed when you run the “counter factual no vaccine case.” it’s pure GIGO and the minute you assumed “vaccines worked well” then “vaccines saved huge numbers of lives” will pop out.
but if this assumption is wrong (as it appears so clearly to have been in the israeli palestine natural experiment comparison where death rates in the two places were near indistinguishable both before and after vaccination despite wide divergence in vaxx rate) then you’ve just “proven” nothing at all apart from the fact that models express the assumptions of the modeler.
Musk’s Motivations by Bari Weiss
(Musk) says he wants to transform Twitter from a social media platform distrusted and despised by at least half the country into one widely trusted by most Americans. To have it fulfill its highest mission: that of a digital town square where all ideas can be heard, and the best will win out.
To win back that trust, Musk figured it would require being honest about what had, until very recently, been going on at the company he had just bought: the suppression of disfavored users; the curtailing of certain political views; the censorship of stories like the Hunter Biden laptop; and the extent to which the government had tried to influence such decisions.
CDC’s Long Covid Analysis by Vinay Prasad
Imagine a person hospitalized with COVID, on the vent for 20 days, and then someone wrote COVID19 as the cause of death, and then casually said ‘post covid’. This would be listed as a long covid death. Are you serious?
Do you know what the CDC didn’t do? They didn’t interview providers. They didn’t review the medical record. They didn’t look in multiple datasets. They didn’t look across countries. They basically didn’t do anything a respectable scientist would before making such a bold, public claim.
I struggle to be polite about their analysis. This is widely used to craft a narrative that long covid can kill, but they have no such evidence.
Stop With the Name Calling by Jennifer Sey
“Groomer” is not an inherently anti-gay term, as is now claimed by the Left as they demand the word’s expulsion from our lexicon. The term is used to describe anyone who conditions children for exploitation, whether gay or straight. Have some people used the term in bad faith to apply to any person simply presenting as themselves — perhaps as gay? Yes. But now there are calls to ban the word from Twitter entirely, as it has been from Reddit, because some use it disingenuously, like the way the Left uses “racist.”
The calls from the Left to ban use of the word groomer are laugh-out-loud hypocritical given the Left’s willy-nilly, widespread and incendiary use of “racist” for the last few years to delegitimize those with whom they disagree.
Lefties — stop feigning outrage at the Right for sometimes using a tactic you perfected.
Righties — please don’t mimic this insidious maneuver.
Santa Clara’s Covid Liars by Igor Chudov
SCC excludes so-called “partially vaccinated people” from their case rate chart
That’s a common dishonest trick not to count illnesses that happen in two weeks after receiving a booster. The one-dose people were mostly vaccine-injured and, therefore, unable to continue vaccinating. All these people should be considered “vaccinated.” Excluding them is cheating.
the Santa Clara case rate graph implies that the unvaccinated are 1.4% of the combined population of “fully vaccinated” and “unvaccinated” persons.
But does Santa Clara have such a low percentage (only 1.4%) of unvaccinated persons? Of course not. Santa Clara County has 12.5% of its population unvaccinated or once-vaccinated.
In other words, Santa Clara County undercounts the unvaccinated, but ONLY FOR THE PURPOSES OF CASE RATES, by 6.5/1.4 = FIVE TIMES, leading to FIVE TIMES OVERSTATEMENT of case rate disparity.
Summary of mRNA Evidence by Jessica Rose
Apart from the double proline mutation/substitution to maintain the pre-fusion conformation, uridines (U) were swapped out for pseudouridines (Ψ). Also, the entire mRNA was codon-optimized for use in humans.
The U to Ψ can also lead to ribosomal frame shifting that can lead to unintended proteins being produced and subsequent potential for additional, unintended mis-folded proteins.
in addition to the 42% of people reporting unresolved adverse events, 26% were reported as ‘unknown’ with regard to resolution, so it is entirely possible that the total percentage of unresolved reports in VAERS in 68%.
It appears as though most people (79%) did not have an associated severe adverse event of those who were reported as having been injected with an expired product. Does this lend credence to the idea that people are better off with expired products because they have become inert?
It is exceedingly important that people know that the average percentage of SAEs for any year total, according to the VAERS handbook, is 15%. We have exceeded this average throughout the entire COVID-19 injectable product roll-out (since January 2021), with a peak in February 2021 of over 50%. We are currently at 24%, and this is exceedingly high.
76% of all people with reports in VAERS currently have associated COVID-19. Can you believe that? COVID-19 has been the #1 reported adverse event in VAERS for months, but it surprised even me when I did a search for COVID-19 in all the VAERS IDs by SYMPTOM, to find that 76% of these people have a COVID-19-associated MedDRA code included in their report.
30 Examples of Covid Hypocrisy by Justin Hart
In November 2020, the Mayor of Denver, Michael B. Hancock was seen waiting for a plane at Denver International Airport. His official account tweeted out at that same hour: “Avoid travel if you can.”
The mayor of Austin, Texas, Steve Adler told the public in a Facebook video to “stay home if you can… this is not the time to relax.” He did not disclose that the video was made on vacation in Cabo, San Lucas.
In the UK news reports found the fine print of stay-at-home orders which allowed for senior executives of various companies to leave quarantine if the activities had “significant financial benefit.”
In August 2021, numerous celebrities and lawmakers were seen at former President Obama’s birthday bash – all of them maskless.
All Cause Mortality Survey by Steve Kirsch
the deaths in the vaccinated group appear to be higher right after vaccination happens which cannot happen if the vaccine is safe: in the ideal case it will be perfectly flat.
I looked at the first 25 records with commentary and judged 76% to be vaccine related. I tried to be conservative and only rated it vax related if I felt I could defend my judgment if challenged and win.
But don’t take my word for it. After all, I’m a professional misinformation superspreader. Do your own survey.
The Death of Journalism by Celia Farber
How did any of us cling to this wire-mesh cold monkey mother we call “journalism” which has not loved any of us in more than 50 years?
“Journalism” was being defined (by what year is hard to say) by industry, group-think, and attack squads from vested interests.
When they come against you, you can be sure is no international body of press freedom advocates to defend you, and the last thing you can hope for is that your facts could defend you. Even if they came from whistleblowers’ documents and first hand accounts. Even if you sent all your tapes, transcripts, and scientific papers in boxes to teams of fact checkers, who spent 3 months making sure you got everything right, and even cross checked your sources by getting them on the phone and reading their quotes back to them.
The hit squad would pollinate the lie that you brought your own fact checkers.
I am but one of countless examples: The people who took me out were not journalists, they were activists.
Today, so-called journalists are generally paid activists. Stories no longer exist in the sense of singular voices, breaking forbidden ground. Journalism sounds voiceless, today, and one wonders how they can stand the boredom, even for all that money.
Japan Kid Boosters by Guy Gin
with 133 of kids in Tokyo and about 100 kids in Kagoshima being jabbed with doses that had passed their expiry dates. The government has moved swiftly and decisively to solve this issue. The solution? To extend the expiry dates from 12 to 18 months. This may not be safe, but at least it’s effective!
You may have noticed that the last two children to die after getting jabbed were both boosted. Only 6.6% (486,000) of 5-11 year old Japanese children have had three jabs, which suggests most parents who had their kids jabbed earlier this year thankfully haven’t brought their kids back for another shot. But it also suggests your child’s chances of losing at Russian Roulette depend on how many times you force them to play.
Emasculated GOP by Emerald Robinson
If GOP House members have to go public with their disapproval of GOP Senate members, then you know that private discussions did not go well. In other words, McConnell and his gang are going to pass the omnibus anyway — and only the American public’s outrage can stop them.
The civil war between the GOP House and GOP Senate over the omnibus bill follows — by a few days! — the GOP’s not-so-secret attempt to negotiate a mass amnesty bill, which followed the capitulation of the GOP on the gay marriage bill, which followed the capitulation of the GOP on endless aid for Ukraine, which followed the capitulation of the GOP on restricting gun rights a few months ago.
In truth, the term “capitulation” is too kind a word for what the GOP actually did in most of these cases. That word assumes that some sort of fight took place when, in fact, “enthusiastic embrace” might be the more accurate phrase.
Rise of DeSantis Democrats by Olivia Reingold
Read full article HERE
It’s unclear how many DeSantis Democrats there are: DeSantis’ vote count jumped from roughly 4 million in 2018 to 4.6 million in 2022. Lots of those voters are presumably independents or Republicans who didn’t vote last time.
But some are disaffected Democrats alienated from the party they once belonged to. That’s evident from the longtime Democratic strongholds that DeSantis flipped, including Hillsborough, Palm Beach and Miami-Dade, where DeSantis skyrocketed from a 21-point loss in 2018 to an 11-point win in 2022—a net gain of more than 30 percentage points.
qPCR Tests by Anandamide
One of the reasons I have been droning on in the twitter verse about live-dead qPCR is because the qPCR assays that simply target highly expressed genes tend to be positive for weeks after you are no longer infectious. Many years into the pandemic the CDC finally put a 90 day moratorium on qPCR testing. Once you are positive, there is no point testing again with N gene based qPCR for 90 days later or your positivity will simply be assumed to be a result of the residual sgRNA you have floating around from the prior infection.
Prior to this moratorium, this had massive consequences by inflating the size of pandemic. Recall anyone positive with sgRNA based qPCR will get flagged as a COVID death even if they fully recovered and died of something else. Any asymptomatic qPCR positive case that was fully recovered would also get flagged for isolation.
So while many people engage in these drawn out debates regarding if the PCR tests are hitting other coronaviruses or influenza, this is a complete smoke screen of the real problem at hand. Even if you are 100% accurate with nailing SARs-CoV-2, until you start differentiating the infective virus from the corpses, you have enough false positives to create a casedemic.
We Are Still in Lockdowns by Jeffrey Tucker
Twitter is now mostly open, for now. The rest of the venues remain wholly controlled. Brownstone has posts tagged, throttled, and sometimes deleted from LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and it is a constant struggle to avoid Google’s own push against our content. Even ridiculous sites with no credibility or reach appear high in search engines when our content is searched. This is not an algorithm at work.
On this basis alone, it is fair to say that we are still in lockdown nearly three years later. The point of such top-down censorship is not only to control the public mind. It is also to keep all of us from finding each other. It truly did work for a very long time. It took nearly a year for the group that we now know as the anti-lockdown movement to form. Even when Brownstone was founded, I had not known about Justin Hart’s Rational Ground. Now of course we work closely together.