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What you can find in this collection (these are my headlines, not the authors’):
Worldwide Iatrocide by Dr Ah Kahn Syed • IgG4 Tells Immune System to Ignore SARS-CoV-2 by el gato malo • The IgG4 Time Bomb by Igor Chudov • LNPs & Red Blood Cells by Jessica Rose • LNPs & Instant Clotting by Christie Grace • FBI & Twitter by Justin Hart • Elvis Has Entered the Building by Michael P Senger • End Affirmative Action by Coleman Hughes • Rebuilding Public Health by David Bell • From Big Tobacco to Big Pharma by Justus R. Hope • Ruining Our Kids by Jennifer Sey • Un-Suspended by Jessica Hockett • Targeting the Kids by David Marks• The More You Vax The More You Covid by eugyppius • Tainted Transfusion Blood by Margaret Anna Alice • Brace for Impact by Cernovich • Musk’s “Commitment” to “Free Speech” by Andrew Torba • NYT Wants Lockdowns by eugyppius • All’s Fair in Covid by Vinay Prasad • VAERS Overreported? by Steve Kirsch • The Emperor Has No Clothes by Robert W Malone MD, MS • GOP Civil War by Emerald Robinson • Practicing Protecting Speech by Jen Downey • Fear of Social Disapproval in Japan by Guy Gin • Correlation or Causation in Germany? by Fabian Spieker • Twitter Files & Covid by David Zweig • Unsafe & Ineffective by Joel Smalley
Worldwide Iatrocide by Dr Ah Kahn Syed
In order to persuade people of a lethal pandemic virus, the CCP (who dictate medical protocols) in Wuhan allowed the release of a viral clone that caused disease leading to bacterial pneumonia. They then either withheld antibiotic treatment from cases in Wuhan only (killing people), or only reported the cases that had failed to respond to antibiotics (producing a selection bias in reports). Either way, this produced an artificially inflated death rate amongst cases in Wuhan that was not replicated in the rest of China. Thus the fear of the pandemic was born.
Once cases of viral infection (which might just have been circulating coronaviruses, because the PCR tests were not specific enough to detect “COVID” only) were seen in other countries, propaganda was mobilised (seeded by the CCP and lapped up by the West via Tony Fauci) to make sure that antibiotics normally used in post-viral pneumonia were not used in “post-COVID” pneumonia. There was no medical reason for this, only political. The political reasoning was to ensure that the populations were scared enough of the scary virus to accept lockdowns, masks and then experimental vaccines. None of those should have happened because they were not in the pandemic plans created prior to 2020. Remember too, that none of the Chinese lockdowns were real. All of it was propaganda.
The protocols touted by Zelenko and Kory were simple. Hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin (which are anti-inflammatory or anti-viral in the early phase), zinc (which is anti-viral) and doxycycline or azithromycin (which prevents or treats the secondary pneumonia, the cause of death in the majority of cases of “COVID”). Some of the safest drugs on the planet. Yet we weren’t allowed to use them, because the WHO, Fauci and Andrew Owen said so. And then the government stepped in to restrict their prescription.
The hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin may not even have been that important. Most likely, all it needed was the “#3tablets” of azithromycin which represents a course of treatment for community acquired pneumonia. Less than a dollar in many countries. If you had a negative “COVID test” you would be given those tablets. If you had a positive test, you weren’t allowed them. An elderly person with an untreated post-COVID pneumonia was set on a pathway to death.
IgG4 Tells Immune System to Ignore SARS-CoV-2 by el gato malo
IgG4 is not about removing a pathogen, it’s about creating a “tolerance” by preventing your body from attacking whatever it has bound to. this may be fine for peanuts, but for a replicating respiratory pathogen with high organ affinity, it could be an all access arson pass to burn you down while you fail to elicit any effective immune response.
mistaking a virus for an allergen is a very, very bad outcome.
if your immune system is being told to stand down and ignore virus, the virus can hang around a long time and do A LOT of damage and you’re not really going to notice. you won’t get the inflammation and perhaps fever. you’re walking around infected and contagious, but with no sense that you are.
The IgG4 Time Bomb by Igor Chudov
Switching to IgG4 binding against a viral agent is like opening your house doors wide for robbers and ignoring them as they ruffle through your drawers. The robbery will be “mild” - but the thieves will take away your stuff. And they will come back again.
Could repeat Covid infections, caused by immune tolerance, lead to increased mortality? Absolutely! This Singapore study suggests that most excess deaths in Singapore happen within 90 days of a Covid infection. A lot of such deaths, unfortunately, are not recorded as Covid deaths. They could be recorded as “sudden deaths” from “unknown cause.”
The disease may seem mild if immune tolerance fails to elicit a strong reaction and stop viral replication. The virus, proliferating unopposed, damages the cardiovascular system more than in those who can mount a vigorous immune reaction.
This “taking months to develop” is a biological time bomb placed into the immune systems of boosted people! It takes the germinal centers months after the third injection to switch to the useless IgG4.
Therefore, many months after the booster dose, a Covid infection is met with worthless, forgiving, and disease-ignoring IgG4 antibodies. The infection seems mild; the virus replicates unopposed due to the IgG4 switch; the cardiovascular system is damaged; the risk of sudden death multiplies!
LNPs & Red Blood Cells by Jessica Rose
Before he even got to his microscope to examine any potential microscopic effects, visible effects (with the naked eye) were incredibly obvious, and quite alarming. It almost looked like oil dispersing water.
The most dramatic effects were seen for the Pfizer product. The ‘J’s, ‘M’s and ‘P’s labeled on the microscope slides represent the Janssen, Moderna and the Pfizer products mixed with the blood samples, respectively.
there is no spike involvement here. It is the LNPs themselves, the solution, or both, doing this harm.
LNPs & Instant Clotting by Christie Grace
If freezing the cholesterol (and other lipids) creates an increase in phosphatidylethanolamine, which then promotes the formation of thrombin, is this the culprit? Is this the cause when we are seeing these thrombi? You would not even need the mRNA present, at all—not for the prion like disease OR the clotting. You just need the cholesterol to be frozen.
FBI & Twitter by Justin Hart
Twitter became incentivized to keep the relationship with government intel agencies up and running. Some of the individuals were given top security clearance, Yoel himself was invited to confabs and meetings, and Twitter billed the FBI and others for the time their employees spent working on these issues!
Yoel Roth was invited with others to a meeting held by the Aspen Institute to roll play what would happen if intel about Hunter Biden was passed to media types.
In short, they staged with own EVENT 201 for the Hunter Biden laptop story.
Elvis Has Entered the Building by Michael P Senger
FBI Agent Elvis Chan arranged for Top Secret security clearance—the highest level of US national security clearance—to be granted to Twitter executives for the purpose of facilitating the censorship of suspected misinformation in advance of the 2020 election.
The fact that Agent Chan granted Top Secret security clearances to social media executives seems to belie the government’s defense that its work with Big Tech platforms is not a “hand-in-glove” relationship for purposes of bypassing the First Amendment
End Affirmative Action by Coleman Hughes
Once considered a progressive attitude, color-blindness is now seen as backwards—a cheap surrender in the face of racism, at best; or a cover for deeply held racist beliefs, at worst.
But color-blindness is neither racist nor backwards. Properly understood, it is the belief that we should strive to treat people without regard to race in our personal lives and in our public policy.
activist-scholars have written a false history of color-blindness meant to delegitimize it. According to this story, color-blindness was not the motivating principle behind the anti-racist activism of the 19th and 20th centuries. It was, instead, an idea concocted after the Civil Rights Movement by reactionaries who needed a way to oppose progressive policies without sounding racist.
eliminating race-based policies does not mean eliminating all policies aimed at reducing the gap between the haves and the have-nots. It simply means that such policies should be executed on the basis of class, not race.
Rebuilding Public Health by David Bell
Public health is about comparative risk evaluations, risk reduction, and reducing uncertainties using the best available evidence, since risk usually cannot be entirely eliminated.
Public health requires public trust. Public health recommendations should present facts as the basis for guidance, and never employ fear or shame to sway or manipulate the public.
Medical interventions should not be forced or coerced upon a population, but rather should be voluntary and based on informed consent. Public health officials are advisors, not rule setters, and provide information and resources for individuals to make informed decisions.
Much of society’s future will be determined by the motivations and integrity of public health institutions and their workforce. A lot of humility will be required, but this has always been the case. The world will have to watch and see whether those in the public health field have the courage to do their jobs with integrity.
From Big Tobacco to Big Pharma by Justus R. Hope
Why would our beloved United States government lie to us? For the same reason they were complicit with Big Tobacco for decades in hiding the truth about cigarette smoking - money - the good old US dollar. Big-monied interests have captured our nation and its regulatory agencies. First, we saw Big Tobacco's hefty campaign contributions to key politicians. Next, it has been the Food Industry and its millions in persuasion. Finally, and most importantly, it has become Big Pharma and their brethren: The World Economic Forum, that friendly collection of Billionaire-run corporations now so familiar to us - those legendary rags to riches names including Gates, Bezos, Bourla, Bancel, Bloomberg, Zuckerberg, and others.
recently, they have petitioned to increase the mRNA COVID-19 vaccination charge to 120 dollars per person per shot. They hope these booster shots will be mandated for the entire population annually for the foreseeable future. This fee represents a 400 percent increase in the price in one year. The charge for 350 million Americans to receive this 120-dollar shot would be about 42 billion dollars which might be justified if we still had an active pandemic and these shots saved lives.
Ruining Our Kids by Jennifer Sey
In March 2020 our kids were thrust onto screens for hours and hours each day, and were left with their only means of “socialization” to be on-line or “virtual.” They were forced to Zoom and DM and Stitch and Tik Tok all day every day, if they didn’t just give up altogether and hole up in their rooms under the covers, with absolutely zero interaction at all.
If young people have little hope for the future, feel isolated, disconnected and as if their very existence doesn’t matter, what hope do we have for the future as a society? And when kids are deemed to be inessential, their schooling and activities at the bottom of the list of our societal priorities, how else are they going to feel but inessential?
Government actions started us on this trajectory well before covid and lockdowns. Cozy relationships with Big Tech and Big Pharma led to highly addictive social media practices for the purpose of data harvesting, censorship on social media, over-prescribed drugs for our children — putting them on a path to a lifetime of medicalization, and unsafe use of prescription drugs overall (remember, it was the FDA who granted Purdue Pharma the “non-addictive” label for Oxycontin).
Un-Suspended by Jessica Hockett
Readers might recall how I was *permanently suspended* from Twitter in July, after an alleged fifth strike against the now-gone Covid-19 misleading information policy. I directly-quoted and linked a Wall Street Journal article. That July 5th, 2022 tweet is still posted, but with a *warning* label affixed.
Why won’t Elon Musk’s Twitter remove these ridiculous warnings on speech related to covid-19?
Targeting the Kids by David Marks
An inordinate amount of time spent on phones and computers has greatly contributed to the destabilization of society. It is not the digital screen on its own that is damaging to a child’s development or decorum. The two-dimensional images give the illusion of trustworthy intimacy, yet only provide a false sense of contact with others. The lack of direct interaction often initiates feelings of inadequacy and diminished self-worth.
Because of the addictive nature of communication devices, their potential for selling products and disseminating falsehoods is unbounded. Without any sign of principled standards of truth — a tsunami of posts, promos, tweets, speeches, directives, and warnings — all insisted the pandemic was a gargantuan existential threat. This dire message was repeated everywhere to ensure conformity: dictatorial rules must be strictly obeyed by everyone without doubts or questions.
Confinement and restriction are devastating psychological afflictions that have been forced upon children. Excessive and obsessive control leads to anxiety, depression, and antisocial behavior. Authoritarian regulation, whether from parents, teachers, or governments, induces disempowerment, which exacerbates both aggressive and self-destructive behavior. The fallout from this tense climate is only beginning to permeate the world, further revealing the failures of policies and protocols.
The More You Vax The More You Covid by eugyppius
a few scientists at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio have conducted a retrospective cohort study of Clinic employees who received the bivalent vaccine between September and December of this year. Most received the Pfizer cocktail, but 11% had the Moderna version.
Of 51,011 people ultimately included in the study, a mere 10,804 opted for bivalent vaccination. If anything shows that the stock of the vaccines is in freefall, it’s uptake this dismal at a major healthcare institution.
The real bombshell, though, is the authors’ accidental finding that risk of infection increases incrementally with each prior (non-bivalent) vaccine dose.
Tainted Transfusion Blood by Margaret Anna Alice
On February 17, 2022, forty-five-day-old Baby Alex died of a clot so long it extended from his left knee to his heart.
Alexander’s parents, Ron Bly and Cornelia Hertzler, were clear about their wishes to use unvaccinated directed donor blood, but the donation was not available by January 24, the date of his tracheoesophageal fistula surgery.
the doctor decided to administer a transfusion from the COVID injection–tainted blood pool instead of waiting until the directed donor blood had made it through the bureaucratic hoops.
The clot—which was impervious to blood thinners typically successful at combating normal blood clots—developed within hours of the transfusion. It appeared where the PICC line for the transfusion had been inserted in his knee.
Brace for Impact by Cernovich
This goes back to people on the road losing it (see above). When you look into the eyes of people in public, you notice something strange going on. If you’re a secular materialist, you’ll blame substance abuse (but not marijuana, that’s totally safe and effective) and mental illness (again, not caused by high dose THC products). If you have a spiritual bent, you’ll notice the demons have come out to play again. Either way, you’ve noticed the shift. It’s not good.
Avoid becoming a high profile “conservative.” My fate is sealed when the left starts attempting to round people up for gulags. Yours need not be. Lay low. Moreover, it’s pointless to act on a national level now. Did you see the news about the omnibus and Title 42? Republicans could have stopped this and didn’t. Why would you risk being Solzhenitsyn’ed when the end result is helping to elect people who hand your country over to a hostile regime?
Musk’s “Commitment” to “Free Speech” by Andrew Torba
This blog piece by Andrew Torba, Gab CEO, can be found HERE
Musk is quickly learning that in order to run a free speech platform you need two things: thick skin and a fanatical commitment to free speech, even when being pro free speech is bad for business, and even when being pro free speech means tolerating the most excoriating criticism of yourself.
Elon’s “free speech” saga at Twitter is really nothing of the sort.
NYT Wants Lockdowns by eugyppius
Western nations were themselves locked in exactly this same international competition, eager to display the fruits of their superior pandemic planning to the world, and terrified that failure that failure would cost them legitimacy. One of the reasons Germany locked down so hard during Fall 2020, was that the Merkel government had collected many international plaudits for their handling of the first wave—effectively taking credit for the seasonality of infections. They were unwilling to surrender the regard they had earned so easily.
At the end, the Times assures its heavily masked and vaccinated readership that “most people are staying home,” but that “if deaths rise sharply, public anger could revive” because “infections could hinder a quick economic rebound.”
Until we Decovidify the newsrooms, there will never be sane reporting on SARS-2 in any major press outlet, ever.
All’s Fair in Covid by Vinay Prasad
I think it is reasonable to implement policies in the heat of the moment when you are scared and uncertain, but they have to be time-limited, and you have to work hard to run randomized experiments to separate what works from what doesn’t (the NIAID and CDC did not do those studies). Drug and vaccines are neither all good or all bad — they often work in some situations, but not others — and you desperately need randomized studies to sort the difference. And no person is a saint — Fauci made many, catastrophic mistakes: none worse than pushing for prolonged school closure.
I doubt the future will be better, but rather will slip into something far worse: on issues of gender, race, disparity, and any medical issue that intersects with politics— more and more doctors will grow silent. We will be left with two fringes of irrational people shouting at each other. Universities will continue to slide into their new role as the patient enrollment arm of the pharmaceutical industry, and podcasts will take on the role of universities as places for debate and scholarship.
VAERS Overreported? by Steve Kirsch
I often hear people claim that the higher death rates in VAERS are simply because people are now aware of VAERS. But they are never able to explain why people then report at the exact same rate for deaths from other vaccines as they were before, yet for the COVID vaccines, they report deaths at a 40X higher rate than for all vaccines combined.
The people who claim that “it’s just overreporting this year” are lying to you. The “propensity to report” is pretty much unchanged as you can see from the death reports from all the other vaccines combined.
If there is overreporting, why aren’t they publishing their data to prove I’m wrong?
The Emperor Has No Clothes by Robert W Malone MD, MS
Somehow, we must come to terms with the unfortunate truth that our governments have deployed military-grade propaganda and psychological operations methods (designed for battling foreign adversaries) on their own citizens to shape thought, belief, and reality itself to comport with the interests of the US federal administrative state. The pervasive spying and censorship of the US and other western governments on their own citizens (somehow justified as necessary to “preserve democracy”) has become completely normalized, and few seem willing to even spare a moment to care.
If one confronts the horror of the modern Praetorian guard/”intelligence community” being willing and able to assassinate a US President with impunity, and the decades of subsequent Presidents and CIA directors who have not only been aware of this truth, but have subverted congressional mandates that this truth be disclosed to the American public, then the ground shifts and Yeats’ slouching beast comes into focus. We can now see its form and speak its name: “Leviathan”.
GOP Civil War by Emerald Robinson
In the last few weeks, Andy Biggs and a group of GOP conservative representatives (including Matt Gaetz, Bob Goode, Matt Rosendale and Ralph Norman) have been providing a master class in leverage.
In order to become House Speaker, Kevin McCarthy needs their votes — and so, by threatening to withhold their votes, they have managed to drag Kevin McCarthy to the right in previously unimaginable ways.
McCarthy has been forced to make at least 6 pledges so far — ranging from removing Democrats from committee assignments to rolling back IRS funding — that he had never previously supported.
Practicing Protecting Speech by Jen Downey
Protecting all speech, was the price a society had to pay to create protection for obviously valuable speech. Wheat and chaff, baby. I heartily agreed!
It never occurred to my younger self — ace defender of the right of others to hold stupid, detestable, invalid or “wrong” ideas and opinions — to ask a very important question of my most magnanimous self: What if an idea that I thought inconceivable, harmful, dangerous, ridiculous, or otherwise invalid turned out to contain value or truth? How likely was it that in any moment I was likely to be “right” and able to discern validity and truth in all matters? How would I know if one of my own opinions, conceptions, or beliefs was in some way partly inaccurate or flat out wrong?
What better way to keep our thinking nimble and frosty and demonstrate actual intellectual bravery than by read the kind of book that has the potential to put our own intellectual rigidities and unexamined certitudes to the test. We could identify one controversial perspective that we find ridiculous, potentially destructive, or otherwise devoid of value, and seek out a book by an author who believes the perspective has value. A book that those who already hold the perspective hold in high esteem. No cheating by reading the least accomplished, most terribly presented version of the perspective
Fear of Social Disapproval in Japan by Guy Gin
There’s evidence to suggest this social pressure and paranoia pushed some people over the edge. Okada et al. found that rises in female suicides in 2020/2021 positively correlated with the number of reported Covid cases (but not deaths) among Japan’s prefectures, which suggests watching nightly news reports about PCR+ numbers isn’t good for your mental health. This helps to contextualise why so many people surveyed in early 2021 thought that getting the vaccine would ease their anxiety.
The fact that many people fear social sanction more than the virus partly explains why Japan achieved such a high vax rate among the working-age population in 2021 without restrictions and mandates
Correlation or Causation in Germany? by Fabian Spieker
The 2 states with the lowest excess mortality for 2022 (Sachsen and Thüringen) are the ones with the lowest booster rates.
Boosters are causing excess mortality by making people more susceptible to severe COVID-19
Twitter Files & Covid by David Zweig
This isn’t simply the story of the power of Big Tech or of the legacy press to shape our debate—though it is most certainly that.
In the end it is equally the story of children across the country who were prevented from attending school, especially kids from underprivileged backgrounds who are now miles behind their more well-off peers in math and English. It’s the story of the people who died alone. It’s the story of the small businesses that shuttered. It’s even the story of the perpetually-masked 20-year-olds in the heart of San Francisco for whom there has never been a return to normal.
If Twitter had allowed the kind of open forum for debate that it claimed to believe in, could any of this have turned out differently?
Unsafe & Ineffective by Joel Smalley
If it is either unsafe or ineffective, it fails to serve any purpose, let alone one mandated or financed by the state and its stolen funds. And that’s the end of it. That’s as high as the bar has to be for us.
Everything else is a sideshow at this point.
Defeat the Safe and Effective™ narrative and we can finally forget about COVID. And trust me, no-one wants that any more than me. I’m tired of this.
I am very much valuing your digests, and not just because you included my Substack in this one! Thank you for taking the time to do this.
Thanks for including me among such excellent company. By the way, there's no direct link to Vinay Prasad's post.