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Note: I read a lot of Substacks each day. The Basket is intended to be a collection of the money quotes from the best of what I read. My goal is that you enjoy this service because it saves you time and quickly informs you. And my hope is that you find one or two articles that you click into because you want more.
What you can find in this collection (these are my headlines, not the authors’):
Republicans Should Register As Democrats by Good Citizen
Pfizer’s Deleted Trial Subjects by OpenVAET & Josh Guetzkow
Resveratrol Vs Spike Protein by Walter M Chesnut
Levi’s AI Diversity Debacle by Jennifer Sey
Repeat-Dose Toxicity Study in Rats by Naked Emperor
New Zealand All Cause Mortality Problem by Ian Miller
Stormy Seas Ahead by Dr. Robert Malone
Vitamin D Reduces Suicides by Dr. Paul Alexander
Switzerland Stops The Jabs by Joel Smalley
Musk’s Streisand Effect by eugyppius
Combating Or Fueling Anti-Science? by Vinay Prasad
Press Ignores Ukraine Intel Leak by amuse
Loyalty To Free Speech by Alex Berenson
Covid and Flu Vaxes Ineffective by Igor Chudov
Mortality Higher For The Transitioned by Dr. Peter McCullough
Trump Balancing Anti-Vaxxers by Tom Renz
RSV Study Skips All Cause Data by Dave The Knave
School Still Masking by David Zweig
Zinc Effective Against Acute Covid by Dr. Peter McCullough
Cannot Be Denied Discovery by Steve Kirsch
Republicans Should Register As Democrats by Good Citizen
put down the latest edition of Guns & Ammo to go and register in your state as a Democrat.
Yes, you read that right.
You should feel no allegiance to the Republican party which is just one half of the Uniparty and sought to derail your favorite candidate at every opportunity starting in 2015.
The Republican party pushed for lockdowns, masks, social distancing, and deadly toxic vaccines for a fake pandemic with just as much enthusiasm as the other party.
You have the opportunity to pick their chosen party’s (D) candidate for them so that for the first time in your voting life you might have two potentially semi-good options with two different letters next to their names.
You should flip the entire chess board up in the air to confuse the pundits, deceive the pollsters, and scare the hell out of both parties.
You should all immediately register as Democrats.
Pfizer’s Deleted Trial Subjects by OpenVAET & Josh Guetzkow
a most concerning issue: the data of numerous subjects enrolled in the trial appears to be missing and may have been deleted.
When we look at all the subjects registered for the Pfizer/BioNTech trial for all 3 phases ages 12 and up, we would then expect that the subject ID numbers would be sequential within each site. So for every site, the ID numbers should start at 1001 and continue sequentially (1002, 1003, 1004… etc). There should not be any gaps. But there are! There are 301 missing subject IDs, assuming that each site started recruiting at 1001 until the last subject ID registered at the site.
55% of deletions at 10 sites where only about 20% of all trial subjects were enrolled. And as we saw earlier, 37% of all deleted subjects were at a single site (Argentina) that enrolled only 12% of the trial subjects. The likelihood of such disproportionate deletions happening by chance is extremely low, far less than 1 in a million.
Resveratrol Vs Spike Protein by Walter M Chesnut
SARS-CoV-2 infection and its Spike Protein induce the production of Reactive Oxygen Species and induces Senescence in cells. It is important to find natural, safe therapeutics which can be used to effectively mitigate the damage caused by the virus and its proteins. Resveratrol is almost certainly one of the best as it works against both Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) and Senescence.
Resveratrol is also a Senomorphic. This means it has the ability to PREVENT the formation of Senescent cells – it helps to keep your cells in a live, healthy and active state. Interestingly, this only occurs with a low dose. High doses of Resveratrol actually INDUCE senescence, which is not what we want in this case.
Perhaps the most remarkable discovery related to Resveratrol and the Spike Protein is how Resveratrol is a strong therapeutic against Radiation damage and injury, which the Spike Protein mimics PERFECTLY.
I believe Resveratrol will prove to be a very powerful, safe and effective therapeutic against most of the pathology of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and its Spike Protein.
Levi’s AI Diversity Debacle by Jennifer Sey
About two weeks ago, Levi’s announced they were partnering with to create custom avatars for their website in order to increase the diversity of its models. After significant backlash, they’ve since apologized stating that they did not see the pilot as a means to advance diversity.
From a business perspective, the benefit of this AI endeavor would be allowing shoppers to see a range of body types in the jean, enhancing relevance…Enhancing relevance for a broad range of consumers without 10x-ing the cost sounded pretty good. But not when the “models” looked goofy, digitized and fake.
But then, they decided to PR the program as a diversity play.
The PR team wanted the credit for impressions, dollar value and diversity so much they didn’t think through the actual validity of the messaging.
Levi’s revealed their true intentions: signal virtue without doing anything real at all, with the hopes of using this marketing opportunity to drive sales and make money while burnishing their reputation as “values-driven.”
Repeat-Dose Toxicity Study in Rats by Naked Emperor
The latest Pfizer document drop happened at the beginning of April. Included in this latest tranche is a Repeat-Dose Toxicity Study of Three LNP-Formulated RNA Platforms Encoding for Viral Proteins by Repeated Intramuscular Administration to Wistar Han Rats. The document was published on 1 July 2020 and approved on 18 September 2020.
there were serious differences between the control group and the vaccine group that maybe should have been looked at further before injecting half the world. Just looking at a few rats and concluding the vaccine was safe maybe wasn’t the most truthful conclusion.
For example with only 60% of the male rats’ hearts falling within normal limits, this should have set off some warning bells. Is the reason so many people are dying from heart disease linked to the elevated plasma activity of gamma-glutamyltransferase (gamma-GT) observed in these trials?
New Zealand All Cause Mortality Problem by Ian Miller

few places on earth have been as heavily praised as New Zealand.
Throughout 2020 and into 2021, New Zealand saw very little COVID transmission.
Despite the exceptionally high vaccination rate, despite their exceptionally high booster rate, despite vaccine passports, strict lockdowns, “red traffic light” policies and border controls, the pandemic came for New Zealand as well.
has seen a record level of all cause mortality.
New Zealand’s cumulative COVID mortality rate still remains low. But the all cause mortality tells a different story.
Stormy Seas Ahead by Dr. Robert Malone
As the COVIDcrisis winds down, and the roaches responsible for the horrid public policy decisions have all scurried into various cracks and crevices to hide from the light of day, we are left with two fundamental questions. “Will there be any real accountability commensurate with the needle and the damage done?” And “What will they do to us next?”
My point of view on the first is that it is highly unlikely that anything more than some token sacrifice to the gods of public opinion will happen, if even that. On the second, batten down the hatches, cuz thar will be years if not decades of stormy seas ahead consequent to the decision making of the Golden overlord caste which has become so invested in globalism, utilitarianism (for the underclasses), Malthusianism, command-economy Marxism, and the bizarre dysfunctional cluster of victim theory often referred to as “Wokeism”.
Vitamin D Reduces Suicides by Dr. Paul Alexander
That vitamin D can have such a profound effect among veterans in reducing suicide is remarkable, the size of the reduced risk. Vitamin D3 seems very profound. Stunning and while not a clinical trial (correlation does not mean causation), these results are very profound. Do not slight these findings. There is biological plausibility, a biological mechanism. So even stronger. Temporal relationship exists too and we can infer tacit causation here.
‘Vitamin D3 and D2 supplementation were associated with a 45% and 48% lower risk of suicide attempt and self-harm
Decline In Purpose By Katherine Boyle
Purpose is on the decline these days. A recent Wall Street Journal–NORC poll found that faith, family, and the flag—the constants that used to define our national character—have eroded in importance in the last 25 years.
Only 38 percent of poll respondents said patriotism was very important to them, down from 70 percent in 1998. Of religion, 39 percent said it was very important, down from 62 percent.
Beyond God and country, a desire to have children and community involvement plummeted by double digits, too. Meanwhile, the once universal value of “tolerance for others” has declined from 80 percent to 58 percent in the last four years alone. We’re replacing “Love thy neighbor” with “Get off my lawn.”
The only “value” that has inflated in recent years is the one that can be easily measured: money.
Increasingly, the void is being filled with. . . you. A relentless focus on the self that tells us you are enough
For too long, we’ve been told we can be anything, do anything, and that all criticisms of that anything are an attack on our identity and very being. That self-love and self-care are all we need to thrive. And yet, we’ve never seemed more miserable, never been more lost, and never less confident in what we stand for.
Switzerland Stops The Jabs by Joel Smalley
Switzerland stops the Covid vaccinations: all vaccination recommendations have been withdrawn, doctors can only administer the controversial vaccines in individual cases under certain conditions - but then bear the risk of liability for vaccination damage.
Corona Immunitas seroprevalence data (June/July 2022) show that more than 98% of the Swiss population have antibodies against SARS-CoV-2. Due to the immunity situation, the currently predominant virus variants and the expected low virus circulation in spring/summer 2023, it can be assumed that people without risk factors have a very low risk of becoming seriously ill with Covid-19 in spring/summer 2023.
For this reason, no recommendation for vaccination against Covid-19 is formulated.
Musk’s Streisand Effect by eugyppius
By attacking Substack, Musk is simply hurting the ability of a lot of smaller bloggers to draw traffic to their posts, while also providing free advertising to the coming Substack Notes feature via the Streisand effect.
Twitter is an enormously popular website for journalists in particular, and Substack is the most promising alternative, independent blogging and journalism platform.
Musk’s fear of competition here is deeply misguided: Substack links on Twitter are Twitter content; they are one of the reasons to browse Twitter every morning.
Disconnecting Twitter from closely aligned platforms, which share many of the same journalists and readers, makes the site less interesting and much less useful.
Despite being one of Twitter’s most successful users, Musk often seems not to grasp how social media more broadly actually functions.
Combating Or Fueling Anti-Science? by Vinay Prasad
What happens when you pair mediocre scientists with political fanaticism and inject health policy decisions made by partisan administrations? The answer is chaos. The debunkers have no skillset to separate sound decisions from bad ones.
People who are not the best scientists— who spend most of their time attacking soft-targets— and who pledge their allegiance to the political left— ironically did tremendous damage to science by creating a caustic environment where real debate could not occur.
Worse, they encouraged delusional regulators (Peter Marks) into believing their decisions were correct, and others into thinking that the real enemy were scientists who disagreed.
The grand irony then is that these people who see their life in service of a good— combating anti-science ideas— fueled anti-science in the time of crisis.
Press Ignores Ukraine Intel Leak by amuse
the release of hundreds of highly classified documents about the Ukraine war…reveal that the war is going much worse than the Biden administration has been claiming.
Literally, not a single U.S. media outlet is even slightly interested in whether or not the Biden administration has been lying to the American people about the war in Ukraine.
They’re not interested in what the White House plans to do (if anything) about the misappropriation of U.S. tax dollars by Ukrainian politicians and military leaders.
Just as the U.S. media seemed to willfully defy logic to regurgitate the CIA’s ‘theory’ that a Ukraine couple on a yacht masterminded the destruction of the Nord Stream pipeline—they’re tying themselves up in similar knots to avoid reporting on the real story—the fact that we’re losing our proxy war against Russia—badly.
Loyalty To Free Speech by Alex Berenson
Musk is correct not to trust real journalists - as opposed to bootlickers on either the right or the left - to be loyal to him.
Because we are not loyal to Musk or his billions, or even to Twitter or Substack. We are loyal to free speech and the right to report and debate. For us Twitter is a tool - a powerful, free tool to reach the largest possible audience, hopefully without government or corporate interference.
I hoped Musk saw Twitter the same way, but in fact he doesn’t seem to see Twitter in any coherent way. Is it a public square? A business? A way for Elon Musk, chief twit, to tweak his enemies and express his opinions to the world?
Musk can hardly call himself a free speech champion if he cuts access to competing sites - especially one crucial to the independent writers he claims to value most.
Covid and Flu Vaxes Ineffective by Igor Chudov
A fascinating study of US veterans hospitalized with COVID or flu is out.
64% of patients hospitalized with COVID were vaccinated against the flu. 63% of patients hospitalized with flu were vaccinated against the flu.
We know that the influenza vaccine does not prevent Covid hospitalizations. But if the influenza vaccine prevented influenza hospitalizations, there would be fewer influenza-vaccinated people hospitalized for influenza than influenza-vaccinated people hospitalized for Covid.
55% of persons hospitalized with Covid were Covid-boosted. 55% of persons hospitalized with flu were Covid-boosted.
the flu vaccine does NOT help prevent flu-related hospitalizations!
This comparison shows that Covid boosters do not reduce Covid hospitalizations.
Mortality Higher For The Transitioned by Dr. Peter McCullough
Jackson et al, recently reported on the outcomes of total of 1951 British transfeminine (male at birth)…and 1364 transmasculine (female at birth)…Compared with cisgender men, there was an increased risk of overall mortality for transfeminine…Compared with cisgender women, there was an increased risk of overall mortality for transmasculine…adults.
The most notable relative risks for those who changed genders was suicide and homicide…These data suggest that psychiatric and behavioral determinants arising from background gender dysphoria and the transgender process contribute to death at a relatively young age among those who have chosen to change from their original biological gender to the opposite.
Trump Balancing Anti-Vaxxers by Tom Renz
there is VERY likely 30%+ of the voting public that will fall into the “vaccine swing voter” demographic. Key to understanding why any of this matters is to recognize the motivations of these groups. The unvaxxed stood through job loss, name calling, the loss of family and friends, and much more to say no to these poisons. These people are angry about this nightmare and this issue WILL impact their voting. The coerced and the regretfully jabbed may be somewhat less motivated but will also strongly consider the vax issue in 2024. This means that a huge number of people that are very likely to vote because of the vax issue will also be voting ON the vax issue.
the one issue that could split his [Trump’s] base and cost him the election is the vaccine.
With Bobby Kennedy coming into the picture as a potential presidential candidate and more truth about the jabs coming out daily, I think this issue becomes even more crucial.
RSV Study Skips All Cause Data by Dave The Knave
A whole-inactivated RSV vaccine was created and studied for use in children in 1965 and 1966. The youngest cohort (<6mo) had no history of infection with RSV. 31 infants were vaccinated, 20 were infected, 16 were hospitalized, and 2 infants died. This tragedy explains why over half a century later we still have no RSV vaccine product for infants.
The current approach being tested is vaccination of pregnant women.
Efficacy: There was modest vaccine efficacy against RSV-associated LRTI. That efficacy was decreased against RSV-associated hospitalization, which showed no difference at one year of life. Protection from RSV-associated hospitalization in the first 6 months of life might be sufficient cause to look favorably on these data, but the lack of all-cause LRTI hospitalization data makes the value impossible to assess.
I am not reassured that this vaccine is safe. If the 1% absolute increased risk of premature births is real, that is a major blow to the cost/benefit of this intervention.
School Still Masking by David Zweig
The Elizabeth Ann Clune Montessori School of Ithaca…Serving more than 220 students from preschool through eighth grade…since the fall of 2020 through today, those children must be masked during class and on the playground, and have been barred from speaking during lunch.
As of today, children at EACMSI are still required to mask indoors and outdoors. They are still prohibited from speaking during lunch. Second-graders who began school there as kindergarteners in fall 2020 have never experienced a normal day of school in their lives.
at the beginning of this school year, with no end to the interventions in sight, Stein finally pulled her kids from EACMSI. They now attend public school
“Masking has been extremely effective in protecting our students and staff while they are on campus,” came the reply from a generic administrative email account. “We have seen no on-campus transmission during our nearly three years of in-person school operations since we reopened in fall of 2020.”
Parents of current students told me that teachers have shown TED Talks or instructional videos, or played podcasts to keep the students sufficiently entertained so they won’t be tempted to speak to each other. Teachers also conduct lessons or read a story during lunch. When the kids eat outdoors, they are permitted to talk.
Zinc Effective Against Acute Covid by Dr. Peter McCullough
Ben Abdallah et al from Tunisia recently published the VIZIR trial (viral infection treatment with oral zinc: a randomized controlled trial in COVID-19) which randomized a spectrum of acute COVID-19 patients to zinc 25 mg po bid versus placebo. Zinc has been known for decades to be an inhibitor of RNA-dependent polymerase. There was a 42% reduction in the primary composite of needing ICU admission or death.
Cannot Be Denied Discovery by Steve Kirsch
They charged Kirk Moore with a crime. Dr. Moore is allowed discovery to prove his innocence. This means he gets access to Medicare, NDI, and all state death and vaccination records.
The US Attorney in Utah issued a criminal indictment against Dr. Kirk Moore for “running a COVID-19 Vaccine Scheme to Defraud the Government and CDC.”
Since this is a criminal proceeding in federal court, Dr. Moore cannot be denied discovery to show that the vaccines are deadly
If the judge denies Moore the discovery, he can appeal because there is no country in the world that has correlated the death-vax data and released the records for public analysis. They all keep it hidden behind closed doors and all attempts to get that data have been rebuffed.
The judge can allow these records to be made public if they are in the public interest, which they will be.
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