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Note: I read a lot of Substacks each day. The Basket is intended to be a collection of the money quotes from the best of what I read. My goal is that you enjoy this service because it saves you time and quickly informs you. And my hope is that you find one or two articles that you click into because you want more.
What you can find in this collection (these are my headlines, not the authors’):
The Harm Of SSRIs by Dawn Jeronowitz
Switzerland Is Not Neutral by Katherine Watt
Fatal Youth Seizures by Dr. William Makis
Targeting The Human Microbiome by Sasha Latypova
Bypassing Centralized Control by Mathew Aldred
WEF Agenda by Dr. Robert Malone
Long Mask by Guy Gin
deGrasse Tyson Sells Souls To Consensus by JAMES LYONS-WEILER
Woke’s Community Problem by el gato malo
The Irresponsible, Dishonest, & Hyperbolic Language Of Trans by AUDRA FACINELLI
1,135 Days Of Emergency by Justin Hart
What H.J.Res. 7 Does NOT Do by Kelley K
Emergency Powers Continue by KATHERINE WATT
Who’s Having Babies? by T CODDINGTON
2016 Capitol Insurrection by amuse
Danish Hot Lots Study by Jessica Rose
Jabs Killed 50% More Than Covid by Joel Smalley
Maternal Mortality Up by Dr. Peter McCullough
Cochrane Disses Tufekci by PAUL D. THACKER
The Harm Of SSRIs by Dawn Jeronowitz
There have been hundreds of cases of homicides and suicides that were all committed by someone under the influence of psychotropic pharmaceutical drugs prescribed to them by a doctor. These cases include; a co-pilot who flew a Germanwings airplane into a mountain, the boy who beheaded his mother, the mother who drowned her five children in a bathtub, another mother who strangled her three children with a yoga band, the man who massacred people at a Las Vegas concert, or at a Charleston church, a Sutherland Springs church, and a Colorado movie theater to name a few.
For those who lived in the US before 1997, you may recall mass killings and school shootings were not an epidemic like they are today. It wasn’t until the Columbine massacre in 1999 that the road was paved for the mass tragedies that seem so commonplace today.
Upon drug intake, I became high. Within weeks, the high escalated to euphoria. Euphoria intensified to grandiose, until mania overtook me. I lived delusions, paranoia, and insomnia. I endured radical, obsessive, and irrational antics. Oblivious, other people noticed. After running and screaming through the neighborhood, I was brutally taken into police custody. I then kicked out the back window of the police car, barefoot, and dove through the shattered glass.
Switzerland Is Not Neutral by Katherine Watt
I do not think Switzerland is politically neutral. I think the country presents a false front of neutrality as cover for the massive interference that globalist organizations headquartered there, conduct within the formerly sovereign nations of the world.
through the lens of Switzerland’s long history of hosting organizations (BIS at Basel, World Health Organization at Geneva, etc) that control many aspects of geopolitical events, I can see that it would be very useful for the orchestrators of the Covid crimes to give the world the impression that true accountability could come from that quarter, while simply putting on a pretend show of justice that leads nowhere but draws attention, time and resources away from other attempts at obtaining justice.
I do not think Switzerland can be the locus of truly just prosecution; I think the Swiss government is playing a well-paid role in the next phase of the global fraud.
Fatal Youth Seizures by Dr. William Makis
The fact that COVID-19 vaccines have a 35x higher rate of causing seizures than flu vaccines, tells you there is a serious safety problem here.
A German study reported in Sep.2021 looked at 54 patients with epilepsy who had COVID-19 vaccines (click here)
Shockingly, 33% reported negative effects after COVID-19 vaccination (headache, fatigue, fever), 1 reported increased seizure frequency and 1 reported a new seizure type.
A Mexican study reported in Aug.2022 documented 53 cases of seizures post COVID-19 vaccination, 60% of which were new onset seizures. (click here) They put the incidence rate of seizures highest for Moderna with 2.7 per million, and Pfizer with 1.0 per million.
Targeting The Human Microbiome by Sasha Latypova
They are talking about killing and injuring the beneficial microbes, as an easier way to attack the human body.
“For example, microbes could be modified to produce functional small RNAs (e.g., microRNAs [miRNAs]) that could be transferred to the host via the gut or skin microbiome to cause a variety of health impacts. Microbes also could potentially be engineered to horizontally transfer a genetic cargo to the native microbiome to, for example, cause a host's own well-established microbes to produce a harmful biochemical.”
If we look at the seasonal respiratory illnesses as being initiated by imbalances of microbiome, and their symptoms (fever, cough, congestion, etc) as “healing crises” - body’s way of trying to re-establish the balance, then a bioweapon would need to be able to trigger the microbiome imbalance in large numbers of people. I am getting more convinced that this is what happened with “covid”. It was a way to trigger microbiome imbalances (with some unusual symptoms) by deploying large quantities of cloned purified RNA materials in the environment which would be picked up by inhalation/ingestion or perhaps transdermally.
Bypassing Centralized Control by Mathew Aldred
Over the past two years, under extreme pressure from attacks by the Elite$, people from all backgrounds have been drawn to spending many hours networking and effectively training themselves on vast amounts of data sets to which they would have never ordinarily been exposed.
A unique and continuously updating intelligence is emerging that is greater than the sum of its parts.
a Decentralized-Distributed-Dissident-Collective-Intelligence-Network is emerging out of the chaos. It has grown organically and bypassed institutional gatekeepers and mechanisms of centralized control. It has harnessed the wisdom of an heretical and dissident crowd.
Just as the Elite$ have been growing ever more powerful, so has the collective intelligence of the non-elites.
WEF Agenda by Dr. Robert Malone
transnationalist companies want control of world governance. The Great Reset is a planned attempt to redistribute all the world’s wealth and power into the hands of corporations, billionaires, banks and and most of all, the World Economic Forum’ leadership. The “Great Reset” plans to use the fourth industrial revolution to further their own ambitious plans of world dominance.
To get an idea of how the WEF is using industry 4.0 now, take the example of smart cities. The WEF is using of the threat of “climate change “to drive the development and State/business endorsement of smart cities.
The ability to track and control all peoples in a city, to control crime, carbon credits, food, transport, etc. is a future most do not wish to partake in.
The WEF business model has been to enable its member corporations to create disruptive technologies that will drive markets and increase profits.
This is not about ESG, smart cities, climate change or even human rights. The WEF is about gaining governmental control via corporatism. The WEF is a trade-organization of the largest transnational organizations in the world.
US President Biden, today, signed into law H.J.Res. 7, which finally ends the COVID-19 emergency
it should have been ended in June 2020 - after it was clear that this outbreak is essentially flu-like, and the countermeasures are severely impacting society negatively. This can be easily seen, by comparing the US to Sweden, which did implement almost no such public health countermeasures
The public health measures in the US failed to prevent (or actually produced?!) a total tally of about 1.3M excess deaths from 2020 W01 until 2023 W03.
Long Mask by Guy Gin
The results showed that masks (particularly N95 masks) significantly restricted oxygen (O2) uptake, hindered carbon dioxide (CO2) release, and led to increased humidity and temperature under the mask.
One potential consequence of reduced O2 uptake is transient hypoxemia (lower than normal oxygen levels in blood), which ironically could lead to worse infection outcomes.
CO2 release may lead to transient hypercarbia (increase in carbon dioxide in the bloodstream)
“Increased humidity and temperature can increase droplet and aerosol generation, which facilitate liquid penetration through the mask mesh. This not only increases the chance of microorganism (fungal and bacterial pathogens) growth on and in masks (134–136) causing increased risk for accumulation of fungal and bacterial pathogens (134, 136) including mucormycosis (137), but also leading to re-breathing of viruses that may be trapped and enriched within the moisturized mask meshwork…Additionally, the high concentration of microbiome in masks can be a potential source of infection for the population.”
deGrasse Tyson Sells Souls To Consensus by JAMES LYONS-WEILER
On Del Bigtree's show, The Highwire, Neil deGrasse Tyson committed two classic logical fallacies, and you must know what those fallacies are so you can recognize them as well.
The first one is called the fallacy of consensus gentium, usually made with the Argumentum ad Populum.
This is an argument by which a person claims a conclusion must be true because most, all, or even an elite group of elites irrelevantly think, believe, or feel that it is true.
In addition, de Grasse Tyson made an appeal to authority in response to The Highwire’s demolition of the appeal to authority; Bigtree showed that there was no consensus. Appeal to authority is another classic logical fallacy.
de Grasse Tyson trusts that the consensus in public health has been generated by the same process consensus is generated in areas of bona fide rational inquiry: construct a hypothesis, try it out, if it stands up to a critical test, fine, keep challenging it, ok, if it does not hold up, it’s been falsified (in the Popperian sense) and should be rejected.
That’s not how public health “science” works.
Woke’s Community Problem by el gato malo
this “product” is joyless and vapid.
the key comorbidity for this affliction cum addiction is a lack of community.
it’s really that simple.
universities used to excel at generating community. now they ravage and impede it putting ideological struggle sessions in its place.
family structure has been pulled apart, social structure unraveled, religion marked as “extremism.”
i am not a religious person. never have been. but i have many friends who are. and i’ll say one thing, they held up A LOT better under covid’s lockdowns and mask ups and life upheaval than most other groups i saw.
it’s because they had community and sense of self.
it gave them a joint bulwark from which to resist.
The Irresponsible, Dishonest, & Hyperbolic Language Of Trans by AUDRA FACINELLI
apparently anything other than complete acquiescence to their demands is debating “their right to exist.”
Well, they call bans on gender-affirming care for minors “hate-filled” bills. Yet they never explain why safeguarding children from making permanent life decisions as prepubescents is “hateful.”
They also lie directly to the public about what these treatments entail, to minimize their impact. They lie stating that these drugs aren’t handed out “lightly” Yet, according to trans activist Erin Reed, requiring so much as a therapy letter is “gatekeeping” and there are plenty of HRT clinics that don’t require a single therapy appointment.
This makes it clear that any reasonable safeguards to transition genders will be viewed as “hateful”.
1,135 Days Of Emergency by Justin Hart
At this point, one is tempted to say: “… and thus ends our long national nightmare” but the damage and impact of the policies enacted during the declaration are just now being tallied and some are ongoing.
Medical errors increased in hospitals due to the constraints on resources and mandates. Millions of cancer screenings were missed, potentially causing a future surge in late-stage cases. HIV testing was disrupted, leading to delayed diagnoses and treatment.
Governments and private companies used Covid apps to expand surveillance, stop protests, and profit from user information. Reports of CDC collusion with big tech have prompted multiple hearings on Capitol Hill.
Lockdowns led to a distressing increase in infant abuse and a surge in anxiety among children. Notably, the restrictions had a devastating impact on teenagers, as well as causing developmental delays in babies.
What H.J.Res. 7 Does NOT Do by Kelley K
There was a lot of excitement yesterday about Biden signing the bill to end the Covid national emergency. But practically speaking, this means very little to most Americans.
What does the bill NOT do?
This does NOT end the public health emergency
This does NOT end vaccine mandates for foreign visitors arriving via air
This does NOT end vaccine mandates for health care workers
This does NOT end the emergency declaration under Section 564 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic (FD&C) Act, which authorizes Emergency Use Authorization for vaccines and treatments
This does NOT end the PREP Act
This does NOT end the FEMA funds for Covid funeral expenses
This does NOT end mask mandates on federal property during high Covid transmission
It does not end the White House Covid-19 Task Force
Emergency Powers Continue by KATHERINE WATT
HHS Secretary PHE powers are not terminated on May 11.
There are at least three interlocking frameworks for the consolidation of power in executive hands during declared emergencies: the 1976 National Emergencies Act, the 1988 Stafford Act, and the 1944 Public Health Service Act as amended in 1983 to add the Public Health Emergencies (PHE) program.
Congress and Biden have rescinded the emergency proclamation issued under the 1976 National Emergencies Act, but the Public Health Emergency declaration issued by then-HHS Secretary Alex Azar on Jan. 31, 2020, effective Jan. 27, 2020, remains in force, along with the Stafford Act determination Trump issued on March 13, 2020.
Who’s Having Babies? by T CODDINGTON
several prominent voices had written about potential worrying signs regarding fertility and open questions about whether vaccination had impacted this.
In the 2017-2020 period, the trend in the the UK appeared to be that less deprived women (women in quintiles 4&5 of the deprivation index) were having a greater proportion of the babies in UK, and the most deprived women (women in quintiles 1&2 of the deprivation index) were having a fewer proportion of babies
The trend appears to have continued. While the % of births to average women has remained almost constant, 19.5% in 1st report and 19.4% in the last report. The % to the more deprived women (1&2) has grown from 45.9% to 48.1%, while the % to the least deprived women (4&5) had decreased from 35.5% to 32.3%. It is entirely possible that this is 100% coincidental to the vaccination rates of these groups
2016 Capitol Insurrection by amuse
more than 500 Democrats participated in the insurrection and occupation of the United States House of Representatives in the summer of 2016. With the support of President Obama and Hillary Clinton, official proceedings in the United States Capitol were obstructed for more than 25 hours between June 22nd and June 23rd.
Hundreds more trespassed outside the Capitol in restricted areas including the Capitol steps, the lawmaker’s parking lot, and Capitol grounds.
The occupiers, conspirators, and protesters violated more than a dozen federal laws including 18 U.S.C. § 1512(c)(2) Obstructing Official Proceeding of Congress—punishable by up to eight years in federal prison.
Despite this, not a single person was arrested, investigated, or charged by FBI Director James Comey or Attorney General Loretta Lynch. The insurgents were allowed to go home and celebrate the fact they had taken over the most powerful legislative body in the world over the course of two days while the world watched.
Danish Hot Lots Study by Jessica Rose
study is entitled: “Batch-dependent safety of the BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine” and it was published in the European Journal of Clinical Investigation on March 30, 2023. It’s awesome that people are doing this work and examining pharmacovigilance data world-wide. More please.
The conclusion of this study is that, within the Danish population, of the people who got 2 doses of Pfizer mRNA product, their SAE occurrences were linked to the batch number of the product.
There appear to be at least 4 batches associated with greater than 7,000 SAE reports with fewer than 100,000 doses per batch. This really seems like it definitively means that these batches are more toxic
Jabs Killed 50% More Than Covid by Joel Smalley
there’s not much more evidence we can add as proof that pretty much every excess death, health injury and economic woe of the last few years is due to government intervention
Korea experienced less mortality than expected for the first 18 months of the “pandemic”, including a rather meagre 3,000 “COVID” deaths. Post-vaccination, excess deaths soared. COVID deaths really took off too but nowhere near as much as overall excess deaths. The most recent data (to Jan-23) shows just over 33,000 COVID deaths and more than twice as many excess deaths at almost 70,000.
I estimate just over 10 million people have been killed by the jab. That compares to 6.9 million “COVID” deaths (which includes a whole load that are actually jab deaths as I have set out above), i.e. at least 150%
Maternal Mortality Up by Dr. Peter McCullough
the CDC is reporting record maternal death rates in 2021 compared to prior decades and in the report by Hoyert et al, has shown a stepwise increase for death during or shortly after pregnancy.
While lockdowns, reduced access to prenatal care, and a variety of factors could be related to maternal outcomes, the CDC report is willfully blind to major exposures 1) acute COVID-19 which could have played a role in 2020 and 2) COVID-19 vaccination which was prevalent in 65% of mothers in 2021.
Women of childbearing age and pregnant women should refrain from COVID-19 vaccination given its pregnancy category X status and the absence of any assurances on short or long-term safety.
Cochrane Disses Tufekci by PAUL D. THACKER
Back in March, social media influence Zeynep Tufekci ignored peer reviewed research published in a Cochrane review to plug her own findings in a New York Times essay pronouncing that masks stop virus transmission.
She then began a month-long Twitter campaign to beat back critics…before proclaiming that she had forced some kind of correction to Cochrane.
“There is no correction to the review,” an executive at Cochrane told me.
“I cannot comment on what Tufekci is meaning or the veracity of her tweets about a correction—that is her choice of a term and is open to many interpretations,” said John Conly
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