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Note: I read a lot of Substacks each day. The Basket is intended to be a collection of the money quotes from the best of what I read. My goal is that you enjoy this service because it saves you time and quickly informs you. And my hope is that you find one or two articles that you click into because you want more.
What you can find in this collection (these are my headlines, not the authors’):
The “Horse Paste” Works by Joel Smalley
RSV RCT Review by Dr. Peter McCullough
Never Trust Liars by Tom Renz
Unified Against God by EMERALD ROBINSON
Pregnancy & Lactation Pfizer Review by Naked Emperor
Growing Wave Of Vax Injury Reporting by EUGYPPIUS
Masks & Still Births by Naked Emperor
mRNA Penetrated Placentas by Igor Chudov
Rethinking Feminism by Mary Harrington
Autism Indicator For Gender Dysphoria by Dr. Peter McCullough
Hypocrisy Of The Value Of Life by ZEPHARETH LEDBETTER
No Accountability by TOM JEFFERSON
Cancer Drug Shortages by AUSSIE17
Media Failed On Adverse Events by THORSTEINN SIGLAUGSSON
“Food Compass” Fraudsters by el gato malo
Tinnitus Safety Signal by Steve Kirsch
Public School Activism by LIBS OF TIKTOK
The Road To Teixeira by Rob Henderson
Hollow Pride by MAX KANIN
The “Horse Paste” Works by Joel Smalley
Joining the collaboration of those conspiring against safe and effective early treatments like ivermectin, the FDA is responsible for the preventable “COVID” deaths and all those caused by the (truly “dangerous and lethal”) “vaccine” that could not have been granted EUA (Emergency Use Authorisation) in the presence of a safe and effective alternative. That’s more than 10 million by my estimation.
here is yet another definitive study on the effectiveness of one of the safest and cheapest drugs FOR HUMANS in the world - ivermectin.
Desort-Henin et al., 5 Jan 2023 was a Double Blind Randomized Controlled Trial, placebo-controlled*. It does not come better than that.
This study demonstrated highly statistically significant evidence in a large, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study that daily oral treatment with ivermectin reduced the risk of infection following exposure to SARS-CoV-2.
Ivermectin was also shown to be safe in doses and duration higher than currently used in approved indications.
In the week ending 7 April 2023 (Week 14), 10,089 deaths were registered in England and Wales. This is slightly below the average for this time of year
There have been roughly 20,000 more deaths than this time last year (about 12% more) and about 16,000 more than the 5-year average.
The excess deaths in England are across all ages and seem to be driven by the mention of cardiovascular disease on the death certificate.
Assessing the excess compared to averages is fraught with problems. However, if you trust the data, then there’s something awry with the number of cardiovascular deaths.
RSV RCT Review by Dr. Peter McCullough
RSV-associated lower respiratory tract illness with at least two signs or symptoms occurred in 11 participants in the vaccine group and 33 participants in the placebo group; 2 cases and 14 cases with least three signs or symptoms
RSV-associated acute respiratory illness occurred in 22 participants in the vaccine group and 58 participants in the placebo group, vaccine efficacy, 62.1%; 95% CI, 37.1 to 77.9). There were no hospitalizations or deaths mentioned in either group.
this massive trial is unimpressive because RSV is so mild and rare in adults. In other words, 34,284 patients had to be randomized to spare 12 cases of RSV with three symptoms. So why bother with a short term vaccine when it can be easily treated with inhalers or nebulizers at home?
Never Trust Liars by Tom Renz
While it is reasonable to say that mRNA could potentially be used for good and without modifying human genes, the lies told throughout COVID have destroyed ANY faith I have in ANYONE in our federal regulatory system or the pharmaceutical industry
a product with potential to cure simply becomes evil when created without an ethical foundation
The FDA lied when they said that the only side effects would be “redness & swelling at the injection site…”
Fauci, Birx, & literally EVERYONE else that had access to approval data related to the COVID jabs lied nonstop for 3 years and many are still lying.
Pfizer never even tested to determine if the vaccines would prevent infection
In light of the fact that EVERYTHING about the COVID vaccines has been a lie and in light of the fact that these mRNA products do appear to be able to permanently alter human genetics I think it is crucial that we recognize that, at this point, any drug that could POSSIBLY impact our genetics (mRNA or otherwise) is something many will not take.
Unified Against God by EMERALD ROBINSON
The perverts, pedophiles, abortion fanatics, and Chinese communist party officials are all on the same grotesque side. It’s the side of the woke and the queer theorists.
It’s the side of the Democrat Party in America and the communist Left all around the world.
There’s a common unity between these people — and the unity is their shared hatred of God. That’s why this evil movement seems to be communist and sexually perverted and Satanic all at the same time.
If you do not affirm their lifestyle, if you don’t agree that boys can be girls and girls can be boys then the Rainbow Jihad has no problem killing you. Or getting you fired from your job. Or grooming your kids in public school.
Pregnancy & Lactation Pfizer Review by Naked Emperor
from April 2021 and is a cumulative review and summary of relevant pregnancy and lactation cases reported in Pfizer’s safety database from the time of drug product development to 28 February 2021.
note…These are not cases from Pfizer’s trial containing approximately 22,000 people. Instead these are all cases once the vaccine began being injected into arms around the world. However, as the report says, “the magnitude of underreporting is unknown”.
Out of the 458 cases involving exposure to the mother or fetus, 210 were reported with no associated adverse events. Of the remaining 248 cases there were 53 spontaneous abortions which represents 12% of the total.
we have no numbers of pregnant women vaccinated to assess how frequent these adverse events were. However, the report itself says underreporting is unknown and pregnant women were not being advised to get vaccinated at this point.
Growing Wave Of Vax Injury Reporting by EUGYPPIUS
a growing wave of reporting on vaccine injuries in the German press – a wave which…have now turned into a tsunami…vaccine injuries and side effects have become the dominant theme of German press coverage on the jabs, from local papers to national media.
It’s been a serious shift, the likes of which I’m not sure has unfolded in any other country
The trend is so dominant that it colours all other reporting on Covid and the vaccines. It’s hard to miss the subtle anxiety at work in pieces like this one from the Vienna-based Standard, asking whether we’ll have to vaccinate ourselves against Corona every year from here on out, or the not-so-veiled notes of hope in ZDF reporting on successful Phase 1 trials of the German nasal vaccine.
This is a trend driven from the bottom up by popular interest, and in that it is the opposite of much Covid reporting since 2020.
Masks & Still Births by Naked Emperor
The German study conducted by Kai Kisielinski et al. suggests that prolonged mask-wearing may lead to increased carbon dioxide (CO2) exposure, which could have toxic effects on human health.
fresh air has around 0.04% CO2 while wearing masks for more than 5 minutes can lead to chronic exposure of CO2 of 1.41% to 3.2% of inhaled air
Just 0.5% carbon dioxide for a few minutes to an hour per day is capable of inducing stillbirths and birth defects in guinea pigs.
They conclude that “there is circumstantial evidence that popular mask use may be related to current observations of a significant rise of 28% to 33% in stillbirths worldwide and a reduced verbal, motor, and overall cognitive performance of two full standard deviations in scores in children born during the pandemic”.
mRNA Penetrated Placentas by Igor Chudov
We were told that the vaccine “stays in the arm.” Was that true?
On Page 3, Pfizer describes two cases (out of 458) of unborn babies affected by transplacental transfer of mRNA Covid vaccine.
So, instead of staying in the arm, by Pfizer’s admission, the vaccine traveled through the mother’s body, penetrated the placenta, and adversely impacted the unborn fetuses.
Rethinking Feminism by Mary Harrington
Previously, I’d bought into the idea that individual freedom is the highest good, that bonds or obligations are only acceptable inasmuch as they’re optional, and that men and women can and should pursue this equally. Then I went through the wonderful and disorienting experience of finding my sense of self partly merged with a dependent infant.
The kind of absolute freedom I’d accepted as an unalloyed good, pre-baby, was suddenly a great deal less appealing to me than it had been, because I actively enjoyed belonging to my daughter. It was also, obviously, not in her interests to go on insisting that my obligations to her were always optional. I couldn’t very well refuse to get up and feed my crying newborn at 3:30 a.m. just because I didn’t feel like it.
Mainstream feminism has morphed from a movement with communitarian and libertarian strands to one focused almost entirely on individual freedom. But the answer for women does not lie in pursuing untrammeled freedom, mindless hedonism, or the final victory of one sex over the other, but rather a broader project of staying human together, as men and women, in ways that are in the common interests of both sexes.
Autism Indicator For Gender Dysphoria by Dr. Peter McCullough
Warrier et al, published a detailed analysis using multiple psychological instruments among a large sample size (N=641,860) with gender dysphoria treated with transgender hormonal/surgical therapy. The results are striking. Compared to normal reference groups, transgender individuals had up to a 12-fold increased risk of autism.
implying that neuropsychiatric care could be pivotal instead of the suggestion and promotion of gender change procedures in this vulnerable population. The implications of this paper are wide-ranging. School counselors should refer students for psychological assessment of autism and related disorder instead of prompting gender change to young, suggestable children. Furthermore, there should be a moratorium on transgender medicine while the full role of skyrocketing autism is evaluated among children with gender ambiguity approaching puberty.
Hypocrisy Of The Value Of Life by ZEPHARETH LEDBETTER
How can the same people who support the lives of murderers and lower life forms be so dismissive of the lives of babies?
Generally speaking, Liberal Americans support abortion rights and the abolition of capital punishment at significantly higher percentages than their right-leaning counterparts. Additionally, Liberals are over three times as likely to be vegetarian or vegan, often citing a desire to protect the lives of animals as their primary motivation.
We can all recognize the need for a woman to have autonomy over her own body. It is entirely reasonable for a woman to reject governmental control over her life decisions. We can also recognize many of the shortcomings of the death penalty, some of which (like imbalanced application, false convictions, etc.) I covered in a recent article. But while being cognizant of those realities, we can’t ignore these facts: one stance advocates for the lives of adults who have chosen to take another person’s life, while the other advocates the killing of innocent babies who’ve never done anything wrong. Regardless of our views about either of these issues, we can’t deny that they fly in the face of each other.
tell me that all lives, even those of bugs and human predators, are worthy of protection while those of unborn babies are not, and you’ll have to answer for your hypocrisy. You can’t have it both ways.
No Accountability by TOM JEFFERSON
We have practised child and elderly state abuse and abandonment and facilitated home violence and alcohol abuse. We also have state and public health bodies pushing out reversed engineered nonsense and avoiding answering questions in Parliament. Private concerns, especially commercial ones, trump public scrutiny, openness and accountability, as in the case of the purchase of lateral flow tests. Independent scientists have been abused and undermined, and, Biomedical journals are fast becoming an irrelevancy, with op-eds and modellers taking the place of science.
We have also allowed crooks to get away with around 37 billion Pounds worth of taxpayers’ money.
Yet, so far, no one has been held accountable. But rich states are about to hand a whole load of power and cash to these folk via the World Health Organisation. Then, with a touch of the WHO button, it’s all systems go again.
Cancer Drug Shortages by AUSSIE17
It’s essential to understand what drug shortage means to Big Pharma. It is one of those events that they try to avoid as much as possible. When a drug shortage happens, the market usually has an anomaly.
When a drug shortage happens, it means the 60-90 days of inventory dried up. It translates into decreased sales (90 days = three months).
the news that cancer drugs are facing shortages is somewhat alarming, but it is not surprising. As I explained in my previous articles, there is a sudden uptick in cancer drug sales (and certain heart diseases).
Media Failed On Adverse Events by THORSTEINN SIGLAUGSSON
real-world evidence based on official data; a thousandfold rate of reported injuries compared with what should have been expected. And it was clear to anyone with even the most rudimentary ability for critical thinking how serious this was.
But why are the media starting to report on those injuries only now? Already more than a year-and-a-half ago it was clear how the rate of reported injuries and deaths after Covid-19 vaccination were close to a thousandfold the rate following standard flu-vaccination.
it is abundantly clear that the media has failed its mission. It must be reformed, immediately and from the ground up.
“Food Compass” Fraudsters by el gato malo
the food compass is, however, funded by the NIH, other federal agencies, and some of these researchers (notably dr. dariush moaffarianalso) get quite a lot of money from the gates foundation (notable investors in and proponents of “fake meat.”)
stupid was bad enough, but food has become increasingly political and is more and more the province of the same crony capitalism clownworld cretins as some other products one might point to of late.
the USDA have always been a joke on “nutrition,” a marketing arm for the producers. the food pyramid was famously lacking in any scientific backing. it was just what producers wanted to sell and so an industry org with no grounding whatsoever in nutrition created a diagram that was used for decades to teach children what to eat.
recent “studies” purporting to show that red meat is associated with/causes increased diabetes risk look to be deeply fraught.
they are not studies, they are models using estimations to fuel estimations to fuel models
the base nutritional data they work from is low quality survey data that is not up to the task of drawing conclusions like this
Tinnitus Safety Signal by Steve Kirsch
There is no question that the COVID vaccines cause tinnitus, afib, and many many more serious adverse events. You can see a relatively complete list here.
A simple search of VAERS that I did just now shows that the COVID vaccine is causing tinnitus in 25,948 out of 27,295 cases reported to VAERS over the last 30 years. So in just over two years, 95% of all tinnitus reports are from the COVID vaccine.
Not only are 95% of the reports of tinnitus in VAERS associated with the COVID vaccine, but randomly sampling the individual case reports show that the ringing started right after the shot.
So once again, the CDC is lying to the American public about adverse events caused by the COVID vaccine.
Public School Activism by LIBS OF TIKTOK
Do parents really know what’s going on in the classroom?
“They have no idea,” one teacher told us.
teachers shamelessly indoctrinate students in the classrooms. In one history class, the teacher said she was forced to proctor a test about the Black Lives Matter movement. The test contained questions that essentially compared George Floyd to Martin Luther King Jr., asked students to identify the principles of Black Lives Matter, and had them weigh in on whether the violent riots were justified.
she came across a book on a teacher’s desk titled Communism for Kids. The book promotes the principles of communism in the form of a children’s story
One teacher adorned the classroom with a poster that read “Sanctuary cities now.”
In another classroom, Covid-19 paintings adorn the walls with messages like “Get vaccinated and be immune.”
Lining the corridors are transgender flags and pride decorations.
The Road To Teixeira by Rob Henderson
To address the recruitment shortfall, the military has reduced previous standards for entry, allowing men to be 6 percent fatter (and women, 8 percent). It is also trying hard to lure recruits by appealing to their self-interest, with a video of individual soldiers speaking to the camera, encouraging candidates to find “the power to discover, to redefine yourself, to improve yourself, to challenge yourself” and “to realize there’s more in you than you ever knew that you could do.” Recruits can also win up to $50,000 bonus money for enlisting.
But this strategy carries a big risk: young adults tend to be less loyal to organizations with lowered standards that target their personal motives. Study after study has shown as much.
In other words, by lowering the barrier to entry, the military has opened itself up to more recruits like Jack Teixeira.
No one knows exactly why Teixeira, 21, the Massachusetts Air National Guard airman, allegedly leaked classified information about the CIA, exposing our intelligence on Russia, South Korea, Israel, and Ukraine.
Hollow Pride by MAX KANIN
the woke social media reaction to Provorov left me wondering. Have some of my favorite professional athletes worn pride jerseys, not because they genuinely believed in advancing LGBTQIA civil rights, but because they were compelled?
The mere possibility makes professional athletes wearing pride jerseys feel hollow and empty.
how does wearing the pride jersey mean any of that if players wear pride jerseys only because their team requires it?
Compelling a person to make a political statement doesn’t persuade that person of the truth of that statement. It does not change their heart or their mind. They only make the statement under duress. More importantly, it does not change the hearts or minds of others. Others know the statement is not a genuine reflection of true feelings. It doesn’t persuade them to change their attitudes or behavior.
If anything, attacking Provorov for refusing to wear the pride jersey only reinforced the common viewpoint of homophobic bigots that they are now oppressed for their views.
If you like this, and have a tinfoil hat, you might like The Conspiracy Basket. Check it out!
And in case you missed it…
Let's put The Washington Post in the "clown basket." This paper just published a big editorial telling us what officials got wrong and right with the Covid response. I say don’t listen to the Post or its “seasoned experts.” When it comes to the truth, they want to keep us all in the dark.