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Note: I read a lot of Substacks each day. The Basket is intended to be a collection of the money quotes from the best of what I read. My goal is that you enjoy this service because it saves you time and quickly informs you. And my hope is that you find one or two articles that you click into because you want more.
What you can find in this collection (these are my headlines, not the authors’):
‘One Health’ Trojan Horse by Meryl Nass
Feb 2021 Review Of Pfizer Jab In Pregnant & Lactating Women by LIONESS OF JUDAH MINISTRY
Lockdowns’ Ties To Religious Scientism by AARON GINN
The People Are The Markets by John Tamny
Dismantling The System by el gato malo
Japan Pushing Infant Jabs by Guy Gin
Vaxed Fairing Worse by John Dee
Texas & Florida Vs "Covid Science" Fraud by Igor Chudov
Vaxed 2X More Likely To Get Infected by Steve Kirsch
Even EMA Says Pfizer Methods Not GMP by ANANDAMIDE
Vax Freedom In Mississippi by Aaron Siri
Pharma’s Playbook by AUSSIE17
Moderna’s Contract by SASHA LATYPOVA
Orthodox Jewish Women Gun Movement by By Adam Popescu
Performing Virtue by Mickey Z.
Fighting Woke Is Getting Old by JUDSON STACY VEREEN
Denmark’s Excess Mortality Problem by EYAL SHAHAR
Attack On Supreme Court by ROBERT W MALONE MD, MS
‘One Health’ Trojan Horse by Meryl Nass
The Lancet is the oldest and best known medical journal in the world.
It has performed questionably during the pandemic.
the Lancet produced a One Health Commission and a Food (EAT) Commission to assist in ushering in the New World Order. After publishing many articles on ‘One Health’ produced by its One Health Commission (basically a waste of paper, as the Commissioners had great difficulty finding any evidence that the “One Health Approach” was good for anything) the Lancet editors came out with this doozy, which I reproduce in full because you wouldn’t believe me if I just wrote about it.
“… One Health will be delivered … by taking a fundamentally different approach to the natural world, one in which we are as concerned about the welfare of non-human animals and the environment as we are about humans. In its truest sense, one health is a call for ecological, not merely health, equity.”
The Lancet editors’ words speak for themselves.
Feb 2021 Review Of Pfizer Jab In Pregnant & Lactating Women by LIONESS OF JUDAH MINISTRY
“The cases reviewed above are indicative of what is in the Pfizer safety database as of 28 February 2021. The sponsor (Pfizer/BioNTech) will continue to monitor and report on all pregnancy exposure and lactation cases. It is important to note that the spontaneous safety database is intended for hypothesis generation and not hypothesis testing.”
Adverse events in over 54% of pregnant women including:
Fetal deaths.
Fetal tachycardia requiring early delivery and hospitalization of the affected neonate for five days (outcome “unknown”).
Premature labor and delivery resulting in:
Neonatal deaths.
Neonatal severe respiratory distress.
Neonatal pneumothorax, which is a collection of air between the lung and the chest wall that develops when air leaks out of the lung.
Moreover, in the Cumulative Review, nineteen percent of babies exposed to Pfizer’s COVID mRNA vaccine via lactation (breast milk) were reported to be suffering from 48 different adverse events
Despite knowing the deaths and harms enumerated above, on April 23, 2021, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) began recommending COVID-19 vaccines for pregnant women.
Lockdowns’ Ties To Religious Scientism by AARON GINN
Like a world war, lockdowns and COVID were a shared, simultaneously international experience.
a metaphysical presupposition utilized to justify lockdowns - scientific determinism. This supposition explained why we freely closed schools and businesses, violated human rights, ended freedom, diminished religious faith, and destroyed the First World.
Driven by hysteria, governments and the media compelled us to look at our entire society through the lens of materialistic scientific determinism to enable the worst peacetime public policy decision in democratic history. We must remove what we were forced to believe to justify lockdowns and COVID law to rescue our future.
scientism as a faith is an expression of over-exuberance and over-confidence in the reductive and materialistic conclusions of the scientific method
As the media and politicians pushed the panic button, our leaders and a vocal minority of public health experts sunk into seeping late-stage scientism brought back into popular culture in the 2000s by New Atheists.
This expert class positioned the ONLY scientific solution to this “novel scary Chinese virus” as a dangerous and speculative lockdown adapted from one of the largest purveyors of soulless societal scientism, China.
Knowing that communism is rooted in scientific determinism, it is logical that lockdowns were spawned from the Communist party in China.
The People Are The Markets by John Tamny
The simple truth missed by the Post is that as humans we’re wired to preserve ourselves. On the matter of life and the presumption of death, government is excess.
Whatever solution Obama might have come up with, or whatever Donald Trump did come up with, or (try not to laugh) whatever Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer would have done if the virus had revealed itself in 2021 would have been vastly unequal to the solutions crafted by free people.
the remarkable knowledge of very few very smart people will never measure up to the collective knowledge of the citizenry. That’s why communism failed so impressively in the Soviet Union, and it’s why it fails in Cuba. Translated for those who need it, the people are the market and markets work.
Dismantling The System by el gato malo
there is one fundamental truth that drives the 2 party political process and it is this:
“where you stand depends upon where you sit.”
the party in power likes the status quo. the party that controls the cultural institutions does not want to see them change and will wield them like a broadsword to cut down their foes and deny them purchase or franchise.
those in power will favor censorship and suppression and those seeking it will ape principle and attack delimitation right up until the moment control shifts at which point their positions will rapidly follow.
whoever lands in charge of a government this powerful that is, of necessity, run by the “permanent state” of agencies, bureaucracies, will be all but instantly eaten by it. the elected officials, the elections, the profession of principle: it’s a puppetshow. it’s the coke vs pepsi selection of “who’s going to be doing the suppression and rapacious taking this time?”
it cannot be solved or steered, only dismantled or endured.
and i’m all for the first one.
Japan Pushing Infant Jabs by Guy Gin
post-vaccination adverse events are reported even less in Japan than in the US or UK because only medical institutions and vaccine manufacturers can submit reports to the MHLW.
because Japan still hasn’t used most of the infant jabs it ordered, the government continues to recommend them for healthy kids under 5 even though most countries in the EU/EEA don’t. Several EU/EEA countries no longer recommend Covid shots for healthy 5-11 year olds either (and Sweden never did), whereas Japan has been offering Omicron boosters to double-jabbed 5-11 year olds since March.
Japan’s behaviour isn’t surprising though. As a US vassal, the Japanese government has acted mainly as a Pfizer-Moderna joint sales office for the last few years. Japan’s stance on childhood Covid jabs can be summed up by misquoting Thucydides: the government sells what it can and the young suffer what they must.
Vaxed Fairing Worse by John Dee
a persistent difference from 2021/w4 through to 2021/w36…so I think we can safely conclude that there is a difference, and it isn’t looking good for the vaccinated folk.
Not only do the vaccines not stop transmission but they don’t prevent folk from ending up in A&E with respiratory conditions either; in fact, they seem to be making things worse. I’m going to bet that developers knew this from the beginning.
Texas & Florida Vs "Covid Science" Fraud by Igor Chudov
Texas Attorney General is opening an investigation into fraud committed by Pfizer and others. Texas Attorney General’s office will try to find out whether vaccine manufacturers committed fraud and misrepresented the effectiveness and safety of Covid vaccines.
Mr. Paxton is concerned that Pfizer and Moderna violated the Texas Deceptive Trade Practices Act.
This Texas investigation follows Florida’s grand jury, convened last December to investigate violations of Florida laws
We are witnessing the rise of the new political climate that favors investigations of Covid wrongdoings, exposition of specific crimes committed in the name of “science,” and punishment of offenders who broke particular laws meant to protect citizens.
Vaxed 2X More Likely To Get Infected by Steve Kirsch
The Cleveland Clinic study…shows that the more vaccines you get, the more likely you are to be infected with COVID.
One of the two large confirming studies was the Pfizer Phase 3 trial participants themselves.
Pfizer told the FDA in a document dated September 17, 2021 that people who were on the vaccine for a longer period were more likely to be infected with COVD than those who spent only about half the time in the vaccinated state.
The difference between the infection rates of the vaxxed vs. unvaxxed was more than 2X.
The bottom line is that the FDA knew on Sept 17, 2021 that you were more likely to be infected with COVID if you were vaccinated. That’s the opposite of what they told us.
Even EMA Says Pfizer Methods Not GMP by ANANDAMIDE
397 pages and I have toured through the parts related to the genomics to provide you some background on the objections the EMA [European Medicines Agency] listed. The reason for doing this is that the Pro-Vax crowd has been critiquing our work as it is not GMP [Good Manufacturing Practice] and they claim the methods used by Pfizer “were GMP so GMP trumps non-GMP… you are wrong”.
Let’s put aside the fact that the EMA doesn’t run any experiments and has to take Pfizers data and assume it’s all honest. Even with that assumed honesty from a conflicted party that has been fined for lack of honesty in the past…. The EMA still finds many objections to the work. I have to commend the EMA for the thorough review. This is a lot of work.
Here is the zinger….
Pfizer used a very unconventional method to sequence the vaccines. They used an Oligo Mapping LC/MS method that is impossible to disentangle and floods the reviewer with pages of Mass Spec data and tables. No one does this today for DNA sequencing. The Next Gen Sequencing data exist but are largely hidden and only summarized. This is intentional as the next gen data will reveal the DNA contamination and the LC/MS method will not.
Vax Freedom In Mississippi by Aaron Siri
Last week an incredibly insightful federal judge issued a decision and order that will allow, for the first time in 44 years, children in Mississippi to attend school when their parents’ convictions do not permit them to be vaccinated.
This is also the first time in U.S. history that a religious exemption has been restored by a court as a First Amendment right under the United States Constitution.
Pharma’s Playbook by AUSSIE17
Endpoint selection is a powerful tool that Big Pharma can use to manipulate the results of clinical trials and shape public perception of their drugs. By carefully choosing primary and secondary endpoints, they can create a favourable image for their products, even if the real-world benefits are less impressive or come with significant risks.
They cherry-pick the healthiest individuals who are least likely to experience side effects from the drug being tested. So, They're really going for the A-team here, people who are perfect specimens of health.
What about those who might be more prone to experiencing side effects? Well, Big Pharma makes sure to weed them out before the trial even kicks off. It's like they're throwing a super exclusive party and handpicking the guest list to ensure everything goes off without a hitch.
Moderna’s Contract by SASHA LATYPOVA
Moderna’s injection, mRNA-1273 is co-owned with the US Government, as the company has been funded by the defense research grants for years and also received intellectual property transfers from the US Government, in addition to preclinical and clinical research work conducted for Moderna by the NIH Vaccine Research Center.
The total initial amount of contract was $1.5 billion, and this was increased to exactly $8,145,591,662.60 in later amendments…this is in addition to the $1B R&D contract for a handful of studies that didn’t matter which I discussed in Part 1.
“Whole of nation” is closely associated with “whole of government” terminology. Both presented as feel-good ideas in plain text, but in fact these words signal an usurpation of power by the militarized executive branch of the government. Public private partnerships - so beloved by sellouts in academia, pharma, medicine and defense, are another closely associated term.
it is clear that the clinical trials are absolutely irrelevant to the approval of the injections by the FDA, as the large scale manufacturing of these substances does not depend on them. It is performed in parallel with these fake exercises intended to fool the public.
In our search of the scientific literature, we identified several reasons why the mRNA platform may be unsafe – these are the main ones:
It is already known that a proportion of people are allergic to Polyethylene Glycol (PEG).
mRNA uses host cell apparatus to produce proteins and this protein too can generate an antibody response, which may be associated with inflammation, clotting or autoimmunity. The latter occurs if the body recognises its own proteins as non-self, due to similarities with the mRNA-induced cell-made foreign proteins, and attacks them too.
Vaccines against coronaviruses have never been proven safe enough to be used outside of clinical trials.
Animal studies of coronavirus vaccines have shown high levels of serious side effects and often failed to provide immunity.
RNA platforms that have been attempted for non-Covid ‘vaccine’ applications prior to Covid, such as for rabies, influenza and zika viruses, have little published and verifiable safety data.
In a nutshell, we found that there was no evidence prior to global deployment to suggest that the Covid ‘vaccines’ developed, using an mRNA platform, would be safe.
Orthodox Jewish Women Gun Movement by By Adam Popescu
most Jewish synagogues and schools in major American cities have metal detectors and armed guards, a sad reality that reflects our hateful times. There were nearly 3,700 antisemitic incidents recorded last year alone. More than half of the victims were visibly Orthodox.
Now some members of the Orthodox community, like the women at this L.A. synagogue, are carrying themselves.
Jews are divided on gun rights: the Reform movement supports regulations like background checks and assault weapon bans; many Orthodox Jews are vocal gun rights supporters. (Tradition is split on transporting firearms on Shabbat and in synagogue.)
The Jewish gun movement isn’t just growing in California, said Tzvi Waldman. He leads the New York State Jewish Gun Club, which started around 2019 and has about 300 members.
Performing Virtue by Mickey Z.
the “activists” — right and left — who learn to identify with their persecuted status. They no longer seem interested in winning. Rather, they “win” by performing their virtue for each other.
When I would be out marching in the streets several times a week, I’d witness “activists” who would proudly announce in advance their intention to be arrested that particular day. They’d conjure up ways to outsmart [sic] the police and call it a victory if they imagined they did.
Best of all, if they succeeded in getting arrested, many would photograph the epic event giving that brave revolutionary a wide range of choices for their epic new Facebook profile pic. Caption: #warrior
Fighting Woke Is Getting Old by JUDSON STACY VEREEN
if anyone wants to criticize the woke, they must first define it. If one were to be most charitable-I would say it is “an alertness to injustice”. However, I believe it to be much more than that-so my own definition would be more like “an unquenchable desire to find injustice, whether it is there or not”.
anybody who could deny these basic values must therefore be considered corrupt, racist, homophobic, etc. It is exactly for this reason that the woke can easily tempt those who buy into this simplicity by means of recruitment-nobody wants to come in last place in the “I hate racism” contest.
human virtue is only a virtue until it is not. When compassion for someone or something is wielded like a weapon against those who question or rebel against its essential argument, it becomes a vice.
when we are absolutely convinced that we are in total moral right, there is little we won’t do to smash offenders to bits.
a vaccine that is actually merely a placebo will inevitably appear to have high efficacy if there is a time delay after vaccination during which the participant is classified as ‘unvaccinated’.
It may be reasonable to allow a certain amount of time for a vaccine to ‘work’. However, classifying a person who becomes infected within 14 or 21 days of vaccination as an ‘unvaccinated case’ in the calculation of vaccine efficacy is nothing short of a scam. It guarantees that any vaccine which is no different (or even worse) than a placebo will be seen to have high initial efficacy.
means fraudulently high artificial efficacy rates are guaranteed
Denmark’s Excess Mortality Problem by EYAL SHAHAR
Denmark, like many other countries, experienced only a minor wave in the Spring of 2020, which was naively attributed to lockdown measures. Time proved that it was no more than a nature-dictated delay — until the winter of 2020–2021.
What happened next in Denmark is nothing short of shocking. At a time that was considered post-pandemic in many countries, excess mortality in Denmark markedly increased. Not so in Sweden.
Which factors in Denmark, between October 2021 and September 2022, could have played a role?
By the beginning of the past flu year, over 70 percent of the population of Denmark was fully vaccinated against Covid, and by mid-February 2022, 60 percent of the population received a booster dose. The percentages should be higher in older, vulnerable age groups.
If the vaccines were highly effective against death, why was excess mortality in Denmark so much higher than in the previous flu year? Why was it so much higher than excess mortality in Sweden in the first pandemic year — without vaccines — when the virus was much more virulent than Omicron? Unlike Sweden, there was no “mortality deficit” to account for
Attack On Supreme Court by ROBERT W MALONE MD, MS
We must consider that the conservative court and justices are being targeted by the Federal Government propaganda machine. Why? Because these attacks in the main stream media and big tech are occurring in a systemic fashion and in coordination with main stream media and big tech. Which means that this propaganda attack may be being coordinated at the highest levels by the Federal government. Is this at behest of the White house, or members of the administrative state? Only FOIA documents will tell.
Who is leading these systemic efforts? What agencies? How deep does the propaganda and censorship go? Is this even a real concern or just another conspiracy theory? These are legitimate questions and the public deserves answers.
The American people can no longer trust that the US government to be neutral. Our rights to a free press and free speech are being stripped away daily. The US government, big tech, media, pharma, the military are acting in a coordinated fashion to censor and create propaganda. We know that media and big tech are getting paid by the government to do this. That the HHS also paid out a billion dollars to both advertise the jab campaign and to censor critics of the “vaccine” program.
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