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Note: I read a lot of Substacks each day. The Basket is intended to be a collection of the money quotes from the best of what I read. My goal is that you enjoy this service because it saves you time and quickly informs you. And my hope is that you find one or two articles that you click into because you want more.
What you can find in this collection (these are my headlines, not the authors’):
All-Electric Military Pipe Dream by Igor Chudov
DDI & Paxlovid by Dr. Peter McCullough
Vax Contamination Leading To DNA Integration? by WORLD COUNCIL FOR HEALTH
ChatGPT Crushes Doctors by VINAY PRASAD
California’s Chronic Absenteeism by JOSH STEVENSON
Forcibly Vaxing Minors by AARON SIRI
A Kennedy/Carlson Ticket? by Andrew Sullivan
The West’s Hypocrisy by MICHAEL J. SUTTON
Pfizer’s DNA Contamination Problem by ANANDAMIDE
Denying Discovery by KATHERINE WATT
Quercetin & Curcumin Versus Spike byWALTER M CHESNUT
Why Have Asthma Cases Doubled? by BRIAN MOWREY
The Driver: Fear by BILL RICE, JR.
The Power Of Those Who Control The Money by John Leake
Turning Viciousness Into Virtue by el gato malo
Moderna’s RSV Jab by Alex Berenson
Fauci & Weingarten Lie by Vinay Prasad
Non-US Citizens Still Need Jab For Entry by Naked Emperor
Who Is Andrew Huff? by JORDAN SCHACHTEL
ABC Censors RFK Jr. by John Leake
All-Electric Military Pipe Dream by Igor Chudov
The U.S. Secretary of Energy, Jennifer Granholm, wants the US military to move to all-electric vehicles by 2030.
Should a Tesla driver need a recharge during the day, they can sometimes find a high-power Supercharger station to charge their car. Such stations require upgraded electrical grids to supply enormous currents needed for rapid charging.
The military operates differently: far away from roads and electrical grids, in contested areas, with the trucks needing to run continuously for extended periods.
no battle can be won without fuel. If the US switches to all-electric vehicles, no battle can even begin before the electric batteries are charged. Where will our warfighters plug in the batteries?
DDI & Paxlovid by Dr. Peter McCullough
despite theoretical concerns of DDI with paxlovid, the clinical reality for the brief course of treatment is reassuring. Despite its shortcomings, this drug can be used most appropriately in the context of a multidrug protocol in the treatment of acute ambulatory COVID-19. It should not be considered for monotherapy.
There were 30 cases of DDI. Most of the interactions occurred in presumably transplant patients on tacrolimus or similar drugs.
It has been undermined by concerns regarding drug-drug interactions (DDI) as well as “rebound” or an extension of the illness with abbreviated use. My clinical impression is that the drug is reasonably safe but only modestly effective. It appears to be slow-onset and only partially helpful as the an antiviral in the McCullough Protocol. As a clinician who has used all of the drugs in the protocol, my preferred antiviral is ivermectin 0.6 mg/kg per day for 5-30 days.
Vax Contamination Leading To DNA Integration? by WORLD COUNCIL FOR HEALTH
Swedish researchers have shown that the mRNA of the Pfizer vaccine was integrated into liver cells.
This raised many eyebrows about whether the interference with our genome could pose the risk of integration of the mRNA coding into our genome. Usually, the body needs an enzyme called reverse transcriptase to do so. But now, findings of this new paper suggest a different scenario in which DNA integration may occur.
While it was believed that plasmid integration was restricted to bacteria, other researchers observed that integration could occur in the telophase of cell division. Whether this can now occur with the mRNA injections should be a top priority for all regulatory bodies like EMA and FDA to address. Residual injected DNA can result in so-called type I interferon responses and increase the potential for DNA integration. A so-called SV 40 promotor also enables the plasmid integration into human cells.
In autopsies in Germany, it was even found that mRNA was produced in endothelial cells after 12 months. mRNA has also been found in breast milk.
Could the persistence of plasmids and, thus, the integration into our genome be the reason for this?
ChatGPT Crushes Doctors by VINAY PRASAD
My colleague John Ayers at UCSD performed a clever study that is out right now in JAMA IM.
Here is what he and colleagues did. He went to a subreddit called Ask Docs. On this website, random people ask questions of doctors. To answer, you have to prove you are a physician to the moderator. He collected 195 questions and answers. For each question, he gave the exact same prompt to ChatGPT. (GPT 3.5v1)
Then 3 health care providers who were blinded to the authors scored the responses. A picture is worth a thousand words. ChatGPT crushed doctors. Both in quality and empathy! It wasn’t close.
California’s Chronic Absenteeism by JOSH STEVENSON
A new report from the Public Policy Institute of California highlights the alarming rise in absenteeism in California in the 2021-2022 school year.
California closed schools for an entire year, and way longer than the rest of the nation.
“Before the pandemic, chronic absenteeism was highest in grades 9–12 (16%). In 2021–22, absenteeism among high school students rose to 30%, but this was surpassed by the rate for kindergarteners (40%) and was similar to the rate for grades 1–3 (31%).”
When adults, teachers, administrators, politicians, Public Health authorities, etc. spend an entire year re-iterating the message that school is so un-important that it can be literally phoned in (or 'Zoomed In’, rather), should it be any surprise to us that the students take that message to heart?
The impact of school closures and treating education as non-essential is now being accounted for.
Forcibly Vaxing Minors by AARON SIRI
A recently filed lawsuit alleges that a pediatrician who works at MedStar in Washington, D.C., forcibly vaccinated two minors without parental consent.
this is the same pediatric practice that sought to vaccinate a minor child in the lawsuit we brought to strike down the “Minor Consent for Vaccinations Amendment Act of 2020” passed by Washington D.C. in 2020. We succeeded in winning an injunction which resulted in the repeal of that law.
Before being repealed, the law permitted doctors in D.C. to vaccinate a child, 11 years of age or older, without their parent’s consent or knowledge, and created an elaborate and deceitful scheme in which the healthcare provider, insurance company, school, and health department all participated to hide from those parents the fact that their child had been vaccinated. According to the law, a child did not even need to be a resident of the District of Columbia in order to be vaccinated without parental consent!
A Kennedy/Carlson Ticket? by Andrew Sullivan
70 percent of Americans…don’t want Biden to run again. That’s even more than the 60 percent who don’t want Trump to run again.
two men stand out to me: Tucker Carlson and Bobby Kennedy Jr. Very different, but weirdly simpatico, it did not shock me that the vaccine-skeptical Kennedy was given time on Carlson’s show to make his presidential pitch.
Both have become anti-corporate populists, lone rangers in their own partisan coalitions. Both believe the US war against Russia is misguided, and led by the same dumb elites who took us into Iraq. Both have come to suspect the US military, intelligence services and pharmaceutical industries. Both loathe Tony Fauci — the patron saint of the pharmaceutical-government-media complex.
Both Tucker and Bobby represent, it seems to me, something nonetheless real: a deepening suspicion of corporate and government authority, a refreshing willingness to junk partisan orthodoxy, and, in an age of utter cowardice, what can only be called nerve.
I’d like both Carlson and Kennedy to run for president: to rattle the corporate, media and government elites, to force a rethink on both the complacent right and loopy left, and to break up the Trump-Biden dynamic, which is as depressing as it is toxic for the country as a whole.
The West’s Hypocrisy by MICHAEL J. SUTTON
‘Move on,’ they say. ‘There is nothing to see here. The crisis is over, no harm done.’ These are the words tyrants use and that is why, for me, there is a moral imperative to confront tyranny, even within our sacred halls of ‘democracy.’ Whether it is democracy or not, future historians will judge, if Western civilization lasts that long, which I doubt.
We face a new enemy called ‘autocracy,’ whose national values we recently embraced, applauded, and celebrated for three years.
The fall of the Berlin Wall represented the end of the old Stalinist dream. Covid Hysteria represents the fall of the façade of Western democracy, or what’s left of it.
Covid Hysteria marked the long, painful death of a temporary social contract, old representative liberalism, the preposterous and absurd notion that power can reside in the hands of ordinary people, instead of in the grubby and greedy grip of the rich and powerful. Driven by political malice, stupidity, and fear, democracies fell like dominos, behaving like clones, copying each other in a pattern of draconian policies, including martial law, suspension of democratic rights, and the demonization of a new class of people.
Pfizer’s DNA Contamination Problem by ANANDAMIDE
The EMA documents are wealth of information.
Their primers…are targeting a region that has the highest RNA/DNA ratio in the sample. This may lead to under estimating the DNA levels with qPCR. They should have an amplicon targeting the vector and one targeting the insert and preferably one in the insert that isn’t known for having the highest transcriptional activity. That was a clever move.
But here is the zinger…
You will not find any raw sequence data. They mention they have RNA-Sequencing data but they don’t share it.
Their RNA-Sequencing data picked up the plasmid! RNA-sequencing often selects against sequencing DNA.
So Pfizers own admission to the EMA concludes they have plasmid contamination!
Denying Discovery by KATHERINE WATT
Hundreds of cases have been filed challenging the acts of these imposters on Constitutional and other legal grounds, and none (to my knowledge) have made it past the motion to dismiss or preliminary injunction phase, into discovery.
Judges are blocking discovery to shield the imposters and enable their illegitimate pseudo-governing acts of mass destruction to continue.
Many cases have been dismissed on grounds that the plaintiffs lacked standing to sue alleged government officials and challenge executive acts. Federal courts have accepted — without fact-finding, adversarial evidentiary testing, or legal review — that all the acts undertaken by executives during Covid-19 were and remain legitimate government functions, properly performed.
I don’t know when or how legitimate governments will be restored to power, and credible, constitutionally-sound justice systems will be reassembled from the fragments of social covenants littering the worldwide war zone of the globalists’ psychologicaly, spiritual and biochemical war on humanity.
Quercetin & Curcumin Versus Spike byWALTER M CHESNUT
the fusogenicity of the Spike Protein of SARS-CoV-2 may be responsible for much of the sudden cardiac death and neurological issues being observed. Indeed, the Spike Protein causes fusion between neurons and glial cells.
As we are discovering, the ability of the Spike to fuse cells also occurs in the heart, which is the basis for my concern that cardiomyocyte fusion is a major factor in the plethora of sudden cardiac deaths.
Quercetin and Curcumin come to the rescue. We find yet another way these wonder-molecules are able to assist us in our battle against this dangerous pathogen.
A study published in March of last year showed that Quercetin not only reduced syncytia formation, but also reduced spike protein expression. A double-benefit.
In a study from June 2021, it was found that, of tested polyphenols, Curcumin had the greatest effect in preventing the formation of syncytia.
We need further studies to determine the best course of action in using compounds like Quercetin and Curcumin in treating Spike-related pathologies.
Why Have Asthma Cases Doubled? by BRIAN MOWREY
The claim: “THE number of children ending up in hospital with asthma attacks has more than doubled in the last year, data shows.”
is double of the previous year, that of the lockdowns, actually more than usual?
But as usual with mainstream news, no citation or link to the source data is provided, whereas every proper noun is hyperlinked to useless topic indexes.
My best guess, provisionally, of the cause? Delayed effect of masking. Humans are meant to breathe free; and who knows what sorts of allergic and autoimmune issues have been inflicted on kids by forcing them to suck in fabric particles all day long.
Meanwhile, myocarditis visits are consistent with a signal of harms from vaccination; but this is not the least bit surprising given that data from the UK has already shown a clear risk here.
The Driver: Fear by BILL RICE, JR.
Until the Great AIDS Scare, science and medical bureaucracies didn’t have tremendous influence on all of our lives. Back then our great fear (kind of like today) was “Russia! Russia! Russia” except four decades ago it was “Soviet Union! Soviet Union! Soviet Union!”
Today’s Great Fear is respiratory viruses.
As it turns out, the people who lead mega companies and influential organizations also fear losing their power, status and wealth.
They also fear “competition.” If the government (via its policies and crony-benefitting decisions) can make it much less likely a competitor will take away your company’s market share, it probably makes economic sense to support this ally.
The people and organizations who rule the world are also motivated by great fears. Their fear is losing control, losing their lofty status in society’s hierarchy.
The Power Of Those Who Control The Money by John Leake
singularly keen insight—namely, regardless of their temperamental, cultural, and religious differences, every king and duke in Europe could ONLY exert his will and satisfy his desires by means of money. No money—no army and no influence.
none of the big Silicon Valley tech barons actually believe in Woke Ideology. They pay lip service to it ONLY because they perceive that those who control our nation’s endless money supply see utility in this ideology.
Because the Democratic Party is so thoroughly entrenched in key states such as California, Illinois, and New York—and now the US federal government—it is able to run something akin to a mafia protection racket. Each captain of industry finds himself in a prisoner’s dilemma—each acting to protect himself at the expense of the entire group (rather than uniting the group in order to cast off the protection racket).
Turning Viciousness Into Virtue by el gato malo
it’s easier to co-opt the intelligent because they hate nothing so much as looking stupid and they fear being wrong alone far more than they prize being right
everyone is the good guy in their own movie. they do not and cannot be “the monster.”
most of us raised in the US had never really seen propaganda and manipulation like this before. propaganda and brainwashing seemed like quaint ideas of a bygone era. but my friends from eastern europe and russia have been screaming about this for ages.
we need to create a societal immune system to such predation because it’s making the self-styled “intelligencia” unspeakably dangerous not only because of their conformist tendencies, but because they look at experiments like milgram and stanford and don’t see the risk. they see the opportunity to be the authority figure or the guard. that’s the essence of technocracy.
if woke is to survive, it MUST be oppressive, censorious, and suppressive.
if you can be made to believe absurdities, you can be made to commit atrocities.
if you can be made (even if just through fear and not belief) to accede to wild, obviously false claims, you have been made pliable and submissive. it’s a tool of brainwashing. your name is not bob, it’s paul perhaps it’s barbara. demanding freedom is fascism. 2 + 2 = 5.
and if it seems like everyone around you is agreeing, the pressure to conform even when you know its wrong becomes a dominant social force.
all the inversion in naming is deliberate. it’s classic propaganda 101. always accuse the other side of that which you are guilty.
so such movements start by sucking in aspiring vanity and narcissistic/dark triad personality types, but what it does to them once inducted is something altogether more horrible.
it grants power, privilege, and prerogative through the imposition inversion and nonsense. it pretends that oppression is empathy. it makes viciousness into virtue and slavish illogic into ideological intellectual regimes of imposition whose practitioners mistake for pluralism and tolerance.
woke was over the picosecond it became OK to criticize it. the rest is just negotiating the terms of the surrender.
Moderna’s RSV Jab by Alex Berenson
As demand for its mRNA Covid shot craters, Moderna is chasing approval for a new mRNA jab with similarly severe side effects - but against a virus even milder than Covid.
The only problem: data from Moderna’s own pivotal clinical trial for its RSV shot. The trial showed the new jab causes hundreds of side effects - including 10 cases of severe side effects - for each RSV infection it prevents.
As it pursues approval, Moderna has vastly overestimated RSV’s lethality. A review of death certificates found that RSV kills about 35 American adults a year - about as many as die in lightning strikes, and one four-hundredth as many as Moderna has claimed. (Yes, you read that right; Moderna has overstated adult deaths from RSV by a factor of 400…)
Fauci & Weingarten Lie by Vinay Prasad
Anthony Fauci and Randi Weingarten— two people who are doing an aggressive media campaign to distance themselves from the policies they set in motion
One of Fauci’s defenses is that he just gave advice, and did not shut anything down. This is contradicted by the fact that he previously took credit for lockdowns, and specifically noted that in early march 2020, Trump faithfully followed his advice.
Fauci’s next claim is that he always wanted school reopened. This is contradicted by a detailed timeline of his position on schools, which was consistently to fearmonger about kids and keep them closed.
Randi claims she just wanted to open schools safety, but the problem is you didn’t need 750 billion dollars and hepa filtration to open safely. Even masks were unnecessary. Ultimately, schools reopened and ~100% of kids got COVID anyway, the vast majority did fine, most did not have the vaccine beforehand, and there is no reliable evidence the vax lowered the risk of severe disease for kids. All you needed to reopen were teachers with courage, sadly Randi and Tony sapped that away from them with constant inaccurate rhetoric.
Non-US Citizens Still Need Jab For Entry by Naked Emperor
On Thursday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) updated its requirement for Proof of COVID-19 Vaccination for Air Passengers. These requirement are for non-US citizen, non-immigrant passengers arriving from a foreign country to the US by air.
The updated document still requires that you show proof of being fully vaccinated against COVID-19 before you travel to the US from another country.
However, under the amendments, you are now considered fully vaccinated 2 weeks after your dose of an accepted single-dose vaccine. This is because the CDC is including the bivalent shot. But this is only if you have received that dose on or after 16 August. Following The Science™, if you received one dose of a single-dose vaccine before that date, you are not considered vaccinated.
Who Is Andrew Huff? by JORDAN SCHACHTEL
Andrew Huff is a right of center media mainstay because of his claimed exclusive, top secret insight into the Wuhan coronavirus mystery, with some declaring him the most important Wuhan lab leak “whistleblower” in America.
Huff joined Twitter in October 2021 after declaring on LinkedIn that he had the goods on the Wuhan lab fiasco. Thanks to a key credential he possessed, having been employed for a short stint at the infamous Eco Health alliance, the media immediately took notice and granted him whistleblower status.
To this day, Andrew Huff continues to claim that the FBI, CIA, and Michigan State Police is flying drones over his property and surveilling his home. And these are not just regular commercial drones, but “military-grade” hardware.
What is the common theme for all of these Jason Bourne-like fantasy tales? None have even a kernel of evidence attached to the fantastical stories.
As Carl Sagan once said, “extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.” Andrew Huff has made lots of extraordinary claims, but has never even provided a smidgen of evidence to back up his endless series of assertions.
ABC Censors RFK Jr. by John Leake
On Thursday, April 27, ABC aired an interview—conducted by prime time news anchor Linsey Davis—with US presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. It seems to me that the interview is the most shocking and corrupt censorship of political speech since the US Constitution was ratified.
Instead of engaging in a debate with RFK Jr. about this public policy issue of vital importance, Ms. Davis and her network CUT the presidential candidate’s statements from the pre-recorded interview so that the audience wouldn’t be able to hear them.
then Ms. Davis’s interview took a repulsive turn, reminiscent of a Maoist tribunal, when she confronted RFK Jr. with statements of some of his sisters criticizing him for his heterodox views about vaccines. Davis did not suggest that his sisters possessed any particular understanding of vaccines. This part of the interview thus was a vulgar and snarky way of putting RFK Jr. on the spot about “his own sisters not voting for him.”
I suppose it’s possible that Ms. Davis and her bosses and producers have never studied civics and are therefore unfamiliar with the key concept (in a Constitutional Republic) of political speech, which Law Insider defines as follows:
“Political speech means speech relating to the state, government, body politic, or public administration as it relates to governmental policy‑making, and the term includes speech by the government or candidates for office and any discussion of social issues.”
With its repulsive censorship of RFK Jr., ABC news has clearly violated the First Amendment of the US Constitution and should be penalized to the maximum extent allowed by civil and criminal law.
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