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Note: I read a lot of Substacks each day. The Basket is intended to be a collection of the money quotes from the best of what I read. My goal is that you enjoy this service because it saves you time and quickly informs you. And my hope is that you find one or two articles that you click into because you want more.
What you can find in this collection (these are my headlines, not the authors’):
The Lies Of AI by el gato malo
Oil For Rupees Dedollarization Flops by EDWARD SLAVSQUAT
Feminist Career Karens by Peachy Keenan
The Cannabis-Schizoprenia Link by Alex Berenson
Walensky Was A Puppet by JORDAN SCHACHTEL
Don’t Take Your Eye Off LNPs by ANANDAMIDE
Walensky’s 4 Failures by Vinay Prasad
Statins: Another Pharma Ruse by MARYANNE DEMASI, PHD
The King Of Reset by MATTHEW EHRET
No Graphene Oxide In Vaxes by A Midwestern Doctor
Putting Spanish Flu In Perspective by SASHA LATYPOVA
Drosten Resurfaces by EUGYPPIUS
Ethics Of Depopulation by Igor Chudov
“Recently Vaxed” #Denominatorgate by Matthew Crawford
Pass On Flu Shot by Steve Kirsch
Misfolded Proteins (Prions) by THE UNDERDOG
Only 5.5% Paid For Chest Reconstruction by Dr. Peter McCullough
Keep The Pandemicists From Power by EUGYPPIUS
Excess Death Per Capita by Brian Mowrey
Prove It by Steve Kirsch
Covid & The Radical Progressives by Celia Farber
The Lies Of AI by el gato malo
these people are not afraid AI will lie.
they are afraid it will expose how much we have been lied to.
people think the internet is some unified web, but it’s mostly not. you have to be able to find things. search engines have been this tool and they have been playing VERY aggressive games with content slanting
you’re also going to want to ask lots of questions about what AI “training sets” were salted with and what opinions were essentially hard wired in.
if you want to trust AI, ensure that it has NOT been instilled with programmed prejudices to preserve some a priori version of "truth."
Oil For Rupees Dedollarization Flops by EDWARD SLAVSQUAT
India and Russia have reportedly abandoned their plan to switch to rupees for bilateral trade. The short-lived scheme was widely praised as a blackbelt judo-attack against US dollar hegemony.
In reality, oil-for-rupees was terrible in every conceivable way.
Feminist Career Karens by Peachy Keenan
The hour grows late. We are facing an extinction-level event as a species. The Wall Street Journal reported that “the total fertility rate—a snapshot of the average number of babies a woman would have over her lifetime—has fallen to 1.64. That is the lowest rate on record since the government began tracking it in the 1930s.”
They pretend their plan to destroy the family is a right-wing conspiracy theory, only they have been saying it—out loud—in academic circles for years. In the last two decades, this “fringe” Marxist idea to quash the nuclear family, erase the middle class, and take control of children to form them into pure revolutionaries has been hijacked and swallowed whole by even more powerful, largely invisible villains.
These are the New World Order globalists, the “you’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy” sociopaths who control everything from the World Economic Forum to most Western governments, Big Tech, Big Media, the wine aunt hive mind, teachers’ unions, Hollywood, celebrity culture, think tanks, institutes, climate change radicals, NGOs, Planned Parenthood, the woke velvet mafia in charge of the Catholic Church, the global monetary system, Wall Street, Big Pharma, Big Gender (that is, the all-powerful LGBTQ+ lobby), D.C., and the entire American educational system from pre-K to grad school.
Read the entire article from EMERALD ROBINSON HERE
The Cannabis-Schizoprenia Link by Alex Berenson
Cannabis now causes up to 1 in 4 cases of newly diagnosed schizophrenia in young men, Danish researchers have found.
Based on their analysis, cannabis is now by far the highest non-genetic risk factor for schizophrenia, a devastating mental illness.
Schizophrenia’s best-known symptoms are paranoia and hallucinations, but the illness also damages motivation and even reduces overall intelligence. And people with schizophrenia are at high risk of committing violence.
The study new suggests the United States, which has much higher cannabis use than Denmark, could already be seeing a rise in schizophrenia cases. But since the United States does not even try to count new schizophrenia diagnoses, knowing for certain is nearly impossible.
Walensky Was A Puppet by JORDAN SCHACHTEL
Walensky was nothing more than a mere puppet for the real people in charge.
Her peak moment of infamy happened during an appearance on the Rachel Maddow show in March 2021, when she declared that “vaccinated people do not carry the virus, don`t get sick, and that it`s not just in the clinical trials but it`s also in real world data.”
Due to her ideological compassion for iron fisted governance, she was more than happy to endorse the insanely authoritarian “measures” that were implemented with the ostensible goal of stopping the spread of a virus, because she fundamentally believed they were necessary and instructive through the lens of her warped moral compass.
Don’t Take Your Eye Off LNPs by ANANDAMIDE
An argument for spike being the sole problem opens the door for them to torture you with a different peptides every year and I still have a lot of questions about how these other adjuvants/antigens might effectively paint the targets in future vaccines.
My favorite unsung hypothesis on this is from Marc Girardot of Covid Myth Buster Serieswhere IV injection with LNPs paint the target cells for destruction by the immune system. In this hypothesis, the spike is just the tracer molecule that provides the signature of the criminal. Its toxicity, while noted, is unlikely to be the sole pathogen/toxin due to concentration. The LNPs simply need any antigen that transfects and paints cells for destruction. Your immune system then napalms any tissue painted (transfected) with LNPs.
Our spike myopia has certainly offered Marc a lot of flack for his contra-spike position but its important to note that we have no vehicle controls on these vaccines. If all blame is placed onto spike, you should get ready for LNP vaccines for RSV and every other non-spike antigen they can dream of being placed into you.
Walensky’s 4 Failures by Vinay Prasad
Here are 4 bedrock principles of science she failed to live up to.
If you measure something, and report it, you should do it accurately. Counting the dead is not difficult. Do not miscount.
If you don't know the answer to a question, or there is residual uncertainty, you should design an experiment that can help you reduce that uncertainty. If you run an agency of 40k people, you should definitely run such a study.
One should not make statements when one does not have data.
Medical recommendations should personalize the risk and benefit for the person in front of you.
In terms of these metrics of being a scientist, Walensky is 0 for 4.
Statins: Another Pharma Ruse by MARYANNE DEMASI, PHD
We carried out a systematic review and meta-analysis of 21 statin trials involving 143,532 participants, using similar criteria to the CTT, and found no consistent relationship between lowering LDL-C with statins and death, heart attack or stroke.
Statins are very effective at lowering LDL-C, but in some trials, that did not necessarily translate into a meaningful benefit for the patient.
concluded that the benefits of statins were minimal, and most of the trial participants who took statins, derived no clinical benefit.
The King Of Reset by MATTHEW EHRET
Charles is not some symbolic figurehead with no influence on our lives, but is rather the official founder of The Great Reset which the King’s official website announced on June 3 2020
Charles has been a devoted participant of the World Economic Forum since the organization’s earliest days and has taken up the helm of the Presidency of the World Wildlife Fund for Nature which had been earlier founded and led by his father Prince “I want to be re-incarnated as a deadly virus” Philip. What’s more is that Charles has worked closely alongside the Jesuit Pope Francis at greening Christianity into a re-branded tribalist Christianity more conducive to a system of global government.
The fact that both Charles and Pope Francis have worked with Lynn Forrester de Rothschild’s Council for Inclusive Capitalism (a World Economic Forum project) and see themselves as “guardians” of a new set of organizing mythologies centered around a post-human centric, post-national de-growth movement is also not a coincidence.
No Graphene Oxide In Vaxes by A Midwestern Doctor
Ryan Cole shared the definitive testing (mass spectrometry) that established graphene oxide was not in the vaccines and settled the question for me.
Despite the fact many people were certain they were seeing graphene oxide under a microscope, graphene oxide is too small to see on an optical microscope.
I did not think there was any possible way enough graphene oxide could be produced to get it into all the vaccines.
At this time I believe many of the highly unusual observations people have made with the vaccines under the microscope and in the blood of vaccinated individuals are a result of the spike protein being highly effective at impairing the physiologic zeta potential of the body and it causing misfolded proteins to form.
Putting Spanish Flu In Perspective by SASHA LATYPOVA
Spanish Flu was supposed to be the black death bigger than the black death until the current black death came along
What was happening around 1850’s in NYC? Lots of people moving into a relatively small area and taking horses with them, and both human and horse waste piling up in the streets and getting into water sources. This was producing water borne bacterial illnesses such as cholera and typhoid (I cannot find any reliable accounts of smallpox epidemics in NYC).
While bacterial illnesses are treatable by antibiotics, this is not without trade offs, so the best prevention measure is clean water sources and modern plumbing.
Once the cars replaced the horses and water systems were cleaned up - no more “infectious diseases” to speak of. Vaccines have nothing to do with this improvement of public health.
Drosten Resurfaces by EUGYPPIUS
Why are these assholes always lying, I want to know. The vaccines were not intended to stop transmission, the trials weren’t designed to show whether they would stop transmission, and we’ve known beyond all doubt since the summer of 2021 that they don’t stop transmission. Nobody who was vaccinated against Corona contributed to anybody else’s health at all, this is all just a straight-up untruth.
The pandemicists aren’t going away. They have amassed a great toolkit of new powers, and they will be slinking around for decades waiting for the next opportunity to try them out all over again. Now that the virus hysteria has boiled off and some minimal standards of rationality have returned to the discussion, it should be a priority to discredit every last one of these virus pests, Corona astrologers, modellers, and panic mongerers, now and for all time. Otherwise we’re at great risk for getting the same thing all over again.
Ethics Of Depopulation by Igor Chudov
Sweden is one of the few countries reporting live births by month. The latest report brings disconcerting news as birth rates continue being depressed instead of recovering. For example, February 2023 births are 12% down compared to Feb 2021. (Sweden’s live births started to decline nine months after Swedish women began to get vaccinated in 2021)
abortions due to fetal malformations rose by 9% in the UK in 2021 compared to 2020.
The 9% increase in ground E (fetal abnormality) abortions happened on the background of overall abortions barely changing in 2021. So, these are due to an abnormal and unexplainable increase in fetal abnormalities. Surely cannot be due to the safe and effective Covid vaccines that British women were forced to accept in 2021, right?
“Recently Vaxed” #Denominatorgate by Matthew Crawford
The RTvaxxed are those "Recently Treated" of the Vaxxed population, meaning in the past two weeks.
The Tvaxxed are those among the Vaxxed population "Treated" prior to two weeks ago. Feel free to think of them as like "Totally vaxxed, bro".
The RTvaxxed Infected population has been shifted from the numerator of the Vaxxed infection rate to the Unvaxxed infection rate, while the number of RTvaxxed has been kept in the denominator of the Vaxxed infection rate.
you might have noticed that our illusion only ratched VE up to 86.3%.
Pass On Flu Shot by Steve Kirsch
See the 475 deaths on day 0 of the flu shot? That’s impossible for a safe vaccine. It kills around 10 people per million which is 10X higher than what a safe vaccine is supposed to do. This is why the CDC doesn’t let anyone see the Medicare records. They keep them under lock and key.
So basically, there are the risks the CDC never tells you about. Is there a death benefit? No death benefit has ever been established.
this study: Increased risk of noninfluenza respiratory virus infections associated with receipt of inactivated influenza vaccine which showed the flu vax makes you over 4X more likely to get infected with a non-influenza virus.
Misfolded Proteins (Prions) by THE UNDERDOG
A misfolded protein goes under other names, which you may have heard of before:
Prions (AKA prion disease, such as lewy-body dementia and CJD)
Prionoids (prion-like structures)
Prions are a special kind of nasty. They’re like the ‘infectious’ version of misfolded proteins; they go around ‘recruiting’ and misfolding other proteins. Think of it like zombies in a movie, where they turn other humans into zombies.
even if there’s say, a 1 in 1 trillion chance of someone receiving mRNA with mangled instructions that code for a misfolded protein, if there’s 50 billion mRNA pieces per dose, there only needs to be 20 dose injections for the 1 in 1 trillion chance to be hit. It’s therefore far more likely than anyone realises.
then when it inserts itself into the cytoplasmic ribosome, it will tell it to start manufacturing these mangled, misfolded proteins.
Only 5.5% Paid For Chest Reconstruction by Dr. Peter McCullough
Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act, introduced in 2016, increased access to gender-affirming surgeries for transgender and gender diverse individuals.
A total 12,751 (59.9%) chest surgeries were covered by private health insurance, 6557 (30.8%) were covered by public health insurance, 1172 (5.5%) were self-pay, and 813 (3.8%) had other means of payment.
The bottom line is only 5.5% of transgender individuals pay for their cosmetic surgery which is very different from normal male or female plastic surgery which is almost always self-funded. Repeal of payment for gender-affirming surgeries would be expected to markedly reduce this disfiguring and unnecessary cost to the health-care system.
Keep The Pandemicists From Power by EUGYPPIUS
They’re ending it now, in other words, not because anything on the ground has changed, but because they no longer have any hope of the scary headlines necessary to keep the machine up and running.
The pandemicists will give you always and forever the maximum virus suppression and the maximum vaccination that is politically possible.
Not what is prudent, or what has any hope of achieving anything, or what has evidence in its favour, but simply the maximum that they can give you, for as long as they can give it to you. That is a reason in itself, never to let the pandemicists anywhere near the levers of power ever again.
Excess Death Per Capita by Brian Mowrey
There is no (realistic) number of deaths per 1,000 that would convince me lockdowns and rampant experimentation on humanity are a good deal.
I do not need to deny that the virus kills or that the vaccines (maybe) reduce severe disease. Life was going to move on regardless. History would have forgotten this virus as quickly as we have forgotten the “tripledemic” that crowded pediatric hospitals mere months ago.
If we are all, in our individual connections, members of a village of 1,000, SARS-CoV-2 was never capable of being more than a minor tragedy, akin to a single house fire. Should villages stop making houses to avoid house fires? Stop cooking food? Randomly try new fuels and hope for the best? (Great if you get away with it once, but what about the next night, and the next?)
Prove It by Steve Kirsch
when we see a .35 deaths per million doses in VAERS, it’s an indicator of an unsafe vaccine.
all the vaccines with .25 or higher red bars are highly likely to be unsafe as well.
I count 19 vaccines above the threshold, and just 4 below.
In other words, it’s highly likely most of the vaccines you thought were safe… Well, they probably aren’t.
Why take the risk? Why not demand to see the post-marketing proof of safety?
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In case you missed it…
"these people are not afraid AI will lie...they are afraid it will expose how much we have been lied to"
Yes. When I first learned of AI I thought maybe when AI matures they would allow it to connect the dots, release true causes and cures of disease, solutions for clean energy. Instead they put it on a choke chain. Any bit of truth is labeled misinformation. By the day it becomes more a propaganda mouthpiece; one more tool to blind and entertain people
Here's one on the importance of the Substack authors you do such a great job promoting. The real unsung heroes of our cause are the people who are supporting these authors with paid subscriptions. I've dubbed these people the "silent MINORITY."
Thank you to them all!