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Note: I read a lot of Substacks each day. The Basket is intended to be a collection of the money quotes from the best of what I read. My goal is that you enjoy this service because it saves you time and quickly informs you. And my hope is that you find one or two articles that you click into because you want more.
What you can find in this collection (these are my headlines, not the authors’):
Covid & The Radical Progressives by Celia Farber
Japanese Students Choosing Forever Masking by Guy Gin
Ages 12-15 Death Watch In MN by FABIAN SPIEKER
Campaign Finance Reform by ALEXANDER JEFFERSON
Non-Batched Batches by SASHA LATYPOVA
The Test For Infectiousness by DAVID ZWEIG
Rogan Brings Real Stand-Up To Austin by Olivia Reingold
Biden Yielding To The WHO by Dr. Robert Malone
Show Us The JFK Files by TOM RENZ
Get Ready For “Climate Migrations” by EUGYPPIUS
Covid As Prion Disease Everywhere In Body by WALTER M CHESNUT
EcoHealth Gets Bat Grant Back by Brian Mowrey
Long Vax-Induced Myocarditis by Dr. Peter McCullough
The Debt Ceiling by el gato malo
Entitlements Trap by ZEPHARETH LEDBETTER
The Importance Of Friendships by Aaron Ginn
Top 50 Censorship Orgs by Matt Taibbi
Globalism Tipping Point by KATHERINE WATT
Covid Vax vs Flu Vax: Death Per Million Dose by Jessica Rose
Texas Gold Standard Currency? by SASHA LATYPOVA
A Hoodwinked Population by Michael Lesher
Covid & The Radical Progressives by Celia Farber
What is it about revolutionary socialism and its leaders, that takes to Covid tyranny like a duck to water?
This is my question.
Radical progressive Marxism had morphed into a new anaconda that demanded “social justice” as unfettered “access” to potent ARV drugs, along with a fascist crackdown on all debates that would decry the toxicity.
Absolutely breathtaking: The Pharmaceutical anaconda rode in on waves of increasingly radical Marxism, around the world, and obliterated all talk of “access” to clean water or nutritious food. That was the stuff of “denialists” and the “far right.”
Japanese Students Choosing Forever Masking by Guy Gin
“We put up posters in the classrooms and hallways telling people that we’re not asking them to wear masks in the school, but only about 10% of the students have taken their masks off. Some students even wore masks during a photo shoot. Students were completely masked for all three years of junior-high school. You feel the pressure to conform, and it’s probably difficult for them to suddenly unmask.”
The kids’ reasons for continued masking are “I’m embarrassed to have people look at my face” and “Everyone else is masking and I doubt want to stand out”. In other words, pointing to RCT data isn’t going to cut it.
It may seem bizarre to people outside Japan that parents now need to tell their children it’s better to breathe properly and show their faces, but that’s the hole the Japanese public have dug themselves into due to their credulity and conformity.
Ages 12-15 Death Watch In MN by FABIAN SPIEKER
Throughout the 600 days before approval of the vaccines 0.13 children of the ages 12-15 died on average per day.
Throughout the 600 days after approval of the vaccines the average number of daily deaths occurring in 12-15 year old children was slightly above 0.19.
The increase in daily deaths leads me to suspect that roughly 36 children of the ages 12-15 died in excess within Minnesota between approval of the modRNA vaccines and December 31st 2022, not taking the previous downward trend into account.
Regardless of whether all this will happen again or not, something feels different; the fabric of society is changed, and some of our relationships are irreversibly broken. No one seems to care if more people than usual die, if the young drop dead and the elderly are abandoned. Does anyone care that children’s education was thrown under the bus and their mental well-being was driven to a cliff-edge? What about the crooks that robbed the taxpayers’ coffers, the policies made on whims, and if officials lie publicly in front of cameras or if every European pays taxes to governments which have proven to be incompetent and anti-democratic?
The “no one cares” list is - indeed - long.
A few politicians are asking questions; a few media folk are trying to shake off the yoke, along with some of our readers, but we are few. We need your help - to share the word of TTE - to help you.
Those who “care” list is - indeed - short.
Campaign Finance Reform by ALEXANDER JEFFERSON
During the last 13 elections, candidates have spent more than $87.43 billion on their campaigns; while lobbyists spent ~84B.
To raise money there are two main methods: (1) make promises to large corporate donors or aristocrats or (2) weaponize issues important to the people. A clear example of the latter is Roe v. Wade. Despite Democrats controlling the House and Senate at multiple points, not once did they attempt to codify Roe v. Wade. Instead, they continued to use it to raise funds and demonstrate they are the lesser of two evils. This became immediately clear when the DNC sent out mass text messages asking for money once the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade. The DNC used the Supreme Court decision to raise $80 Million dollars within a week, so their strategy worked as planned. What a simply effective playbook.
campaign contributions become advertising dollars. If [NY Times, CNN, NBC, CBS, FOX, and others] were to make the public aware of this issue and changes occurred then they would be financially hurt.
To maintain a government predicated on the idea of self-government and to successfully resolve our grievances, we must put an end to the corrupting influence of money in politics. If we fail to address this issue, we will never be able to resolve any other issue. Campaign contributions, in essence, are legalized forms of bribery.
Non-Batched Batches by SASHA LATYPOVA
Recently, the FDA "authorized" (fake-authorized as they do not regulate countermeasures) the continuous (non-batched) mRNA products. I noted that Pfizer have been producing non-batched “batches” even in 2022, such as lot FL0007 was produced over 6 months, has several expiration dates and 12+ million doses. That’s not a batch, that’s a production that is operating for several months where everything is labeled with the same number.
The total number of adverse events, serious adverse events and deaths reported in lots of COVID-19 vaccines over the period of <12 months were much higher than the total number of these events reported in lots of seasonal flu vaccines over the total available time (approx. 30 years). A very large difference exists for every assessed category: total as well as maximum and average per lot adverse events, serious adverse events, and deaths.
Excessive variation of adverse events, serious adverse events, and deaths between lots of COVID-19 vaccines appears to stand in stark contrast to much lower variation of adverse events associated with the lots of the seasonal flu vaccines reported over a 30-year period. This finding indicated that the manufacturing process for Covid 19 vaccines is not compliant with the current Good Manufacturing Practice (cGMP) laws.
The Test For Infectiousness by DAVID ZWEIG
as early as May and June of 2020, a test existed that, if it had been rolled out in medical centers and regular labs nationwide, could have enabled people to know for certain whether they were infectious or not
a paper from researchers at Stanford University School of Medicine and Stanford Hospitals, raises an extraordinary prospect: transmission from asymptomatic people is far, far less common than we were led to believe.
PCR test, which detects whether someone has the virus. But it cannot detect whether the person is capable of infecting others. In May 2020, the Stanford researchers created a specific PCR test that could do this.
SARS-CoV-2 is a positive or “plus-stranded” RNA virus. For it to replicate it must do so with a minus strand. Brilliantly, the Stanford test looks to see if the minus strand is present. If it is then that indicates the virus is actively replicating, which means it’s potentially infectious. If the minus strand is absent then the virus is not replicating.
This raises serious questions for those in charge of the CDC, NIH, and NIAID for why resources were not allocated toward making this test broadly available.
Rogan Brings Real Stand-Up To Austin by Olivia Reingold
The Mothership, says Rogan, represents his “take” on L.A.’s Comedy Store—the club known for launching the likes of Richard Pryor, David Letterman, and Robin Williams, and the place that gave Rogan his first shot at the mic. He says his vision is to build a club “set up for comedians,” with a strong open mic program that won’t throw performers under the bus for their material.
the strict no-phone policy at the Mothership: before guests can even set foot in the lobby, they have to lock their devices in a sealed bag.
so that they could try out new material without risking online backlash. That gave them freedom…to the delight of the crowd, with jokes about subjects like Lia Thomas
“…we’re living in a time where, if somebody takes video of you and you’re trying to work out a joke that isn’t quite there yet, and it goes viral, now you’re labeled as transphobic or homophobic or sexist or whatever. It’s not fair.”
“Joe Rogan has made Austin the most interesting place to do comedy in America. That’s a fact. Because what he’s done has created the conditions for people to be excited—both comics and audiences.”
Congress Corrects CDC Director’s Lie by PAUL D. THACKER
During a congressional hearing last month, CDC Director Rochelle Walensky faced inquiries from appropriators about her agency’s work, and some very specific questions about how she handled the pandemic. In one exchange, Congressman Andrew Clyde (Rep-GA) asked Walensksy if Americans should still wear masks, and Walensky wrongly stated that Cochrane had retracted a review that found no evidence masks stop virus transmission.
Walensky’s false statement built off a prior false statement by social media influencer and New York Times’ columnist Zeynep Tufekci, who claimed the Cochrane review on masks had been “corrected.” Cochrane has not issued a correction, nor has Cochrane retracted the review. Cochrane authors have sent emails to the New York Times pointing out misleading statements and falsehoods in Tufekci’s column, but the Times has failed correct Tufekci’s errors.
However, a congressional staffer has affirmed by email that Congress will correct the record on Walensky’s false statement made before the committee, to ensure trust in public health.
Biden Yielding To The WHO by Dr. Robert Malone
Given the WHO’s appalling record, it is outrageous that the Biden administration is working to give the WHO and its Director-General more power over sovereign nations, including the United States. Yet, U.S. government officials are actively negotiating amendments to existing International Health Regulations and a new treaty governing future pandemics. These accords would effectively repose in Dr. Tedros the authority unilaterally to dictate what constitutes an actual or potential Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) and to order how affected nations must respond.
The Biden administration has no intention of honoring the U.S. Senate’s constitutional role in treaty-making by submitting such assaults on our sovereignty for its advice and consent. Moreover, the Senate has voted not to require such treatment for these agreements.
Show Us The JFK Files by TOM RENZ
One of the areas that RFK has really spoken out about is the assassination of his uncle and father. He’s demonstrated real courage in calling out the CIA – the people that appear to be behind the murders.
instead of making the actual documents and evidence available to the public to demonstrate their innocence…while continuing to violate the law by refusing to release the documentation
There is ZERO justification for secrecy in this 60 years later, especially in light of the fact that we now have evidence the same people funded the creation of COVID. We are well past the point that deflecting by calling us conspiracy theorists is going to stand as an excuse – show us the documents.
Get Ready For “Climate Migrations” by EUGYPPIUS
Whatever the ambitions of the globalist vaccinators, the pandemic activated national bureaucracies and sidelined the global climate agenda for as long as it endured. Disease is something each country must solve for itself, while the climate crisis is the preferred unifying ideology of postwar globalism, because it favours solutions requiring high levels of international coordination.
There is therefore a great effort underway to realign the anxieties of beleaguered Westerners under a more uniform, more suitable and more useful climate panic. If you’re worried about pandemics, you should also be worried about climate change, because “climate change increases pandemic risk.”
One of the things that made Corona so powerful, was the simple fact that it gave a wide range of bureaucrats, experts and journalists their own separate roles to play in the solution. To succeed, climate change mitigation will also have to lend relevance to a wide range of experts and institutions, however unserious the pretence.
Covid As Prion Disease Everywhere In Body by WALTER M CHESNUT
I initially viewed the Spike Protein as an inducer of Prion disease. However, I was only focused on the Brain and was not seeing results that would indicate that Prion disease was a major element of Spike Protein pathology.
Yet, if you start to look at other organs, an extremely disturbing picture begins to emerge. We find the hallmark of Prion disease – vacuoles. And they are EVERYWHERE. In virtually EVERY organ – including the reproductive organs.
I believe we must now look at COVID as a PRION disease with an ACUTE phase and a CHRONIC phase. Very, very much like HIV.
Vacuolation is perhaps the most defining hallmark of Prion Disease. Except here, it is not just the brain. The Spike becomes an Infectious Protein IN ALL ORGANS!
EcoHealth Gets Bat Grant Back by Brian Mowrey
EcoHealth is back in bat virus business
it seeks to hunt for bat coronavirus spike genes with the potential to gain tropism in humans. But there is no possible value to hunting for potential human-tropic spikes because nothing can be done with that knowledge.
the NIH paper-trail shows that WIV and the Ecohealth’s progress was profoundly glacial, with yearly goals routinely unmet…And yet year after year, the money still flows. That’s because the work was never about generating results. NGO welfare, and government scientific embezzlement, explain DEFUSE; not wild schemes of creating an airborne HIV.
Long Vax-Induced Myocarditis by Dr. Peter McCullough
While ECG and blood tests tend to normalize quickly, my concern is that ongoing inflammation is occurring due to continued production of Wuhan Spike protein coded by the long lasting Pfizer or Moderna mRNA vaccines.
Barmada et al studied a clinical cohort consists of 23 patients hospitalized for vaccine-associated myocarditis and/or pericarditis
only 20% had resolved their abnormalities (late gadolinium enhancement) at over six months
The Debt Ceiling by el gato malo
congress controls the purse strings and in a divided government like this (which is a feature, not a bug in the american system) everyone has to agree. and if someone bucks and says “i’m not doing that” well, until you pull them onside the government has to live within its means.
this is probably literally the only tool in the box to address it that could have any effect on what has clearly become an unsustainable process of spend, extend, pretend.
it would be illegal not to pay the debt. there is money coming in from tax revenues and withholding. it’s more than enough to pay the debt. failing to pay it would be a choice and an illegal one. it would also likely be unconstitutional.
the better way to look at it is as a % of income. 1.7/4.9 = 35%. we spend 35% more than we take in. and as social security and medicare explode, this just gets worse.
the main event is unfunded liabilities from social security/medicare/medicaid and the rest of the entitlement-verse. they stand in excess of $100tn and the total of the two is ~$135tn. this is greater than $1million per american household.
the simple fact is that the US desperately needs entitlement reform and that the hour to get going on it to avert calamity is long past. we’re well into the part of the game of decision deferral where there are no good answers. someone is going to take a beating.
Entitlements Trap by ZEPHARETH LEDBETTER
Improving the fortunes of the underprivileged cannot be achieved by excessive entitlements.
Continuing an environment based upon entitlements creates a perpetual cycle, a carousel of existence that minimizes both the ability and the incentive to get off. Handling a group with an approach of here’s enough support to survive indefinitely, but never to truly thrive creates that aforementioned carousel, from which the illusory movement of spinning in place removes all motivation to walk on one’s own two feet to seek greener pastures. Its attempts to lift people up - which, in times of short-term need, it can certainly accomplish - when implemented long term, simply hold those same “beneficiaries” down.
Excessive entitlements also have the effect of stifling society’s advancements long term. Free money removes motivation; aside from the lucky few who are passionate about their careers, most people work solely to get ahead financially. As entitlements expand and become accessible to greater numbers of people, those who receive them often eschew working and grow as a voter force, which manipulates legislation towards further expansion of benefits.
When people have to take care of themselves, they accept no limits to how high they can climb.
The Importance Of Friendships by Aaron Ginn
History shows us that our current “friendship-depression” is a contemporary phenomenon
In our modern epoch, friendship is a lost art missing from all of our lives. Our culture has forgotten the purpose and meaning of friendship. Tragically, our society idolizes romantic love to the point of human actualization. Media pitches romance as the culmination of meaning and purpose. Our civilization misses the mark on the profound nature of man and woman. It replaces companionship with shallow movies and books that fantasize us into an envious doldrum and depression
Good marriages should be a priority because family formation is a blessing; however, it is insufficient to do great things in life and the world. Good friends are how great people accomplish extraordinary things that seem impossible at the time.
Top 50 Censorship Orgs by Matt Taibbi
We rarely hear about America’s own lengthy history with “active measures” and “information operations,”
shortly after the election of Donald Trump, it was becoming gospel among the future leaders of the “Censorship-Industrial Complex” that interference by “malign foreign threat actors” and the vicissitudes of Western domestic politics must be linked. Everything, from John Podesta’s emails to Trump’s Rust Belt primary victories to Brexit, were to be understood first and foremost as hybrid war events.
This is why the Trump-Russia scandal in the United States will likely be remembered as a crucial moment in 21st-century history, even though the investigation superficially ended a non-story, fake news in itself. What the Mueller investigation didn’t accomplish in ousting Trump from office, it did accomplish in birthing a vast new public-private bureaucracy devoted to stopping “mis-, dis-, and malinformation,” while smoothing public acquiescence to the emergence of a spate of new government agencies with “information warfare” missions.
The “Censorship-Industrial Complex” is just the Military-Industrial Complex reborn for the “hybrid warfare” age.
these groups are fast achieving what Eisenhower feared: the elimination of “balance” between the democratic need for liberalizing laws and institutions, and the vigilance required for military preparation. Democratic society requires the nourishment of free debate, disagreement, and intellectual tension, but the groups below seek instead that “shared vocabulary” to deploy on the hybrid battlefield. They propose to serve as the guardians of that “vocabulary,” which sounds very like the scenario Ike outlined in 1961, in which “public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific and technological elite.”
Globalism Tipping Point by KATHERINE WATT
They're doing war crimes.
And I do think it's going to break. I think there's going to be a tipping point and the criminal prosecutions are going to start.
there are things that the globalists do not like. They don't like constitutions and charters. They don't like the conflicting statutory frameworks around bioterrorism, war crimes, genocide, torture. They don't like any of that stuff.
They don't like when states and provinces and counties and towns pass their own laws protecting informed consent, protecting people from, for consumer safety. They actually put out a report in October 2022, State Laws Limiting Public Health Protections: Hazardous for Our Health. And there's a whole bunch of things in there that states have started doing that the globalists do not like.
So doing more of those things, more bringing control back to the state, more using Article 10 of the Constitution, to reclaim state authority, those are all extremely useful.
Covid Vax vs Flu Vax: Death Per Million Dose by Jessica Rose
The blue bars represent the total number of doses for each vaccine/injectable product distributed for the respective timeframes (again, for vaccines: 2006-2021 - 16 years; and for COVID products - 2.5 years: 2020-2023). The red bars represent the total number of deaths per million doses distributed per shot type.
Perhaps the most striking observation one can make about this graph is the stark difference between influenza and COVID-19 with regard to deaths per million doses. Even though there were a staggering 2,231,400,000 influenza shots distributed, only 771 people were reported to have died in 16 years.
The death rate per million doses for COVID is 35.6 versus 0.3 for influenza. That’s 119 times higher.
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