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Note: I read a lot of Substacks each day. The Basket is intended to be a collection of the money quotes from the best of what I read. My goal is that you enjoy this service because it saves you time and quickly informs you. And my hope is that you find one or two articles that you click into because you want more.
What you can find in this collection (these are my headlines, not the authors’):
Texas Gold Standard Currency? by SASHA LATYPOVA
A Hoodwinked Population by Michael Lesher
Biden’s Santos Distraction by JD RUCKER
Faith In Flawed Studies bypass Steve Kirsch
Ignoring Natural Immunity by MARTY MAKARY M.D., M.P.H.
Hospitals Still Not Ready by TOM JEFFERSON & CARL HENEGHAN
E-Verify Trojan Horse by el gato malo
Implications Of Modified RNA by ANANDAMIDE
Maniacal Unethical Ambitions by JORDAN SCHACHTEL
mRNA Pancreatic Vaccine Misnomer by MR LAW, HEALTH AND TECHNOLOGY
Activism For Sale by A MIDWESTERN DOCTOR
Pregnant Women Were Lied To by IGOR CHUDOV
Direct Lung Injury by BRIAN MOWREY
Fauci Owns School Closures by Vinay Prasad
Flu Vax Doesn’t Work by Dr. Peter McCullough
When Discussion Is Non-Representative by el gato malo
Energy Crisis Farce by EUGYPPIUS
Excess Private Home Deaths by CARL HENEGHAN & TOM JEFFERSON
Vax Injured Court Win Against FDA by AARON SIRI
Japan’s Covid Marriage Drop by Guy Gin
Texas Gold Standard Currency? by SASHA LATYPOVA
Texas has proposed a bill that would require the state comptroller to establish and provide for the issuance of gold and silver specie and also establish digital currencies that are 100% backed by gold and silver, and 100% redeemable in cash, gold, or silver.
The bill would authorize the Texas Bullion Depository as the issuer of the specie and digital currencies and ensure that holders can use them as legal tender to pay debt and transfer them electronically to other people. The bill would also require the trustee to maintain enough gold and silver specie or bullion to provide for the redemption of all units of the digital currency issued but not redeemed.
In practice, individuals would be able to purchase transactional currency representing the smallest fractions of physical gold or silver and redeem them for dollars, gold, or silver on demand. The bill has passed the House State Affairs Committee by a 7-6 vote and has received strong grassroots support in Texas.
As envisioned in the proposal, the currency would be legal tender, which is a major step toward a transactional currency. This should enable liquidity for the currency, especially as it is directly tradable into gold and silver, both of which have continuously quoted prices and extensive liquid markets.
A Hoodwinked Population by Michael Lesher
there is a special reason for alarm. It’s not just that our ruling elites believe that we, the people, need to be stripped of our right to free expression. I’m afraid that the freedom-haters clustered around our figurehead President are not even aware just how thin the ice is onto which they’re propelling us. Their position (taking the most charitable possible view of it) runs something like this: if the public isn’t exposed to views of which the censors disapprove, hoi polloi will meekly accept whatever policies are imposed on them (for their own good, of course).
But the censors are wrong. The fabric of American political life has been strained to such tautness that a single acute crisis might rupture it altogether. And if that happens, people who have been deprived of reasonable dissent will not shrink from violent opposition; on the contrary, they will embrace it. When the monolithic narrative that is all they have been taught lies in ruins, they will replace it not with a rational, informed alternative – for they will know of none – but with whatever satisfies the rage of a population that realizes, too late, that it has been hoodwinked.
Biden’s Santos Distraction by JD RUCKER
Today, we witnessed another prime example of news cycle control. Congressman George Santos was arrested just as the House Oversight Committee was dropping revelations about the Biden Crime Family. As a result, the only major corporate media outlets that has the far-bigger Biden story as their headline is Fox News. CNN, MSNBC, ABC News, CBS News, NBC News, NY Times, Washington Post, and a dozen other outlets I checked have the revelations dropped by the GOP either buried or completely absent. The Santos arrest is the headline story for all of them.
I’ll never understand the stupidity of the feckless GOP on Capitol Hill for announcing their intentions on Sunday. They had the goods on Biden at that point. Why schedule a press conference three days later knowing it would get blacked out and ignored? It’s hard to tell whether they were being idiotic or doing it like that intentionally so only their base would hear the news. It could be both. It’s probably both.
Faith In Flawed Studies bypass Steve Kirsch
The whole “vaccines are safe” narrative is built on belief and seriously flawed studies, and not on proper objective epidemiological studies which could have been easily done but were not.
If we cannot prove safety at the level of <1 death per 10M doses in children, we should not be vaccinating more kids until we have done the proper post-marketing safety study on the kids we’ve already vaccinated. The fact that no state is willing to do the study but is at the same time still recommending that kids get vaccinated should be deeply troubling to everyone. It is a symptom of a seriously out-of-control medical community that cares more about following directives from the CDC than patient safety. The rationale for vaccinating kids is nonsensical.
“The whole “vaccines are safe” narrative for the past 200 years is actually based on an assumption that all the vaccines are safe. There is actually no credible large-scale post-marketing study for any vaccine used in the US today that actually backs up this claim. It’s all based on faith in seriously flawed studies.”
Ignoring Natural Immunity by MARTY MAKARY M.D., M.P.H.
Nothing speaks more to the intellectual dishonesty of public health leaders than their complete dismissal of natural immunity.
Over the last 3 years, over 200 studies have shown that natural immunity is at least as effective than vaccinated immunity…The evidence was there all along. But health officials never talked about it.
Instead they made ignoring natural immunity a political badge. They dismissed it by dangling uncertainty about it, saying we don’t know how long it lasts. They bizarrely assumed that vaccinated immunity was durable and natural immunity was not. They got it backwards.
In the U.S. we gave thousands of healthy children myocarditis for no good reason—they were already immune. This was avoidable.
Public health officials lied to us and destroyed the careers of millions of Americans as a result. They also damaged centuries of public trust in the medical profession.
Hospitals Still Not Ready by TOM JEFFERSON & CARL HENEGHAN
"We might face [another pandemic] soon."Hospitals must be ready to treat infected and non-infected people separately, Mr Ereño told of all the media, the BBC. One wonders how he managed to get through the fact-checkers.
"The planning was not good, we cannot empty the hospitals and the clinics just for [a disease like] Covid, and allow people who were going through very severe episodes to stay at home."
Hospitals are certainly not viral infection ready. We have failed to address the problem of viral transmission in high-risk environments; we have not invested in the research required to future-proof our hospitals, and we have failed to implement the basics based on past experiences.
E-Verify Trojan Horse by el gato malo
the e-verify program is one of those subtle trojan horses that government is so good at.
you’re going to give a federal agency an individualized on off switch for employment for everyone. sure, you might like this one thing that they do with it, but what else might they use it for soon?
every scary thing that can be said about government run digital currency also applies to government control over who may be hired.
it’s always easy to get suckered into these things with a sympathetic use case. “we’re just banning pro-nazi speech!” sounds fine. few want to hear it. fewer will stand up for nazis. but once you grant the power for such a ban, you have given up your right to free speech.
the rest is just a negotiation about the terms of your censorship.
Quarantines were sold as measures to reduce spread of SARS-CoV-2 and are claimed to have prevented the spread of flu.
flu testing is governed by a single question acting as a pre-condition to the testing process: Is flu in circulation in the community? When there is no epidemiological outbreak present a completely different algorithm applies, compared to when flu is acknowledged by the public health authorities to be in circulation.
Flu tests are recommended to be administered within 4 days of symptom onset. If they are administered after 4 days, they would likely produce a false negative result for someone with flu (flu tests are rarely administered routinely anyway).
Mandatory Covid-19 tests, run at high cycle thresholds and suffering from cross-reactivity with other pathogens (amongst other operational issues), may well have resulted in false positives for Covid-19, when in fact the pathogen causing symptoms may have been flu.
Even if the SARS-CoV-2 test was negative and the flu test was positive the flu test result would likely have been discounted as actually a false positive. Why? Because the CDC flowchart instructs the physician to suspect that it is!
The rationale would go something like this a) there is no outbreak of flu b) there is no epidemiological link to get the result accepted by health authorities c) covid-19 disease is deadlier than the flu so a diagnostic misclassification would be risky and d) the antiviral treatments for flu do not apply to Covid-19.
Implications Of Modified RNA by ANANDAMIDE
We just injected billions of people with modified RNA and only afterwords discovered a major human RNA ligase that we were blind to before injection.
It’s like placing the lives of billions of people in the hands of a newly developed computer code, hitting run.. and then realizing the computer has a chip in it you didn’t know about that shuffles code.
We do not know how these RNA modification in the mRNA vaccines will interact with this newly discovered RNA Ligase. Will it concatenate them? Will the cell turn the modRNA into miRNAs and then RNA Ligases join miRNAs into longer pieces with different RNAi footprints?
The honest answer, is we don’t know and are committed to painfully finding out.
This precautionary position of mine on the genomics of the vaccine is often met with outrage as ‘spreading vax’ hesitancy. The moment one persons anxiety demands another person to require experimental injections, we have lost the plot.
Maniacal Unethical Ambitions by JORDAN SCHACHTEL
Almost three and a half years of engaging in peak absurdity in the name of stopping to virus. And yet, the “experts” don’t have a single thing to show for it.
the White House is pointing to a useless and failed mRNA experimental gene shot, and the swindle that is the Covid Testing Industrial Complex, in defeating the “disruptive force” that is the Wuhan sniffles.
Pfizer and Moderna are swimming in hundreds of billions of dollars in siphoned taxpayer dollars. Gilead made a fortune off of its Remdesivir poison IV. So many ruthlessly unethical businesses got filthy rich procuring junk “PPE” from sweatshops around the world. It was all just one giant money grab. A few people got very powerful and very rich, while billions more suffered because of their maniacal, unethical ambitions.
mRNA Pancreatic Vaccine Misnomer by MR LAW, HEALTH AND TECHNOLOGY
the preeminent journal Nature published this article on a new mRNA medication that the authors are disingenuously terming a neoantigen vaccine.
In the article the authors describe conduct of a Phase-1 clinical trial that enrolled 19 fairly homogeneous individuals (all white, all over 55). Of these, 16 received the novel mRNA treatment in conjunction with a chemotherapeutic monoclonal antibody drug (Atezolizumab) for pancreatic cancer, leaving 3 as controls who only received the chemotheraputic drug…
Misuse of the term ‘vaccine’ to describe both the Covid-19 and these pancreatic cancer mRNA injections is disingenuous and egregious. While most people casually ignore the fact that the Covid-19 injections continue to fail to produce any lasting immunity to Sars-CoV-2, even after multiple booster injections, it becomes more obvious that these are therapies and not vaccines when you see in this trial that the base regimen was 7 weekly injections and 2 monthly follow-up injections - for a total of 9 mRNA injections.
Given the medical condition, cancer, and leaving aside that they failed to produce any response in half of the recipients, the excessive number of necessary subsequent injections and discussion of potentially administering boosters is more consistent with a definition as chemotherapy rather than ‘vaccine’. As with the Covid-19 injections, the only reason for attaching the term ‘vaccine’ to them is to reduce the time and requirements for safety testing and get authorisation to bring them to human trials more rapidly.
mRNA therapies are simply not consistent with more than a century of use of the term ‘vaccine’.
Activism For Sale by A MIDWESTERN DOCTOR
I watched all the people I’d worked with who previously sincerely cared about legitimate sources of environmental pollution (e.g., acid rain) start getting fixated on carbon dioxide (a harmless gas), while concern over almost every other pollutant was thrown out the window.
Sadder still, I soon after watched them get hooked onto the marketing pitch for the first Prius (drive a hybrid to fight global warming). They zealously began refocusing all their activism on selling Toyota’s product.
Two of the common strategies malignant industries use to keep their products on the market are:
•Make a vague and unreachable target they’ll fix in the “future,” so people forgive the current issues with their product.
•Get people to focus on something that has nothing to do with the industry’s malfeasance so the malfeasance is ignored.
Because of how erroneous the Global Warming models were, they, of course, failed to play out. For example, the catastrophic melting predictions in Al Gore’s 2006 movie An Inconvenient Truth never materialized (although they did help Gore, who is now estimated to now be worth 330 million dollars).
Pregnant Women Were Lied To by IGOR CHUDOV
Remember that in 2020, all pregnant women in the UK were unvaccinated. COVID was at its worst in 2020.
COVID was quite rampant in the UK at the time. According to Our World in Data, the UK had 94,194 COVID deaths in 2020. However, only nine deaths out of those involved pregnant women.
for every pregnant woman who died of COVID in 2020, over 68,000 did NOT die.
So, those who believed that COVID-19 puts future mothers’ lives at tremendous risk were lied to. Pregnant women were given false information to nudge them to get vaccinated.
Direct Lung Injury by BRIAN MOWREY
Cytokine storm is not real; deaths occurred regardless of high use of antibiotics; the virus kills by directly injuring the lung
The pattern “multi-organ failure,” as would be expected with the imaginary condition known as cytokine storm, does not feature in Covid-19 pneumonia patients. It isn’t happening.
the rate of death in those without ventilator-associated-pneumonia is “relatively lower,” but still almost just as high, as that without.
While a plain read of the results of this study support a simplistic model of severe Covid-19 as resulting from direct lung injury from the virus (as I have put forward), the “spin” the authors have chosen to place on their results is to hype up another too-clever-by-half account for deaths from severe infections.
The new paper by Gao, et al. supports dumping both the myth of cytokine storm and unresolved secondary infections in in-hospital deaths.
Fauci Owns School Closures by Vinay Prasad
Fauci inappropriately cast aspersions on reopening.
So, forgive me, if you are the NIAID director and you continuously fear-monger about schools, and tell teachers that reopening isn an ‘experiment’— even though Sweden never closed and was doing fine— you can’t say you had nothing to do with school closure. You leveraged your massive media reach to poison public opinion. You were the architect of closure.
That action did more harm to American children than anything else this century.
Fauci owns school closure. He needs to move out of the denial phase and either defend his conduct or apologize.
Flu Vax Doesn’t Work by Dr. Peter McCullough
Uemura and coworkers from the Department of Biostatistics & Bioinformatics, Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies, University of Tokyo, Japan reported on 83,146 individuals who were aged 65 years or older at baseline and were followed up between April 1, 2014 to March 31, 2020.
The multivariable analysis showed a lower incidence of influenza in vaccinated individuals (hazard ratio [HR], 0.47; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.43-0.51; P < 0.001), however the incidence of hospitalization for influenza did not differ significantly by vaccination status (HR, 0.79; 95% CI, 0.53-1.18; P = 0.249). Protective effectiveness against incidence waned quickly after 4 or 5 months.
These data suggest the massive effort on vaccination in the general population is a waste of time and effort.
When Discussion Is Non-Representative by el gato malo
the whole point of censorship is, after all, to make discussion non-representative.
when you curate and censor social media, it renders it useless to discern actual consumer sentiment or behavior because small vocal minorities dominate discussion.
what happens when they decide "hey, the kids online love this it's gonna be a smash hit!” and “this got 9 gajillion likes, we’re onto a winner!”?
the great irony here is that consumer products companies should be the staunchest supporters of online freedom of speech.
that is the literal data they need to understand their market and their customers.
the companies that boycott twitter for “not censoring people” are engaging in self-harm. they are literally giving up the opportunity to meet their own customers.
Energy Crisis Farce by EUGYPPIUS
The international press has maintained near-total silence on the escalating insanity of what is happening in Germany. Media outlets that routinely celebrate German progress towards energy transition don’t want you to know that Europe’s dominant industrial power has entered a deeply destructive political and administrative spiral from which it may never recover…our rulers are now forcing devastating changes to the so-called Gebäudeenergiegesetz, or the Building Energy Act, which regulates energy consumption in residential and commercial structures.
the so-called “All Electric World,” one in which a grid powered entirely by renewables drives cars (electrical vehicles), heats buildings (heat pumps) and even powers industry (though here the solutions are much vaguer).
unlikely American activists and philanthropists behind European – and specifically German – climate activism.
The farcical response to the energy crisis, where these people were actually forced to work contrary to their principles and buy enormous quantities of coal (from Russia no less); the botched but nevertheless completed nuclear phase-out; and, finally, the catastrophic changes to the Building Energy Act, which will immiserate millions of Germans and do absolutely nothing to change the temperature of Earth.
Excess Private Home Deaths by CARL HENEGHAN & TOM JEFFERSON
we’ve had a lot of toing and froing about the best way to measure the excess, but we think a problem with the baseline average can’t fully explain the higher excess in private homes (not nursing homes, people’s own homes).
The number of deaths was 23.3 per cent above the five-year average in private homes (646 excess deaths), 10.7 per cent in hospitals (521 excess deaths), 8.4% in care homes (186 excess deaths) and 14.3% in other settings (117 excess deaths).
Vax Injured Court Win Against FDA by AARON SIRI
second lawsuit, this time also on behalf of the parents of Maddie de Garay, a young girl grievously injured in Pfizer’s clinical trial for 12-to-15-year-olds, we explained to the Court the importance of timely production. Once again, FDA claimed it would be “impractical” to release the estimated 4.8 million pages at more than between 1,000 to 16,000 pages per month, or in other words at least 23.5 years. We countered, demanding FDA produce all documents by mid-2025.
The federal judge, in an amazing decision, started by stating that “Democracy dies behind closed doors” and ordered them to produce the files – millions of pages - in just 2 years, amounting to a rate of at least 180,000 pages per month.
Japan’s Covid Marriage Drop by Guy Gin
One of the most lasting of Japan’s many self-inflicted wounds during the Covid-19 Pandemic is likely to be the drop in marriages caused the population’s willingness to go along with instructions to not socialise or show their faces. Tokyo University researchers estimated that 166,000 fewer marriages occurred in 2020-2022 “due to Covid.”
In a recent survey of 70 staff members of marriage match-making services, 67.1% reported that they knew of cases where the issue of mask wearing had been a deal-breaker.
The downstream effects are predicable. Because births rarely happen outside of marriage in Japan (or anywhere else in Northeast Asia), the Tokyo Uni researchers mentioned above estimate there will be 255,000 fewer children born as a result of fewer marriages in 2020-2022. Put simply, Japan’s “infection prevention measures” didn’t just make the lives of current children miserable but also made the number of future children smaller.
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