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Note: I read a lot of Substacks each day. The Basket is intended to be a collection of the money quotes from the best of what I read. My goal is that you enjoy this service because it saves you time and quickly informs you. And my hope is that you find one or two articles that you click into because you want more.
What you can find in this collection (these are my headlines, not the authors’):
Tech Quest To Live Forever by Suzy Weiss
Woke Vs Christianity by Celia Farber
Replacing Justice With Justifiable by DUPONT LAJOIE
Surgeon General’s Warning For Kids by Vinay Prasad
Financial Vs Real Economy by Naked Emperor
High School Debate Narrative by James Fishback
Carbon Accounting Framework Lie by DENIS DE BERNARDY
Closing Schools Prevents Learning by JOSH STEVENSON
Ventilator Death Cover-up by MICHAEL P SENGER
Rating Agencies & Testing Markets by ANANDAMIDE
Trump & DeSantis Differ On Money by JORDAN SCHACHTEL
Economic Trouble Ahead by Naked Emperor
Proper Controls With Polio Vaccine? by Brian Mowrey
DTP = 10x Mortality by Igor Chudov
Too Lenient On Crime by PHILIP O'REILLY
Googling Flu Didn’t Disappear by MARTIN NEIL
Remyelinating Spike-Damaged Nerves by WALTER M CHESNUT
Free Range Parenting by Jennifer Sey
Gates’ AI Vax Chatbots bt Igor Chudov
Tech Quest To Live Forever by Suzy Weiss
The practice of cryonics has been around since the 1950s, when sperm was first frozen, then thawed and used to inseminate a woman. Now, up to 2 percent of births in the U.S. are the result of a similar vitrification process.
Currently, about 500 people are in a state of suspended animation
I wondered what Mills’ idea of an infinite future might look like. Like The Matrix? Groundhog Day? Later, I texted him: “What will you do if you live forever? What’s on the top of your list?”
He texted me back: “Living forever = eternal progression, we should become gods and create for eternity.”
the pro-natalist movement, which believes it is our moral imperative to have as many kids as possible to combat cratering birth rates. Another pro-natalist is Elon Musk, who has so far fathered ten kids among three different women, and has criticized the pitfalls of living forever, recently tweeting, “I can’t think of a worse curse.”
Woke Vs Christianity by Celia Farber
the Woke Anaconda is presently demanding a wholesale owning of the Christian faith, followed by a radical redefining of it that is as “non-binary” as its redefinition of gender. It aims to trap it, threaten it, take it into itself, and then, when all this is done, tell it what it is.
No more comfort can be taken in the notion that the progressive woke revolutionaries “hate” Christianity.
Rather—they’re seeking to overtake it, to remake it in their own progressive image.
Replacing Justice With Justifiable by DUPONT LAJOIE
If in orthodox Marxism, the world is interpreted as a struggle between classes for wealth, for those social justice warriors, the world is a struggle for power between identity groups. Consequently, their idea of social justice revolves around the fight against oppressive (Western) structures in order to redistribute this power.
This modern form of social justice, unlike the legitimate civil rights movement in the ’60s demanding “equality at the start” i.e. equality before the law, oppositely request “equality at the end” i.e. equality of outcomes. Social justice warriors despise natural hierarchy, their ideology is an apex egalitarianism.
no one questions the over-representation of men among garbage collectors…
Fundamentally, freedom must be sacrificed in order to accomplish that new social justice. Any seeming unfairness must be corrected by the government or groups, the anointed few, imposing the orthodoxy via policies sweeping indictment of a free society e.g. with Canada’s gender identity rights Bill making it illegal not to address a person in their preferred pronoun, the state governs the contain voluntary speech.
In summary, the social justice warrior’s ideology has erased justice i.e. the individual responsibility (“who did it”) in profit of justifiable i.e. the culture of excuse (“why this has been done”): obliterating the true victim(s) in profit of the oppressed/oppressor paradigm.
Surgeon General’s Warning For Kids by Vinay Prasad
2021…Schools remained closed in many (predominately blue cities) till the fall, when they would at last reopen with mandatory cloth masks for kids (genius idea).
Why? The simple explanation is that this administration worked too closely with teachers unions, who worked to sabotage reopening since the spring of 2020, and was wedded to impossible mitigation standards which were ultimately never put into place (HVAC upgrades)
Now the Surgeon General is on two campaigns. First, he is warning that social media is harmful to kids
Next, he is on a campaign against loneliness. But does he not see the irony?
A balanced media would at least press him on this issue— and make this argument— and yet I have seen no such coverage. This is deeply concerning to have journalism have two standards, based solely on partisan politics, for asking tough questions.
Financial Vs Real Economy by Naked Emperor
Why are governments pushing for ever greater control? Because they will need it to control citizens as their prosperity declines. Why did they unnecessarily destroy their economies during Covid? Because it allowed them to pump up the financial system one last time whilst tamping down demand. Why do they push a self-destructive Net Zero agenda? Because they are managing expectations downwards. If you decide that you are going to use less energy yourself, you are far less likely to riot than if you are told the energy has run out. Why do they shout about reducing immigration only for it to rocket upwards? Because with a large retired population, the only way to achieve any kind of growth or pay unfunded pension liabilities, is to attract young workers into the country.
A number of the proposed IHR amendments and the pandemic treaty (WHO CA+) – if agreed upon – will inevitably be used to advance the interests of a few powerful actors at the expense of others. They represent an unprecedented attempt at legalising the concentration of undemocratic power under false pretence that necessitates a swift, effective and robust response. Some of the proposed IHR (2005) amendments, in particular, represent a framework for the illegitimate exercise of global governmental power without popular accord, constitutional control mechanisms or accountability. As such, they create a dangerous precedent if passed.
The envisioned legal framework for monopoly power over aspects of global public health is not a sign of progress but represents a backsliding in human development to the times of centralised empires, feudal systems and colonialism.
It is well established that monopoly power eliminates free choice and competition, thereby violating individual rights while dramatically reducing the quality of solutions and innovation. There are few fields where this has consequences as dire as in the area of human health.
High School Debate Narrative by James Fishback
At national tournaments, judges are making their stances clear: students who argue ‘capitalism can reduce poverty’ or ‘Israel has a right to defend itself’ will lose—no questions asked.
In the past few years, however, judges with paradigms tainted by politics and ideology are becoming common. Debate judge Shubham Gupta’s paradigm reads, “If you are discussing immigrants in a round and describe the person as ‘illegal,’ I will immediately stop the round, give you the loss with low speaks”—low speaker points—“give you a stern lecture, and then talk to your coach. . . . I will not have you making the debate space unsafe.”
Unfortunately for students and their parents, there are countless judges at tournaments across the country whose biased paradigms disqualify them from being impartial adjudicators of debate. From “I will drop America First framing in a heartbeat,” to “I will listen to conservative-leaning arguments, but be careful,” judges are making it clear they are not only tilting the debate in a left-wing direction, they will also penalize students who don’t adhere to their ideology.
Carbon Accounting Framework Lie by DENIS DE BERNARDY
This big lie that the climate narrative hinges on is the carbon accounting framework. It enables the propagandists to vilify cherry-picked sources of emissions like fossil fuels while keeping other, larger sources of avoidable emissions out of view.
carbon emissions emitted below a canopy will tend to get soaked up by that canopy.
The carbon accounting framework enables propagandists to paint this canopy problem as an energy problem. Emissions sources like fossil fuels get booked like expenses would be in a profit and loss statement. Land use emissions are more like balance sheet entries. They get tracked as carbon stock changes. Those are based on long-term estimate models that ignore short-term dynamics, such as what happens shortly after you clear a forest.
Challenging the carbon accounting framework puts the propagandists in a similarly untenable position. It forces them to justify textbook accounting fraud. And with it, the military-driven mining, neocolonial land theft, racist violence, shameless profiteering, and tyrannical control that it is fueling. These points are all easy to understand and verify. That prevents experts from hiding behind credentials or jargon.
Closing Schools Prevents Learning by JOSH STEVENSON
An economist at the World Bank took data from countries around the world where they closed schools in response to the Covid pandemic. The results are not surprising, and confirm what common sense already tells us- longer school closures led to less learning. Or in the terms of the paper, more learning loss.
We are now seeing the massively negative impact that our policy decisions have had upon children and education, but the data shows us what our common sense already knew. It’s honestly hard to believe that there has to be research and data published to support such an obvious thing- but this is the bizarre world that we are living in.
Ventilator Death Cover-up by MICHAEL P SENGER
ventilators were used very readily in spring 2020, especially in the greater New York area, and that ventilator use was sharply curtailed after that period. The CDC reports that 18,679 patients died with COVID in New York City hospitals throughout spring 2020. And, according to the sample in JAMA, just over half of those who died with COVID in NYC hospitals were put on ventilators. Accordingly, around 10,000 patients died with COVID in NYC hospitals after being put on ventilators in spring 2020.
the establishment is trying to argue that while ventilators were overused in spring 2020, doing more harm than good—and the vast majority of patients placed on ventilators died—the ventilators themselves did not kill anyone. An astonishing argument, even by the abysmal standards of the COVID era.
doctors were under significant pressure to put patients on ventilators in spring 2020, even if it was merely unconscious; politicians had purchased tens of thousands of ventilators at exorbitant prices, and hospitals did receive more funding if patients were placed on ventilators.
Yet astonishingly, despite all these facts, the establishment is arguing that no patients were killed by ventilators in spring 2020.
Rating Agencies & Testing Markets by ANANDAMIDE
How do we decentralize medicine and build markets that still encourage safety testing and legitimacy?
The default and somewhat naive answer to this age old question was to have the state involved as they have the power to imprison/fine bad actors and certify the trusted ones.
What many of us may have failed to appreciate is that the state also has the power to engorge bad actors if those actors can facilitate an expansion of state power.
While the vilification of IVM and HCQ was devastating, wait until they prop up an institution (ahem.. NIDA) to study the abuse potential of generic or blackmarket drugs and you can watch the peer reviewed literature cement a false narrative of abuse over benefit.
What we want is an impartial umpire to referee these products. What we get is a fascistic Pharma-State enterprise that trades your freedom for poorly tested and expensive drugs.
The solution lies in building rating agencies and quality testing markets for medicines that are becoming deregulated to more over the counter markets.
Trump & DeSantis Differ On Money by JORDAN SCHACHTEL
Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis are ideologically aligned on most issues in their competition to win the Republican nomination for President of The United States. However, there are some key contrasts that provide a significant distinction between the two political rivals, and most of it has to do with the role of government in the economy.
Ron DeSantis is unapologetically pro-Bitcoin and more broadly supports the rights of Americans to participate in a voluntary, market-based monetary system.
In Florida, he has implemented measures to forbid the use of any potential Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), warning that these tools can be used to implement a China-like Social Credit Score system in the United States. As governor, DeSantis has taken on the Davos ESG mafia, combatting the centralization of economic corporate and governmental power.
President Trump has not publicly spoken about the potential threat posed by a CBDC or any other centralized monetary measures.
DeSantis has argued that The Fed should get out of the business of manipulating the monetary system.
Additionally, while serving in Congress, DeSantis was an original cosponsor of a bill supporting an audit of the Federal Reserve.
Economic Trouble Ahead by Naked Emperor
A reason for this spike is that this week, although inflation dropped to 8.7%, it was higher than market forecasts of 8.2%. Food price inflation was still at a massively high 19% and Core CPI rose by 6.8%. Apparently this sticky inflation was too difficult to predict in the City of London whilst anyone with an ounce of common sense could see inflation remaining high for a long time due to excessive money printing.
The yields on the various bonds indicate trouble ahead with curves indicative of uncertain economic futures. The markets are signalling increased risk and uncertainty as well as the likelihood that high inflation will persist.
Proper Controls With Polio Vaccine? by Brian Mowrey
the inactivated polio vaccine given to nearly all children in the US since the turn of the century was only ever trialed on a few hundred infants, with no true placebo controls — with minimal follow-up, confusing and changing manufacturing standards, and results not published for peer review until years after the trials took place, and with trial author Paul Albrecht’s signature on the FDA form.
The only available safety record for modern enhanced-potency IPVs were the decades of real-world data from a handful of countries using non-enhanced formulations with no control groups.
Overall, the non-enhanced IPV appeared more safe than the more widely-used attenuated, injected Measles vaccine, which is described in the same report as causing numerous instances of associated encephalitis cases. However, none of the “real-world data” from the handful of countries using non-enhanced IPV before 1983 satisfies the requirement of a control group (especially as these countries were all extremely high-uptake) to identify rare and unexpected harms; and the safety profile of the non-enhanced IPV cannot be assumed to proxy for modern formulations to begin with.
DTP = 10x Mortality by Igor Chudov
many believe “other childhood vaccines” are safe and effective. They are administered to little children, after all! Who would want to hurt them?
Let’s look at the DTP (Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis) vaccine, which many of you and I received in childhood.
While no longer available in the United States, the DTP vaccine is still given in 40 countries and is quite dangerous.
They found that instead of reducing mortality, supposedly the whole point of vaccines, the DTP vaccine increased it by ten times. The vaccinated infants 3-5 months old died much more often than the unvaccinated ones!
Shocked by the unexpected and disappointing (for him as a vaccine researcher) findings of his 2017 study, Dr. Aaby undertook another study in 2018 to see if his results were a fluke.
They weren’t
Too Lenient On Crime by PHILIP O'REILLY
The fight against [Mass Incarceration] has led to efforts to eliminate cash bail, implement “Harm Reduction” drug policies, and dubious activist movements including Defund the Police and Abolish Prisons. These progressive measures are partly based on the belief that crime is not caused by individual choice, but by a corrupt system and that drug addiction is a disease divorced from personal choice.
The rise in crime and continued rise in drug use makes it obvious to all but the most dyed-in-the-wool progressives that this is not the case and that in an attempt to remedy perceived inequalities in incarceration rates, we have overcorrected and have now entered a period in which we are being too lenient.
How you react to the “too lenient” comment is a likely predictor of where your political allegiances lie and whether or not you live in a high-crime area. It is also an indication of your ability to face a harsh truth; being “nice” will only get you so far and there is such a thing as being “too nice.”
It is clear that the current approach to these issues is not working and, in the absence of public willingness to increase funding of mental institutions and lean on mandatory treatment, the question should no longer be “should we take a harsher approach to crime?” but rather “how much harsher do we need to be?”
Googling Flu Didn’t Disappear by MARTIN NEIL
Detecting trends in searches for salient terms made on internet search engines, such as Google, has been touted as a way of better predicting and potentially managing events
It is therefore well established that an increase in internet searches for keywords is a reliable indicator of some spreading disease or pathogen is affecting the general public.
Given that official sources stated that the flu had vanished from many countries during their normal flu seasons in 2020/21 and 2021/22 we would expect that the frequency of internet searches by the general public would therefore have decreased significantly during those times. This is especially so given that the world was in SARS-CoV-2 panic mode and Covid-19 propaganda was in full swing.
Google search data for ‘flu’ shows that people were concerned enough to search for flu at the very time when flu had as reported by the WHO, scientists and national public health authorities, apparently vanished.
If flu was in circulation, as these internet searches appear to suggest, does this mean that some or all of the respiratory infections and deaths that were originally attributed to SARS-CoV-2 may actually have been caused by flu?
Remyelinating Spike-Damaged Nerves by WALTER M CHESNUT
There is evidence of SARS-CoV-2 causing demyelination – sometimes immediate and dramatic.
this damage may be ultimately responsible for Long COVID and many of the Sudden Cardiac Deaths being observed.
Operating on the assumption that we are, indeed, in the midst of a global demyelination epidemic, we need therapeutics to combat this pathology. Interestingly, two therapies appear to induce remyelination and can potentially help those with Long COVID, active COVID infection and Spike Protein disease/damage.
Fasting and Metformin are both highly effective in remyelinating nerves. What’s even more fascinating is that the young remyelinate extremely well. This may account for the low incidence of Long COVID and mild disease in the young.
Free Range Parenting by Jennifer Sey
Free range parenting means letting your kids have the freedom to experience life without us parents hovering and guiding every move they make. It’s letting kids have the room to experience the consequences — good and bad — of their actions. And learn from that. In my mind, it’s being normal. And not thinking you can control your child’s life at every turn ensuring they never experience one unpleasant moment. It’s treating your children like human beings with some degree of autonomy and independent thought, without letting them drive the car completely off the road, so to speak.
I believe if we raise our children with the goal of making sure they experience zero unpleasantness, failure, disappointment, pain — they will not be prepared for life, which inevitably includes all of these things.
give them space to become who they are and love them. Let them fail. Hug them when they do fail or fall and encourage them to get back up and keep trying. But let them cry and feel sad and then realize it isn’t the end of the world when that happens. Because things get better when you get up and try again.
Gates’ AI Vax Chatbots bt Igor Chudov
While being active on Twitter, I noticed that from time to time, posts from Twitter users were strangely similar, as if AI generated them
A Nature article published two days ago might make you go hmmmm
To increase lagging vaccination rates, scientists developed specialized AI actors to talk to people online to convince them to get vaccinated.
This was done in response to all-important but unmentioned “stakeholders”
Who are these stakeholders? The word sustainability was a dead giveaway, so I looked up the usual suspect. Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is behind this idea and spent $6,183,326 on such “hybrid advising vaccine chatbots”
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