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Note: I read a lot of Substacks each day. The Basket is intended to be a collection of the money quotes from the best of what I read. My goal is that you enjoy this service because it saves you time and quickly informs you. And my hope is that you find one or two articles that you click into because you want more.
What you can find in this collection (these are my headlines, not the authors’):
REHS/UV Impacts On Peru 2020 by STEPHEN ANDREWS
Do Vaxes Cause MS? by STEVE KIRSCH
Vax And Hypertension by JOHN DEE
Green Agents Of The State by EUGYPPIUS
Psyche Symptoms In VAERS by JESSICA ROSE
IgG4 Chronic Disease State by JESSICA ROSE
Endless Japanese Mask Culture by GUY GIN
Future Of Scientific Journals by LUCA DE FIORE
Guess Which State Is Which by JOSH STEVENSON
Something Must Have Happened by EL GATO MALO
Vaccine-Induced IgG4 by BRIAN MOWREY
Debunking VE Claims by Thomas Verduyn
Heretics Of Scientism by ROBERT W MALONE MD, MS
Why DeSantis Can Win by ALEX BERENSON
Real (Crying) Men by RUTH ANNE AMSDEN
RFK Jr. The Populist by Peter Savodnik
Zero Covid Deaths Under 50 Years Old by RAV ARORA
DeSantis Takes On Big Corp by BILL RICE, JR.
REHS/UV Impacts On Peru 2020 by STEPHEN ANDREWS
REHS hypothesis for the mechanism of transmission of respiratory viruses such as covid-19 and influenza…requires that highly specific conditions of low level Ultra Violet (UV) light are involved in the triggering and selection of successful mutations of respiratory viruses such as covid-19.
The mist / fog conditions are quite unique and form a persistent haze impacting on the level and wavelength of UV light reaching the earth’s surface.
These unique conditions sadly resulted in a dramatic mortality impact and because the haze / mist conditions persist for significant periods of the year this is reflected in the excess mortality graphs for Ecuador and Peru shown above. The mists and fog tend to only impact localized coastal areas so if we examine the specific mortality impact for Ecuador and Peru we can see if this agrees with this concept.
Covid vaccines disproportionately killed your Grandma and Grandpa
50% of individuals described in the reports died within 48 hours of receiving their Covid-19 vaccine injection, and;
80% died within 7 days.
34% of the total number of individuals in the early VAERS death reports we reviewed were seniors aged 85 or over, 55% were aged over 80 years, and nearly 75% were aged over 70.
analysis strongly suggested that administration of the vaccine to those with, at the very least, hypertensive and cardiac orders, even those who are very early in their disease progression, should be re-evaluated. Further, given the high number of diabetics in both cohorts administration to this group of people should also be reconsidered.
Do Vaxes Cause MS? by STEVE KIRSCH
Multiple papers support the hypothesis that COVID vaccines cause MS
The VAERS query for MS allow us to show all BH criteria are satisfied
To April 2022, Pfizer listed in their report, the following case numbers after their Covid19 jabs.
Multiple Sclerosis 517, Multiple sclerosis relapse 435, Relapsing-remitting Multiple Sclerosis 16, Relapsing Multiple Sclerosis 9, Multiple sclerosis pseudo relapse 7
Here there are 28X more cases of MS for the COVID shot compared to the flu shot. That’s a problem. That doesn’t happen by chance; the absolute counts are too big (it’s a 16-sigma rise). See the section on ear infections and you’ll see what the VAERS counts look like for an event that is unrelated to vaccines.
The Bradford Hill criteria is widely recognized for establishing causality.
If all 5 Bradford Hill criteria are satisfied, you have causality.
When we add in the VAERS queries above, we have all 5 causality criteria satisfied.
Vax And Hypertension by JOHN DEE
vaccinated folk prior to death are nearly four times more likely to be suffering from COVID in conjunction with hypertension.
My guess at this stage is that the vaccines are inducing a situation that increases likelihood of COVID infection with concomitant hypertension in some people. If this is the case then regular monitoring of blood pressure for vaccinated folk becomes a necessity, and may well save lives.
As it stands there’s no evidence supporting the notion that vaccination reduces the risk of COVID-associated respiratory and cardiac conditions, but there is evidence that vaccination status is linked with increased risk of COVID-associated hypertension prior to death.
Green Agents Of The State by EUGYPPIUS
they are deeply embedded in the dense NGO climate-change network. Key activists receive salaries from a Berlin organisation called the Wandelbündnis (the ‘Alliance for Change’), which channels money from the Climate Emergency Fund. The latter, co-founded by American oil heiress Aileen Getty, funds similar activist organisations in other countries, like Renovate Switzerland and Just Stop Oil in the United Kingdom. It’s an international web of activist organisations funded from the very centre of empire – where, mysteriously, it seems that such protests rarely if ever occur.
Their constant protests maintain an environment of disorder and hysteria in the German capital and ensure that climate change never leaves the headlines
the police and state prosecutors have adopted an overwhelmingly lenient approach to Letzte Generation, investigating and charging the traffic-blocking activists for the lesser offence of “coercion,” rather than the much more serious “deprivation of liberty,” which is what trapping thousands of motorists in their cars actually amounts to.
While leftist protesters like Letzte Generation could far more easily be classified as anti-democratic, they’re not opponents of the state at all, but rather its loosely affiliated agents.
Psyche Symptoms In VAERS by JESSICA ROSE
What’s causing people to hallucinate very shortly after being injected with the COVID shots.
My query included the keywords: "psych", "schiz", "halluc", "delus", "visions", "voices", "suicid" and "mania", "dreams", "seiz", "conscious", "memory" and "depress".
Guess how many reports the query returned? 54,905. I was not expecting that. No under-reporting factor.
there is a clustering around the younger folks (12-39)
261 reports (~9%) involved auditory hallucinations and 415 (~14%) involved visual hallucinations.
The percentage of reports of hallucinations filed within 24 hours of injection is very high at 76%, when compared to other AEs such as suicide, whereby the percentage of reports filed within 24 hours is 53%.
IgG4 Chronic Disease State by JESSICA ROSE
newly published paper entitled: “IgG4 Antibodies Induced by Repeated Vaccination May Generate Immune Tolerance to the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein” published in Vaccines on May 17, 2023.
“Increased IgG4 synthesis due to repeated mRNA vaccination with high antigen concentrations may also cause autoimmune diseases, and promote cancer growth and autoimmune myocarditis in susceptible individuals.”
there was clear proof of concept in the realm of an immune tolerance mechanism inducible by vaccines (and thus also potentially by mRNA products), which could have many negative and unintended consequences. the fact that we knew this could happen, should have warranted a little more of that precautionary principle thing.
These consequences include tolerance to spike protein, impairing interferon signaling and rendering one susceptible to other infections/diseases, immune suppression, autoimmunity including autoimmune myocarditis and are you ready for this: a chronic disease state comparable to that of HIV, HBV and HCV.
Endless Japanese Mask Culture by GUY GIN
Although it’s been 2.5 months since the government lifted its request to wear masks indoors and 3 weeks since it officially declared an end to its 3-year-long War on Covid, some virus warriors are carrying on the campaign just like those Japanese holdouts left behind in the Philippine jungles at the end of WW2.
The problem of leaving masking decisions up to individuals in highly conformist societies like Japan is that individuals make decisions based on what everyone else does. So if most people are masked, people who want to unmask will keep masking.
the quickest way to create that environment would be for the government and media to break the news that masks are useless, and even if they worked, Covid isn’t that big a deal.
Future Of Scientific Journals by LUCA DE FIORE
the objectives, methods, and results of research (down to individual patients’ raw data) should not be shared in scientific journals (which, mostly, follow commercial logics) but on institutional and freely accessible repositories. Scientific journals, instead, should have the function of fostering discussion and providing the scientific community with frameworks for interpreting and critically appraising data published elsewhere…made up of editorials, commentaries, reviews, viewpoints, podcasts, interviews, videos.
Since the end of the 18th century, in Italy - and more generally in Europe - journals have played a valuable cultural role in sharing research hypotheses and perspectives, often becoming incubators of avant-garde movements and open spaces for debate. In this scenario, the editor’s role has always been essential: to shape the profile of the journal, to identify contributors and authors, to monitor the scientific hot topics to be explored and discussed.
In the contemporary scientific panorama, only a few journals still retain this function: many more have been reshaped - or have even been established – just to satisfy the needs of those hosts of researchers who must publish to make a career. These Journals are useful to the writers, much less to the readers.
Guess Which State Is Which by JOSH STEVENSON
chart that shows two separate states social mobility from March 2020 though December 2020 as a % change from pre-Covid baseline. This is from Google’s database of GPS data from mobile devices, and reflects a measure of how frequently people left their homes.
One was a state that implemented “Stay at home” orders, which were repeatedly extended. The other state implemented a similar order, which was lifted after a month and then never extended.
One state closed all public schools for the entirety of Fall 2020. The other state mandated that school districts open for in person learning.
In one of these states, individuals were mandated to stop working, keep their children home, and were dictated to which risks they were “allowed” to take. In the other state, individuals had the choice as to what risks they wanted to take- if they wanted to work, bring their children to school, attend a worship service, etc.
“Non-essential” workers in retail, hospitality, and food service in one state were told to stay home. In the other state, all work was treated as essential.
Something Must Have Happened by EL GATO MALO
2020 shows no meaningful excess deaths.
2021 shows a large rise (but misses 0-14 who, provocatively, were not vaxxed) biggest jumps are 40-79 and they are lower among the very old (also telling as the worst vaxx side effects were seen in younger/middle aged people)
2022 then gets even worse to the point where one wonders about either boosters being far more dangerous than initial course or antigenic fixation letting omicron run riot.
obviously, we have no counterfactual or control group here, but this sure does not look like “vaccines saved lives” and the notion that these vaccines were 80%+ effective in preventing deaths is all but impossible given this data.
back in the halcyon days of the 90’s, a young bill clinton played to perfection a certain form of crisis/criticism response:
deny, deny, deny, it’s old news.
the modern version would seem to be:
it’s misinformation, it’s misinformation, it’s misinformation, it’s old news.
Wokery isn’t a stable ideological system. It is instead the mere ideological expression of a revolutionary process.
It’s central to understanding the modern political order, and in particular leftism and the various forms it adopts.
no completed revolution of the high and the low can continue for very long before yielding new ranks to loot just below the top. The merchants and later the capitalists drove out the landed aristocracy, only to find themselves the target of new socialist revolutionary movements in the nineteenth century.
Classical Marxism promised justice to factory workers, the New Left of the postwar era shifted its focus to students, and today their Woke successors forge alliances with racial and sexual minorities. The promise is always one of a totally egalitarian society, but even when completely successful, the revolution merely extends the power of the rulers.
Where Woke has made fewer inroads, for example in Continental Europe, the reason is insufficient immigration and the absence of long-standing affirmative action initiatives.
an intellectual confrontation with Wokeness cannot achieve very much. This isn’t to say that there’s no utility in understanding the arguments and the intellectual heritage of the Woke, or that there’s no tactical advantage to be had in ridiculing them, but in no scenario will winning the argument cause them to pack up and go away. Everyone preaching Wokeness is either a direct, personal beneficiary of the power process it represents, or a would-be target seeking ideological cover.
the goal is always to replace the ‘aristocrats’ of the prior system – which is to say, those whose status and position is partly independent of and a check upon the current regime – with a new nobility, who owe their position entirely to the administration or the state.
Vaccine-Induced IgG4 by BRIAN MOWREY
the immune system operates like a “ratchet” under repeated antigen exposure, going only in one direction, with the final (irreversible) position on the ratchet being tolerance, the suppression of immune response.
Anti-spike IgG4 attached to infected cells will, in theory, fail to activate the immune system’s arsenal of cell-destroying tools; barring help from other antibodies (e.g. against non-spike proteins), the virus will replicate freely in those cells.
IgG4 could be bad; we don’t know. But (which Pillai fails to acknowledge), that is tantamount to saying we don’t know if hundreds of millions of humans have been condemned to cancer, autoimmunity, future chronic infections or severe organ damage from the virus.
That, itself, is a very “bad” problem
since the mRNA platform appears to promote vaccine-induced IgG4 due to the designed excess of both antigen (mRNA-transcribed spike) and antibody concentrations to begin with, the risk here can’t be easily dismissed
Debunking VE Claims by Thomas Verduyn
It is impossible that the vaccines saved 14 million lives in 2021…Pfizer’s own clinical trial results to show that the upper limit of Covid deaths prevented by the vaccine rollout was probably just shy of 74,000.
given that 33.8% of people receiving the injections ended up with Covid-like symptoms, it is quite plausible that some developed Covid who otherwise would not have.
on account of all the extra infections during the first nine days, they excluded this period in their calculation of effectiveness.
Likewise, an article in the BMJ affirmed that there has been “a genuine increased risk of contracting infection post vaccination,”
It has been observed that booster shots also cause an immediate increase in infections.
The significance of the fact that the injections caused an increase in infections during the first week or two can hardly be overstated…all the people that contracted Covid shortly after receiving the injection were typically classified as unvaccinated
If the injections cause a noticeable wave of infections in the first week after injection, and if that wave is excluded from the calculations, then the VE will naturally appear to be higher than it is.
Heretics Of Scientism by ROBERT W MALONE MD, MS
In science, “a fact” is an observation that's been confirmed so many times that scientists can, for all intents and purposes, accept it as "true." Scientism is different. It is the opinion that science and the scientific method are the best or only way to render truth about the world and reality. That the science is settled. From there, it follows that “the science” can be owned. That description neatly fits into the definition of religion as being the essence of what humans hold to be absolute or worthy of “special reverence.” So, for all intents and purposes, scientism is a religion.
If scientism has become a religion and “fact checkers” (whether or not scientifically qualified) are the de facto keepers of all facts that science accepts as true, is anyone who has a different opinion than the fact checkers or even the United Nations, by definition a heretic?
Why DeSantis Can Win by ALEX BERENSON
Three years ago, DeSantis bet his and his state’s future on his response to Covid. He did something Reagan never had the chance to do, never needed to do, he bet against government interference and for individual freedom in a visceral, personal way.
You didn’t have to wear a mask in Florida if you didn’t want to. You didn’t have to stay in your house. You could choose to keep your kids home or send them to school, to keep your business open or closed. DeSantis bet against lockdowns and masks and vaccine mandates.
He bet on the Constitution and the rights it promises.
And he won. In the simplest, most profound way. Despite the left’s shrieking, the bodies didn’t pile up like cordwood.
Real (Crying) Men by RUTH ANNE AMSDEN
The more that expects men to be tearless is historically rather a recent development in our Western culture. Historical and literary accounts from the Old and New Testaments, the Illiad, and Beowulf, down through history to J. R. R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings show us manly men from monks to soldiers to kings weeping openly, with their heads held high, unashamed of their grief. An account that deeply moves me is from Rachel Field’s Hitty: Her First Hundred Years, in which an old Quaker patriarch announces to his family, as the tears roll down his cheeks, that the War Between the States has begun. Through much of history, men would have been ashamed not to weep at death and war and human suffering.
The tearless man is also a cultural more that our First Nations brothers and sisters find absurd. I was surprised to find, in reading Linda Hogan’s Mean Spirit, that great warrior leaders like the legendary Crazy Horse and Black Elk viewed tears as a strong, heroic, manly expression of sorrow from good men. Like Dr. Peterson.
It takes one kind of courage to stand up straight with your shoulders back for what you believe to be true. It takes another kind of courage to stand up straight with your shoulders back as the truth you must stand up for cannot be expressed in words, only in silent tears running down your cheeks.
This study was conducted over a significant period (August 2020 to April 2022) and for an extended spell only 4% of people who had a positive PCR test tested positive for the negative stand. There were periods of higher infectivity (see Fig 1). This data is supportive of the REHS extended hypothesis (4) in that the virus embeds within individuals at a low level and then is seasonally reactivated.
Reactivated individuals are only briefly highly infectious and barely showing any symptoms. They generate mutations that have the capability to rapidly evade the immune systems of the less healthy and embed within their cells. This rapid entry results in a more severe immune response. This is why they are not infectious and explains the results generated in this study.
To date there does not appear to have been publication in a peer reviewed recognised journal which is strange given the importance of these findings.
RFK Jr. The Populist by Peter Savodnik
The problem, [RFJ Jr.] explained, is that Biden is a function of a system that a growing majority of Americans don’t trust. “I see him doing things that I know, at his core, he cannot possibly believe in—the censorship that’s coming out of the White House, it’s so contrary to everything that he’s stood for over his life.”
RFK Jr. likes to talk about “Big Tech,” “Big Pharma,” “Big Media.” A decade ago, when liberals were still hostile to supposedly greedy, publicly traded companies, that kind of language would have resonated on the left. Today, with many of those same companies implementing the DEI-ESG-Covid regime championed by progressive elites, the left seems mostly at home with corporate America—and any talk of Big This or Big That sounds conspiratorial.
“If you’re a media platform, you know, you should be questioning the government,” Kennedy said. What’s happening now, he added, “is kind of the opposite. Instead of speaking truth to power, they’re broadcasting propaganda to the powerless.”
“It’s basically building a coalition of the left and the right—a populist coalition,” Kennedy said. There were dangers in that, he conceded. “Populism is easy to hijack. Demagogues can easily hijack it by exploiting humanity’s negative, universal impulses: greed, anger, hatred, bigotry, self-pity, xenophobia, misogyny.” That was the danger of Trump.
“But also, you know, a lot of populist movements are idealistic in their core,” he said. “My father was a populist, but he was appealing to something better, those parts of ourselves that say we have to step outside of our narrow self-interest and see ourselves as part of a community and resist this seduction of the notion that we can advance ourselves as a people by leaving our poorer brothers and sisters behind.”
“It’s become a war party,” Kennedy said of the Democrats. “It’s become the party of the neocons. It’s become the party of Wall Street and the party of censorship, which, I think, was, you know, antithetical to liberal values.” The worst part, he said, was that Democrats, who were supposed to be the aspirational party, the party of idealism and possibility, had become the party of fear. “We’re supposed to be the party that tells people that the only thing to fear is fear itself.”
Zero Covid Deaths Under 50 Years Old by RAV ARORA
This new Israeli data — in congruence with all prior findings — is the greatest indictment of coercive mRNA vaccine campaigns across the world.
the Ministry of Health could not detect a single recorded case of a healthy person under 50 who died of Covid.
The new Israeli data aligns with an in-depth Italian study published last year, finding over two-thirds of deceased Covid patients had three or more comorbidities. Another 18% had two comorbidities. A mere 3% of deceased Covid patients had no underlying health conditions.
In response to such data, one might ask the following: if relatively low-risk, healthy people comprise the majority of the population, why were hospitals so overwhelmed with patients suffering from Covid (on top of other conditions) throughout the pandemic?
The obesity rate in the United States is a whopping 42%. What’s more, just under 10% of the population is estimated to have “severe obesity” — people who are so obese, they are physically disabled, have a difficult time getting up and moving, and are suffering from a host of other conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, and coronary artery disease.
Right there, that’s 32 million.
DeSantis Takes On Big Corp by BILL RICE, JR.
It doesn’t get enough attention, but one of the greatest problems facing America today is its major companies have become increasingly “woke,” politically-correct, liberal and radical. Furthermore, these giant companies increasingly seem to be in bed with Big Government.
While some critics label this “crony capitalism,” more political observers are starting to see it for what it’s really becoming - borderline fascism.
The vast majority of the country’s giant companies supported or support lockdowns, censorship, non-vaccines, the Green New Deal, ‘LGBTQIA agendas, hyper affirmative action, cheap illegal-alien labor, outsourcing of jobs and, probably soon, central bank digital currencies.
These companies have learned that not challenging the Current Thing - supporting the government positions - is the easiest solution to keep the 900-pound gorilla of Big Government off their backs and produce Congressional allies who will thwart real competition.
In my view, any politician pushing back against such companies is performing admirable, necessary and long-overdue work.
Picking a few fights with a company like Disney might even qualify as good politics. That is, if enough voters belatedly conclude that the ideological initiatives of these companies are now causing irreparable harm to, and further polarizing, the nation.
If some political leader is not afraid to take on Mickey Mouse himself (or even Real Science himself, Anthony Fauci), the same maverick politico might soon be taking on … Coca-Cola, JP Morgan Chase and even BlackRock (another company DeSantis irked with his efforts to expose this company’s efforts to encourage “socially-conscious” investing.)
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