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Note: I read a lot of Substacks each day. The Basket is intended to be a collection of the money quotes from the best of what I read. My goal is that you enjoy this service because it saves you time and quickly informs you. And my hope is that you find one or two articles that you click into because you want more.
What you can find in this collection (these are my headlines, not the authors’):
New Study Blames Kids Again by KELLEY K
‘Funny Business’ Forensics by JOHN DEE
Remdesivir Lawsuits by PETER HALLIGAN
Google’s Digital ID by LEO HOHMANN
Press Protecting Nazis by MATT TAIBBI
Korean Myo Study by ALEX BERENSON
3D Chess by BILL RICE, JR.
The Non-Woke Revolution by EL GATO MALO
AI Might Save The World by MARC ANDREESSEN
Executive Orders Creep by ZEPHARETH LEDBETTER
WHO’s Global Health Pass by Naked Emperor
US Sanctions Uganda Because Of LGBT Russia by GOOD CITIZEN
California’s Fake Climate Activism by Joe Nocera
Missouri v. Biden by BILL RICE, JR.
Spiked Cells Rejected Like Transplant Cells by WALTER M CHESNUT
ULC’s Attack On Civil Rights by DAVID ZWEIG
Missouri v. Biden Overview by AARON KHERIATY, MD
Trials Vs Dysphoria by ZEPHARETH LEDBETTER
WHO’s New Abortion Guidelines by Dr David Bell
New Study Blames Kids Again by KELLEY K
many people are still desperate to blame children and in particular schools on Covid spread
this study is only about fevers — not Covid infections. Everything about the infections and the transmission is inferred from the timing of measured fevers, which introduces many problems with the data. There was no systematic checking for fever, and not everyone in the household used the smart thermometer and linked app, so many assumptions are being made about how well a recorded fever in the app captures
participants were never actually tested for Covid-19
study was entirely observational, and the number of times people had their temperatures taken varied significantly
Even if children did contribute to ~70% of household transmissions, what should we do with that data?
‘Funny Business’ Forensics by JOHN DEE
there is a decided link between vaccination, incidence of COVID (positive test result) and hypertension, and especially for folk who have a lengthy diagnostic record. The simplest explanation I can come up with at this stage is a form of vaccine harm.
In the real world incidence of a positive test result must be linked to disease prevalence (assuming a genuine virus and assuming a genuine test for that virus); the fact that this is not the case for those vaccinated prior to death suggests something murky may well have been going on in the selection of inpatients for testing, or in the subsequent coding of their medical records. While we’re at it we also ought to consider the validity of the PCR test and of claims of a circulating novel and deadly virus.
the other possibility is that the association of COVID death with the elderly has come about not through severe COV-SARS-2 infection per se but through diabolical patient management, including inappropriate application of end-of-life protocols and withdrawal of medicines including life-saving antibiotics for the treatment of bacterial pneumonia.
may partly be explained by a reluctance to conduct tests on vaccinated inpatients, which gives rise to instant vaccine benefit
Remdesivir Lawsuits by PETER HALLIGAN
“Attorneys Dan Watkins and Michael Hamilton announced in a national Press Conference September 7 the filing of their first-in-the-nation landmark lawsuit against three hospitals on behalf of families who had lost their loved ones with the “bounties” paid to hospitals for using the toxic combination of food and fluid restriction, remdesivir, mechanical ventilation, high dose morphine-midazolam respiration-suppressing cocktail to spiral patients down the dark road to death.”
Outpatient average treatment costs = $3,200
Hospitalized as a complex non-CoVID-19 patient average charge = $111,000
Hospitalized and treated as a complex CoVID-19 patient (intubation/ICU) average charge = $450,000
Guess which “diagnosis” and “treatment” path hospitals attempt???
Google’s Digital ID by LEO HOHMANN
Google Wallet, the Android version of the Wallet app on iPhones, has started supporting digital IDs and driver’s licenses. The company said the feature will begin rolling out this month, supporting the growing global push to get citizens to adopt a digital ID.
Google claims an Android user can transfer their ID through wireless NFC near-field technology that allows your phone to act as a transit pass or debit/credit card, even when the phone is turned off. You may be off, sleeping or whatever, but your phone is always on, always tracking.
Google said that IDs stored on Google Wallet can also be used at TSA check-ins. But users must still carry their physical IDs, at least for now, until everyone gets properly conditioned and acclimated to the new system.
Press Protecting Nazis by MATT TAIBBI
some Ukrainian soldiers have been photographed wearing Nazi Death’s Head or “Totenkopf” symbols
“In November, during a meeting with Times reporters near the front line, a Ukrainian press officer wore a Totenkopf variation made by a company called R3ICH (pronounced “Reich”). He said he did not believe the patch was affiliated with the Nazis. A second press officer present said other journalists had asked soldiers to remove the patch before taking photographs.”
Journalists asking soldiers to remove Nazi patches is a new level of insanity. With the line between propagandist and reporter all but dissolved, how long before embeds are offered NATO uniforms?
Korean Myo Study by ALEX BERENSON
Myocarditis caused by mRNA Covid vaccinations killed 12 South Koreans under 45, Korean researchers have reported in a bombshell paper.
“Vaccine-related myocarditis was the only possible cause of death,” the researchers wrote. They said physicians should warn young patients of the risk and monitor them for myocarditis after mRNA jabs.
South Korea used roughly 3 percent of mRNA doses worldwide, suggesting mRNA-related myocarditis killed between 300 and 500 people under 45 globally, with most of those deaths never officially linked to the vaccines.
3D Chess by BILL RICE, JR.
For the slither of society at the top of the socio-economic pyramid, the “end game” is achieving more power, control and wealth.
Basically, the people at the top are determined to stay at the top and actually fear losing control to “the people.” That is, the bulk of the chess game is being played to neutralize the greatest threats to their continued rule of the board/game.
These forces have also essentially formed a secret club where every club member is committed to protecting all the other club members.
I think every key chess move - every alleged global threat - is actually a red herring designed to provoke mass fear in the people. A perpetually-terrified public will result in our real rulers becoming even more wealthy and more powerful.
all of the necessary money to preserve and expand the Status Quo doesn’t come from capitalistic enterprises. It actually comes from a magic printing press controlled by central banks
This chess move was largely accomplished by denigrating the only alternatives to printing press-created money - gold and silver.
The real goal of all these moves is to block the boldest of all chess moves - secession.
The Non-Woke Revolution by EL GATO MALO
an increasingly unified front of state and big business whose revolving doors of staffing and funding spin so rapidly as to blur the vision have come not just to prominence but full dominance of the economic and increasingly the social spheres and the faux moralizing to support this crony corporatist and totalitarian edifice is now in full bloom and stands on unselfconscious display.
this is the stage where they stop trying to hide their thumbs upon the scales and start trying to portray such manipulation as not only virtuous but vital. they have become privateers demanding those they prey upon be thankful for having been pirated because it serves some manufactured conception of the public good.
stakeholder capitalism is really just grift and cemented aristocracy. it’s a way to demand outcomes other than those the free market values and thereby hamstring competition, innovation, and human flourishing by short circuiting the potential for the schumpeterian destruction that is the revitalizing lifeblood of economies and societies alike.
this fusillade has grown so fulsome that none save the most histrionic of zealots still want to sing along. for most, it has become an embarrassment.
america was founded to oppose aristocracy.
we threw one off once and we WILL do so again.
AI Might Save The World by MARC ANDREESSEN
I am here to bring the good news: AI will not destroy the world, and in fact may save it.
What AI offers us is the opportunity to profoundly augment human intelligence to make all of these outcomes of intelligence – and many others, from the creation of new medicines to ways to solve climate change to technologies to reach the stars – much, much better from here.
Historically, every new technology that matters, from electric lighting to automobiles to radio to the Internet, has sparked a moral panic – a social contagion that convinces people the new technology is going to destroy the world, or society, or both.
This moral panic is already being used as a motivating force by a variety of actors to demand policy action – new AI restrictions, regulations, and laws. These actors, who are making extremely dramatic public statements about the dangers of AI – feeding on and further inflaming moral panic – all present themselves as selfless champions of the public good.
But are they?
Executive Orders Creep by ZEPHARETH LEDBETTER
Of the 15,773 executive orders submitted through 2022, only 1,182 (7.5%) came from our first 25 presidents (through McKinley in 1901), while 14,591 (92.5%) were from the past 21 presidents. Attempts at pushing the envelope, to get around the legislative process and force-feed personal agendas, have expanded simultaneously.
Democrat FDR was one of the earliest presidents to push the limits of his powers. Among his record, 3,728 orders were those which confiscated privately held gold for the Federal Reserve (1933), and which relocated Japanese-Americans to internment camps (1942). His Democrat successor Harry Truman ordered a federal takeover of private steel manufacturing (1952), which was overturned by the courts as unconstitutional.
When each administration justifies inappropriately upping the ante as a response to the other side having done so, people on both sides lose their freedoms as those in power incrementally expand their control.
Instituting seismic changes to American life without legislative process ensures rebellion from half the population, who rightly take turns questioning the point of our Revolution when our elected President acts like a king.
WHO’s Global Health Pass by Naked Emperor
Yesterday, it was announced that the World Health Organization (WHO) has entered into an agreement with the European Union (EU) to use their digital COVID-19 certification system. This will be in order to establish a global system to “help facilitate global mobility and protect citizens across the world from on-going and future health threats, including pandemics”
The WHO says this is just the first building block in their Global Digital Health Certification Network (GDHCN). WHO Director-General, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus wants to offer all WHO Member States access to this digital health tool, which is based on “the principles of equity, innovation, transparency and data protection and privacy”.
Equity is an immediate red flag word, whilst transparency probably means telling everyone whether you are vaccinated or not.
We wondered why the unvaccinated ICD-10 codes had been implemented. Another conspiracy theory come true.
US Sanctions Uganda Because Of LGBT Russia by GOOD CITIZEN
Same-sex sexual activity is a crime in 70 countries. Some of them, including six nations that are members of the United Nations, impose the death penalty. Another five make such punishment technically possible, even though it is rarely enforced. In 26 other countries, the maximum penalty is prison with terms varying anywhere from a few years to life imprisonment.
new “anti-LGBTQ+” law signed by Ugandan President Museveni
the death penalty will be imposed in many cases on those found guilty of engaging in sex with children and with people unable to consent. In other words, harsh by Western standards
“So why is Uganda now so much in the crosshairs while Saudi Arabia escapes notice?”
Moscow has maintained strong relations with Kampala. Uganda’s President Yoweri Museveni called Russia, “Europe’s Center Of Gravity,” and expressed strong support for the Kremlin amid the ongoing war in Ukraine.
Last summer Uganda announced the discovery of $13 trillion in unearthed gold deposits within its national territory.
California’s Fake Climate Activism by Joe Nocera
Fossil fuel divestment is surely one of most useless climate change tactics ever invented. It has had no effect on the companies, or more importantly, the climate. And it never will.
By now, nearly 1,600 institutions have shed their holdings in companies that produce coal, oil, and natural gas. The divestors include universities, foundations, pension funds
Two weeks ago, the California State Senate, on a 23–10 vote, passed a bill that would require the state’s two huge pension funds, the California Public Employees’ Retirement System (CalPERS) and the California State Teachers’ Retirement System (CalSTRS) to stop making new investments in fossil fuel companies beginning next year, and to divest their fossil fuel holdings by 2031.
in California, a state that claims to care passionately about climate change, the bill calling for CalPERS and CalSTRS to divest isn’t just useless. It’s a sham. Legislators know they can vote for it without ever having to worry about the consequences. They can pretend they’re doing something about climate change without actually doing anything about climate change.
Missouri v. Biden by BILL RICE, JR.
this might be the most important legal case in U.S. history.
In a nutshell, attorneys for the plaintiffs are compiling and presenting a mountain of evidence that shows actors for the U.S. government have conspired to nullify the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
the evidence already presented in this legal case proves beyond a reasonable doubt that a cadre of officials in government (and organizations working “in partnership” with government agencies) despise, fear and want to end “free speech.” In fact, they’ve already effectively blocked the free speech of millions of Americans.
the bottom-line conclusion is that the U.S. government believes only its views should be allowed to be widely disseminated.
Even more terrifying, virtually all the important institutions in contemporary society defend and seemingly support the efforts of the federal government to censor any speech labeled “mis-“ or “disinformation.”
Spiked Cells Rejected Like Transplant Cells by WALTER M CHESNUT
People who are not identical twins of each other have different MHC molecules expressed on their cell surfaces. Virtually every cell in the body has some type of MHC molecule expressed on its surface.
the body identifies the MHC molecule expressed on the transplanted organ is recognized as foreign by the recipient’s immune system and the immune system then begins to attack the organ.
Why is this so extremely dangerous, in the context of the Spike Protein?
REPLACE THE MHC MOLECULE WITH THE SPIKE PROTEIN. Instead of all the cells having a foreign MHC complexes on them, they have SPIKE PROTEINS!
We must determine how long it is expressed for after infection and vaccination.
ULC’s Attack On Civil Rights by DAVID ZWEIG
A commission of law officials from all fifty states is in the process of creating a legal framework to give wide powers to governors and state authorities during emergencies
The ULC’s mission seems fairly prosaic: differences in state laws lead to a lot of headaches for interstate business dealings and other legal matters—the ULC exists to remedy this by making state laws more uniform.
In a series of meetings that began in mid 2021, continuing through the present, a committee within the ULC has met to discuss and refine its draft of the Model Public-Health-Emergency Authority Act. (A vote on the Act by the full ULC is on the agenda for the Commission’s annual meeting in July.) The intention of the Act is to clarify “the powers of a governor to declare a public health emergency and to issue orders in response to that emergency.” The draft language that the ULC ultimately settles on, if your state legislature adopts the Act, will determine the extent of your governor’s ability to act as a mini dictator in the event that they declare an emergency.
a memo indicates that the ULC expects the adoption of the Act will result in people suing only if the Act itself wasn’t followed, rather than suing based on a claim that the governor’s actions were unconstitutional.
In essence, it is up to a governor’s whim whether a circumstance is an emergency or not, requiring no definitive evidence.
Missouri v. Biden Overview by AARON KHERIATY, MD
One year ago, I joined the states of Missouri and Louisiana and several other co-plaintiffs to file a suit in federal court challenging what journalist Michael Shellenberger has called the censorship-industrial complex.
we expect that it will ultimately go to the Supreme Court, setting up Missouri v. Biden to be the most important free speech case of our generation
we intend to prove in court, the federal government has censored hundreds of thousands of Americans, violating the law on tens of millions of occasions in the last several years
Documents we have reviewed on discovery demonstrate that government censorship was far more wide-ranging than previously known, from election integrity and the Hunter Biden laptop story to gender ideology, abortion, monetary policy, the U.S. banking system, the war in Ukraine, the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, and more
The “industrial” in censorship-industrial complex should be understood literally: censorship is now a highly developed industry, complete with career-training institutions in higher education…, full-time job opportunities in industry and government…, and insider jargon and euphemisms (like disinformation, misinformation, and “malinformation” which must be debunked and “prebunked”)
So far, the government has been caught hiding discovery materials, which the judge chastised them about before ruling against their motion to dismiss, reminding the government that the limited discovery so far would widen once the case went to trial.
“Cognitive infrastructure” is the actual phrase used by current CISA head Jen Easterly, who formerly worked at Tailored Access Operations, a top secret cyber warfare unit at the National Security Agency. It refers to the thoughts inside your head, which is precisely what the government’s counter-disinformation apparatus, headed by people like Easterly, are attempting to control
The censorship activities of the nation’s largest law enforcement agency, which it terms “information warfare,” have turned the FBI, in the words of whistleblower Steve Friend, into an “intelligence agency with law enforcement powers.” But there is no “information warfare” exception to the constitutional right of free speech.
Trials Vs Dysphoria by ZEPHARETH LEDBETTER
Which is greater - the number of kids who have killed themselves over parental mishandling of their trans identities, or the number of kids who identify as trans but later reconsider it?
If studies show that teenagers are almost three times as likely to identify as trans (1.4% - .5%), shouldn’t we conclude that not all teens are reading their body signals correctly? Would that really be a surprise?
If nearly two out of three no longer identify in adulthood, doesn’t that support the notion that outside factors sometimes - and perhaps even often - affect the perceptions of changing bodies and their places in the world? Peer pressure, drastic hormone changes, feelings of inadequacy, desire for acceptance, and depression are all common teenage obstacles that can (though not always) confuse young minds into all sorts of misunderstandings that they eventually outgrow. This is not a denial of gender dysphoria, but a recognition of the trials of every human being in their youth.
WHO’s New Abortion Guidelines by Dr David Bell
The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that babies’ lives may be ended up until the moment they emerge from the birth canal, without delay, whenever a pregnant woman requests it. Through its updated Abortion Care Guideline released in 2022, WHO expects all Member States to implement this policy.
in the WHO lexicon, ‘guideline’ is a good practice recommendation that WHO considers to be of the highest quality, and which it therefore expects member states to abide by.
WHO’s logic in arriving at its conclusion is deeply flawed, and can only be reached by adopting a specific view of humanity that is inconsistent with that of most Member States. If WHO indeed works for all its Member States and not just for narrow, unrepresentative interests, this is an illegitimate position.
This represents a form of cultural colonialism
At no place in the document is the definition of ‘human’ discussed. WHO’s argument for abortion requires absolute acceptance that human rights do not apply in any form prior to birth. The only human rights acknowledged in the document are those of the pregnant woman, with disputable subsidiary rights of healthcare providers. Discussion of foetal (unborn baby) rights is absent.
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