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Note: I read a lot of Substacks each day. The Basket is intended to be a collection of the money quotes from the best of what I read. My goal is that you enjoy this service because it saves you time and quickly informs you. And my hope is that you find one or two articles that you click into because you want more.
What you can find in this collection (these are my headlines, not the authors’):
Let Bitcoin Crypto Burn by JORDAN SCHACHTEL
Another Elite Fails Up by IAN MILLER
Niclosamide Prevents Fusing by WALTER M CHESNUT
Debunking Viki Male: Part 2 by DR AH KAHN SYED
Bill Gates Funds WHO by SASHA LATYPOVA
Flu, Interrupted by JESSICA HOCKETT
n95s For Forest Fires by VINAY PRASAD
State Utilization Of Pride by EUGYPPIUS
Flu Symptoms Point To Early Spread by BILL RICE, JR.
Death From Falls Up by ASHMEDAI
DOJ Crossed The Rubicon by Eli Lake
Exaggerated Covid Death Numbers by NORMAN FENTON
Vax Vs Virus Spike Harms by JESSICA ROSE
Continued Excess Death by PETER HALLIGAN
DC Think Tank Recommend Nukes by JORDAN SCHACHTEL
Science Dogma & Consensus by BRIAN MOWREY
Sweden’s Plummeting Birthrate
Monkey DNA Contamination In Jabs by LIONESS OF JUDAH MINISTRY
Let Bitcoin Crypto Burn by JORDAN SCHACHTEL
Contrary to popular belief, “crypto” assets largely do not share some or any of the properties of bitcoin. It is nothing more than the fiat system on steroids.
A broken clock is right twice a day, as they say, and the SEC, which I obviously won’t pretend is some kind of righteous institution, is in fact doing us all a favor by wreaking havoc upon this industry. Crypto is not so much an industry as it is a scammer’s paradise, because there are no real innovations in crypto, only Potemkin villages, Rube Goldberg marketing machines, convoluted buzzwords, and other technobabble rearrangements that appear from afar as novel, but better resemble the contents of Al Capone’s vault.
The “crypto” industry made a fortune by riding the coattails of bitcoin, a truly novel and groundbreaking innovation, to pursue their scams. In the process of defrauding the public, the crypto space muddied the conversation around the amazing advancement to humanity that is bitcoin in the process, adding roadblocks to the adoption of an asset that has the potential to bolster freedom and dramatically improve quality of life worldwide.
Another Elite Fails Up by IAN MILLER
Arden is perhaps the best example of how the decision making class circles the wagons to protect itself when challenged by outside forces.
And even more absurdly, how consistently they reward themselves for failure.
Arden had told the public in a now-infamous clip, "We will continue to be your single source of truth… Unless you hear it from us it is not the truth."
Then soon afterwards proceeded to confidently proclaim that the “vaccinated won’t get sick and they won’t die.”
Niclosamide Prevents Fusing by WALTER M CHESNUT
Niclosamide…is another anti-parasitic…it truly is a wonder drug when it comes to dealing with the mechanisms of COVID-19 and its Spike Protein.
the fusogenicity of the Spike Protein may be behind the non-myocarditis sudden cardiac deaths we have been observing. Interestingly, a paper was published yesterday finding that neurons in the brain are indeed being fused by the Spike Protein
“several plausible mechanisms of action of niclosamide against COVID-19, including prevention of viral entry, prevention of viral replication via autophagy inhibition and, finally, inhibition of spike-driven syncytia formation”
Debunking Viki Male: Part 2 by DR AH KAHN SYED
this huge study was not peer reviewed. They just published it, whether it was bullshit or not.
There is in fact nothing to stop this data set being totally synthetic or manipulated because the authors have not allowed it to be audited or verified.
of a total of 400,000 “prepandemic” pregnancies only 9,075 were selected to be included as a comparator group. That’s roughly 2%. That’s completely unacceptable and absolutely subject to abuse, if for example the people conducting the study had a vested interest in making sure the study had a desirable outcome. Those cohorts drove the miscarriage analysis but there was an “ectopic pregnancy” analysis from the same data set that used a larger cohort. None of that makes sense.
we have the director of a creepy Wellcome initiative working as gatekeeper for the Scottish pregnancy vaccine dataset, along with another gatekeeper self-affiliated to HDRUK and who seem to struggle with whether or not to declare their conflicts of interest. Surely that would be reassuring that the data is clean?
Bill Gates Funds WHO by SASHA LATYPOVA
of the main owners and controllers of the WHO and likely its single largest financier is a PRIVATE PERSON. His name is Bill Gates. As was also discussed later in our interview, Bill Gates “philanthropy” comes with dictating policies which, if not implemented precisely as Bill Gates wants, end the funding and further result in sabotage of the refuseniks and worse
Bill Gates is one of the main financiers and masterminds behind the global unrestricted bio-chemical and psychological warfare, along with WEF and UN backers. Bill Gates controls the policies of mass murder camouflaged as “public health” via the control of the financing of the international policy-setting bodies.
Flu, Interrupted by JESSICA HOCKETT
I humbly submit that it takes more faith to believe the sudden launch of well-funded testing regime had no impact on the motives to find viruses
human interference is largely, if not solely, responsible for influenza taking a vacation from detection
The party-line among U.S. officials and “experts” back in 2020 was that non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) like school closures, masks, and social distancing were suppressing flu and other respiratory viruses…stopping flu but not SARS-CoV-2 sounded like a self-aggrandizing public health fairy tale
Yet viral interference wasn’t a wholly-satisfying explanation. My brain itched…ZERO positive specimens out of 10,000 tests? NO false positives? Covid was suddenly everywhere but flu suddenly nowhere? It defied logic.
I’m not convinced that humans can control the community circulation of seasonal respiratory agents, whether natural or lab-adulterated. We do control the testing, reporting, and “treatments” of such agents - which is why those mechanisms should be targeted for investigation.
Human Interference Theory (as I have defined it) allows for the opposite: SARS-CoV-2 was an unremarkable pathogen that could have been circulating for many months, if not years, in the U.S. and elsewhere. The disappearance of flu could have been staged, but it also could have been an unintended side effect that had to be covered up or diminished in order to justify the spring/summer 2020 excess mortality which was being attributed to Covid (i.e., PCR-positive tests for SARS-CoV-2).
n95s For Forest Fires by VINAY PRASAD
Consider n95 masking for forest fires. The data is of piss poor quality. Sure, in contrived laboratory studies it filters some smoke, but that isn't the question.
The question is: when you live in a city blanketed with smoke, should you advise citizens to mask when they walk outside, etc?
Masking is a mental illness. Some people fell in love with it for political reasons and just won't quit. They wanted to mask kids to prevent monkeypox and want to mask for fires and who knows what is next: masking to prevent droughts.
Finally, If you disagree, I have zero interest in mannequin studies or bioplausibility. I have zero interest in studies that confirm what I concede-- inhaled smoke is bad. Instead, show me any actual epidemiologic data that they policy helps. That's the standard science demands. You won't be able to.
State Utilization Of Pride by EUGYPPIUS
Western liberal states in the modern era do not behave like limited systems which derive their sovereignty from the people. Every day, they more and more resemble the kinds of unchecked, totalitarian regimes we remember from the Soviet period. If anything, they seem poised to become a good deal worse, for they are able to achieve relatively prosperous economic conditions and to harness popular support far more efficiently
The mutual checks and balances imposed on the state by its competing branches, for example, have merely incentivised the political establishment to develop and enforce among its members a uniform elite outlook, which encourages cooperation towards shared goals among erstwhile rivals. This cultural solution has proven wildly successful, not merely releasing the state from many old encumbrances, but even extending its reach across many more facets of society, as ordinary people adopt and enforce the prestige ideology of the regime.
the discourse surrounding sexual and gender minorities…symbolised by a flag that every year gains new colours…is a cutting edge of state power. Each of the identities subsumed into this juggernaut abounds with utility for the administrative state, and opens all manner of avenues for government bureaucrats to define and regulate the most intimate aspects of human culture, behaviour and sexual expression.
It is no accident that the pride flag has become the most pervasive and probably the most sacred political symbol in the Western world
Flu Symptoms Point To Early Spread by BILL RICE, JR.
it’s almost impossible to “prove” “early spread” by lab diagnostic tests … simply because these tests weren’t being given or didn’t exist when millions of people may have had this virus.
However, observers can look at the number of Americans who were “sick” from “something” (that resembled Covid) and reach logical conclusions based on these observations (clinical symptoms and disease progression).
If many more people experienced Covid (or ILI)-like symptoms in the fall and winter of 2019-2020, maybe this is “evidence” that some new virus was being transmitted person-to-person across America and the world
If this virus had been infecting millions of people for many months, a spike in deaths should not have occurred all at once in the Spring … in some cities but not in many other cities and states. Common-sense says the deaths would have begun to occur earlier and had been spread across the world.
The horrific conclusion flowing from this simple observation is that something else was killing the overwhelming percentage of these alleged Covid victims. Almost all of these deaths must have been iatrogenic deaths - deaths caused by faulty treatments, protocols and unnecessary panic and fear.
Death From Falls Up by ASHMEDAI
There is still definitely something going on in 2022, and probably in 2020 & 2021 as well. So we have a signal for both the increase in falls, and the increase in falls that were so injurious they ultimately killed the ‘fallee’.
For the 30-64 cohort, the gap between 2022 (red column on the lefthand side) vs all the other years is jarring - 2022’s 18 deaths are *TRIPLE* the normal 6 such deaths per year. That’s a 300% increase in the number of deaths. Making this more significant is the fact that prior to the pandemic, the highest number of W10 deaths in the younger cohort was 7, and there was never a year over year variation of more than 1. Stability over an extended span is a pretty good indicator that any deviation from the norm by random chance is incredibly unlikely. Thus a sudden change of 12 year over year, hitting triple the average norm, is exceedingly unanticipated and therefore significant.
It is fair game to question what precipitated or caused 3x the normal number of fatal encounters with steps and stairs among men between the ages of 30-64.
the BRICS coalition is rapidly growing
BRICS is no longer just about economics, the organization has quickly become a leading voice in global politics. Some speculate that many, if not most of the countries within BRICS or applying for BRICS membership resent US hegemony, European Union arrogance and western dominance in geo-politics. The inward looking politics of the west grows old on the rest of the world.
Gaining membership into BRICS is not just about “resentment” of the west; leaders around the world are hedging their bets by wanting to join BRICS. It is clear the vision of a new world order that the United Nations (UN) and its allies have been trying to build for decades is flawed. So, what comes next? I think most countries see the value of being on the winning team.
DOJ Crossed The Rubicon by Eli Lake
Attorney General Merrick Garland should not have allowed his special counsel, Jack Smith, to bring this prosecution in the first place.
There are a few reasons for this. The most important is that the meat of the indictment is 31 separate counts against the former president for violating a train wreck of a statute: the 1917 Espionage Act.
Since its inception, under President Woodrow Wilson, the Espionage Act has been used as a weapon against American dissidents.
One of the major problems with the law is that it does not distinguish between actual spies—people who give or sell state secrets to a foreign power—and those who seek to inform the American people about their government’s excesses and abuses. In this respect, the law is a loaded gun against modern journalism.
Civil libertarians for more than a century have argued that the Espionage Act is too vague and dangerous a statute because it criminalizes whistleblowing within the national security state.
Trump is also obviously not a spy. There is no evidence in Smith’s indictment that Trump sought to keep the secret documents from his presidency to sell them to another country.
Trump…mishandling of state secrets in this case was a crime of vanity, not an attempt to inform the public of governmental abuse.
This is the first time a former president and current candidate for the presidency has been indicted by the Justice Department. To cross such a Rubicon, one must consider far more than just the facts of the case and the technicalities of the law.
Exaggerated Covid Death Numbers by NORMAN FENTON
For well over two years into the covid era the ‘headline’ number of covid deaths (and the one most prominent on the UK Government covid dashboard) were those defined as “anybody dying within 28 days of a positive PCR test”.
it is no longer the first chart shown. Instead, the first shown is now the (more reasonable) number of deaths “with covid on the death certificate”.
We would expect the total deaths within 28 days of a positive test to be much greater than the total dying with covid on the death certificate.
the only way to explain why the numbers are still so similar is that:
a) almost every person dying within 28 days of a positive test must, for a very long period, automatically have had covid listed as a cause written on the death certificate. This is something we were assured was not happening; and
b) even after the introduction of mass PCR testing many people were somehow determined to have died because of covid without any test.
The covid death numbers for the UK as stated on the UK Government dashboard have been - and continue to be - massively exaggerated.
Vax Vs Virus Spike Harms by JESSICA ROSE
There are compelling evidences of neurological harms in the context of the injection-associated spike protein as per the millions of adverse event reports in pharmacovigilance databases, including VAERS.
latest paper published in Science Advances on June 7, 2023 entitled: “SARS-CoV-2 infection and viral fusogens cause neuronal and glial fusion that compromises neuronal activity”, confirms some disturbing theories as to why we have been witnessing neurological impairment and damages since SARS-CoV-2 was introduced to the public.
It also begs some extremely disturbing questions as to why the injection-associated spike may also be causing neurological adverse events that are being excessively reported in all pharmacovigilance databases all over the world. Could it be due to the same mechanism?
“found that 31% of the pre-fusion spike trimers are closed, 55% have one RBD open, while 14% have two RBD available.”
If these neurological adverse event occurrences aren’t the direct the effects of the injection-associated spike, then horror of horrors, it is possible that the people experiencing them are immunocompromised by the shots, and subsequently succumbing to SARS-CoV-2 as a result…, and in turn succumbing to neurological damage due to the fusogenic nature of the spike of the virus?
Continued Excess Death by PETER HALLIGAN
Deaths are in red, the death rate in blue, population in green.
That translates to 560,000 extra deaths above 2018 and 2019 levels for each of 2020, 2021 and 2022. That is ar0und 20% extra deaths for each of the C19 years.
The weak and the vulnerable could have been expected to have been culled from the population. After all, it is widely known that those that succumbed to C19…had 2-6 co-morbidities and had lived 2-3 years longer than average life expectancy.
You would expect that there would be a DEFICIENCY in deaths following such a catastrophic period. Governments all round the world said that C19 injections would prevent deaths and infections.
represents a continuation of excess deaths – and, because of the “cull” of dry tinder amongst the weak and vulnerable in prior years, this phenomenon must be occurring amongst the healthier population.
DC Think Tank Recommend Nukes by JORDAN SCHACHTEL
A senior official within the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), which is one of the most influential Washington, D.C. policy shops, is calling on the Biden Administration to deliver nuclear weapons to Ukraine.
Describing Russian President Vladimir Putin, a man with an 80+% approval rating in his country, as “desperate and erratic,” the AEI “expert” states:
“For Biden, the question is now two-fold: How to deter Russian use of tactical nuclear weapons and how to respond should he use them. The same strategy answers both.”
Science Dogma & Consensus by BRIAN MOWREY
Is the Antarctic losing ice or gaining it? It doesn’t matter, and usually isn’t measured, as revealed by a new paper finding overall gains in ice over recent decades by… actually measuring ice
“Just pick an answer,” Hinton is essentially stating — stop debating; achieve dogma
“…if the AI researchers have all sorts of different opinions, then [politicians etc.] are going to be able to pick and choose whatever suits them.”
In other words, if AI experts aren’t speaking in lockstep, then the emissaries whom polities send to represent them within the apparatus of the state (i.e., politicians) will be free to make decisions according to their own interests (which ostensibly align with those of their constituents).
AI experts must achieve consensus so that they can clearly define what it is that politicians must do (about AI). Just as climate scientists use consensus to define what politicians must do (about all of human industry). And biologists use consensus to define what politicians must do (about zoonotic viruses, and all of human industry). And psychologists use consensus to, well, tell politicians what twitter activists and pharma money told them to tell politicians they must do (about medically experimenting on children).
There is a pattern here; the reason the human endeavor of science has become intolerant of dissent and free thought
Sweden’s Plummeting Birthrate
During the first 4 months of 2023, the decline averaged 11.1% after 7.3% in 2022
In Sweden, vaccination numbers among fertile individuals had last reached very high numbers in January 2022. The children conceived during this period were born around October 2022. After that, there should have been an immediate improvement if it was only short-term damage to fertility. In fact, this has not happened for 6 months now.
Monkey DNA Contamination In Jabs by LIONESS OF JUDAH MINISTRY
massive DNA contamination in the mRNA COVID-19 shots, including simian virus 40 (SV40) promoters
SV40 has been linked to cancer in humans, including mesotheliomas, lymphomas, and cancers of the brain and bone.
The level of contamination varies depending on the platform used to measure it, but no matter which method is used, the level of DNA contamination is significantly higher than the regulatory limits in both Europe and the United States. The highest level of DNA contamination found was 30 percent.
The finding of DNA means the mRNA COVID-19 shots may have the ability to alter the human genome.
Even if genetic modification does not occur, the fact that you’re getting foreign DNA into your cells poses a risk in and of itself. Partial expression could occur, or it might interfere with other transcription translations that are already in the cell.
note: see “explainer” link at the bottom of this stack for more on this important work
Covid Pass System by USFORTHEM
Just last week the EU and the World Health Organization announced that the Covid vaccine pass system established during the pandemic will be “scaled up at global level to deliver better digital health services for all”; adding that “today a [European] success story becomes a [global] standard.
If adopted in full, those two draft agreements will transform the WHO from an international health advisory body of recently chequered history into a supranational authority with powers to order lockdowns, mandatory testing, travel restrictions and vaccinations at national and regional levels during a public health emergency of its own declaring.
Disappointingly most of those MPs have been unable to engage substantively with the legitimate questions raised, instead resorting to a cut-and-pasting of generic lines presumably fed by the FCDO press office that there is no risk of the UK ceding rule-making powers to the WHO.
the risk of a significant divestment of autonomy over not only health policy and spending, but also economic and social policies during a health emergency, should merit at least a few hours of attention. After all, one person’s ‘digital health service’ could become another person’s tool of medically-based segregation.
If you like this, and have a tinfoil hat, you might like The Conspiracy Basket. Check it out!
In case you missed it. Here is my explainer on the
post regarding DNA contamination in the mRNA jabs…
COVID lethal response, including genocidal injections, prove that it’s not about a peaceful and free reduction in population growth, not even a methodical culling, lowering the population to “sustainable levels” (an unscientific ideology to justify anything): this is an extermination program designed to wipe out 7 billion people in 20 years.
The right term is extermination, but people have been so neuro-programmed with the soft-word “depopulation” that they have cognitive dissonance towards the terrifying truth. That’s why I decided to keep using depop, at least, with unawakened readers.
noun: cull
a selective slaughter of animals.
"fishermen are to campaign for a seal cull"
reduce the population of (a wild animal) by selective slaughter.
"he sees culling deer as a necessity"
Complex societies fall apart at 30% loss of population, the resulting disruption of services rapidly reduces the fertility rate and some argue that could result in the loss of 95% of the population. The more advance the society, the higher the impact of culling.
Formatted to cut and paste in social networks:
This important topic hasn’t been noticed in the whole world:
Gates-WHO: vaccines can’t reduce population, except by murdering
Proof: vaccines were never meant for reducing mortality, only for murdering!
Since the 90s they've weaponized vaccines by adding hCG to infertilize women. This was lab proven in 30+ countries. Even the Supreme Court of the Philippines blocked a vaccination campaign because of this. Last detected attempt: Kenya 2014
They didn’t stop: from 2021 until 2023, with the excuse of a potential outbreak which never happened, there was a measles and polio booster campaign in Argentina, where there were zero cases. Even if they were outside the compulsory vax schedule, the government propaganda implied that students couldn’t start classes without the unofficial boosters… in a country with zero cases! 1
When the freedom movement is labelled as anti-vax fanatics, we should reply: we are not only the freedom movement but also the anti-bioweapons movement? Aren't you against injectable bioweapons?
This opens the eyes of many:
The REAL COVID timeline:
It’s Bio-BOMB, like the vx, not what you were drilled
Bio-BOMB, not “vaccine”, not “gene-therapy”
This 5th gen war, includes a war on semantics.
What do bioweapons have to do with the Department of Energy?
Anybody answering these questions PLEASE ? !!!
Prof. Fred Nazar