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Note: I read a lot of Substacks each day. The Basket is intended to be a collection of the money quotes from the best of what I read. My goal is that you enjoy this service because it saves you time and quickly informs you. And my hope is that you find one or two articles that you click into because you want more.
What you can find in this collection (these are my headlines, not the authors’):
Illiberalism Of TransQueer Activism by ANDREW SULLIVAN
Vitamin D Covid Therapy by WALTER M CHESNUT
Call Them Nanotech, Not Vaccines by KAREN KINGSTON
Contaminated mRNA Confirmed by ANANDAMIDE
Hotez Linked To CCP by KANEKOA
Japan Is Dumb by JOEL SMALLEY
Free Julian Assange by MATT TAIBBI
Invading Childhood Innocence by JOHN LEAKE
Coming For Your Children by MICKEY Z.
RotaTeq Had No Placebo Control by AARON SIRI
“Pandemic Preparedness” Vs Food Insecurity by PETER HALLIGAN
Trans Explosion In Schools
Vaccine Or Gene Therapy? by PETER A. MCCULLOUGH, MD, MPH™
Florida Covid Death Data by JOEL SMALLEY
Sexual Pleasure From Humiliation by REBECCA VELO
Redefining ‘Democracy’ by EUGYPPIUS
Propaganda and Mind Control by ROBERT W MALONE MD, MS
Elites Want You Poorer by NAKED EMPEROR
Illiberalism Of TransQueer Activism by ANDREW SULLIVAN
I was asked to speak at the Human Rights Campaign Fund, as it was then called. Determined as ever not to read the room, I said (paraphrasing from memory): “The goal of any civil rights movement should be to shut itself down one day. And once we get marriage equality and military service, those of us in the gay rights movement should throw a party, end the movement, and get on with our lives.”
You can imagine how well that went down. And, sure enough, 30 years later, with marriage, military service and trans equality enshrined in the law, the HRC building now has a massive, six-story high poster hanging on it: “BLACK LIVES MATTER. TRANS BLACK LIVES MATTER.”
The point I was making in the early 1990s was that liberalism knows limits. A liberal politics does not seek to impose meaning on everyone; it creates the space for individuals to choose that for themselves. It doesn’t seek to deliver the truth about anything either; it merely provides the mechanisms for the open-ended pursuit of truth.
A liberal politics will seek formal equality for members of minorities; but not substantive equality — what is now called “equity.” It would not require us to come to one, single understanding of reality; it would always allow diversity of opinion and encourage free debate. Live and let live. Remember that?
In the gay rights movement, we examined every single possible argument that could be used against us, and answered them. We debated anyone anywhere. And, in the broader context, we left you, gays and straights, alone. Nothing in your life had to change to accept gay equality.
Compare that with the transqueer movement. They will never leave you alone, they will police the words you use, they will deny you access to any same-sex space, they will force your daughter to compete against males, they will tell your child they may be the opposite sex inside and keep it from you, and they will use blackmail — and a farrago of falsehood — to put your kid on a lifetime of medication. They refuse to debate opponents; they cancel and demonize even the most liberal of people (see JK Rowling); they censor words or destroy their meaning and defend violence. In all of this, they are as hostile to a free society as the worst fanatics on the far right.
Vitamin D Covid Therapy by WALTER M CHESNUT
evidence is mounting demonstrating that, ultimately, COVID-19 and its Spike Protein are inducing a disease of Cell Adhesion Dysregulation
Throughout the course of the pandemic, it has been observed that those with high Vitamin D levels have fared exceptionally well when infected with SARS-CoV-2
After researching natural ways to reduce levels of Cell Adhesion Molecules, I was both surprised – and not – to discover that Vitamin D does exactly this.
Mr. Free Speech himself, Elon Musk, has stated that “ ‘cis’ and ‘cisgender’ will be considered slurs on Twitter that can be punishable with suspension.”
If, as I happen to believe, our culture has taken a very wrong turn by declaring all sorts of language and good-faith disagreement “hateful” and beyond the limits of acceptable discourse, it doesn’t help if one of the most powerful men in the world starts doing it too, presumably to “make a point.”
What’s more: The people who need most to understand this point…aren’t getting it.
They’re sure they’re on the side of the angels, seething with pedantry and arrogance as they proclaim that “cis is not a slur” (meaning they fully intend to impose it on people who don’t want the label) — and they’re fully unaware of the irony.
The evidence seems to point to two main reasons for the flu’s disappearance: the physical disappearance of flu testing kits and a misunderstanding of what the flu actually means.
at least in the United States, there was virtually no access to flu testing during the covid hysteria years, particularly from 2020 to 2021. Virtually all testing manufacturers pivoted to covid testing, leaving the influenza kits behind.
Prior to the establishment of the covid testing industrial complex (which brought in well over $100 billion a year at its peak), flu was almost always diagnosed by symptoms, not by a swab test. And again, covid symptoms are virtually identical to flu symptoms.
The results of PCR testing just for one virus are meaningless. This scam should be obvious to anyone versed in diagnosing respiratory infections.
Call Them Nanotech, Not Vaccines by KAREN KINGSTON
the Childhood Vaccine Protection doesn’t protect Pfizer from injecting children with electromagnetic nanoparticles and pretending Pfizer has liability protection shielded by the US military is a completely fabricated story.
The nanotechnology industry is barely regulated in America. Essentially the FDA, the consumer protection agency, and EPA all said, “We’re going to let the manufacturers regulate themselves.”
A virtually unregulated industry means that there are no laws or government agencies protecting Pfizer and other manufacturers from civil and criminal liability for enabling the injection adults and children with engineered modRNA nanoparticles that are known toxic pathogens and electromagnetic devices.
Contaminated mRNA Confirmed by ANANDAMIDE
This is independent confirmation from a qualified CLIA laboratory that the plasmid derived dsDNA is detectable in Pfizer vials. We cannot derive quantitive assessments with this method alone as no CT scores were collected during PCR but bands were visible on agarose gels with 30 cycles of PCR.
Nevertheless, This is an important form of verification and reproduction as Sanger sequencing of PCR amplicons is considered the gold standard approach for confirming the fidelity of PCR primers. Having independent labs reproduce such results not only improves the communities confidence in the finding but also identifies other potential artifacts that may be observed upon reproduction such as the Ori primers amplifying polymerase vectors at 60 cycles.
The Pfizer and Moderna vector sequences are now in GenBank. This is an important milestone for the field as other genome projects sequencing RNA or DNA samples and comparing them against GenBank now have an annotated sequence that could describe unexpected sequence in future genomes.
Hotez Linked To CCP by KANEKOA
Funded by Dr. Fauci and Dr. Hotez's R01AI098775 grant, Dr. Shibo Jiang and Dr. Lanying Du collaborated with scientists from the People's Liberation Army and the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
Dr. Peter Hotez, an esteemed vaccine researcher, has been entangled in a web of funding, collaboration, and research with Chinese military scientists potentially involved in the development of COVID-19.
During his time in the United States, Dr. Shibo Jiang also acted as a visiting professor at several prestigious People's Liberation Army (PLA) universities, including the First and Fourth Military Medical University, the Academy of Military Medical Sciences (AMMS), and Southern Medical University (formerly known as the First Military Medical University). Despite his collaboration with the Chinese military, he received research grants totaling over $20 million from NIAID under Dr. Fauci's leadership between 1997 and 2016.
Together with Dr. Zhou Yusen, a distinguished PLA virologist and fellow AMMS alumnus, Professor Jiang co-invented multiple U.S. patents and published numerous scientific papers on SARS and MERS coronaviruses, often with the support of NIAID funds. Dr. Yusen, the former director of the PLA's AMMS Laboratory of Pathogen and Biosecurity at the Beijing Institute of Microbiology and Epidemiology, filed the world's first patent application for a COVID-19 vaccine in China on February 24, 2020, just a month after the country acknowledged human-to-human transmission.
This discovery raises suspicions that the Chinese military may have been working on a vaccine even before officially notifying the World Health Organization about the outbreak.
Japan Is Dumb by JOEL SMALLEY
They keep lining up for more Deathshots™
And, sure as eggs is eggs, a couple of months later, Japan suffers what I called “super excess” mortality, mortality that exceeds the upper bound of expectations, really rare events (prior to 2021 at any rate)
And how is 2023 “shaping up”?
Yup, worse than the already bad 2022.
Free Julian Assange by MATT TAIBBI
When governments become authoritarian, they inspire resistance. Techniques must then be developed to repel that resistance. Those techniques must then be concealed.
In short: the worse a country is, the more secrets it has. We have a lot of secrets now.
Julian Assange became famous as we were creating a vast new government-within-a-government, a system of secret prisons, extraordinary rendition, mass surveillance, and drone assassination. Many of these things we know about only because of Wikileaks. Ostensibly, all this secrecy was needed to fight foreign terrorism.
If you’re okay with this happening to one Julian Assange, you’d better be okay with it happening to many others. That’s why this moment is so important. If Assange is successfully extradited and convicted, it will take about ten minutes for it to happen again. From there this will become a common occurrence. There will be no demonstrations in parks, no more news stories. This will become a normal part of our lives.
Invading Childhood Innocence by JOHN LEAKE
What happened to our concept of childhood innocence? There was a time not so long ago when we celebrated it.
Why would any sane adult WANT to instruct 5 to 8-year-olds about sexual matters?
Those who had the good fortune of a happy childhood—before the onset of puberty and its attendant confusion, anxiety, and yearnings—may still have some recollection of that enchanting period between about the ages of 5 and 12. During this time in life, you could easily spend an entire day playing and exploring the world without a single thought about sex intruding your consciousness.
Other than adults who themselves have a sexual interest in children, WHO could possibly be interested in depriving children of this enchanting period of their lives?
Coming For Your Children by MICKEY Z.
So… participants in NYC’s June 23 “Drag March” chanted:
“We’re here, we’re queer, we’re coming for your children!”
Does any emotionally stable human being find it acceptable to declare (especially in a public chant), that they are “coming for your children”?
Would you ever want such a person to get anywhere near your child — or any child?
We all know the answer to both questions is a resounding NO.
We also all know that it’s time to step up and speak out in the name of protecting all children.
RotaTeq Had No Placebo Control by AARON SIRI
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s claim that virtually all childhood vaccines were licensed based on clinical trials that did not include a control group that received a placebo is correct.
Nonetheless, numerous news outlets, such as Stat News in its article titled “Correcting Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s vaccine ‘facts’”, are stating Mr. Kennedy is wrong because they claim the clinical trial relied upon to license the rotavirus vaccine, RotaTeq, did include a placebo control. They are wrong.
RotaTeq is administered via oral drops. A “placebo” would have been water drops in the mouth. The control used in the trial, however, included bioactive ingredients including almost all the ingredients in the RotaTeq vaccine itself.
we submitted a Freedom of Information Act Request to the FDA for “Documents sufficient to identify the ingredients of the ‘placebo’ in the prelicensure clinical trials identified in Section 6.1 of the package insert for RotaTeq.”
In a response dated June 14, 2018, the FDA provided the requested documents which clearly show that the control was not a placebo. Rather, it included polysorbate-80, sodium citrate, sodium phosphate, and sucrose.
These same four ingredients are also contained in RotaTeq. The only difference between the vaccine and the control is that RotaTeq also included tissue culture medium and rotavirus reassortments. So, bottom line: the control used in the RotaTeq clinical trial was not a placebo since it included bioactive ingredients.
“Pandemic Preparedness” Vs Food Insecurity by PETER HALLIGAN
The agreement about to become law in all signatories to the changes in the International Health Regulations – in FIVE MONTHS – will sequester 5% of existing health budgets for “pandemic preparedness” measures that includes digital passports and mandatory experimental injections.
Before long the WHO budget will be a trillion bucks a year. All unaccountable, all immune from prosecution for malpractice.
The anti-human cult injected over 5 billion relatively healthy people with instructions to make a toxic spike protein that mutates fast – whilst ignoring both existing therapeutics (IVM and HCQ protocols) AND the solutions to the plight of the bottom 2 billion people on planet earth living on a few bucks a day.
A food pack costing 5 bucks a day for, say, 100 million food insecure people would cost around 182.5 billion bucks a year.
Compare that to the 40 trillion wasted on the anti-human cult shoving unnecessary “green” policies, NPI’s, injections and vaxx passports that simply deny health and happiness, whilst achieving precisely zero. 40 trillion divided by 182.5 billion a year = 219 years.
Trans Explosion In Schools
A quarter of the girls in my daughter’s class identify as transgender. Seven out of 28.
When I said that on Twitter recently, I was roundly attacked for being a TERF who makes up ridiculous stories to harm trans people.
While I may be a TERF, I did not make this up. A quarter of the girls in my kid’s class identify as boys. One of them has had four names this year, all from anime series.
I keep seeing people say, both on the hell-site Twitter and in the popular media, that the trans population is a tiny minority, less than 0.1% of the population. If that is true, what is going on at my child’s school? What has made the number of trans-identified girls in one year group grow from a constant zero pre-pandemic, to 25% now?
Vaccine Or Gene Therapy? by PETER A. MCCULLOUGH, MD, MPH™
Dr. Banoun has recently published an analysis on the mRNA vaccines in consideration of definitions and regulations that apply to gene therapy…makes the case that they should be classified as gene therapy products.
Banoun goes on to state: “The wide and persistent biodistribution of mRNAs and their protein products, incompletely studied due to their classification as vaccines, raises safety issues. Post-marketing studies have shown that mRNA passes into breast milk and could have adverse effects on breast-fed babies. Long-term expression, integration into the genome, transmission to the germline, passage into sperm, embryo/fetal and perinatal toxicity, genotoxicity and tumorigenicity should be studied in light of the adverse events reported in pharmacovigilance databases.”
This is important for discussants and litigators to have this predicate. Genetic vaccines are gene therapy products, all the regulations, laws, and safety protections should be called for and pointed out when missing in the discussion on the next steps to be taken on mRNA genetic vaccines.
Florida Covid Death Data by JOEL SMALLEY
between March 2020 and April 2021…the official COVID mortality only manages to represent a mere 1.2% of all deaths and 17% of excess deaths in the under 25s, and 5.3% of all deaths and 30% of excess deaths in the 25 to 44 year olds.
So, clearly, this virus was not as indiscriminately deadly as the official narrative would have you believe.
Virtually none of those deaths, in any age group, was of someone who was healthy.
Given the very clear data on risk, known since March 2020 at the latest (from the Diamond Princess), it is evident, therefore, that these mortality spikes are not due to viral activity, even though they are coded as “COVID” deaths.
it is clear that COVID in the post-jab era is substantially worse than before.
What was most likely an ordinary, not-so-novel respiratory pathogen that contributed much less to excess mortality than the ill-conceived political response, did indeed mutate into a potential extinction-level emergency when the “vaccine” was introduced.
And this was especially so for the younger ages for whom the original “virus” posed statistically zero risk to people who were not already moribund.
Sexual Pleasure From Humiliation by REBECCA VELO
many trans people will openly state that a particular type of pornography called sissy or hypno porn led them to believe they are women. Within this type of pornography, men are forced to appear as women. For these men, being a woman is about humiliation and inferiority. The thought of being in this submissive role gives them sexual satisfaction.
These people are said to be suffering from a sexual paraphilia called autogynephilia.
Several years ago, it would’ve been unthinkable for a man to expose his penis in a women’s locker room to unconsenting women and girls. Now, as long as that man identifies as anything other than a man this is celebrated.
We know that trans-identified people have a high rate of mental illness and suicidal ideations. To then admit you wish to be the opposite sex just to be desired and loved is tragic. It also proves they don't really see themselves as women but wish to be what they believe women represent in male-dominated porn.
Redefining ‘Democracy’ by EUGYPPIUS
“Democracy” has obviously acquired a strange new definition for our political establishment and their academic allies. It no longer denotes the right of citizens to elect representatives of their choosing, but rather their obligation to vote for parties and policies that are already favoured by the political elite. Establishment parties…can’t even take up popular…positions without being accused of antidemocratic populism in turn.
The clear aim is to deny…voters all possibility of mounting any democratic opposition to these increasingly unpopular lunacies
no longer even interested in democratic pretences. It’s a thinly-veiled oligarchy steered by a closed political elite, whose interests every day wander further from the people they claim to serve.
Propaganda and Mind Control by ROBERT W MALONE MD, MS
our government has become a master at information control and propaganda as well as marketing through their many contractual awardees - otherwise generally known as “beltway bandits”.
We have a government which deploys information control and propaganda technologies on its citizens on a daily basis. These techniques were developed during the cold war, refined during our war with Vietnam and then the forever wars in the Middle East. Now, the federal government appears to be working in concert with marketers, advertising agencies, big tech, NGOs, astroturf organizations, etc. to control bad-speak (as the government defines it) and to create more “positive” narratives for the people of the USA.
what we have seen in the past year is that the government is willing to use these tools to influence elections, such as the campaigns to discredit the news story about Hunter Biden’s laptop in 2020 and the 2016 Russia “dis-information” false-flag operation, and to stop any public dissent over the war in Ukraine in 2023 or the approved “climate crisis” narratives.
Elites Want You Poorer by NAKED EMPEROR
inflation is currently too high and therefore has the potential to cause problems even for the rich. They are, therefore, desperate for it to reduce a little to protect their assets and to do this they want to curb demand. With so much printed money in the system, prices spiral upwards as people demand higher wages which they then use to pay higher prices for goods and services.
So how do you remove demand? Simple, by making people poorer. And how do you make people poorer? One way is by making goods and services more expensive, effectively reducing individuals' purchasing power. One way to do this is by increasing interest rates, making loans less affordable. It could be argued that the Ukrainian war was an excuse to make energy more expensive and therefore reducing demand for energy. The second is by eliminating jobs, leaving people without income to spend on discretionary items.
as the gap between the rich and the poor widens, the elite resort to gaslighting tactics, attempting to convince the less fortunate that their poverty is a result of their own choices. This false narrative portrays poverty as a virtue for the greater good of society, attempting to absolve the rich from their role in exacerbating socio-economic inequalities.
If you like this, and have a tinfoil hat, you might like The Conspiracy Basket. Check it out!
And, in case you missed it…
Right on time for the weekend! Thanks Clown!!