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Note: I read a lot of Substacks each day. The Basket is intended to be a collection of the money quotes from the best of what I read. My goal is that you enjoy this service because it saves you time and quickly informs you. And my hope is that you find one or two articles that you click into because you want more.
What you can find in this collection (these are my headlines, not the authors’):
Study Shows Misinfo Kept People From Vax By IGOR CHUDOV
The Doublespeak Defense by Brownstone Institute
100K Excess CV Deaths In UK by JOHN CAMPBELL
Weather Terrorism by ALEX BERENSON
ALA Receives $1M TO Defend Porn For Kids by HALEY KENNINGTON
Censorship Stay Denied by JUSTIN HART
Universe 25 Utopia by NAKED EMPEROR
The Talibanisation Of Banking by DAVID THUNDER
Confirming Vax Contamination by ANANDAMIDE
The Meaning Of Placebo by JESSICA ROSE
AI Will Save Us by Marc Andreessen
Treating Covid by PETER MCCULLOUGH, MD
CDC Promotes Chestfeeding by PETER MCCULLOUGH, MD
WHO’s Pandemic Industry by DAVID BELL
Warburg Effect by WALTER M CHESNUT
UK Excess Deaths by NAKED EMPEROR
Asymptomatic Covid Causing Death? by ASHMEDAI
1st Amendment Causes Irreparable Harm by BENJAMIN WEINGARTEN
Study Shows Misinfo Kept People From Vax By IGOR CHUDOV
The authors set out to do a statistical analysis to see if our efforts drive vaccine refusal. They attempted to look beyond correlations and find causality.
Whatever the explanation is, the data shows that our messaging reached Republicans and Democrats and was able to change some minds about, specifically, the decision to vaccinate.
Guesstimating the difference between the “no misinformation” point and the “typical misinformation” point, we can see that we could change the minds of about 3% of Republicans and about 8% of Democrats. As the period covered by the study is only four months (Jan 4 to Mar 25), the effect over the last three years is much greater.
The Doublespeak Defense by Brownstone Institute
There was no censorship, but it’s good that they censored misinformation.
Defenders of the Covid regime have adopted this Doublethink in response to Judge Terry Doughty’s recent injunction against the government’s collusion with Big Tech. As Orwell describes in 1984, they “hold simultaneously two opinions which cancel out, knowing them to be contradictory and believing in both of them.”
Consider the language of the Biden administration’s call for an “emergency stay” of the injunction from Missouri v. Biden that stops the government from telling social media companies what they should and should not allow their users to post. The appeal says government is not censoring but must have the power to continue “working with social media companies on initiatives to prevent grave harm to the American people and our democratic processes.”
Like many of their peers, Tribe and Litman hold an incompatible set of views: on one hand, they argue that allegations of censorship are illusory. At the same time, they argue that the government is justified in suppressing speech because of the dangers of “disinformation.”
Censorship doesn’t exist, but it’s good that it does.
100K Excess CV Deaths In UK by JOHN CAMPBELL
On average, over 500 additional deaths a week from cardiovascular disease
Included cardiovascular and cerebrovascular deaths
More excess deaths involving cardiovascular conditions than any other disease groups
A total of 96,540 extra cardiovascular deaths since February 2020
People waiting for time-sensitive cardiac care, 390,000
Average ambulance response times for heart attacks and strokes, above 30 minutes since the beginning of 2022
We believe that there are now other major factors likely driving the continued increase in excess deaths.
Weather Terrorism by ALEX BERENSON
Climate reporting in the elite media has become a series of endless, breathlessly reported firsts and 1-in-1,000 year events. The hottest June ever in Houston. The driest August in Tokyo. The wettest April in London. The biggest wildfire in Quebec.
the question is not if climate change is real. It is if climate change hysteria, driven largely by people so wealthy that they will continue to live exactly as they do now whatever happens to the global economy, threatens to undo the economic growth that has been the most important factor reducing deaths from extreme weather.
ALA Receives $1M TO Defend Porn For Kids by HALEY KENNINGTON
These controversial books have been pulled from shelves across the country for their explicit sexual content in both taxpayer-funded public school libraries and local public libraries. Some of the banned books have detailed instructions on how to masturbate, give oral sex, have gay sex, and use sex toys, including cartoons of minors performing sex acts on one another.
Library 2.0’s recent “Banned Books and Censorship” Conference, organized by The Learning Revolution Project and sponsored by The SJSU School of Information proved to be a plethora of tips and tricks on how library personnel could combat parents and concerned citizens who raise questions about the ease of access children have to these graphic books.
the ALA is now armed with funding to fight those challenging books to court to the tune of $1 million. Wrapping private citizens up in months- if not years- of legal fees is designed to exhaust and bankrupt anyone who challenges these books.
Censorship Stay Denied by JUSTIN HART
Following on from the recent exciting drama around the court case Missouri vs. Biden, the government tried to appeal the preliminary injunction (which basically mandated that the entire apparatus of the government stop pressuring social media companies to censor Americans).
Last week, we itemized the receipts about the White House and the Surgeon General trying to gag you on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and even WhatsApp! Now, with the denial of appeal, the federal court narrowed down the “best of” receipts for each targeted entity within the government.
Universe 25 Utopia by NAKED EMPEROR
In the late 1960s and early 1970s, ethologist John B. Calhoun conducted a series of experiments on mice. One of the experiments, known as "Universe 25," attempted to understand the impact of overpopulation on behaviour and societal structures, using colonies of mice as his subjects
Calhoun created what was essentially a mouse utopia. The enclosure was divided into four equal sections, each with a central nesting area connected by ramps to multiple food and water dispensers. There were no predators in this world, and disease was minimized due to regular cleaning. With an unlimited supply of food and water, the mice were provided everything they needed to flourish.
The initial days in Universe 25 were marked by exponential growth, a period Calhoun referred to as the "strive period." The population doubled approximately every 55 days. By Day 315, Universe 25 was home to 620 mice. This might sound like a big number but it was a mere fraction of the 3,840 the enclosure was designed to house.
Others argued that Universe 25 was less about overpopulation and more about a lack of social roles and stimuli. Calhoun's mice had no challenges to overcome, no new territory to explore, and no threats to unite against. Their existence was reduced to eating, drinking, and grooming, devoid of any meaningful engagement or social structure.
The Talibanisation Of Banking by DAVID THUNDER
A major leader of the Brexit movement, Nigel Farage, has just had his decades-old bank accounts closed, allegedly for “commercial” reasons, while seven additional banks have apparently refused to have him as a customer…there is no denying that the past couple of years have produced more than one isolated incident of banking services penalising customers for political or ideological reasons.
in Canada, we saw banks instructed by the Trudeau administration to freeze the accounts of protesters against vax mandates. In the United States, we saw Paypal briefly introduce a policy authorising it to close the accounts of customers it found guilty of “misinformation.”
when the talibanisation of banking starts to become a society-wide tendency, or the banks involved are so enormous that they exercise a major hold over global payment systems (e.g. Paypal) upon which customers’ livelihoods may depend, then a customer with the “wrong” political opinion may well end up having to either face a major business setback (say, the overnight loss of all of their Paypal customers), or be effectively driven into exile in another country, where life is more tolerable.
Confirming Vax Contamination by ANANDAMIDE
Dr. Sin Hang Lee, MD, F.R.C.P.(C), FCAP of Milford Molecular Diagnostics designed his own BNT162b2 amplicons targeting longer molecules for PCR and Sanger sequencing. This is an important evaluation to ensure there is nothing magical about the primers we designed for qPCR.
Independent primer design, amplification and sequencing from the Illumina consensus sequence we produced is more independent validation of the initial results.
This is an important form of validation as some of the guidelines speak to fragments over 200bp. Our qPCR amplicons are 105 and 114bp and may over quantitate the dsDNA 200bp and larger. Seeing 363 base fragments amplify and sequence demonstrates there are DNA fragments over 200bp in the BNT162b2 vaccine but the quantitation of this size of the library still requires further measurement.
The Meaning Of Placebo by JESSICA ROSE
the meaning behind the word ‘placebo’ has been usurped. The vaccine industry has absconded the word ‘placebo’ and imposterized it with ‘an everything but’ injection
both Pfizer and Moderna have to explain the SAE (serious adverse event) data from placebo in their trials whereby they have the following options:
The placebo was not saline and induced SAEs - I want to know what that placebo is in this case (FOIA)
The placebo was saline as indicated and something else induced the SAEs - a reasonable explanation would be SAEs induced by other vaccines given as per the schedule.
At this point, I think it’s really important for everyone to converge on the fact that the word ‘placebo’ must have specific meaning in the context of an injectable product trial, and that is: saline. Anything else, is NOT a placebo. Words carry meaning, and appropriate word use is very important. Maybe if we can converge on this, the following problems could be resolved.
Ultimately, the word ‘placebo’ has no meaning in the context of the vaccine industry, in my opinion.
AI Will Save Us by Marc Andreessen
human intelligence makes a very broad range of life outcomes better. Smarter people have better outcomes in almost every domain of activity
What AI offers us is the opportunity to profoundly augment human intelligence to make all of these outcomes of intelligence—and many others, from the creation of new medicines to ways to solve climate change to technologies to reach the stars—much, much better from here.
The stakes here are high. The opportunities are profound. AI is quite possibly the most important—and best—thing our civilization has ever created, certainly on par with electricity and microchips, and probably beyond those.
The development and proliferation of AI—far from a risk that we should fear—is a moral obligation that we have to ourselves, to our children, and to our future. We should be living in a much better world with AI, and now we can.
This moral panic is already being used as a motivating force by a variety of actors to demand policy action—new AI restrictions, regulations, and laws. These actors, who are making extremely dramatic public statements about the dangers of AI—feeding on and further inflaming moral panic—all present themselves as selfless champions of the public good.
Treating Covid by PETER MCCULLOUGH, MD
From the onset of the pandemic, it was clear that COVID-19 was an illness characterized by viral replication, cytokine storm, and micro- and macro-thrombosis. When there was oxygen desaturation and visible “pneumonia” on imaging, that meant cytokine storm was ebbing and blood clotting was occurring in the lungs as shown by autopsy studies.
The lesson learned here is that when the NIH research groups do not recognize how academic physicians have come to understand and treat the disease in the home, there is little chance a hospital protocol such as this would be successful…Academic isolated oblivion, and misguided groupthink is a giant and deadly shortcoming in federally funded COVID-19 research.
We are told that in the NHS in England, more than 7 million people are waiting for a hospital specialist or surgeon or whatever. Over 3 million patients wait over 18 weeks and 370 thousand over a year for treatment.
By any measure, these figures show we have an emergency on our hands - yes, a real one, not model-driven or PCR derived. Presumably, these are folk who have long-standing problems and need help.
Triage is a harsh discipline born out of the realisation that resources are finite, and in times of crisis, they must be employed for the utmost benefit of society. So not those who are most ill, not those who are friends of Matt Hancock, are selected for urgent treatment and attention. No: those who are most likely to benefit from the intervention.
Harsh, yes; heartbreaking, yes; necessary, yes; realistic, absolutely not. Until health services are freed from the dead hand of politicians and are left to be run by people who deal with people every day, such a solution or possible way out is not on the cards.
CDC Promotes Chestfeeding by PETER MCCULLOUGH, MD
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta is imploding with turnover of two directors over the pandemic, admissions of “large mistakes” during the course of COVID-19, and a vaccine safety debacle that is the worst on record with CDC-favored but clinically ill-advised mRNA COVID-19 vaccines.
Now the agency is plunging to new lows with this ridiculous statement on their website
the male breast was not designed to generate copious amounts of colostrum and milk. Trying to force it through hormones is likely to produce inadequate, low quality, hormone tainted liquid that would be potentially harmful to the baby who should be suckling on the normal birth mother’s breasts.
WHO’s Pandemic Industry by DAVID BELL
Our governments intend to transfer decisions over our health, families, and societal freedoms to the Director General of the World Health Organization (WHO), whenever he or she declares it necessary.
In May 2024 our countries will vote to allow a single person to dictate border closures and quarantine, and require medical examinations and vaccination of their citizens. They will agree to censor those who protest. Our governments will undertake to make this individual’s recommendations regarding our rights to family life, work, and school effectively binding.
Few gained from the Covid response, but those who did gained; particularly private and corporate funders of the WHO with large Pharma and software assets, gained massively. WHO employees and others working in global health also thrived, and are now securing lucrative careers as the agenda expands. As the old evidence-based public health is pushed aside, it is in the new public health of the software entrepreneurs and Pharma moguls that careers will be made.
The expanding pandemic industry has a massive financial war chest aimed at media and political sponsorship, and our politicians fear political oblivion should they oppose it.
Warburg Effect by WALTER M CHESNUT
the Spike Protein essentially performs the same task with “pulling the stops” that allow for the fastest, easiest and most efficient way to induce cancer. This is based upon the induction of the Warburg Effect.
The infection by Covid-19 follows a similar pattern. Long-term effects include redox shift and cellular anabolism as a result of the Warburg effect and mitochondrial dysfunction.
I recommended that Long COVID patients have full body PET scans. I believe identifying and tracking areas of Warburg Effect is necessary. To what extent is the Spike Protein inducing cancer? Is it self-limiting? Does it spread aggressively? How long is metabolism impaired for? There are so many questions to which we need answers.
UK Excess Deaths by NAKED EMPEROR
Week 26 in England and Wales saw 918 excess deaths which is 9.7% above average. On its own, Wales was 19.3% above average. However, this is using the Office for National Statistics’ (ONS) new five-year average which includes the pandemic years (for 2023 they compare with 2017-2019 & 2021-2022 and for 2022 they compare with 2016-2019 & 2021).
So, if we remove the pandemic years and use 2015-2019 as the five-year average we get 1,078 excess deaths this week.
Worryingly, 2023 is looking far worse than 2022. We are close to 30,000 excess deaths already this year, compared with approximately 7,700 this time last year.
If we continue at this rate, there will be approximately 70,000 excess deaths this year.
Asymptomatic Covid Causing Death? by ASHMEDAI
sorting through the conditions listed on death certificates as the UCoD that mention covid in some way that the CDC assigned the U07.1 ICD code [for covid] as the UCoD.
Here we literally have a case of death by ASYMPTOMATIC covid. The obvious clinical incoherence of death by something without any clinical manifestation is of no concern to the CDC. The CDC also seems unperturbed by the logical impossibility of the “asymptomatic covid” which started *DAYS* prior to death CAUSING some nasty cirrhosis/hep C to manifest YEARS before covid jumped from bat to bat to civet to rodent to dog to human in the Wuhan wet market.
Remember, the UCoD isn’t just “one of” the CoD’s, it’s THE CoD identified as the primary catalyst or cause of the death.
If the idea of a BRICS common currency seems like a distant pipe dream, that’s because there is no evidence that these nations have even developed the first components of such a system.
For all of the problems the United States faces, the leaders of BRICS nations have plenty of issues of their own. The reality billions face today in 2023 is that nobody gets the government they deserve. No centrally planned fiat currency, despite claims of being “backed” by something other than trust, will allow for the expansion of human flourishing.
Ultimately, both the dollar and the BRICS currency should be usurped by a money that is not controlled by the state. Governments need to be removed from the money business entirely, which was the whole reason for innovations like bitcoin, a truly free currency system that relies on math, and not rulers.
1st Amendment Causes Irreparable Harm by BENJAMIN WEINGARTEN
The U.S. government betrayed its total and utter contempt for the First Amendment in a recent filing in the landmark Missouri v. Biden free speech case.
The filing—a motion responding to U.S. District Judge Terry Doughty’s bombshell Independence Day injunction freezing federal government-led speech policing—calls for the judge to permit the federal government to continue its censorship activities while it fights the injunction.
The crux of the government’s argument for staying the injunction was this: Prohibiting federal authorities from abridging speech, directly and by proxy, could lead to “grave harm to the American people and our democratic processes,” thereby causing the government “irreparable harm.”
Another way to read the government’s argument is that if it can’t interfere in elections or engage in rampant viewpoint discrimination, that causes it “irreparable harm.”
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