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Note: I read a lot of Substacks each day. The Basket is intended to be a collection of the money quotes from the best of what I read. My goal is that you enjoy this service because it saves you time and quickly informs you. And my hope is that you find one or two articles that you click into because you want more.
What you can find in this collection (these are my headlines, not the authors’):
The Community Microbiome by TOBY ROGERS
Building God by Paul Kingsnorth
Newspeak & Wokeism by DUPONT LAJOIE
Hydrogel Not Placebo by SASHA LATYPOVA
Possessed By Ideology by Noelle Mering
Forever War Revenue Streams by JORDAN SCHACHTEL
WHO’s Orwellian Future by David Bell
US Deploys Reservists by JOHN LEAKE
Methylene Blue As Covid Treatment? by WALTER M CHESNUT
Vaxes And Long Covid by NAKED EMPEROR
Hacker Goes After Pedo-Traffickers by CELIA FARBER
Lies That Launched BLM by MICKEY Z.
Falling Birth Rates by MATHEW ALDRED
Ties Do Not Go To The Tyrant by EL GATO MALO
Please Ban Me by NAKED EMPEROR
COVID Vaccines Harm Newborns by IGOR CHUDOV
Long Covid Lies With Stats by KELLEY K
Justifying Censorship by AARON KHERIATY, MD
US Planning On Taking The “L” by LEO HOHMANN
Fixing Peer Review by DENIS RANCOURT
The Community Microbiome by TOBY ROGERS
a much broader concept of community health where the microbiome of the individual, family, community, and nature are all in harmony with each other.
the community microbiome, that existed for all of human history, and now is interrupted and under constant attack. It feels both literal and metaphorical to me. This shared sense of community was literal, communities used to share a microbiome, and now that is fractured and we no longer feel those bonds of connection either.
the mother is exposed to microdoses of a wide range of, for lack of a better word, germs, for which she develops immunity that she then passes on to the child through breastmilk.
When people are attracted to each other, one of the first things they do is to start building a shared microbiome, through touching, kissing, and sexual contact.
Tilling the soil and working with the land involves releasing its microbiome, inhaling some of it, taking in some of it through the skin, changing it and being changed by it, through our interaction with nature.
Building God by Paul Kingsnorth
Technology is not neutral. It never was. Every device wants something from you. Only you can decide how much to give.
digital technology provides the “central nervous system” of some new consciousness, or futurist Kevin Kelly’s belief in a self-organizing “technium” with “systematic tendencies.” We could add them to the feeling of those AI developers that they are “ushering a new consciousness into the world.” What would we see? From all these different angles, the same story. That these machines. . . are not just machines. That they are something else: a body. A body whose mind is in the process of developing; a body that is beginning to come to life.
Transhumanist Martine Rothblatt says that by building AI systems “we are making God.” Transhumanist Elise Bohan says “we are building God.” Futurist Kevin Kelly believes that “we can see more of God in a cell phone than in a tree frog.”
“Does God exist?” asks transhumanist and Google maven Ray Kurzweil. “I would say, ‘Not yet.’ ” These people are doing more than trying to steal fire from the gods. They are trying to steal the gods themselves, or to build their own versions.
Newspeak & Wokeism by DUPONT LAJOIE
wokeism, as other similar ideologies materialize first with words before acts. Those doctrines develop abstractions sounding like scholarly terms to reinforce their legitimacy, terms created without real proof of the concepts they represent
wokeism, offers a simplistic and binary view of society: oppressors vs oppressed. Adopting the ideology Newspeak provides a sense of belonging, it gives the opportunity to present oneself as virtuous and therefore condemn others as amoral. Consequently, controlling the language is a core framework of the culture war.
Indeed, words represent concepts, therefore, eliminating words would in turn eradicate the concept attached to that word. As an example, erasing the word freedom would remove the concept of freedom.
As described by Orwell, the obliteration of words is an effort to narrow the range of thought, to render “thoughtcrime” impossible. Without words and concepts to voice opposing views (e.g. problematic), individuals would naturally accept the orthodoxy of the ideology. The destruction of words, Newspeak, is consequently the ultimate form of mind control.
Hydrogel Not Placebo by SASHA LATYPOVA
I am fairly certain that there were no saline placebo batches in broad commercial distribution (with exception of televised injections of government officials and dedicated Pfizer/Moderna employee batches).
Melissa MacAtee, a whistleblower from Pfizer Chesterfield manufacturing facility reported this appearance of substance in vials. It glows opalescent blue, because it is a hydrogel
My current conclusion is that all vials are hydrogel, and some contain more concentrated toxic biological materials (nucleic acid chains), plasmid DNA, toxic metals and other garbage. Empty hydrogel is not benign, but it also gets unevenly diluted during vaccination, and that results in another level of heterogeneity which explains why many people don’t have any side effects. Some doses end up being mostly saline with a bit of hydrogel that does not cause much damage. That way all vials will have similar appearance - like in the picture above, but some will be more dangerous than others.
Possessed By Ideology by Noelle Mering
The phrase “long march” refers to the strategic subversion of Western society by the patient installation of revolutionary ideology in our institutions of power: K-12 schools, universities, courts, media, popular culture, art, and corporations.
But although the long march targeted institutions of power, their capture was not the final goal. Instead, the endgame was to colonize the hidden life of the human person. The great triumph of the upheaval we are now undergoing is the undoing of the soul.
This is why the most formidable obstacle to such cultural revolutions is not so much a party or a movement as it is the faith and the family…the greatest triumph of such cultural revolutions is the total absorption of a person’s interior life into the political life—for the revolution seeks to envelope each one of us, to leave no thought unpossessed by ideology.
many have decided their political self must conquer the truth they know in their core. It is a sort of giving over of self to the party—a giving over of self to a lie
Forever War Revenue Streams by JORDAN SCHACHTEL
Just as covid hysteria era facilitated a massive windfall for Big Pharma and broader healthcare/medical industrial mega corporations, the Ukraine war has become a major slush fund for the NATO-aligned defense industry, which has been seeking a new surefire, longterm cash cow since the withdrawal from Afghanistan.
Forever war provides great low risk, high reward opportunity and a consistent revenue stream for the weapons and military apparatus manufacturing behemoths in the U.S. and Europe. It’s also great PR for the defense industry, which can now pretend to act as noble parties to the defense of Ukrainian “democracy.”
The D.C. Uniparty system could not be happier about an indefinite war footing.
WHO’s Orwellian Future by David Bell
WHO’s proposed treaty, taken together with its ‘synergistic’ amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR), aim to undo centuries of democratic reform that vested sovereignty in individuals and, by extension, in their States. The discomfort of facing this truth and the complexities it raises is providing the cover needed to push these changes through. This is how democracy, and freedom, wither and die.
We allowed their ‘public-private partnerships’ to turn international institutions into purveyors of their commodities. We ignored this obvious conflict of interest because their publicity departments told us to. And we became apologists for obvious authoritarians because we wanted to believe that they are somehow promising a ‘greater good’.
Our challenge is to put reality above right-think.
those sponsoring WHO are manufacturing crises of their own desiring, and are set to get wealthier from the misery of others, as they did during Covid, all under the guise of ‘keeping us safe’. As WHO implausibly insists, “no one is safe until all are safe”, so removal of human rights must be broad and prolonged. Behavioural psychology is there to ensure we comply.
US Deploys Reservists by JOHN LEAKE
instead of simply negotiating with Russia for an Austrian-style neutrality deal for Ukraine, the United States government deems it necessary to escalate the possibility of armed conflict with a nation that has Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles aimed at America’s cities.
This is the same United States government that hastily and abandoned Afghanistan, after a twenty year occupation, leaving it under the control of the Taliban, just a few months before it embarked on its latest, even more extravagant military adventure.
This is the same United States government that currently holds $32.54 trillion of debt and will soon have to start paying $1 trillion per year in interest on this debt.
And while this same U.S. government deems it necessary to defend the territorial integrity of Ukraine, it can’t be bothered to defend its own territorial integrity on its southern border—at least not with any rigor.
Methylene Blue As Covid Treatment? by WALTER M CHESNUT
Spike Protein of SARS-CoV-2 induces all the hallmarks of aging. It is essentially a rapid cellular aging agent. In searching for ways to counter these deleterious effects of the Spike Protein Methylene Blue (MB) appears to be a prodigious candidate.
Additionally, MB is able to effectively treat the Mitochondrial damage caused by the Spike Protein. This not only should help in those suffering the acute phase of COVID, but also those suffering from Long COVID.
Vaxes And Long Covid by NAKED EMPEROR
care home and healthcare workers have the highest rates of vaccination in the UK. Yes there are many confounders but to me this provides a great control group. If vaccines prevent Long Covid, surely you would see this benefit showing up in the vaccinated care home and healthcare workers.
Well it’s certainly not showing up in these data. This looks at the percentage of people with Long Covid by profession and the professions with the highest rates are healthcare and social care workers (on the right of the bar chart).
high vaccination rates don’t seem to have helped here either. Other than the arts sector, health and social care workers have the worst increase in self-reported Long Covid from a year ago
Hacker Goes After Pedo-Traffickers by CELIA FARBER
Montgomery reveals how absolutely widespread pedophilia, sadism, and trafficking are on all common platforms: Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, Tinder, Minecraft, X Box and more. “These predators are on everything,” he said.
During the interview he is asked to demonstrate, and within 30 seconds, posing as a 13 year old girl, several men approach, including one in his late 40s.
Montgomery had entire databases of active pedophiles and traffickers that he offered to hand over—nobody in law enforcement, or anti-trafficking, or media would touch it—zero interest.
Lies That Launched BLM by MICKEY Z.
In 2020, 18 unarmed black people were killed by law enforcement agents.
Is that 18 too many? Yes.
Is it equivalent to “hunting,” an “epidemic,” or being “systematically targeted for demise”? Of course not.
However, an organization called Black Lives Matter™ opted to make this its focus. In the process, they ignore (for example) that the top cause of death for black men under 44 is homicide. Those murders are obviously not being committed by cops.
Falling Birth Rates by MATHEW ALDRED
The replacement fertility rate of 2.1 represents the average number of children per woman needed for a population to replace itself over time, without becoming larger or smaller.
If the current total fertility rate of 1.64 births per woman persisted in the U.S. without any immigration, it would lead to a significant population decline over time.
Models estimate the U.S. population would peak around 2050 and then decline. By 2100, the population could be down to around 280 million without immigration (from around 330 million today).
A shrinking population typically correlates with a slowing economy. Less consumer spending, housing market declines, and weakened economic growth potential.
Ties Do Not Go To The Tyrant by EL GATO MALO
if indeed the purpose of our constitution is to secure the blessings of liberty for ourselves and our posterity, then this notion of “oppress first and fight about it later” is not only incompatible with america but antithetical to it.
they make an absurd and unconstitutional law that takes from the people their rights in flagrant fashion by granting vast new authority to those who have no just or even sane entitlement to it.
then they run roughshod over you and yours for years, even decades before you get your meaningful day in court because even if you win, it’s appealed, then appealed again, then again and…they know exactly how to game this system
and that is a fight they will always win, especially if even in outrageous cases, it takes years and decades and vast monies to even attempt to effect a cure.
i have a proposal:
if the legality or constitutionality of a law or practice is called into question and such challenge is deemed worthy of hearing by a competent judiciary, then that law or practice is automatically and non-appealably stayed until the matter is decided.
ties do not go to the tyrant.
no more “oppress while we assess.”
it’s “liberty until you prove you have a just power to undertake this act.”
Please Ban Me by NAKED EMPEROR
Zeit Online, a German newspaper, asked its readers recently, “What should you be forbidden to do?” The author who is clearly part of the climate cult tells readers that, of course restriction is no fun but it is essential for the climate.
Zeit online says bans are political instruments for dealing responsibly with resources and preventing long-term damage.
there were a lot of people who wanted to get spanked harder. Devoid of any religion, some humans clearly need to believe in something. As well as the need to feel guilty about something. In this case, it’s breathing CO2 and driving a car to work in order to pay the bills.
These nutters would go to a church and scoff at people praying - ‘Lord, give us the strength to not only confess our sins, but also to turn away from them’. Then go online and respond to an article asking readers to list which climate sins they need banning from.
“I would like to be forbidden to drive faster…to fly short distances...from buying products that are double boxed…from buying meat…from filling the pool because I don’t do it without a ban”.
COVID Vaccines Harm Newborns by IGOR CHUDOV
recent study touting “antibody transfer to infants,” which incidentally shows the same dose-response relationship and greater fetal damage for Moderna, a higher-dose vaccine than Pfizer.
The study followed 76 pregnant women and recorded health outcomes for their newborns.
Despite falsely claiming “no adverse outcomes,” the study shows plenty of adverse outcomes for infants
8.8% of infants born to Moderna-vaccinated mothers had congenital anomalies, almost four times worse than Pfizer-vaccinated mothers and several times the historical rate.
pre-eclampsia, which normally affects only 4.6% of mothers (link here), but in our case, was 25%.
17.7% of Moderna infants had to go to NICU (neonatal intensive care unit)! This is twice the normal rate.
Long Covid Lies With Stats by KELLEY K
Recent serological data from the CDC estimates that 77.5% of Americans have had Covid. Long Covid estimates of ~30% would suggest that around 1 in every 4 Americans has either had or currently has Long Covid! Everyone should be able to acknowledge that’s simply not based in reality; however, these estimates continue to be repeated in academic papers and in the media.
a recent Long Covid study out of Northwestern, and it has been widely retweeted among Zero Covid Twitter. As with most Long Covid studies and accompanying articles, it’s a masterclass in lying with statistics.
These are not a random selection of typical Long Covid patients, but patients who sought treatment for Long Covid from a specialized center, so they are more likely to have complex or severe Long Covid symptoms.
On top of that, the percentages above are not out of all 1,802 patients seen by the center. They are out of the subset of patients who received testing for each particular issue.
742/878 (85%) reported decreased quality of life
284/553 (51%) had cognitive impairment
195/434 (44.9%) had alteration of lung function
249/299 (83.3%) had abnormal CT chest scans
14/116 (12.1%) had elevated heart rate on rhythm monitoring
Justifying Censorship by AARON KHERIATY, MD
Students of history can readily grasp that government censorship is never about the disinterested pursuit of truth — it’s always about accruing and maintaining power, about shielding the regime from criticism and silencing any opposition. After the court issued the injunction, we saw the federal censorship empire immediately strike back. Censorship apologists like Litman and Tribe rushed to the government’s defense, and the government appealed the injunction, claiming “irreparable harm” if their censorship activities are curtailed.
Authoritarian regimes have always justified censorship in terms of protecting people from harm — people who apparently are incapable of discerning what is true and right on their own and without instructions from their rulers. One can ask: Would Tribe be defending the government’s actions had the censorship targeted an issue he cared deeply about, say, affirmative action?
US Planning On Taking The “L” by LEO HOHMANN
Biden “considering a military response” against Russia in Syria has nothing to do with drones. This is the Biden administration looking for anything it can find to justify the U.S. involvement in World War III, which is already underway in Ukraine between the U.S./NATO and Russia, but in order to make it a true world war, Washington’s warmongering neocons need to engage the Russians on at least one more front. They’d like to engage China in the South Pacific, as well, making it a three-front war, and then perhaps against Iran, too.
It was also reported today that the Israeli Air Force is preparing for a “multi-arena war.”
Since the U.S. military is ill-prepared to fight on even two fronts, let alone three or four, this assures a U.S. defeat, which is really what World War III has already been designed by globalist billionaires to accomplish.
Fixing Peer Review by DENIS RANCOURT
scientists are not independent and do not think for themselves. Scientists, like other professionals,[1] are careerists who are employed by powerful institutions and corporations. In an advanced state of totalitarianism, scientists are not free to research and to communicate. They self-censor and hide behind specialization and jargon. Rare whistleblowers that prove the rule are severely punished, and banished from the profession.
In times when scientists are free to be creative, and have professional independence, such as prior to World War II in the Western World, the recent artifice of (usually anonymous) “peer review” is not necessary. Peer review, as practiced by today’s science journals, is known by science historians to be a liability, creating disciplinal self-censorship and allowing editors to be intellectually negligent.[2] Virtually all the greatest discoveries in physics were made and published prior to “peer review”.
If one’s merit and societal recognition as a scientist came from being read, understood and appreciated for one’s actual ideas and analyses, irrespective of where one is published and who one’s employer is, then there would be no need to regulate the science publishing industry.
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Great roundup!! I’ve added several of these to my bookmarks to hopefully read within the next few days.